Since the other world can be reached by mystical travel from this world, we can speak of it as a parallel reality. This idea can be understood by imagining jumping back and forth between two parallel planes that are close together. The planes represent the parallel realities, and the jumping corresponds to the higher-dimensional travel.

Time Dilation: This brings us to another theme common in both Vedic and Celtic stories of mystical travel- the idea that time passes more slowly in the otherworld than it does in our world. The Celtic story of Ossian illustrates this. Ossian was enticed into Tir na nog by a beautiful Siddha princess. He married her and lived for 300 of our years in her world. Finally, however, he felt an overpowering desire to return to Ireland and participate in the counsels of the Fenian Brotherhood. He set out on the same white horse which had taken him to the otherworld, and his fairy wife warned him not to lay his foot on the level ground.

On reaching Ireland, he searched for the brotherhood but found that all his old companions had passed away and the country as quite changed. Only then did he realize how long he had truly been away. Unfortunately, at some point, a certain incident forced him to dismount, and upon touching the Earth he immediately turned into a feeble, blind old man.

In European folklore, there are many stories with similar elements, including the entry into another world, and the aging or death of the protagonist when he realizes how much time has passed in our world during his absence. Here is a similar story dating back to the early 19th century. In the vale of Neat, Wales, two farm workers named Rhya and Llewellyn were walking home one night. Rhys was attracted by the sound of some mysterious music, but Llewellyn heard nothing. So Llewellyn continued home while Rhys stayed back to dance to the tune he had heard. The next day, Rhys didn’t show up, and after a fruitless search, Llewellyn was jailed on suspicion of murder.

See also  1998: Underground Abductions: Whereto?

However, a man learned in fairy lore guessed what had happened. On his advice, a party of men accompanied Llewellyn to the spot where Rhys was last seen. At this spot, Llewellyn could hear the music of harps because his foot was touching a “ fairy ring.” When each of the other members of the party put his foot on Llewellyn’s, he could hear the music, too, and could see many little people dancing in a circle. Rhys was among them. When Llewellyn pulled him out of the circle, Rhys declared that he had only been dancing five minutes. He could not be convinced that so much time had passed, and he became depressed, fell ill, and soon died.

” If we turn to Chinese folklore, … we find a timelapse of hundreds of years. There is a book entitled ” The Report Concerning the Cave Heavens and Lands of Happiness in Famous Mountains,” by Tu Kuang-t’ing, who lived from 850 to 933 A.D. This book lists ten ‘cave heavens ‘and thirty-six ‘small cave heavens’ that were supposed to exist beneath the mountains in China. Here are the reported experiences of a man who entered a passageway leading to one of these cave heavens:

After walking ten miles, he suddenly found himself in a beautiful land ‘ with a clear blue sky, shining pinkish clouds, fragrant flowers, densely growing willows, towers the color of cinnabar, pavilions of red jade, and far flung, palaces.’ He was met by a group of lovely, seductive women, who brought him to a house of jasper, and played him beautiful music while he drank ‘ a ruby-red drink and a jade-colored juice.’ Just as he felt the urge to let himself be seduced, he remembered his family and returned to the passageway. Led by a strange light that danced before him, he walked back through the cave to the outer world; but when he reached his home village, he did not recognize anyone he saw, and when he arrived at his house, he met his own descendents, of nine generations hence. They told him that one of their ancestors had disappeared into a cavern three hundred years before and had never been seen again.’

See also  1998: Underground Abductions: Whereto?

Here we find the same dilation effect that repeatedly appears in European Folklore. This effect, plus the fact that the man found himself in a land with a blue sky and clouds indicates that the cave passageway led to to a parallel world.” [ End of Alien ID narration ]

What is important for the reader to consider is that the other realms to which the elves, gnomes, wee folk and the like take their abductees are underground, or accessed from points underground. Some definitions from the essay Deep Dwellers by Mike Mott expound on this. The reader may note that these underground worlds are not synonymous with the hollow portion of the Earth, nor are any of the underground worlds mentioned in this essay. Rather, they relate to some inner crust existence.

“ Other subterranean countries were Alfheim, a land of eternal twilight, and home to the unpredictable but often mild-tempered elf-folk; and Svartalfheim, the kingdom of the dark elves or dwarves, a stunted, hairy, unfriendly race which was nevertheless quite clever in terms of technological skills. Nidvellir was another kingdom of the dwarves, perhaps not as negatively-disposed toward humanity as those of Svartalfheim. Muspelheim, land of the fire-giants, was also reached via Yggdrasil, but was separated from all other reaches by the width of the great vastness of Ginnungagap. Muspelheim was located in the far southern reaches of the underworld realms.”

The reader can now give new validity to the well-known fairy tale The Pied Piper of Hamlin. In the piper story, we see a similar thread as was present in the other abduction stories: enchantment and abduction leading to the underground.

See also  1998: Underground Abductions: Whereto?

According to Linda Davis, who is the Founder/President of the “ Garden of Missing Children Society,” in 1998 some 400,000 children disappeared in the U.S.A. ( ). Kidnapping, runaways, child trade- and double reporting -can account for a good deal of the total, but what about the rest? We do not want to sensationalize at the expense of the worry of North American mothers, but could it be that some children have been taken underground by the demons of Vedic lore?

It seems that the surface population of our planet has abandoned, or has been torn away from, its Vedic past, along with the protection provided by Vedic culture’s implicit connection with the Vedic demigod culture and especially Shree Vishnu. Maybe now we are, to a large degree, subject to these underground demons who are taking advantage for their own purposes- We who live a short life under the harsh, unrefined rays of the Sun while these abusive, asuric communities shelter themselves within the crust of the Earth.

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