“… what went on was the editing and summarizing by compilers of the Book of Genesis of much earlier and considerably more detailed texts first written down in Sumer.”

The Sumerian gods were called Anunnaki, translated as “those who came down from the heavens.” They were said to have interbred with primitive humans to produce the intelligent variety that built civilization.

We thus begin our discussion of the Bible with a thought-provoking quote:

“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth… That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. (Genesis 6:1-2,4.)

The term “sons of God” has an equivalent meaning to “angels” – it is used in various instances to show superhuman racial lineage and membership in the society of the Elohim, much like one could be called “a son of the black man.” What this shocking biblical passage indicates is the belief that gods are physical beings so genetically similar to Homo sapiens as to make interbreeding possible. Great heroes in ancient societies were often called demigods – and the Hebrews evidently were inclined to do the same thing. Their early patriarchs were each said to have lived hundreds of years. Their Elohim were just like the Sumerian deities before them and the Greek ones afterward: powerful beings who looked and acted much like humans and were intimately involved with them.

See also  UFOs and the Bible 4

It is important at this point that we clarify some physical traits associated with aliens. First of all, two distinct types have always been seen. There is a species of tall, strong, beautiful, intelligent beings who resemble ourselves and live much longer; they thus appear lord like and seem immortal. These are the gods who are said to have mixed with humanity, and their hybrid offspring were somewhat superior to average people and “of old” as stated in the passage from Genesis. Today, people who encounter them often give them the name “Nordics.”

The second commonly observed kind of extraterrestrials are now called the “greys.” They look like small anthropoids with large heads and a frightening countenance, the most prominent feature being huge black eyes. The greys have no free will, and it is likely that their brains are preprogrammed or collectively controlled. One Sumerian story tells of their creation by the Anunnaki to watch over humans and planet Earth as loyal servants; but the only modern Western religion that differentiates between the two species is Islam, which recognizes the jinn (highly evolved, intelligent beings with free will) and the angels who automatically obey Allah. Lucifer was a jinn, for example, who rebelled against what we know today to be merely one of higher rank, starting a great war between rival factions.

Before returning to the Bible, let us briefly summarize the events leading up to the Israelite saga. After the time when superhuman extraterrestrials arrived and played a role in human evolution, there came the Age of Lordship. This lasted until the “Great Flood” – the melting of the polar ice caps at the end of the last ice age, an event which completely destroyed coastal cities. Until then, higher beings inhabited their own colonies on Earth and directly ruled over emerging societies. But the Flood ushered in the Age of Kingship. Superhuman lords no longer walked among their human subjects in the great cities of Sumeria, but instead returned to the sky from where they chose people to lead our civilizations below. Meanwhile, Homo sapiens had spread from the Middle East to all six inhabitable continents, producing the races we know today.

See also  UFOs and the Bible 5

The Hebrews, a nomadic desert people of the Sinai, had an especially close relationship with the gods; in fact, they came to be known as “the chosen people.” Yahweh and the angels watched over them from the heavens above, often intervening for their benefit in various ways. How then, we might ask, did the superhumans make contact with people on Earth?

Although many traditional Jews, Christians, and Muslims would probably reject this idea with little thought, the Bible does speak repeatedly of encounters with what today would be called UFOs. One can read the scriptures with only a little background knowledge – so long as one keeps an open mind – and discover numerous examples of anomalous aerial craft appearing in the sky. We find dozens of shining clouds, balls of fire, wheels, and flaming chariots which bear a striking resemblance to extraterrestrial objects seen today. Here are a few general quotes which help to make this point:

“Behold, he [Yahweh] shall come up as clouds, and his chariots shall be as a whirlwind…” (Jeremiah 4:13.)

“Behold, the Lord rideth upon a swift cloud…” (Isaiah 19:1.)

“And the Lord will create upon every dwelling place of mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night…” (Isaiah 4:5.)

Keep in mind that the people who wrote these things were very primitive compared to modern Westerners. They did not have large vocabularies. They had never even heard of aircraft, disks, and warp-drives. It is therefore to be expected that the words they used to describe unidentified flying objects are simple. Even so, certain examples from the Bible are highly convincing.

See also  UFOs and the Bible 2

Throughout their wanderings in the desert, the Elohim guided the Hebrews from above, riding ahead in various craft. Perhaps the best example takes place during the exodus from Egypt:

Part 4

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