From Jack to Scott Eldridge, professional psychic 11/3/98:

A psychic coworker named Roger and I have been involved over the past couple of weeks in apparently thwarting a planned takeover of the earth by a reptilian race called the Anunnaki whose home planet is Niburu in the Sirius star system. This race has had designs on the earth for eons because it has an almost circular orbit and is constantly bathed by our relatively near sun, in contrast to Niburu which is more distant from their their sun and is much darker and colder.

So as a result of this, there is another 4th density monument going up in the 5-acre field behind my house which doesn’t even belong to me at present, in honor of this accomplishment. This is supposed to be its permanent home. I would appreciate your once again tuning in on this new memorial and give me a description. It is just now under construction and will take about a month to complete, with the grounds being turned into a nature preserve with exotic plants from all over the galaxy from other planets, this phase taking about a year to complete.

Also, there is a relatively small building in the center of the garden which is actually a portal to a large auditorium in which an active 3D holographic panorama of the most dramatic segments of this encounter in which the lead starship containing 10,000 warriors was turned back and sent to the Anunnaki’s new home planet which has been prepared for them in another galaxy. These tentative details I just got yesterday, so much of it may still be in the planning stage.

Answer from Scott :

Hi Jack. I’ve checked on your latest structure a few times, and I always get the same image, not too detailed. I see a dome structure, round but taller than a hemisphere, with a dimple at the top, like on an apple where the stem attaches. I’ll look again and let you know what I find out. Sometimes it takes awhile to get tuned in.

Jack’s reply to Scott 11/11/98:

Scott; thanks for the update. I have been getting impressions that the building itself is complete, and a couple of days ago I tuned in on a lot of activity and detected the building scaffolding being loaded for transport. Then today Freckles indicated a lot of activity and I detected the land around the building being worked on. I tuned in on the workers and mentioned that that part of the mountain did not belong to me. They said that this was not their problem, they were only gardeners.

The apple shaped building is apparently a transparent dome that covers two acres. I’m getting the idea that the dimple you saw is where the center support column for the dome attaches. This would provide better support in the center than a perfectly shaped sphere on top. When this Monument shows up as we ascend into the 4th density, I will have to make arrangements to purchase the land it rests on. With ETs all over the place, I suspect the owner of the property would set a very reasonable price on it.

(Letter by Jack to coworkers Ruth, Q and Roger concerning early January 1999 events )

Folks, it looks like another memorial is nearing completion on Kennedy Mountain, and this includes benevolent ETs taking over my house, or at least all but the first floor I am living in. They said it would always be available for occupancy, but I would be using it very little. This area will turn into Grand Central Station during the daytime when the earth raises to 4th density and all this will become visible, including as many as 2,000 ETs visiting daily. You will recall the memorial erected by the Reptilians in memory of their slain comrades and in gratitude for having been given the gift of Unconditional Love from All that Is.


This memorial was moved to the home planet of the Andromedans in the Andromeda Galaxy, some 1,500,000 light years away from earth, where a duplicate of Kennedy Mountain was constructed on which to place this memorial. It is now available for visiting by all ETs coming in from distant galaxies.

But construction started a couple of months ago on another memorial in honor of the work Roger and I and other Light workers have been doing in clearing the earth of negativity and preparing it to ascend to the 4th density. This one is called a Monument.

Ruth phoned me yesterday about Fred’s progress in returning to normal after two years under the mental domination of the Anunnaki in their attempt to gain control of the earth. Freckles was barking in the background, which she said she could hear. I told her that shuttle craft were back to landing and taking off about every 20 minutes full of ET visitors and Freckles barks every time the shuttle craft arrives. I mentioned that my house was being added to in the 4th density in preparation for it becoming the headquarters building for the Monument. Ruth tuned in on it, and described the building as a 4-story structure with a tower on top, and she could sense that the ETs were bothered by Freckles’ barking at them. So this was the first outside confirmation that these recent events were not just figments of my vivid imagination, and I breathed a sigh of relief.


So I figured now is the time to let you know the complete story, as I have been told and have sensed. There is an auditorium at the far end of the approximate 5-acre field bordering the pile of house-sized boulders, which comprises the top of Kennedy Mountain. This building looks like a small chapel on the outside with a spire over the doorway. It appears from the outside to be a church building. But the inside is about the size of one football field surrounded by a grandstand, along with other inventive marvels from ETs perhaps a million years ahead of us in technology and mental communication. I have read of small shuttle craft that measures 30 feet across on the outside, but are huge on the inside. This building is actually a portal which houses a huge hologram inside, where the major events in which Roger and I and others have been recently involved, including Star Ships belonging to negative ETs on their way to earth, being partially disintegrated and another flung into a time warp, etc. The Akashic Records have been accessed to supply accurate information for this portrayal, I understand.

There are viewing stands on each side, one for ETs and the other for humans. This is to accommodate the racial bias of some ETs as well as humans. But I sense the different races will mingle when they come out of the auditorium, symbolizing the theme of respect and total acceptance of all the races. Of course I would have to wonder about different air temperatures and different types of toilets which would be required to accommodate the different ET anatomies. And the concession stands would be most interesting, with sections for each major ET race. (I was later told that with a 30-minute turnaround for visiting ETs, this is not a problem.) I understand that the “grandstand” extends around the outside of the holographic auditorium, and is sectioned to permit individual conditions to be adjusted for individual ET races who are visiting at the time.

See also  1999: Mental Health & the UFO Contactee

This building and the garden contain plants from all over the universe which will survive in our earthly environment. Both are covered with a round opaque dome . A friend who remotely viewed this a month ago, stated that the top of the dome had a dimple in it like an apple. I surmise that this is the main center support for the dome structure since the dimple spreads the support stress over a large area of the dome’s center. I believe the dome has variable opacity, so that the inside temperature can be better controlled by controlling the amount of sunlight (radiant heat) that enters the area. This has all been designed by the Andromedans, who are masters of engineering. Any race that has the technology to propel Star Ships the 100,000 light year distance across our Milky Way Galaxy almost instantaneously, as witnessed by Roger in his astral body, has my greatest respect and admiration.

Over the last week I have been invited by the Pleiadians who are remodeling my house, to view the ramp they are constructing. My third eye is developing sufficiently for me to sense (see and feel) what is being constructed. The south end starts with an elevator at basement floor ground level on the west corner of the south windowed face of my house. It is on this level ground in front of the solar windows that the shuttle craft exchanges passengers. This level area has a steep slope starting about twenty feet away from the house and connecting about fifteen feet below to the sloping side of the mountain. I have cleared this sloping area over a considerable distance to provide an unobstructed view, and it allows maneuvering room for the space craft to nose into a docking extension . This is where all the space craft with building materials docked during the building of the original memorial where there is sufficient unrestricted area for even a mile-long Star Ship to dock.

This is also the area where ET visitors came and went to view the original memorial. Freckles would run over to the first floor window overlooking this area and bark at about 20 minute intervals during this constructing and viewing period, indicating another ship was arriving to exchange passengers. The elevator allows ETs easy access to the overhead covered walkway extending over my patio to the higher fairly level open field area. This whole walkway structure is designed to accommodate ETs who cannot easily climb steps or walk up steep slopes. These are one of the two Andromedan species whose body appears to be almost a round ball with very short feet, like the Munchkins in the Wizard of Oz movie. I believe I have sensed members of this race operating the Andromedan Star Ship which I once visited on an astral projection. The other Andromedan specie is very tall and slender.

Apparently my Higher Self has given permission for the ETs to remodel my house and turn it into the headquarters of the memorial area since it was news to my “lower self”. The original structure has a full basement and first floor, with the second floor covering about half the rectangular area of the lower two floors. The remodeled building and walkway design and materials are furnished by the Andromedans, The construction is being done by Pleiadians, and the operation of the monument is under the direction of the Insectoids who set up an outpost in the field about two months ago. They constructed a rectangular pillar about 40 feet high with a four-bladed horizontal fan shaped antenna on top for communications purposes.

I understand they have a large cloaked Star Ship hovering overhead which will be there on a permanent basis as a supply vessel to the ground troops. “Ground troops” is the wrong description, since the Insectoids are 6th density creatures who usually simply float,. But when their bodies lower to the 4th density, they are attracted to the earth by gravity and walk around as we do when they want to. Anyway my house is having an extra story added on top of the second, making it an actual 4-story building including the basement. A full length porch has been add to the front (east side) of the 2nd story. The antenna tower has been moved to the center of the 4-gable roof of the top story. This is one of the items Ruth “saw” in her remote viewing, which prompted me to write about this memorial.


The Insectoids are amazing creatures. They radiate love, and they are very modest. They refuse to talk to me while I am using the bathroom, but other ETs don’t seem to mind, nor do I. Being 6th density, the Insectoids are adept at handling energy in the same way we handle physical material. So they are shape shifters, time travelers, and also apparently marvelous healers. They recently reassembled the different separated components of Fred’s astral body and chakras, allowing it to mend. They have also worked on Ruth and Roger, with the results being more long range and not yet apparent yet. But this is not their primary purpose in being here, which is administering the R and J Monument. A female Insectoid who prefers the name Olivia seems to be my official contact, and drops by occasionally. They love to listen to the easy listening channel which I have on most of the time. So I leave it on for them when I leave the house. However a group of Pleiadians visited yesterday and they said they would just as soon I turn off the music. Their, and other ET’s sensitivity to Freckles barking and music suggests that we are at the top harmonic of the 3rd density, with just a short jump remaining to the 4th. Actually I believe some areas bleed through into the 4th, and Kennedy Mountain seems to be one of these.

The walkway was just completed yesterday morning , followed by a steady stream of visitors, according to Freckles’ periodic barking out the array of solar heating windows overlooking the shuttle craft docking area. As it was being constructed, I would be called out periodically to “view” what was being done. They were very proud of it apparently and were excitedly showing it off to me. It is made entirely of transparent plastic. My first trip was onto the back patio where I was asked to show them how much overhead clearance was needed under the walkway, which I was starting to “see”. I could see the 6″ I beam floor cross braces and lighter weight vertical wall and roof support beams. I could raise my hand up and sense the presence of the structure when my hand moved into it. The original height was too low, as it contacted my head. So it was raised to clear the clothesline attachment poles. I was cautioned to stay clear of the temporary construction scaffolding and beams which are now gone, as my 3rd density body may react negatively to the interacting with the 4th. There are three support pillars along the outside edge of the walkway, with the inside edge of the walkway connected as needed to the house.

Of great interest to me is the zero point energy sources used to operate the two elevators on the access to the walkway, and another to energize my house, and others to operate the monument building and grounds , all of which will feed excess power generated back into the electrical utility grid I now use for power.

See also  Project BETA

I was just asked go out on the patio and look up. This placed me under the walkway, and I could sense ETs stop walking and starting to collect above where I stood, since they could look down and see me. I mentally waved and walked back inside (it is 13 degrees outside and starting to snow). When I was first informed of the walkway, I mentioned that I could look up at passing female ETs and see under their skirts. I was told that wearing skirts was a totally impractical earth custom. All ETs, male and female, use coverall type garments except the Reptilians who do not cover their body except for protection against cold weather and for displaying rank, but they do wear armor when in battle.

So there you have it. This is all scheduled to become visible to 4th density humans after the earth and they ascend.

Update dated May 15, 1998:

Several entries in my log could have been written over the past several months concerning the details of the Monument buildings on Kennedy Mountain which have had some revisions.. The following is an update.

(1) A relatively small building about the size of a full service gas station, which is a portal to an auditorium containing a holographic projection device: The various adventures Roger and I have had are played out, in regard to convincing several self-serving ET and Dark Universe races to abandon their plans to control the earth and keep it in the 3rd density, thus preventing its inhabitants from ascending to the 4th and then the 5th densities.

Different races and beings would be encouraged to accept the gift of Unconditional Love, because of the protection it provides, or through fear of annihilation by the powers given by Roger and myself, and sometimes by Roger showing particular groups such as entities from an alternate Anti-matter Universe the destruction of the earth which would result from their attempt to takeover of the earth. The gift of this Love which is the very nature of All that Is, the God/Goddess of this Universe, has completely altered the world view of these races, allowing them to abandon their self-serving motives, and in some cases actually work for the betterment of mankind.

Viewing this holographic drama has helped convince several ET races to abandon their plans to take over the earth, after seeing what had happened to other races with the same game plans.

(2) The second building is my house, which I have expressed willingness to give along with the land I own to the Monument organization if it would further the peaceful coexistence of ETs and humans.

(3) A 5-story dormitory building to house ETs involved in maintaining the buildings and grounds. I understand it is divided into two sides, one for the Pleiadians, and one for the Insectoids.

This morning Freckles barked several times at the south-facing window, indicating traffic going to the main Monument building. Then she started putting her front paws in my lap and barking, indicating I was to go outside and look around. A couple of days ago I was informed that soon the people involved in the story behind the Monument would become famous. Earlier this morning I sensed my house filling with guides and friends. They were congratulating me on being the start of the spread of awareness of the Nature of All that Is ( Unconditional Love) throughout the entire physical universe. Obviously this awareness exists already in higher densities.

I believe it was Springs (a high level intuitive described by those who know her as the Goddess of Hawaii) who wrote that the 3rd density earth was holding back the spiritual progress of the entire Universe since we are part of a universal mass consciousness.

When I went outside, I could sense an enormous gathering of ETs, lined up about 10 abreast and over a block long starting at the gate to the open field behind my house where the Holographic display building is located, and extending down the hill and around the corner and out of sight. I asked how many of these ETs represented a particular race, and was told only one representative from any ET race was present. There were more than a thousand of them.

Apparently the Memorial was just opened only to representatives from around the entire Universe, and they have started gathering to view the holographic showing of our adventures, and to receive copies of the holographic animated display to take back to their particular race or culture. I understand this will go on for two more days. About 500 can view the story at once, and it takes about a half hour to make a complete audience exchange. An estimate of 40,000 races or cultures will witness the story either here, or on planets in this and other galaxies, over the next couple of days. I am now being told that this is just a start. It is scheduled to spread to alternate realities over the next several months..

I was asked to go outside again, and could sense no crowds lining up. Apparently the crowd control authorities stopped the influx of ETs arriving in such great numbers. I understand that the back side of the moon is the staging area for transport to Kennedy Mountain and back.

I was just asked to go outside again, and could detect a much smaller crowd. Apparently about 500 are coming in and 500 going out at a time.

So now it’s just a matter of waiting for the earth’s ascension to the 4th density. I have been told late last year (1998) that all the Light worker’s efforts in modifying the severity of the long predicted earth changes are to cease, since further modifying would interfere with Gaia’s planned changes in land/ocean size and locations. My latest impression is that within a short time there will be a series of world wide earthquakes designed to wake us up, followed by Atlantis and Lemuria re-surfacing, compensating for land immersions in areas of long term repressive governments which are festering sores to Gaia or Mother Earth. These earth changes will cause severe Tsunamis (monstrous ocean waves).

People have been moving into the area in which I live comprising southwest Missouri and northwest Arkansas, over a period of at least twenty years, driven by an inner urge to be in one of the “safe” areas to weather these earth changes. One friend moved here from coastal New Jersey a few years ago after being instructed by her guides to do so, or “soon she would be swimming.” I believe we “chose” to incarnate at this particular time in order to experience these changes, and many have returned from higher spiritual realms in order to help the earth and its inhabitants prepare and cope.

Apparently the small intuitive group with which I have been working have previously agreed to work together to remove all negative and self-serving ETs and Dark Universe beings from earth, in order to permit the earth’s ascension to the 4th and then soon after to the 5th densities. Springs, a highly evolved intuitive considered by many to be “Goddess” of Hawaii wrote recently that the third density earth has been holding back the spiritual evolution of the Mass Consciousness of the entire Universe.

See also  2008: Ancient crashed UFO claimed to be from dinosaur age, 150 million years ago

We were almost written off as hopeless, but the sudden spiritual awakening of many light workers and their efforts in raising the earth’s mass consciousness has resulted in our getting a reprieve. And it’s been only within the last few days that the last self-serving ET race that attempted to fill the vacuum caused by other such races leaving the earth, has finally been convinced that their attempts to take over control of earth would also fail, assuring the earth’s ascension. (It was thought that this would wind up further ET takeover attempts, but future events proved otherwise.)

Update 4/21/99: The ET take-over of my house has been abandoned and all the additions have been removed. The walkway to the Monument has been removed. All visiting ETs are now being transported via a Portal connecting the far side of the moon to the entrance to the Monument. (A Portal is a hyperspace connection between one place in the Universe and another.) A small space craft requiring only hovering and internal air pressure controls is used as a “container” for visiting ETs. The inside size of the Monument building has been enlarged so that over 1,000 ETs can view the holographic animation at once. Somehow I get the idea that they are not very well organized. I have sensed several changes of plans since January when the project was started. But the ETs have such advanced construction methods that they can move buildings around and modify them with ease. I guess I’ll just have to wait until the earth ascension occurs and see what appears.

Recent additions: The Ferinki ETs have asked and had approved an addition to the animated holographic display in the Monument Building the story of their being freed from the domination of the Danka Dark Antimatter ET/Illuminati controlling influence. In addition, the front section and the rear end of the disintegrated Star Ship described in THWARTING THE SIRIAN TAKEOVER have been set up as a display next to the Monument building, at my request. This should make quite an attraction. I understand these sections are fifty feet in diameter.


May 1999: Ever since I started having dealings with ETs, I have been interested in getting a ride in a UFO. I had in mind going to Mars and retrieving the little miniature Rover tractor and returning it to NASA , thus opening the world to the existence of ETs. But I feel sure this will be the case of the left hand (NASA) not knowing what the right hand (the secret government/alien conspiracy) is doing.

This desire almost cost me my life when I was invited by the Verdant to come aboard their Star Ship

When the Illuminati were reformed THE ILLUMINATE MYSTERY, there was a discussion as to giving me access to a Pleiadian UFO complete with two crew members which was originally offered, or an Illuminati model (which the Andromedans said was the best available) who later had also offered me one. This was to be a token of thanks from each race.

Not to be outdone, a representative of the Draco race recently visited, saying he wanted to give me the keys to a 5-place helicopter which was presently resting in the hold of one of his Star Ships circling the earth in a protection mode. I said “Thanks but no thanks.” I already have a home built Rotor way Exec helicopter sitting in my 2-car, one-helicopter garage.

For a while my intuitive friend Ruth using her remote viewing talent, said she could see both UFOs sitting on my front lawn. I understand that the Illuminati model design has a drive system that uses a mathematical holographic model of the universe to “jump” from one place and time to another as in the movie “Back to the Future”, without leaving tire skid marks. But the latest word is that it has been withdrawn. It’s the Pleiadian design that is still parked on my lawn. Occasionally am asked to go outside and try to locate it in the air.

When I do, I have mentally moved it slowly down into its parking place. This is the one in which I get to tool around the Galaxy eventually. I understand it is more versatile and is equipped with a mechanical retriever arm for collecting samples from different planets in our solar system. I am told it has two modes of translation. The first is the “jump mode” which jumps from one location to another using the “Back to the Future” mode described above. The other translation mode is the “smooth mode” like the ones used for tooling over Mexico City a few years ago during a solar eclipse. It leaves burnt marks on the ground. Science fiction may turn out to be more “science” than “fiction”. I can hardly wait to find out if this is true, or just a figment of my imagination, but Ruth says if she sees it, it’s there. If it comes into view when we ascend to the 4th density, you can bet you will see a picture of UFO-1.


There are now two shuttle space craft parked in a two-acre field just below my house. With my 3D eyes, I can see them only faintly, since they are in the 4th dimension, where the Pleiadian ETs and other craft like these “live”. I have been using a 4D extension of my physical body to pilot these shuttle craft for various errands in the Galaxy under the direction of Arch Angel Michael. A friend who is a powerful Light worker has also been given a set of two like these. I do not remember these trips, but he tells me that we have made several trips to Mars transporting key people who have been trying to stop our ascension into higher dimensions and interfering with other benevolent work affecting the entire earth.

We have also assembled the government and military leaders of the near east in their astral bodies, dressed in only their shorts to prevent comparing who had the most medals and to invoke humility, and having them addressed by Mohammed, Jesus (Sananda) Buddha and other religious saints, who dressed them down in more ways than one, about their misinterpretation of their theology in creating conflict rather than unconditional acceptance to those of different faiths.

These craft also have time travel capabilities. There are apparently two underground cities left over from a previous civilization when water was plentiful on its surface. They have people-holding facilities. These people simply disappear from earth both in location and time. This eliminates the problem of prison breakouts. The “beam me up Scotty” transport system is used, eliminating the possible problem of prisoners taking over one of these shuttle craft. There would be another problem they have not considered. Each ship is “alive”.

It responds only to one person, and much of the control is by mental command. A third friend says she also has a 4D shuttle craft in which she remembers ferrying the Pope somewhere recently. I hope soon to have pictures and more technical details as soon as I move into my “light body” with dimension-hopping capabilities. My digital camera has already taken a picture of one4D UFO which I was not able to see until it showed up in the view finder on the back of the camera, and then on my computer monitor. 


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