Typewritten and handwritten copies of these manuscripts have been in circulation since the Hefferlins, began releasing them from Livingston, Montana in the late 1940s. At the time the Hefferlins first heard of Rainbow City in the Antarctic, sometime in 1940 according to them, the information was so fantastic as to be beyond belief.

It is still unbelievable to most people that there in the frozen wastes lies a great city, comfortably warm, full of scientific marvels from some great, hitherto unknown civilization of the past. Nevertheless, they were convinced the information was true and cautiously released it a little at a time to the few they found understanding and receptive.

Hefferlin claims he designed a flyable, circle-winged plane before Frying Saucers became news in 19471 In fact, much of his material in the manuscripts, utterly fantastic in the 1940s, now seems worthy of consideration in 1960? Most UFOlogers have heard of the manuscripts or seen references to them in Saucer literature. Mrs. Hefferlin accuses Ray Palmer of misinterpreting them for his own purposes, as you will read the introduction on the opposite page. Having reviewed a loan copy of the manuscript, how complete is not known, the Director of BSRA decided it was time the Associates had a chance to look over the material and form their conclusions.

In his book “Agharta” R.E. Bickhoff seems to have drawn liberally from Hefferlin without crediting the source. After reading this book in 1953, our former Director, Meade Layne, asked the head of the Inner Circle, Yada Di Shi-ite, if there was such a vast tunnel system under the earth. To Header’s surprise, the Yada confirmed its existence.

See also  1996: The Ultimate Secret - fact or fiction: The Australian Connection

In “Isis Unveiled” H.P. Blavatsky writes:

“Spheres unknown below our feet; spheres still more unknown and more unexplored above us, between the two a handful of moles blind to God’s great lights and deaf to whispers of the invisible world…”

The whole of the MS loaned to us contains some 160 pages of material, all of which we hope to release eventually. This first portion of 30 pages gives the description of Rainbow City. Other portions give the occult Instructions from the Book of Imri, the philosophy of Rani Khatami of the Ancient Three, a History of Mankind which includes a description of the eternal conflict with the Serpent Race, and reference to the King of the World. Hefferlin also describes his radical power plant, the GHYT motor.

The Hefferlins were operating one of San Francisco’s trolleys in 1949, but we haven’t found anyone who knows where they are at present. They seem to have disappeared from the face of the earth. Maybe they succeeded in fulfilling their wish, of being transported to Rainbow City via one of the Portals.

Who knows?

Part 2

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