by W. B. Howard



Christians have been taught in these astonishing days to depend on the Word of Faith, which is not the Word of God per se, but a mystical “Force Word.” The Faith Movement cults major on this teaching. Through the use of this “Faith Word” or “Force Word” the unwary are being programmed into drawing on the power of the Force, just as the New Agers do.

An extract from my book “Faith Movement Heresies”, pp54 55 (not yet online), follows:

“Why is the Faith Word the Source or Force? TheBible tells us that the AntiChrist system of the Last Days will worship the God of forces (Daniel 11:38 KJV). In such films as ‘Star Wars’, the New Age launched an indoctrination of enormous power, which featured the Force. We all learnt the catch phrase, “the Force be with you.”

This Force or Source is a complicated evil, mystical belief which can be summed up only in brief it is more than a belief, it is Satanic, demonic power.

The Force is an impersonal, pantheistic ‘god’ not the Heavenly Father who has Personality. “Everywhere”, “in everything” not the transcendent Creator, as the Bible teaches (Genesis 1). So too is the “Faith Word” ‘god’ of the Faith Movement teachers.

(Although the personal God of the Bible is also given lip service the Faith movement draws on the ‘Faith Word’ ‘god’ and trusts in it!)

    “…the impersonal, power force of (Kenneth) Copeland, written in “The Force of Faith”: “Faith is a power force. It is a conducive force. It will move things. Faith will change things. Faith will change the human body, it will change the human heart. Faith will change circumstances…The force of faith is released by words. Faith filled words put the Spirit of life into operation.”

Not God, the Heavenly Father, who sovereignly reigns will save, transform and heal but the FORCE OF FAITH. Impersonal forces are being brought into play!

The FAITH WORD is a way of tapping into what the Faith Movement sees as the Faith Word Force which rules the universe. They believe the ‘word’ (not the Bible, remember, not the Personal Christ Jesus) holds all creation together, and keeps the universe running. “…faith filled words brought the universe into being, and faith filled words are ruling the universe today.” Kenyon.


The ‘Force of Faith’ is nothing less than ‘Faith in the Force’. The same twisted belief of Luke Skywalker in the film Star Wars. The same as the New Age ‘Source’. It is a sub Christian mind manipulation of “the good side of the Force”, which the Faith Movement teaches when it shows people how to manipulate the ‘faith god’ with positive confession. Friends, evil supernatural happenings are occurring on our planet.

The Ley Lines or Force Fields of the New Age are being joined together around the earth. As each grid line joins, a ‘point of light’ is formed. This creates a sort of supernatural ‘lattice’. Rapidly now, the Earth Grid is being completed. The New Agers say this Earth Grid was in place before the great flood came, back in Noah’s day. It is raw Luciferian power! To manipulate or tap into the Earth Grid is spiritual disaster. “Faith Words” tap the Earth Grid Force. The Earth Grid is:

  • (a) seen by the New Agers as the World Brain of Mother Earth, Gaia.
  • (b) It is also the ‘collective unconscious’ of the psychiatrists.
  • (c)The Earth Grid is also called “The Feminine Holy Spirit” or Goddess.” (End of quote).


Here I will depart from the video transcript and add information which I did not have when I made the video. From Global Gathering Home Page, , (not operating at present) the following information has been gleaned:

“The Global Internet Gathering will take place on February 22 1997, originating from New Zealand. An International conference will connect 37 tribal elders, spiritual leaders, special guests and sacred sites world wide. The call will link to a New Zealand radio station which is connected to the Internet. The national broadcast in Aotearo will be carried live over Internet. Radio stations in other countries will link in for broadcast in their regions. New Zealand will have fourteen satellite gathering sites which will be interconnected to satellite gathering sites globally. One or many Satellite Global Gatherings are encouraged to be organized in every country. People will participate by gathering with friends, family groups, organizations, or at Gathering sites. Everyone is encouraged to connect on both a physical and spiritual dimension. Both Internet and radio and/or Internet telepathic meditation will help develop the global network of consciousness and energy (E-mail). The whole intention is to become one with everyone. To organize and create a unified force field of consciousness and energy, physically and spiritually on the Innernet and outer Internet, for a new global culture of communication, co- operation and shared resources to manifest peace and unity world wide. A 2 hour and 22 minute international conference to form a new paradigm of Heaven on Earth philosphy.” (End of quote).


The strange “Innernet” of energy and consciousness being established by the occultists on the planet, in order to create a “new paradigm of Heaven on Earth philosophy” is ancient, not new. Not only is the Internet of computer technology creating a unified world, but the Innernet of the Earth Grid is being formed just as rapidly as Internet. This Innernet is both physical and spiritual, real energy, real supernatural Force, real Power of an amazing kind. From the book “Secrets of the Lost Races” by Rene Noorbergen, researched by Joey R. Jochmans, New English Library, we discovered astounding material on Prehistoric Cult Geography. Without a shadow of a doubt the New Age Globalists at the end of this millennium are re establishing the ley lines of ancient days. The power, spiritual wickedness and almost unbelievable potential for world dominance found in the re establishment of the Earth Grid (Innernet?) can be gauged in the following quotes on the mystical ley lines, from “Secrets of the Lost Races”.

    • p 110 111:
    “A German geographer, Dr Heinish, had already presented a paper dealing with the same discoveries before an international congress held at Amsterdam. (early 1920s)…he proposed to a hushed audience that at one time in the distant past a magical principle had existed by which holy sites were situated. They were placed, he submitted, on lines that were constructed in relation to the positions of the sun, moon and planets. In addition he claimed he had uncovered evidence that the units of measurements used to construct these lines were, like those of early Egyptians geodetic surveys, based on simple fractions of the earth’s dimensions. He had found examples of these lines not only in Britain but all over Europe and the Middle East. Greatly impressed by the vast extent and accuracy of the construction of these lines, Heinish concluded that they bore testimony to the past existence of a widespread civilization that possessed advanced knowledge of both technology and magic.” (End of quote).

When we compare the intentions of the present day New Age Cult Geomancers with the ancients, it is very obvious that the Secrets of pre flood and the Tower of Babel civilizations have been re discovered and are bringing raw Satanic, unified power back to the planet. Did the establishment of the Ley line Grid cause the terrible judgement of God to fall in ancient days? Certainly it could well have been one of the reasons. In Global Internet Gathering material we find:

There will be a special emphasis on sacred power sites from around the world, such as the Pyramids, Stonehenge, Ayres Rock, Great Wall of China, Machu Picchu, Easter Island and many more.” (End)

    “Reconnecting the Sacred Hoop. It will feature the interconnecting of the ‘Sacred hoop’ through the reunion of the twelve ancient tribes and the reuniting of the four directions of the original peoples. It will link Maori, Indian, Aboriginal, Native American, Tibetan, Peruvian, Mexican, African, Asian, Caucasian, Mayan, Siberian, Middle Eastern and others.

Back to the “Secrets of the Lost Races” data:

Similiar research conducted by Xavier Guichard strongly supported the findings of the British and German investigators. Referring to several old cities in his native France, Guichard said, ‘These cities were established in very ancient times according to immutable astronomical lines, determined first in the sky, then transferred to the earth at regular intervals, each equal to a 360th part of the globe.'” (End)

    “Beyond the boundaries of Britain, the lines have been found in nearly every corner of the globe, and strangely enough, associated with them were numerous stories of a flow of magic energy! Ireland has many legends of fairy paths, along which fairies and other spiritual beings are supposed to travel at specific times of the year. Yet today these same ‘magic’ routes have become well worn roads and foot paths. In his book The Fairy Faith of Celtic Countries, J.D. Evans Wentz recalls how an old Irish seer explained to him that mysterious currents flow along the paths, but that their exact nature has been forgotten.

Some of the objectives of the 1990s New Age Global Gathering on Innernet and Internet are:

    “The gathering will be led by the indigenous peoples of all lands, led by their own elders, in spiritual places and power sites around the world. There will be an introductory ceremony of rites, chants and incantations led by spiritual leaders and shamans. We are inviting Mother Teresa, Sai Baba, The Dalai Lama. Orville Looking Horse and other global leaders to communicate via interconnection of Internet, international telephone and radio.
    It will connect social, political and spiritual leadership world wide with the sacred sites….Each person will add to the consciousness and energy of the gathering. For those countries with limited physical technology, people will use their esoteric spiritual links to inter connect….The Global gathering will simultaneously bridge our physical and spiritual links and the ‘Human Web’ will form a Global Network…. LINKING TOGETHER SACRED SITES AND SATELLITE GLOBAL GATHERINGS AROUND THE WORLD ON FEBRUARY 22 1997.” (End of quote)

“Secrets of the Lost Races” by Noorbergen makes very interesting reading in regard to present happenings globally. p112:

To ensure that this ancient fertilization still takes place, the aborigines gather at specific locations during certain times of the year, perform the ritualistic dances that have been dictated by the passing time, and pray to the FORCE OF THE LINES. They actually receive messages over vast distances and are forewarned of the approach of strangers all through their system of magic lines.” (End of quote)

    “While the lines have been forgotten in most countries, in other parts of the world the prehistoric line system is still being used. One such system exists in the interior of Australia among the aborigines, who tell of a past age, which they call ‘dream time,’ when the ‘creative gods’ traversed the country and ‘reshaped’ the land to conform to important paths called `turingas’. At certain times of the year, they say, the `turingas’ become revitalized by the energies flowing through them, giving new life to the adjacent countryside.

The New Age is filled with the mysterious Force or Source. Fungi Shui of the Asians, the flow of Lung mei or dragon currents, belief in the force throughout the human body, acupuncture practices, these and many other pagan ‘energy’ or ‘force’ beliefs from many lands have swamped the West with the pantheistic “Force” doctrines. Noorbergen comments on p112:

    “The ancient legends of earth currents which are affected by planetary motions and which in turn affect fertility are not fantasy or religious superstition; they are based on very real scientific principles. we are only beginning to realise today that the entire surface of the earth is bathed in the energy of the earth’s magnetic field and that this field is subject to certain influences from above and below.”
See also  U.F.Os, EARTH GRIDS & CROP CIRCLES. Part 3

Noorbergen wrote in 1977, twenty years ago. He was not a Christian. How far the world has gone now, and the concept that the force field is merely “scientific principles” is widely accepted in our day.


Directing the magnetic currents seems to have been accomplished by the placement of the standing stones along the ley lines. Throughout recorded history, special powers have been attributed to many of these stones by local traditions. …According to Gey Underweed, author of The Pattern of the Past, the standing stones served the same purpose as the needles of Chinese acupuncture. Just as the needles claimed to redirect the flow of ‘life forces’ in the human body to restore health, so the standing stones were placed in such a manner as to realign earth magnetism from the natural paths to artificial ones….Underwood found evidence that the magnetic currents in parts of his native Britain do in fact run in rows parallel to the straight lines of the standing stones with a precision that characterizes human construction rather than natural patterns.” (End of quote).

    “Secrets of the Lost Races” p114: “It appears that the current began at certain natural energy ‘springs’ in the earth, which were later marked as religious sites, and from here the currents were directed to specific centers towers or mounds where they were gathered and from which they eventually dissipated to the surrounding countryside. Astronomical observation was of paramount importance, for only by a constant watch over the celestial movements could the waxing and waning of the currents be measured and anticipated.


These days we are seeing “Save the Earth” hysteria as never before. The “health” of the Living Entity, Gaia Mother Earth, is paramount in most people’s minds. Connecting the Sacred Hoop in the Global Gathering is about giving “health” to the Earth by interconnecting the ancient sacred power sites. Also creating One Earth and One People under the old Power grid Structure, and facilitating the “flow of information” in this time of the Third Wave, the Information Era. From the Global Gathering material again:

One Earth, One People.
1. We need people from every country to help organize, network and produce information about the Global Gatherings.
2. We need people to help organize satellite Gatherings for each country.

Global, Unification Gathering is connecting us all for a global family reunion, by celebrating the diversity and character of all points of view. A collaboration of people working and playing to gather together as a family.

A universal party to bring in the new millennium with peace and unity and love for our global brothers and sisters. We will use the current technology of Feb.22 1999 to communicate, co- operate and create the most amazing event in the history of Mankind.

A special theme will be added, with a focus on a special Gathering for December 25 1999 to January 7 2000 in New Zealand. A 24 hour Global Celebration of ‘Peace Day’ December 31 1999 to January 1 2000. LET THE WORLD STOP FOR 24 HOURS.” (End of quote).

    • “Locations.
    • 1. It will feature the interconnecting of the ‘Sacred hoop’ through the sacred power sites around the world.
    2. We need help with the identification and information about locations that are considered major points of energy such as the Pyramids, Stonehenge, Ayres Rock. Great Wall of China et al.

The material of GG 97, 98 and 99 shows graphics of sacred sites, Tribal Elders, Countries, Shamans, Wisdom Keepers and Spiritual Leaders being formed into a network “The Human Web is Forming into a Network” “ANCIENT FOOT STEPS TO THE FUTURE”.

NOORBERGEN knew that the ancients realized that One Earth and Unity as One People was essential to setting up the weird Force Field around the planet. He knew that unless there was unity again in our day, the countries could not join up the ley line system again, and the full potential of the “magic” energy from sacred site to sacred site, as it was before the Great Flood, would never be operational once more. Fascinating details emerge in his book, p 115:

    “Looking at what we now know about ley lines, we can make several observations. Examples of ley line systems are found all over the earth in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and the Americas and the legends and traditions associated with them indicate that they were all based on the same principle, magnetic manipulation, and were used for the same purposes. Their conception certainly did not originate with one group of isolated people and then slowly spread to other neighbouring groups; rather, the system appears to have sprung up all over the globe and charted the geographical features that revealed the underlying major centers of magnetic activity and inactivity. The very nature of the operation of the lines required that for the system to work to its full potential, all the terrestrial surface currents has to be accounted for. The ley line system was thus a truly global system.” (End of quote)


In his book The View Over Atlantis, p 69, John Michell writes: “A great scientific instrument lies sprawled over the entire surface of the globe. At some period perhaps it was 4,000 years ago almost every corner of the world was visited by a group of men who came with a particular task to accomplish. With the help of some remarkable power, by which they could cut and raise enormous blocks of stone, these men erected vast astronomical instruments, circles of erect pillars, pyramids, underground tunnels, cyclopean alignments, whose course from horizon to horizon was marked by stones, mounds, and earthworks.”

A SINGLE WORLD AUTHORITY is imperative before the occult world can set up the amazing EARTH GRID of dynamic supernatural and esoteric technology. Everyone who would seek to find benefit from the world ley line system would have to serve the Masters of the Grid. The ancients had such a system in operation at the Tower of Babel, it would seem. “Secrets of the Lost Races” p 118 119:

    “…just as local sections of the ley lines had a specific center or even several modes where the energies converged, so it is likely that the single authority operated from a world center where the energies of the entire global line were gathered. The system appears to have operated for a period of time, but then something happened something significant enough to mark a break in world conditions and to bring the world line system to an end. Before the event, the construction of the system had necessitated a unified world. at some specific point in time that unity was decisively broken. The single directing authority lost its power, and its world center ceased to operate. Following the event, new conditions prevailed, and the people of the world were fragmented into factions, making unity of effort and the coordinated working of the ley lines was no longer possible.”

Michell writes about this loss of the unified system essential to the running of the Earth Grid in The View Over Atlantis, p 129: “All we can suppose is that some overwhelming disaster, whether or not of natural origin, destroyed a system whose maintenance depended upon its control of certain natural forces across the entire earth.”


As we approach the new millennium the Earth Grid is again being brought back to its full power around the planet! Early civilizations seemed to have been highly equipped with technology even beyond modern capabilities, according to many ancient historians. That the ancient power grid, (which surely made the raising of the gigantic stones which comprise the Pyramid of Giza possible), could be re activated in 2000 AD is of enormous interest to the citizens of the planet. That this energy field is magical, esoteric, also physical, and powered by strange supernatural forces which the occultists and Tribal peoples pray to is horrifyingly alarming. That this odd phenomenon is coming together even as I write is prophetically highly significant. This is surely Mystery Babylon, the AntiChrist system.

Noorbergen writes, p119: “The city of Babel represented a ‘United Nations’, or a political center for world government. The Tower of Babel, on the other hand, intended to be a great structure reaching to the skies, may have represented something even more significant. As noted earlier, there very likely has been a world center where the surface energies of the globe were eventually gathered from the global ley line system. We know that the place where the currents were accumulated was usually characterized by a mound or tower. The Tower of Babel may have been the receiving station for the ley line currents of the earth. By their possession of such a center of the world’s energies, the ruling authorities at Babel literally controlled the world, for everyone who desired to benefit from the ley line system would have had to serve the rulers of Babel.

We know from all accounts that the lines were used for occult purpose, so there were spiritual as well as material energies involved. The post Flood ley line system was very probably a reconstruction of a system used before the Flood. The antediluvians had developed a sophisticated form of technology that incorporated the use of both material and occult energies as its power base, and the ley line system was simply a further extension of this occult technology.” (End of quote).


The book of the above title by David Hatcher Childress is a best seller amongst the New Age groups. It contains the modern knowledge of the ancient ley line, geomancy mysteries which are being utilized in our day. The back page tells it clearly:

    1. “Is the Earth surrounded by an intricate electromagnetic grid network offering free energy? In this unique, startling, and ground breaking book, the first of its kind in the world, you will discover:
    • *The geography, mathematics, and light harmonics of the Earth Grid
    • *The purpose of Ley Lines and the ancient megalithic power points sited on the grid
    • *Scientific grid explanations for noted worldwide gravity magnetic anomalies
    • *The secrets of the Philadelphia experiments, Coral Castle, and other mysteries
    • *Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, and Unified Field Theory
    • *Secret Government Anti gravity experiments and suppressed advanced technology
    • *Tesla shields and scalar wave weaponry
    *Anti gravity patents, resources, and comix.”

The book by Childress is in the “Lost Science Series”!


Amongst many startling statements in the Childress book, one which appears on p.191 shows that the New Agers are well aware that the Earth Grid is very old occult science:

“So Hermes throws the ball back to us. As humans we must all become geomancers for our Mother, Gaia, and for ourselves.
At the beginning of Time on Earth, the great geomancer Hermes arrived with the Elohim, the Sons of Light and Biblical ‘Giants in the Earth,’ and established the Global Hermetic Megalithic Calendar the Grid. The Elohim further arranged for the human psyche to resonate in harmony with the Music of the Spheres…” (End of quote).

It is entirely possible, as G.H. Pember, in his book “Earth’s Earliest Ages”, has so ably pointed out, that the Nephilim, fallen angels, were actually the mythical ‘gods’ of by-gone days, ‘gods’ such as Hermes, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus et al. Are the occultists of this New Age in contact with the very same Nephilim who showed the ancients the secrets of the Force fields? Very likely! What do the neo-pagans see this “Force” as being?:

    “Sleeping within Gaia is the Goddess Kundalini, the tremendous creative, evolutionary spiritual energy that transfigures, when activated, the entire 7 chakra system of the human, the Earth, and the solar system.” (P.193, “Anti Gravity and the World Grid.”)
See also  1998: Who Needs Dave Jacobs When You Have Joe Lewels?

What is “Kundalini”?
It is the SNAKE power, and Christians are well aware of the identity of the old Serpent, the Snake, the Dragon. It is the devil, Satan himself. (Genesis 3; 11 Cor.11:3 Rev.12; 13:2-4.) The “chakras” are the energy points either in the spine of the human body, or dotted around the world, such as sacred site areas, mounds, hills and stones.


The Earth Grid is described on p.131 in the Childress book thus: “The earth is simply a huge magnet wound with magnetic lines of force. The coils are 1.725 cm2 in one direction and 1.850 cm2 in the other. These lines of force form a grid pattern due to the spin of our planet. At any given point there are a trillion lines of force crossing and creating small vortices. Each vortex manifests as an atomic structure and creates within itself a gravitational field.” (End of quote).


The New Age is seeking to set up again the astonishing power source of the ancient world, that which caused the Creator to scatter the inhabitants of a Unified world at the Tower of Babel. The Tower was being used as a repository of the Force? That the New Age understands that the Grid was understood and used thousands of years ago is obvious from their geomancy writings, such as the following, p.5. “Anti-gravity and the World Grid.”:

What we speaking of is fundamentally different from longitude and latitudinal lines that we are so familiar with from conventional geography. Proponents of the Earth Grid theory suggest that the grid lines are actually of a more basic nature than the more arbitrary, later conventions of cartography.

…And that this Earth energy, organized into a precise web, was once, and can be again, the source of a free and inexhaustible supply of power, once empowering older civilizations of high technological achievement. Most Grid theorists state confidently that this Grid technology can be reclaimed again – today.” (End of quote)

    “In other words, we are speaking about an intelligent geometric pattern into which, theoretically, the Earth and its energies are organized – and possibly in which the ubiquitous ancient megalithic sites are also positioned.


When Christians use the Force of the Word of Faith they are actually doing the same as the New Agers are doing, drawing on the pantheistic Force of the Earth Grid. An “earth chakra”, such as the Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt, or Glastonbury Tor in England, is a huge energy vortex several miles in diameter, extending much further in area of influence, like a two-way swinging grid door this is what the New Agers believe. The vortexes are pictured as being like flowers spaced out all over the earth, some form larger flowers, and some of these form even bigger flowers. Chakras are said to be energy flowing from one form into another, like flowers opening as parts of another flower, each independent, yet interdependent. Similar, yet dissimilar. Alternately, we can visualize a mighty wheel with many spokes, and every spoke is a point of light.

I have come to believe that these are quite real, and supernatural, and that Satan is bringing his chakra and lattice-grid power structures into full operation in our day. The number 666 features again and again in the geomancy material. One example, p.190. Childress book: “The 144 elements, themselves represent the dramatic interplay….of the Father 666 and the Mother 1080. Their combined electrical impulse 1746…is the spark within the form of Life, for Adam and Earth.”


The geomancy material is highly “biblical”, although, being Satanic, the concepts are opposite to the true Biblical Truths. Note in the next quote from “Anti-gravity and the World Grid”, p.169, the “Logos”, which is really the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the anagram of “Satan” in the use of the title “Sanat Kumara.” Note that the message given by Satan to the deluded is still the same as the lie in the Garden of Eden, “ye shall be as gods”,(Genesis 3:5), “one comes to know one’s true divine identity”. Note the mention of receiving the Mark in the forehead! That the geomancy doctrines are the AntiChrist doctrines of the Last Days is clear from this quote:

    “THE SOUL OF GAIA….At this level we encounter the Planetary Logos called Sanat Kumara (The One Initiator) who presides over Earth’s inner life as the Soul, mediating through the brow chakra the ‘Word of God’ to the physical Being of Gaia. Through the activated brow chakra, one comes to know one’s true divine identity and life purpose. This is echoed biblically in St. John’s Revelation where he describes the 144,000 Children of Israel on Mt. Zion, standing with the Lamb (Christ), each with the Name of God written on their foreheads (in their brow chakra). in our time, planetarily, the Soul of Gaia operates by means of the Mobile Focus. This consciousness beam contains the inner residents and is usually mediated to the physical plane through the four succeeding grids. However, in our special historical moment, the mobile Focus is coming through the planet’s outer heart chakra at Glastonbury.” (End of quote)


Weird witchcraft is again being enacted on this planet Earth! Never since the early times have the esoteric shamans been so powerful in their black arts as are the neo-pagans of the 1990s. The New Age beliefs about the sacred sites of the planet are not just ugly nonsense. This is a time of revival of Mystery Babylon, and the horrors of the might of the Force. (Daniel 11: 38-39). In the book by Vincent Selleck, “The Rise of the Morning Star”, the rituals of “Earth-healing” through sacred site activation is outlined:

    “The most effective Earth-healing rituals are performed at Sacred Sites. Sacred Sites are essentially places where there is a convergence of physical, magnetic and spiritual forces. This allows easy access and transfer of energy from one level to the next. The rituals outlined in this chapter are designed to instill the qualities and energies of the celestial Goddess into the Earth’s life membrane. Sacred sites, particularly those which are more feminine in their nature like caves, springs and wells, are ideal places to conduct these rituals. Many sacred places are already widely known and marked, like the Great Pyramid or the Chalice Well in Glastonbury. Others, however, are waiting to be discovered. These can be found intuitively, or by dowsing, if sufficient skill exists. In my next book, ‘Earth Service’, I will explore in great detail the methods and techniques whereby you can learn to dowse and work with sacred sites. …When beginning to search for a suitable site ask the Goddess to help you….Preparation and ritual described here is based on the Wiccan tradition of Witches.” (pp.84-85).


An excellent video clip was made in the mid-1980s by Christians in the UK. It was made in order to alert the Christians, and help them to see the urgent need of true spiritual warfare. Names are not given here, you may like to contact us about this? Although the maps on the video are not included here, one could possibly trace the lines on a map with a little effort? This could be of especial interest to the UK believers.

The mapping gives a good example of the Earth Grid and the bizarre lattice patterns of Satan.

UK VIDEO CLIP, commentary, follows:

There are powers involved in it and there are others powers too, powers that are…civilization. I believe it is our duty as born again Christians to do that which God has called us to do. To go to these high places to go to the fields and areas that look down upon our villages and towns and cities and start to claim them for the Lord Jesus, to move in and to break those powers to break their holds that seek to hold us and influence our lives. This video has been made to show you the reality of what is going on.

I come to you and ask you to have an open heart and an open spirit to what God is saying to you and to your area. We have found many things in this area which I will be sharing with you I will be showing you the areas around this east part of Kent and of what God has shown us here.

I will be telling you and showing you the effects that prayer warfare has had on this area. God has done some tremendous things as we have opened up the human spirit to His Spirit to show us what to do, what to break, what to hold …. God has revealed to us by His Spirit the reality of the warfare that is on.

There are many influences abounding in our schools, in our hospitals where we are affected by these powers. We need to know what they are, we need to know where they are. I ask you to seek the Lord as to what he is saying to you about it.

MAP SHOWN. Here we are…traveling through to Canterbury. You will know that Canterbury Cathedral was built on a site that was dedicated to Isis. We are moving up through Canterbury and from Canterbury through the country. You will know that around Canterbury there are witchcraft covens. We can see through these country lines here there are churches that I have circled that are on these lines.

As we come through Maidstone we note that there is quite a bit of activity through Maidstone. There is a church to the south that is connected. You will notice that there are many places of antiquity along these lines too and different places like crossroads that hold quite a activity of Satanic influences. You can see too as we travel across a place called Godstone the `stones’ are quite relevant to the situation too. One with `god’ on it, obviously.

And again we know that areas with the name of “Ley” or “Lie” have influence too. They obvious come from things that are (Ley-lines).

And here we can see a whole bank where this is a high point and …there as well. It is amazing as we move across the country. As you can see there are quite a bit of open spaces there is another church there an area of high point. And again as we come across the…there are different things that are just far above coincidence, far more than we can guess.

You can see places with the name of `stone’ on them and we know that this place here at Stonehenge is… all these burial grounds that are there . You can see a place coming up now Stoneleigh and you will see there is quite a bit of influence around that too. There is a church there that is again on a line.

As we come now to Glastonbury Tor there is a huge mound with a monument on the top of it and it has got many significant things. Apparently it was surrounded by water at one time and is now stuck out of the ground and they say the first Christian circles were set up here.

There is a big cathedral there, I visited Glastonbury and it is one of the most oppressive places going.

We go back to Kent there and as we go south we see this line right from Canterbury Cathedral right through now, you can see as we come up to the cross there right in the middle of Stonehenge.

That angle there is a right angle a 90 degree angle there and as we come through to Glastonbury Tor we swing round now to the north and as we go from Glastonbury Tor this main line that we are looking at the right hand one is the one that cuts across the country from Landsend right across the country to Glastonbury Tor… and goes right across and comes out above Lowestock (?). That has got many, many churches on it also.

See also  1961: The Challenge of Unidentified Objects

Make a special note of Milton Keynes this is a line that comes from Milton Keynes right across the country and goes down to Glastonbury Tor. Very significantly, we look more at Milton Keynes later. There is Swindon and many, many churches and different sites along the lines as we come down to Glastonbury Tor again we see this other line as it cuts right across the country from Landsend to Lowston and it is 80 miles long. I have not calculated how many churches are on that line, but there are many.

I will go back up and show you the two of them together. There is quite a significance in these things as they are close together and to show you really how many lines there are. This is only just one area of a section we have chosen to show you, but there are more than just these lines. These are the main ones that we have shown you.

The left hand one now goes to Milton Keynes and the right hand one goes across to Lowestock and comes out at the most easterly point in Great Britain, quite significant.

Now there is Stonehenge, Stonehenge is quite a powerful Druid centre obviously to catch the sun. These two lines here are the two lines that go from Stonehenge to London and you will see in a moment, we will be coming in and you see my finger here, which will be on Checkers, Checkers is the residence of the Prime Minister. Many decisions are made in there. It is significant that a line should run through there.

That place there that I have my finger coming up to you see it Heathrow Airport. Heathrow Airport, you can see the hexagram of Heathrow Airport and I will be speaking to you later about that as well. But take note of that, that hexagram there. That line runs right through London, through many churches. The line comes up to St. Paul’s Cathedral in London and continues right across the country and goes out through Europe. This one has 39 churches written there… again we go through Canterbury Cathedral which has many churches around it, and as you can see there is quite an intersection of lines there along the churches.

We go across the country following the darker line and go right the way across and we are heading up towards St. Paul’s in London and we have 39 churches on one line. It is far above anything which is coincidence. As we have already established, it has not been planned by man, but by spiritual beings. We have established that it is not of God.

We are coming across the top now of Crayford, heading towards the River Thames and you can see the churches on the lines there, We cut across the river on three places and water, I believe has many occult connections. We zoom in on here on to the Cathedral, you can see all the churches around that area. Many of them are not marked but the dots with the towers on are churches and we continue out now from the Cathedral heading out towards the north west, …heading towards High Wickham.

We know that in High Wickham there are many things that have happened there that are beyond coincidence. We know from that place there are many high places that surround High Wickham that have created quite a bondage and that line continues way off.

There is a line there that crosses the major one, 380 miles long and we are coming up to the line that goes to Milton Keynes. There is quite an area there too that has quite an influence.

This is a line that goes through Milton Keynes and I want you to take special notice because you can see that it goes dead through the centre through that street called The Summer Boulevard that high point right across as far as we can get it on the maps we end up going through that little church there.

Again, that will continue across the country and out through other places.

Let us drop down to the south now and this is the main line that has come up from the Brittany Coast this is the one that has gone through Mt. St. Michaels at Salisbury there and again comes through Stonehenge a perfect triangle made with Stonehenge, Astbury and Glastonbury Tor. A perfect triangle. There goes the line again and continues up to Astbury where they have two stone circles in one big circle. Again quite an oppressive area and creates a lot of problems around that area and many, many folks we saw there were obviously Satanists and we saw how they had all their pentagrams around their necks whilst we were there and that applies to the things they were saying and doing there.

And that continues right up through Keswick and we have seen already how through to Glastonbury through Salisbury,

Stonehenge and then through Maidstone through to Canterbury with these ley lines, these power lines and wherever they are, are affecting these areas.

We have seen too that from Canterbury up to St. Paul’s in London to High Wickham right the way through across the country there is a line there that has many, many churches on it. This ley line right here that goes from Landsend goes right the way through about 380 miles and comes out into the North Sea here.

One of the places I want to draw your attention to is the area of Milton Keynes. Milton Keynes is a new city, a new city that has been built by man, presumably, it has all the …that the powers of darkness had on man and shows that the powers of darkness have not only got England coupled up on these lines, but Europe as well. You can see by this line here Stonehenge here and you can see that on a straight line we have Paris,…,

Rome, then through to the Pyramids, and goes through to Mecca and we can see on the larger map here, where it continues.

We have Salisbury, Stonehenge, Paris, Rome, through the Pyramids to Mecca and continues right through and across the world. There are many, many lines all over the world and in China they call them Dragon Paths. They call them Dragon Paths because they say that when a dragon moves across the mountain tops and along the valleys, they form their philosophy of the Yin and Yang situation the positive and negative that they use in their acupuncture.

So we know that they have some sort of area there that they reason that is definitely Satanic and opposing the Lord Jesus.

We want to return to the area of Milton Keynes. When we come across to this map here, we see quite a large map blown up quite big so we can see it. Now what I want to draw your attention to is this here called the High Street here and look at this the Midsummer Boulevard. That has the sun’s rays on the summer equinox coming straight down through the centre of this street. It may be a coincidence that right next to here is another circle and which is another circle and it seems to run parallel with it.

In the centre of this here they have a garden area…. At the end of the Boulevard here, we have these gardens and very high viewing points here that overlooks all the way around. Whoever has control of that in a spiritual way has control of this whole area and this is where the majority of people meet to do their shopping. This is just full of all the major shops.

It continues down and goes through the station and right the way off into the country to other churches and believe it or not, this line here that is a dead straight line goes straight to Glastonbury Tor. Absolutely amazing.

It continues on and goes across the country and goes through other churches. The reality came to me that when the position the lines where the churches were, we have (names of churches) there is a site there for a church in the shopping centre and another church is further out and coming up through here is a concrete cow are and goes across the medieval village.

You have other churches on the line too, see the marker I have drawn in line with the churches I began to see that it is a standard exercise and you can see the lines match up on this hexagram. We know that the hexagon centre is dead centre where the stones are.

So we know there is more to these lines by the fact that the hexagram is a Satanic symbol, we know that the hexagram is used in witchcraft and satanism and we know that whoever has control of this centre here has control of the area. And we know that the influences that are coming into Milton Keynes is coming through this hexagram it is coming into this area and that is where the majority of the people are.

I want to draw your attention as to what we have shown on the church alignments map earlier that one of the major hexagrams was the country where the idolatry comes into and it is the Heathrow Airport. As you can see, we have an area here, it is almost a complete hexagram, we can see it here and we can see it here. This is an infra red photograph taken at night to show the different airplanes that touch down on the different runways at night. So we see this black area, almost as if that is the centre of the hexagram. Who knows that right in the middle of Heathrow here there was a pagan temple and we know that that pagan temple has not been broken and destroyed in the name of Jesus, that piece of ground still is held by Satan’s demonic power.


Not Many people of God in Australia have been engaged in much work in exposing the rainbow serpent powers or the power centres of the occult not that we are aware of. Therefore we have few pictures or data, but the joining together of the earth grid, reactivation of the force and the empowering of sacred sites is happening here in Australia as rapidly as anywhere else in the world.

For example, this video clip on the occult centre of power in Canberra.

VIDEO CLIP (secular, from mainstream television),commentary, follows.

I am at a site in the Stromlo Forrest, 15 kilometres from Canberra and if you look back down the hill, the entrance way is marked by two rows of rocks that goes back for about 100 metres. They lead up to this knob of the hill to three circles of rocks and in the centre, in the inner circle, there is this flat one that is known as the ritual rock.

It is surrounded by rocks that point out the north, the south, the east and the west. This is one of three ritual sites placed in a triangle around Canberra, as the crows flies, they are about 9 kilometres apart.

In the approximate centre of the triangle is the new Parliament House. It is not illegal to practice Satanism or any other form of witchcraft in Australia except in the states of Western Australia and Queensland.

But when those ritual practices turn to murder by human sacrifice, cannibalism, drugs and sexual abuse, then those ritual practices take on a whole new meaning.


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