Understand this about the aliens: They are not “visitors.” Visitors leave. The aliens want to stay, and on their terms. What convinced me of that? Again, the abductions.

In every case I have studied, no matter for how many years the abductee has been consciously aware, no matter how many obedience tests the abductee has passed, and no matter how eagerly the abductee cooperates with the alien, no control over any part of what is happening is ever ceded to the abductee. Instead, every phase of the interaction is calculated to put the alien in psychological control and keep him there.

If the aliens’ global strategy is anything like their individual strategy, they will try to bring this planet to its knees. What’s the best way to get human beings, literally, on their knees? Be God! I ask you, if the aliens intended to leave this planet, would they be putting out an ideological message? As with the abductions, would there be psychological conditioning if the alien had limited aims, such as the mere collection of biological material on earth?

Furthermore, if the aliens intended to help this planet-as so many abductees have been made to believe-would they try to be God? Would they say “We made Christ” and, “We made DNA” if they intended to help this planet? inasmuch as allegations of this magnitude would, if believed, upset this planet very much. If these allegations were true, and if the aliens intended to “help” this planet, would they tell us? No, they would not. And that is why I say, Who needs Dave Jacobs to tell you about a threat when you have Joe Lewels?

See also  Who Needs Dave Jacobs When You Have Joe Lewels? 3

I debriefed a young lady in LA at one time. She is an abductee and a rock singer; she had a working band. The aliens told her, “We are responsible for your success. You’d be nothing without us.” They struck shamelessly at her self esteem. I take this as a small model of what is reproduced for mass consumption in Joe Lewels’ speech.

However, it is difficult-from the aliens’ point of view. Let’s look at it from their point of view, like Dr. Lewels says we should. You’re an alien. You have this attractive opportunity, and you’re positioned to use it. The natives of this planet believe God lives in the sky, and you come from the sky. Be God! Why not?

Remember the marching orders you got from your home base when you set out on this expedition? ‘Subdue the planet and incorporate it, without destroying its functionality.’ And why would those be the marching orders? Because it is functioning assets that have value, not a burned out hulk.

Anybody could throw a bomb in this place and blow it up. Instead, be God! That’s an idea with real conquering power, and you’ll need an idea like that to bring these turbulent earth people to their knees. Problem is, though, maybe it’s an idea with too much power. Like an atomic bomb, a weapon too powerful to use.

Ok, scale back. Drop the megatonage. How about a somewhat lesser idea, such as-Be Christ! In fairness, Dr. Lewels didn’t pound the idea the aliens are God all that hard. He used most of his ammunition on “Be Christ.”

He talked a lot about Mary and how she didn’t know how she got pregnant, and the Star and all. He drew a parallel with today’s abductions by pointing out that the angel didn’t ask Mary, “Is it ok?” but instead told Mary, “You’re pregnant-get used to it,” and how she finally did. As though Dr. Lewels were saying, ‘If it was good enough for Mary, it should be good enough for us.’ That made me mad.

See also  Who Needs Dave Jacobs When You Have Joe Lewels? 2

It also made me mad when Dr. Lewels told the MUFON conference if we didn’t “accept” that the aliens made Christ, we would have to give up Christ entirely. Specifically, he said, “Either it [the virgin birth] is a fairy tale-and the whole story of Jesus is a fairy tale-or it’s based on some kind of facts”-i.e., the aliens made Christ. That was a clever manipulation of the MUFON audience.

Overall, though, Lewels’ presentation was rather crude, measured in terms of how persuasively he presented the alien message. It was crude because it left so many questions unanswered.

For example, he said the aliens were collecting our DNA and he also said they made DNA, and that doesn’t fit. He said the aliens were our “caretakers,” “guardians,” but he said our planet is essentially doomed, and that didn’t fit. Because if they are taking care of us, how could we be doomed? Furthermore, if the aliens made us, why are we so bad? They seem to have failed with us, so why look to them for guidance? There were a lot of gaps like that, things which didn’t fit, in Joe Lewels’ talk.

Also, there wasn’t any carrot, not a shred of carrot in the whole talk, by which I mean hope. Lewels made it sound as though the aliens were simply picking up DNA from all the expiring species before earth collapses.

The lack of a carrot departs sharply from the line the aliens use with individual abductees. They do offer the abductees hope. Like Lewels, they preach catastrophe. But they also say the abductees have an important job to do in saving the planet “when the time comes.”

See also  Who Needs Dave Jacobs When You Have Joe Lewels? 5

Hype is added by not telling the abductee what the job is, or when the time will be, but the mystery makes it sound even more important. That is hope, for an abductee. Also the abductees are told that, in extremis, they will be “evacuated.” Read the abductee newsletters. Numerous abductees out there believe the world is coming to an end, but they will not perish because they are going to be evacuated by the aliens.

But no hope in Lewels’ talk, and to that extent he was “off message.” I hope he’s not fired by his alien masters! He should read the abductee newsletters. Some of the other spokesmen for the aliens are saying the aliens regard earth as a valuable planet-once it’s reformed.

According to one spokesman, that will require “the radical abolishment and restructuring of both public and hidden power structures.” Then humans will enjoy “peace, harmony, joy, creativity,” and we will be invited to join the alien civilization. To me, that’s a better PR message than the gloom and doom offered by Joe Lewels.

But what do they mean by “radical abolishment of earth’s power structures”? It doesn’t sound friendly toward our government, or the Constitution of the United States, and I never hear anything about voting in these messages.

Part 5

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