Abductees are not creating these notions. They are communicated directly from aliens to the abductees, who then propagate them. The communications are staged and planned. For example, one abductee was shown two clones of herself. Soon, “a Blond being” told her US “government scientists” were abusing clones. “Our [ET] technology was taken from us,” the Blond being said. “Your government manipulated us, and. . .it is out of control.” The abductee believed these allegations and published them in the MUFON Journal.(2)

“It is beyond our ability to stop your Government without your help,” the Blond being went on, and in this last statement we find the real purpose of the communication – to plant the seditious message: ‘Your government is bad. Get rid of it.’ This foreshadows the ultimate use of redirection of anger. It will be directed against governments.

We must understand the central premise of the alien’s position. That premise is: “We (aliens) are OK, and you (humans) are Not OK.” No manifestation I have seen of alien communication has departed from this premise. Even the status of “chosen one” is conditional and revocable – it depends on whether you, abductee, learn your lessons and “measure up” to what we, the aliens, are teaching you.

Here is how the conditioning process goes forward. Seizure by force is basic. When taken, the abductee is put in apparent danger and must rely on the aliens for safety. This gives the alien his initial beachhead in the abductee’s personality. Seizure by force is almost never dispensed with, even when the abductee would come willingly.

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Castigations follow. “You’re not OK” is vigorously asserted. This stimulates guilt and approval seeking in the abductee. Punishment and rewards are alternately employed to achieve disorientation. The abductee’s narcissism is manipulated in complex ways.

Isolation is enforced. Speaking about what is happening is not permitted. The abductee is alone with the alien in a private little hell. “We are not going away,” the alien declares.

Obsessions are created. Miracles presented. Accidents are staged and “lives saved.” Fruitless searches, riddles, obscure science, consumes the abductee. “We are too powerful to resist,” is drummed into the abductee’s head.

Eventually, the fait d’accompli is presented. Inextricably bonding circumstances, such as apparently hybrid children, are disclosed; conscious awareness is introduced; and the abductee is persuaded his real, hitherto unknown, identity is radically different than what was believed.

The fait d’accompli is a hallmark of the alien conditioning. By the time conscious awareness is introduced, the abductee is already enmeshed in crucial, inextricable relationships. It is too late to back out.

Now the onslaughts are intensified, and pressure on the abductee builds to a climax. Persuasive campaigns like this occur repeatedly in order to break the abductee’s will. If successful, the result will be capitulation. The abductee’s skepticism collapses and resistance ends. In Transformation, Whitley Strieber captures the moment. Brought to a peak of terror by one of the aliens’ staged psychodramas, Whitley felt he:

. . . could not bear to go on like this. I could not live with this fear and I did not know how to live without it unless I lied to myself and arbitrarily decided on my own to believe the visitors were benevolent.

Afterwards, Whitley writes, he found “acceptance.”

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If the abductee capitulates, he or she is now tested for obedience and loyalty to the aliens. The correct response is an outpouring of rationalization: ‘They did it all for my own good. I am astounded so much loving effort was spent to redeem a person as unworthy as I.’ That is the voice of the capitulated abductee.

Obedience? Anyone who doubts the sinister nature of the alien conditioning might check into those cases in which the aliens have suggested the abductee commit suicide. Loyalty? The abductee is taken to the field, made to participate in the capture of other abductees, and taught how to subdue those who fight back.

Test, test, test. Are the bonds cemented? Does the abductee willingly cooperate? With what? I believe it is cooperation in furthering the aliens’ objectives on earth.

I have often wondered if the strategy used with the individual abductees would be tried with the planet as a whole. It’s a challenge. How do you have intercourse with someone’s behind and make them think it’s a religious experience? How would the aliens accomplish that with the planet as a whole? What kind of message would they craft for that purpose?

One thing about the aliens is, they play for keeps. When they want to bond with you, they put out a powerful notion which strikes at the heart of your identity. They say, “You’re actually us,” or, “You agreed to join us” (even if you don’t remember doing so).

The aliens are finding this strategy is working rather well with the individual abductees. Many are able to tolerate identity replacement without losing their sanity or day to day functionality.

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As we have seen, the purpose of identity replacement is to give the aliens legitimacy. It is to establish their right to do what they do. But will it work with the planet as a whole? Can the entire human race be given a new identity that will establish everywhere the right of the alien to do what he does?

Enter Joe Lewels. He isn’t even an abductee, and he’s carrying the message. So far so good. Let’s see how well the professor’s version comports with what is being used on individual abductees.

First off, the professor’s rendition fits exactly the alien’s central, unchanging position: They’re OK, we’re Not OK. In Dr. Lewels’ MUFON talk, the human race comes off as a miserable, pathetic bunch of miscreants who don’t even have the right to a pot to urinate in, much less any pretensions to knowledge or authority, while the aliens, on the other hand, come off as a grand and glorious lot.

Now the tricky part, the bid for the identity of the human race. Will it fly? As ever, our little UFO community is the test bed for new ideas on the alien question. The aliens must have thought long and hard. The challenge is great. How to bring a whole planet to it’s knees without destroying the planet. Or more specifically, without destroying the functionality of that planet’s civilization.

Part 4

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