Q: (L) What or who, precisely, are the Gray aliens?

A: Cybergenetic probes and decoys created by the Reptoids.

Q: What is being done in the “gazing process” that so many abductees report from their interactions with the Grays?

A: Study brain. Reflective remolecularization imaging via energy focusing.

Q: (L) What is behind their eyes?

A: Camera like system.

Q: (L) Is that system also able to send signals?

A: Yes. This induces thought paralysis.

Q: (L) Do they implant thoughts with their eyes also?

A: Can.

Q: (L) What do they do with implants?

A: Monitor and control your total sensorium.

Q: (L) I have drawn a sort of conclusion about some of the activities of the Lizzies and their abductions through the Grays and so forth, and it seems to me that these excessive numbers of exams, gynecological, reproductive or whatever, might possibly be a screen for a process that is used to extract life force or energy from the human being, through the basal chakra, the sexual chakra, which is where, as I understand it, the life force enters in. Is this idea correct or on track?

A: Close.

Q: (L) It does seem that the Grays and Lizzies are abnormally interested in sexual activities of human beings, is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Do they have tremendous sex drives even though they are in fourth density?

A: No.

Q: (L) Are they interested in sexual energy simply because it is life force?

A: Partly and they are also desperately working to stave off change in order to retain control.

See also  2013: Extraterrestrial reality, societal decline and collapse

Q: (L) What changes are they desperate to stave off?

A: The transition to 4th level.

Q: (L) They are trying to stave off the 4th level change. Can they do that?

A: No. But they are also hoping to retain control even if change occurs.

Q: (L) By what means do they do this through these gynecological exams? Is there some technical activity they undertake?

A: Yes. [This will be examined further on]

Q: (T) Okay, in this Krll document there was a statement made that the Grays and other aliens use glandular substances extracted during physical exams of human beings, what they would call the gynecological and the sperm extraction exams, that they used these glandular substances to get high or to feed on, that they are addicted to these, is this a correct assessment?

A: No. They use it as a Medicine which helps them cope with 3rd density; it helps them to manifest in a more solid physical manner during their visits to your realm.

Q: Do they also use sexual energy given off by individuals to maintain their status in 3 dimensions?

A: No. That feeds them in 4th density. Most orgasmic energy drains to 4th density.

Q: (L) So, these supposed memories people have from their abductions of these exams just screens of procedures used to take life force from them?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) When they sample an abductee’s tissue and take the little scoops or chunks out of them, what do they take these chunks of flesh for?

See also  1997: Apollo 12 Sightings

A: Cloning.

Q: (L) If they clone, why do they need such a large chunks?

A: You don’t know all details of cloning process yet.

Q: (L) Do they take twins, or one of a pair of twins, and raise one artificially?

A: Have done so.

Q: (L) What is the purpose of taking one of a pair of twins?

A: Study to determine which is best soul receptacle: one of twins or clone. [This raises the question as to why the choice has to be either. Is there some connection between clones and the original body and one twin and another that is vital to the purpose of the Lizzies?]

Q: (L) For what purpose are they trying to decide which is the best receptacle, the clone or the twin? Receptacle for what?

A: Future projec to switch physical realities.

Q: (L) They are going to enter into the bodies themselves so that they can switch their reality?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, they are preparing a bunch of soulless bodies into which they can enter in themselves?

A: Will try.

Q: (L) And could you tell us what the Reptoids look like?

A: Upright alligators with some humanoid features in face.

Q: (L) Do they have tails?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) How tall are they?

A: Six to eight feet tall.

Q: (L) Do they wear clothing?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) I know this is a silly question, but does their clothing have an opening for the tail?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Do they defecate?


A: No. They are 4th level.

Q: (L) So, when you are 4th level you neither eat nor defecate in the regular way?

A: Correct.

Q: (L) Do the Lizzies have the ability to change their shape or appearance?

A: Temporarily.

Q: (L) The comment was made at one point that certain alien beings abduct humans and subject them to cruel and torturous deaths in order to create “maximum energy transfer.” In this respect, what is this maximum energy transfer that occurs during a long, slow, torturous dying process?

A: Extreme fear and anxiety builds up fear/anxiety energy which is of a negative nature which fuels the beings that you speak of in that they draw from that and produce a sort of a fueling energy which keeps them going as one of their forms of nourishment based on their metabolic structure.

Q: (L) What is their metabolic structure?

A: That is very complex and very difficult to describe because it is on the fourth level of density which you do not understand. But, part of their reason for existence on the fourth level is their ability to nourish themselves both through ethereal methods and through physical methods. Therefore, this energy transfer of pain and suffering would represent the ethereal method of nourishment and other means are achieved physically.

Q: (L) What other means?

A: Well, the drinking of blood and blood by-products would be an example of that.

Q: (L) Do they do that?

Continue to Part 4b

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