Perimeter patrol picked them up for removal from the area. While in their company Oscar asked how Hank was doing. One of the guards confided that the alien had died several months earlier.

The next trip out to the country included myself and David Rapp, a physicist with 13 years of experience in the aerospace industry and also Director of Investigations for Missouri MUFON. Because of our backgrounds in science, the discussion focused on technical questions about Oscar’s experiences. After questioning the logistics of a tunnel system stretching from California to North Dakota to Washington, DC, it became evident that this was not feasible. With careful questioning, it was discovered, according to Oscar, that the tunnels only went a short distance and did not actually connect to the North Dakota base.

The capsule shuttle was accelerated and then a time/space window simultaneously opened.

The “exit door” of the time/space window simultaneously opened at the r prescribed destination where the capsule would appear in a tunnel and decelerate. The technology was supposedly a combination of our own knowledge, rooted in the Philadelphia experiment, and acquired alien technology. Oscar also talked about the geological location of time/space/dimension doors.

These places allow the easy entry of extraterrestrial craft into our atmosphere. Two such large natural doorways were reported to be just northeast of Seattle, Washington and south of the Apostle Islands in Lake Superior.

The pattern from the panel inside the ship was confirmed by Rapp to match stars of the Constellation Eridanus as seen from earth. It was later confirmed by Hank that the stars of origin of his people were Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani. In later sessions, Oscar discussed some reasons for the presence of the aliens. He said they do not like the situation with some of the small grey aliens.

See also  The Tau Ceti Connection 2

He corrected us when we used the term “grey” and said they were actually white. The Tau Cetians feel the abductions being carried out by some of the greys are a great injustice to humanity. “They are a parasitic race that has and is praying on human civilizations throughout the universe,” Oscar relayed. He added that our government’s involvement with the greys is very dangerously out of control. He described them as “bug people” and said they are actually closer to plant life than mammalian. Oscar is adamant that the bug people are using human fluids for sustenance.

They feed by immersing their arms in vats and/or rubbing the fluids on their bodies. He claims that they are also kidnapping children. The Tau Cetians have been preyed upon by these aliens before and they are working with other races and communities that were also victims. One such race that Oscar claims was run off their home planet by the bug people was what we now call the Nordics or Plieadians (Plejarans). He claims, because of his ongoing contacts, he was made aware of the Billy Meier case in Switzerland and swears that is a real contact.

Oscar’s comments about the bug people do not necessarily apply to all races of grey aliens, only those he claims are working with governments of the world to gain power with no concern for humanity.

I find all of these comments interesting especially when you consider one investigative detail of this case. I have seen Oscar’s house, his Mother’s house, his work shop and truck, and at no time were any books, magazines, transcripts of movies about any subject, let alone recent UFO material found. When asked about the strange absence of reading material, he claims that if he wants to know something he merely concentrates on it and the answer comes to him via his alien friends. Could he be an avid reader of the latest and most controversial UFO documents and just be hiding them when we came over?

See also  The Tau Ceti Connection 4

This is highly unlikely since without a phone, our visits were always unannounced.

While undergoing debriefing, a friend of Oscar’s began sending his personal belongings from his locker to his family. Oscar had hidden a Polaroid picture of Hank from one of the files in his locker. He had the picture in his possession for two years before military intelligence people came and asked for it back. He returned the picture but had many Xerox copies hidden. One of these copies was enhanced by an artist so that anyone having profound abduction experiences with grey aliens will recognize the Tau Cetians. He wants people to know that if they are contacted by the Tau Cetians to not be afraid because they are here to help.

This attitude is reflected in correlations with a totally independent case involving a woman from Springfield, Illinois. Jill Waldport appears to have an ongoing and very serious involvement with grey aliens. After Budd Hopkins spoke to her at length the case was recommended to John Carpenter, State Section Director for Missouri MUFON and myself.

The intensity and detail of the case is reminiscent of Debbie Tomies’ (Cathy Davis) experiences. In my first interview with Jill, she asked if anyone had ever been adbucted/contacted by more than one race or group of aliens. I told her that it was reported with some frequency and asked her which other ones she had seen with the greys. She said that it was a totally separate contact and that they did not like the greys.

Part 4

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