A prestigious three-day international conference was held at the Sheraton Washington in Washington, DC, on 27th-29th May, on the subject of what should be the Earth’s proper response when it comes out in the open that we are being visited by cultures from elsewhere. The “When Cosmic Cultures Meet” conference featured presentations by scientists, academics, governmental leaders, research professionals, military officers, journalists, and religious spokespersons. This major world-class conference revealed the solid acceptance by political, academic, scientific and journalistic figures of the realism of preparing for extraterrestrial contact, and provided a number of compelling statements and revelations.

Arlington Institute national security specialist John L. Petersen compared the current shift in society and culture-involving dramatic breakthroughs in energy sources, ET contact and technology-to the shift from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment.

Anthropologist/journalist Michael Hesemann likened ET contact to a second Copernican Revolution. He also reported that Soviet KGB UFO files have now become public, revealing, for example, that in 1989 a UFO hovered for two hours over a Soviet nuclear weapons storage facility until finally a MiG fighter came and caused its departure.

Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John Mack presented arresting videotapes of his interviewing of South African fourth-graders who witnessed a UFO set-down at the edge of their recess playground. Then several ETs emerged, one approaching within three meters (nine feet) of one schoolgirl as others watched.

Washington Post journalist Ruth Montgomery related how she had received multiple reports about UFO reality from various military officers with whom she had spoken.

Jaime Maussan, the producer of Mexico’s Sixty Minutes television documentary program, showed extensive videotapes of UFOs over Mexican population centers. These videotapes show structured craft, flotillas of UFOs, and a vertical column of UFOs inside a translucent plasma(?) field. The most arresting footage is a night-time shot of a UFO hovering near the ground; and, later, a praying-mantis-type extraterrestrial, illuminated, is seen turning towards the camera from perhaps one block away.

See also  UFO Reality Shift? 5

Sumerian culture expert Zecharia Sitchin presented evidence from ancient Sumerian tablets for the previous contact between extraterrestrials and modern humans’ ancestors.

The organiser of the Cosmic Cultures conference, Dr Scott Jones, has made videotapes of the conference available to key congressional and White House figures so that they can be aware that representatives from the scientific, academic, professional and journalistic communities are well-informed and accepting of UFO and extraterrestrial reality. Scott Jones has also recently sent a survey on UFO awareness and attitudes to all members of Congress.


On 13th April 1995, family physician Jesse Marcel, Jr, M.D., gave a talk at Helena, Montana. Dr Marcel is the son of the Army Air Corps intelligence officer who was present at the 1947 Roswell flying saucer crash. Dr Marcel told of being invited to Washington, DC, in 1991 by Dick D’Amato, national security specialist for Senator Robert Byrd and liaison member of the National Security Council. Dick D’Amato insisted that Dr Marcel and he meet in a “secure room”. Jesse protested that he was “not going to say anything he had not said before”. But D’Amato insisted, saying he had secure things to discuss.

D’Amato acknowledged to Dr Marcel that there was a crash near Roswell, and that aliens were aboard. This was the first time Dr Marcel had heard anyone in government admit to the UFO crash. Dr Marcel said that D’Amato’s answer to where the wreckage is now, was, “We [National Security Council] don’t know.” D’Amato told him that the UFO-reality information should be released, but that an incredibly powerful “black arm” of the government has been keeping it a secret and that enormous sums of money are being spent illegally. He also told Dr Marcel that the National Security Council is trying to find out who these people are and why they are keeping it a secret.

See also  1996: UFO Reality Shift?

UFO researcher Stanton Friedman confirmed (and had also attended) this meeting with Dick D’Amato. Researcher Timothy Good had also met confidentially with Dick D’Amato in Washington and London. Mr Good confirmed what D’Amato said, and will be reporting in his next book on their meetings and the implications of what was revealed.

In Britain on 2nd July 1995, the big London daily, The Mail, reported that Nick Pope, head of the Ministry of Defence’s Air Staff Secretariat’s Office of Special Reports, had resigned and publicly announced that he is a believer in UFOs and had seen numerous official reports while working in the Ministry of Defence.


In view of multiple pressures compelling disclosure of UFO reality, and the exigencies of presidential election-year politics, Congressman Phil Graham and Senator Bob Dole had perhaps best be prepared for the possibility of the Democratic Presidential Re-election Campaign launching an unprecedented kind of “October Surprise”. In view of this, one UFO investigator, Dan Smith, has entered into discussions with the Dole and Graham presidential campaigns staff, offering them his information services about UFOs so that Senator Dole and Congressman Graham can minimise their risk of being blind-sided by the UFO cover-up/disclosure issue which may become the sleeper issue of the 1996 presidential campaign.

Well-informed sources tell that both the Republican and Democratic national committees are trying to assess whether UFOs, and government secrecy over UFOs in particular, might be a legitimate issue in the upcoming political season. In an apparent effort to avoid being taken by surprise by the politics of UFO disclosures, Republican National Chairman Hailee Barbour and other RNC officials reportedly have contacted various astronauts to learn from them what they know about UFOs.

See also  UFO Reality Shift? 3

The Democratic National Committee is thinking about putting one or more UFO-related questions on a national survey questionnaire they put out in preparation for the next election.

Both major parties are aware that a third party candidate might push the UFO issue, too, to the embarrassment of Republicans and Democrats. It is known that Ross Perot, during his presidential campaign in 1992, made lots of back-channel UFO inquiries.

The UFO campaign issue may have already begun. During the week of 17th September 1995, two national figures referred to UFOs. When former President Jimmy Carter was asked a question about UFOs, he answered by relating how the Director of Central Intelligence had used a psychic to locate precisely a downed secret US plane. This was a veiled reference to intelligence agencies’ use of psychics to study UFOs and extraterrestrials. That same week, presidential candidate Bob Dole disparaged President Clinton’s economic policy (that more than two per cent economic growth is impossible without inflation) by commenting, “That’s like the Air Force saying UFOs are impossible.”

Part 5

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