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Abduction…to take away a person by force (against the free will of the person abducted). (The Merriam Webster Dictionary, paraphrase by Michael Corbin). This word is associated with many things that one would read about in the newspaper virtually every day. The Iranian hostages, a young girl abducted by two men and held for ransom. But, the word ‘abduction’ has even more serious implications of late. Whitley Streiber‘s abduction, Budd Hopkins‘ abduction studies. What does this mean? Over the last few years, there has been an ever-increasing rate of alien abductions of human beings.

As a matter of fact, the numbers have grown enormously over the last year! As the record indicates, seemingly normal human beings are being removed from their homes and vehicles, sometimes in broad daylight, to be examined by alien beings. Reports have indicated that these examinations include the taking of ova and sperm samples from the victims and the possible insemination of female abductees who report subsequent pregnancy only to find that the pregnancy has mysteriously disappeared shortly after the first trimester.

These disappearances of a fetus’ are, likewise, associated with another abduction of the victim. Mysterious scarring and implants around the frontal brain area have also been commonplace. At first, one would naturally speculate that the people reporting such abductions were obviously hallucinating such events, however as time has passed, more and more people have been coming forward reporting the most bizarre abduction reports of our history. People, whom doctors report are average intelligence and normally adjusted socially.
What is going on?

See also  UFO Roundup: Volume 1 Number 7: April 1, 1996

I have been asking this question of myself and others over the last year, and have been drawn to this mystery only to find that it goes much deeper than most people would realize or acknowledge. Speculation has ranged from nothing more than an overactive imagination, on the downside, to stories of the last days and ‘fallen angels’, on the high side. It is here that I would like to analyze what we know to be true in the area of UFO’s and abductions.
Recently discovered by Barry Greenwood and Lawrence Fawcett, authors of the well known book, Clear Intent, have discovered that the United States Government has over 10,000 documented reports of UFO sightings made by the general public, airline pilots, both civil and military, radar observed UFO’s and on and on since as early as 1942.

During the period of 1942 to 1947, the reports were sparse and generally were not treated too seriously. Then, in 1947, things took a sudden and mysterious turn when the news wire buzzed that a saucer had crashed in a remote region of New Mexico near the town of Roswell. As quickly as the story went out over the wire, it was immediately silenced by the U.S. Government and later explained away as a radar reflecting device attached to a weather balloon.

However, despite the government attempts to disguise the possible recovery of an unknown type aircraft, using the weather balloon story, the rumors persist that what actually was recovered in that field was an actual spacecraft piloted by aliens. Even unto 1988, the mystery as far as the public is concerned remains unsolved and steeped in more secrecy than ever before. Greenwood and Fawcett launched a massive and bold campaign to have the government release to the public, any and all documents related to this bizarre phenomenon, only to be met with resistance of a large degree by the military entities that on one hand, deny the very existence of such phenomenon and on the other, outright admit their existence by withholding documents pertaining to them.

See also  The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction

Many documents are classified ‘Above Top Secret’. So, with this in mind, are we to believe that nothing exists? Are we to believe the Philip Klass‘ that would have us understand that we are involved in a phenomenon known as mass hallucination or mistaking something moving across the sky as the planet Venus? Not hardly. But, what is it?

Anyone could let their imagination run away with them speculating on what this phenomenon is and from where it comes. We have seen this lately in the form of frantic appeals that we are being invaded by little green men from outer space. We have heard stories about MIB’s (Men In Black) stalking abduction victims, dark helicopters buzzing homes and observing the movements of individuals who are deeply involved in this mystery. We have heard that there are underground bases where the aliens perform horrible experiments on hapless human victims. And, on top of all of this, we have heard of MJ-12, the secret, covert organization, responsible only to the President of the United States.

MJ-12 is supposed to have complete and total access to actual living aliens who are visitors of the government. The stories go on and on. What is true and what is false? Since no civilian researcher has ever been invited to a full-blown crash investigation, the civilian ranks must work at this project in the blind. Many times, there have been reports of actual physical evidence of an encounter, but to this day, not one piece of evidence has been circulated among the civilian ranks. So, once again, in the absence of physical evidence to examine, we are left with our minds to speculate on what could be going on.

See also  2015: The Magonia Problem

Part 2

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