In 1993, Laurance Rockefeller, long an interested follower of the UFO phenomenon, assisted by his ‘point man’ on UFO matters, Cdr Scott Jones, Ph.D., USN-ONI (Ret.), former career intelligence officer, began a campaign, dubbed the “White House Initiative”, to get the current administration to reveal to the public promptly, yet responsibly, what the government knows about UFOs and ET visitation.

Rockefeller and Jones met with Clinton White House Science Adviser Dr. John Gibbons in March 1993 and presented a “Matrix of UFO Belief” analysis monograph. A follow-up visit by Mr. Rockefeller took place with Dr. Gibbons at the White House on 4th February 1994. Thereafter, it is reliably reported that President Clinton gave initial agreement to the White House Initiative. Subsequently, White House Science Adviser Gibbons was tasked to find out everything about UFOs.

A recent Freedom of Information Act request directed to Dr. Gibbons yielded a cache of UFO-related correspondence between Dr. Gibbons and Laurance Rockefeller, Dr. Scott Jones, US Air Force officials, former French Government UFO investigations office (GEPAN) official Dr. Jacques Vallee, and former Defense Secretary Melvin Laird. Defense Secretary Laird is the official who also authored a letter (which I have seen) to incoming Clinton Administration Defense Secretary Les Aspin, offering to brief him about UFO matters. Dr. Jacques Vallee, in April 1995, briefed White House Science Adviser Gibbons on his knowledge of the UFO phenomenon.

On the weekend of 19th-20th August 1995, Laurance Rockefeller had President Clinton as his guest at his Wyoming ranch in the Grand Tetons. The New York Daily News reported that Rockefeller has been pressing the Clinton Administration to open the government’s UFO files. The News has obtained correspondence from Laurance Rockefeller to White House Science Adviser Dr. John Gibbons, in which Rockefeller stated that the government must put an end to over 40 years’ denial of UFOs. Mr. Rockefeller recently funded a study on UFO activity, which involved the help of three former astronauts. This study is expected to be presented to the White House in early 1996.

See also  UFO Reality Shift? 3


When he first took office, President Carter tried to learn what the government knew about UFOs. President Carter was denied access to UFO information which the CIA had, by then-CIA Director George Bush who told the President he did not have clearance for that information. In similar fashion, President Clinton is not satisfied with the briefings he has gotten from the CIA on UFOs because the CIA information conflicts with the information which the President’s Science Adviser Jack Gibbons has independently acquired.

A source in contact with the CIA’s UFO Desk within the Directorate for Science and Technology, reports that President Clinton has already made several pilot videos of proposed alternative public announcements about UFOs and ET presence/visitation.

Dr Steven Greer, head of CSETI (Committee for the Study of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence), has likewise provided two White House briefings to Science Adviser Gibbons on his UFO findings. Dr Greer has also been making international contacts with European governmental leaders in an attempt to achieve consensus on an international joint statement acknowledging UFO and ET visitation reality. Dr Greer is engaged in this project in concert with the BSW Foundation’s Marie Galbraith, a good friend of Laurance Rockefeller and wife of Evan Galbraith, President Reagan’s former Ambassador to France.


On 5th June 1995 at a Bay Area lecture, Dr Steven Greer revealed further findings. He has received leaked information that the Air Force, through its North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) facility deep inside Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, tracks an average of 500 “fastwalkers” (UFOs) each year entering the Earth’s atmosphere from deep space.

See also  UFO Reality Shift? 4

This corroborates a similar report from AeroJet engineers Lee Graham and Ron Regehr who have shown UFO researcher Don Ecker documents revealing that AeroJet’s DSP satellite system alone routinely detects UFOs flying into Earth’s atmosphere from deep space two to three times per month.

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Howard Blum reported that NORAD tracks many UFOs on its deep-space radars.

Dr Greer has talked to a fellow medical doctor, the nephew of a pilot who, with General Jimmy Doolittle, was commissioned by President Harry Truman to report on “Foo Fighters” during World War II. (Foo Fighters were levitating lighted globes, perhaps a metre in diameter, which silently paced Allied and Nazi fighters and bombers during WWII and were never officially explained.) This officer reported back to Truman that the Foo Fighters were real, were not German craft, and were most likely of extraterrestrial origin.

Two separate intelligence sources have provided Dr Greer with accounts of rogue units in covert compartments of military agencies who are directing Black Budget and SDI weapons systems at UFOs and have downed two UFOs in the past two years. One source, a physicist in the Office of Naval Intelligence, has said that this shooting-down of non-hostile UFOs is done by out-of-control, arrogant “cowboys” using “unimaginable technologies” without any justification.

Author Whitley Strieber, in his new book, Breakthrough, states that he has seen a portion of a document which reveals that the same EG&AMPG Corporation which is involved at Area 51 is involved in defence weapons against extraterrestrials.

Dr Greer went on to note that key members of the government, military and intelligence as well as international leaders are “out of the loop” on detailed UFO information and are not being informed about hostile actions directed against these visitors.

See also  1996: UFO Reality Shift?

Former NATO (SHAPE) Intelligence Sergeant-Major Robert Dean has revealed the contents of an extremely classified 1964 SHAPE Assessment of UFOs and ETs which stated, among other things, that UFOs are real extraterrestrial spacecraft, that at least four and probably more ET races are visiting the Earth, that their intentions do not seem warlike, and that it appears they have been studying the Earth for a very long time.

Sgt-Major Dean also revealed that, in 1961, a flying disc as long as a football field crashed near Timmensdorf, Germany. Twelve ET bodies were found inside. Their blood was not red, but a viscous greenish fluid.

Dean reported that, in 1989, a 100-yard-wide UFO disc hovered for over an hour over the headquarters of the Soviet Air Defence Command.

In 1993 there was a series of unidentified submerged objects (USOs) sighted in the Norwegian Sea. The USOs were the size of aircraft carriers and moved at extraordinary speeds. In response, NATO sea exercises were conducted in the area. During the NATO exercises, a US carrier/destroyer disappeared off the radar scopes of the other naval vessels and has not reappeared to date.

More recently, on 19th June 1995, six F-14 Navy fighter jets intercepted a UFO over Puerto Rico. Radio transmissions between the jets and the control tower were recorded by civilians on the ground. The F-14s and their crews never returned to their carrier.

Dean reported that government insiders feel that we are dealing with hundreds of ET civilizations-some intergalactic, some interdimensional. He noted that 10 years ago, NASA set up a scientific committee which came to the conclusion that there are an estimated 10 billion planets with intelligent life.

Part 3

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