I believe that this is the very same technique used by the Grays in abductions. The similarities are overwhelming. Every abductee says that when they are abducted they are paralyzed and become mentally disorientated. This is usually in the presence of a gray. The most striking thing they recall is what is called the “Stare”. This is when the gray looks directly at an abductee.

The large dark eyes capture the abductee’s attention immediately. They then report being unable to move and a feeling of great mental disorientation. On some rare occasions, abductees report a lessening of these effects when the gray looked away from them. This clearly indicates that the intensity of the effect was directly proportional to the direction or focus of the front portion of the gray’s head. I believe that gray’s possess the same sonar abilities as all dolphins and it is used to stun an abductee during the abduction.

The ‘Stare” as abductees call it, is merely the positioning of the grays frontal skull area, the projection area, to achieve maximum beam concentration on the abductee. When the gray looks away the beam would naturally become less focused and the effect would diminish, just as it does. The description of the gray’s head is large, triangular and rounded in front and back. This suggests a large and rounded rear and frontal brain lobe structure. This is identical to the physical structure of cetaceans. It is the main difference between cetacean and human brains.

This large rounding is thought to be an adaptation of the cetacean brain to handle
the enormous data flow of their echolocation and sound-based communications
faculties. It should also be noted that on the rare occasions that abductees
hear verbal sounds from grays it is described as high-pitched, sometimes chattering
or staccato clicks or beeps. These are all similar to the air vocalizations
of dolphins. The Grays are reportedly engaged in human/gray hybrid experiments.
This is to combine the genetic material of both species into a hybrid species.
Is this possible?

See also  Abduction Experience Classification 2

The Japanese and several other countries are working even now on interspecies hybridizations. If I am correct that the Grays are of dolphin decent, then the possibility of successful hybridization becomes much greater. Some believe that on Earth, man shared a common genetic ancestor with the dolphin. Up to a certain point in development human and dolphin fetuses are nearly identical. In the not too distant future, it will be possible to produce a hybrid human/dolphin species.

It is my contention that the Grays have already beaten us to it. Finally
I would like to point out that dolphins have been associated with the “Gods”
AKA the aliens, from earliest recorded times. Certain mythologies hold that
some of the Gods came from a world of water. It is now thought by most that
these beings genetically altered the existing pre humans on Earth. It is certain
that the Grays would have had a hand in this. One of the greatest of ancient
worship sites is the temple of Delphi. This was originally the temple of the
sea Goddess. The word Delphos means both dolphin and womb. I believe it is time
we stopped calling them Grays and used the proper name our ancestors called

They knew of the Gods who came from the water world in the heavens long
ago. They called them Delphim. I hope that you have found this enlightening
and thought provoking. For those out there who consider humans the only intelligent
species on the planet, let me demonstrate the power of the cetacean brain. The
bible contains a little over a million and a half bits of information. The song
sung by humpbacked whales contains over fifteen million. Each year it changes
just slightly and every whale on the planet knows what those changes are. Now
ask yourself this. Could you remember the bible word for word? Could you remember
fifteen of them? Think about it. If our bible contains our basic history, social
and religious philosophies, what does something fifteen times larger contain.

See also  Abduction Experience Classification 6

It is my deepest hope that this report will allow you to open new perceptions on the events now taking place on this planet. To see both the Grays and yourselves in a new way. I think in time we will come to find that what’s down here, is exactly what’s out there. That there are humans and dolphins cooperating out there I am certain. Perhaps we should stop and ponder our roles as the caretakers of this planet. Our own cetacean population have been hunted by man to the very edge of extinction.

It is something that we all must take shame in. Recently efforts have been made by the civilized nations to preserve the great whales and dolphins. Can we live peacefully on this planet with another intelligent species? I truly hope so. I would hate for another more advanced species to treat us as well as we’ve treated the whales. Many hope for contact with these beings. If we cannot get along with an indigenous intelligent species, how can we expect to get along with one of extraterrestrial origins. A people are judged by their actions. If we demonstrate our goodwill toward our fellow inhabitants of this world, Perhaps those not of this world will be sent a message, that we are civilized after all.

Part 5

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