“Is there anything whereof it may be said, See, this is new?. It hath been already of old time, which was before us.”
Ecclesiastes 1:10

“Behold ye among the heathen, and regard and wonder marvelously for I will work a work in your days which ye will not believe though it be told you.”
Habakkuk 1:5

From the Temple and Libraries of a great city, one of seven built of plastics, here even now on this earth as it was over 2 million years ago, does our information come. Six of these great cities are encased in eternal ice, and the seventh only is in open ground and protected and warmed by hot springs. Yet it is isolated as to ordinary approachable means by ice walls ten thousand feet high. The seventh city, called by us for want of a better name “Rainbow City”, and the other six cities were built over 2½ million years ago on the only (then as now) stable continent or landmass on this earth, the Antarctic.

The valley surrounding the city is somewhat dumbbell-shaped, with the city at the narrowest section, the valley spreading but at both ends, about ten miles wide at its narrowest and about 25 mile long from end to end, protected from stores and hidden in the southern winter by mists, and only open to the sun’s rays by ice-wall reflection during the southern Antarctic summer.

The city is made of plastic, the streets are paved with plastic, and all buildings are so constructed that all colors of the rainbow are used. For color in those days seemed to have had a meaning. In the heart of this large surface are a great temple, the center of the higher learning and a museum of the culture of this ancient civilization of ours, and its machines.

Below this city are five underground levels, part of the surface city, and the main terminals of a vast tunnel train system, with miles of yards, trains standing ready for the main lines, and maps of the old surface of the earth, showing where the great tunnels lead to.
From this Temple in this ancient yet futuristic city did we learn that the beginning of Mankind had been lost so long ago that only a very sketchy history has been forwarded at all.

See also  The Hefferlin Manuscript 7

And that starts millions and even trillions of earth-measured years ago, and millions of light-years away, far across the galaxy after galaxy, solar system after solar system and planet to planet, a long chain of migrations and colonization by the human race, their rise and decline, cycle after cycle.

From across space to the fourth planet from this sun, known to us as the planet Mars, came the migration of Mankind to colonize; and upon this planet Mars rose again, a vast civilization of great wisdom and knowledge, with very wise leaders and councilors.


At some time during the migration periods across galaxies of space, the race of snakes or lizard-like species was encountered. From then on there was friction and war. Also of great knowledge and ability were they, this ancient Serpent Race, but far alien in thought and culture to Mankind’s ways. For some reason not known now, there had always been between the humans and the snake people, competitive strife for the dominating position of control and power. Great wars were fought and slowly Mankind lost ground.

When it became apparent that the fourth planet would eventually no longer support !life for the human species the Great Ruler of the human races sent space ships and scientists, with his own son and daughter, and some of the Council of Elders, to the third planet now known to us as Earth. And here on what is now the Antarctic continent a great Colony was established, patterned after the homeland. This was the first of Mankind on this planet Earth.

See also  The Hefferlin Manuscript 11

Such was the beginning of the fabled “Golden Age” of antiquity, spoken of in the ancient mythology of all peoples on Earth today. These may be the original “Seven Cities” hinted at in story and folk-lore of all mankind. Here is the heritage of Mankind in all of its wondrous beauty, its greatest knowledge and wisdom stored, waiting for the time when “mankind” shall have arisen once again from his own-made mire, and shall have earned the right to stand before his heritage, the true Brotherhood of all Creation.

Here in books, talking books that impress the mind through the audio nerves the speech of long ago, are given the original commands and laws, that have come down to us today in very garbled form through mythology, folklore, and religion. Proof that Mankind, by his own thoughts and acts, either justifies or condemns himself, that thought is father to the set.

Here waiting for it. all in this ancient land/is material evidence in form and usage, that there is nothing new on earth or in the heavens. Proof that history and life repeat themselves endlessly cycle after cycle; and that which we learn or design or invent today or in the future was and is in existence now, TODAY.

Here, too, is science in its fullest bloom of maturity, whereby the very building blocks and cement of creation are known and used as needed. Two hundred and five elements of matter are given, and the means by which they may be combined as desired. So-called atomic fission and power were common enough that they were used to drive farm machinery, automobile-like three-wheeled vehicles, space ships, and individual flying suits.

See also  The Hefferlin Manuscript 10

New? No, it’s there from over two million years ago, ready for use.

Rainbow City contains great libraries of books on all subjects, arid great laboratories with their own special libraries. All of these books are made of some metal known not to the world today, still untarnished these millions of years. The leaves are of a silvery metal, gray in color and thin, lightweight and flexible. The characters and symbols of the ancient tongue are etched in.

The mathematics system is based upon the count of seven. In equations on all physical constants they use “seven over seven” instead of the modern “square root of minus one”. On mental and spiritual constants, ten over seven is used. If we would examine our modern periodic table of the elements in the handbook of Chemistry and Physics, we would find the key to the system of count as used so long ago, for both are based on natural law. A circle is divided by 2. 4, 8, 16, etc, never into 12.

Plastics were used to build the walls, floors, and roofs of houses, the stores, and the Temple, also furniture, tables, beds, etc. The cloth made in those days and still, there is woven of a plastic thread softer than the finest modern silks, lighter in weight, and all of this is fireproof. In fact, to wash the cloth or bed linen you place it over an open flame and burn the impurities away. Beautiful jewels of all colors are made of plastic so hard the surface of a diamond is cut and powdered as if it were ordinary glass.

Many plastic spheres of all colors and sizes are there for special purposes and are treated so as to retain their power and influence.

Part 7

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