Innerterrestrial–haints, shadows, witches, demons, grays, fairies, gnomes, goblins, ghosts, reptiles, or whatever you want to call them–have no need to exercise such great care. It does not matter if a person sees a gray standing near their bed. They cannot be touched, nor can they touch a human. Many witnesses of grays and haints have said they have actually had the entities stick their clawed hands through their bodies with no resultant physical harm.

The author has investigated an account of a driver of a pickup truck running a shadow over and then seeing the INT reappear inside the cab of his truck. Innerterrestrials can be seen while wide awake, and in at least one instance the author knows of, where two people have seen an INT at the same time. These same individuals did not see a space ship near them or think there was an ET connection with what they saw. While it would be easy to lay all the blame on hypnotherapists for making the outer space connection to what are really INT sightings, recent culture conditioning, as noted ufologist Kevin Randle has said, is the real blame.

For instance, let us suppose a father awakens late one night and sees a dark-robed, faceless entity standing next to his son’s baby bed. Then, several months later, he actually sees a UFO near his home or watches a movie about abductions and recognizes the similarities to his own entity sighting. What happens? Not unnaturally, this father would probably assume his son was abducted and that he had seen an ET as it exited his home. The truth is, throughout man’s history, entities have been regularly seen.

Before the modern era of UFOs began in 1947, with pilot Kenneth Arnold’s Pacific Northwest sighting of several discs, people thought spooks, ghosts, or demons were haunting a house or an individual. If in fact only the evil ETs or benevolent “space brothers” are behind abductions, why aren’t millions of bewildered spouses calling local law enforcement agencies to report that their loved ones have suddenly disappeared and are presumed kidnapped? Why are there not stranded cars and trucks all over America’s highways, with their doors opened and their drivers have gone? Has everybody been switched off! Indeed, no one is switched off. Nobody is missing from their beds or cars; it is only mind tricks played by the inner terrestrials. Abductees meeting other abductees in real life can even be explained by the mental imagery created by inner terrestrials.

See also  1999: Abductions: The Truth

An INT, perhaps, visits one person and then scans their image for later use. This same INT then, days, months or years later replays this saved image into a future victim. Sometime later the INT returns to its original victim and plays the new scan into that victim’s mind. Months or years later these same two victims, by chance, meet in real life and presto! They think they were abducted together aboard a space ship. Victims are being repeatedly visited as many abductees claim. Why are so many being visited by inner terrestrials? If hybrids are not being created, as many abductees report, what are the INTs doing?

An important clue was provided by Wes Clark of MUFON and CE-4 Research Group in Florida. George Filer, MUFON’s eastern regional director, on receiving similar reports from this investigator and Wes, decided to put us in touch. Wes, it turned out, had carried his research one step further than the author’s. Wes offered proof that abductions were only demonic encounters. He said several of his “abductees” had stopped their abduction experiences by screaming “Jesus is my savior” when aliens were next seen.

This investigator has since found that this same approach used by some, he knows, has also stopped their unwelcome visitors from returning. One woman told this investigator while standing in the hallway of her home in daylight that she had a haint jump on her back and try to “suffocate her.” In desperation she yelled, “Jesus! Jesus! Save me!” The haint immediately flew off and has not since returned. Another individual while having a lucid dream of a dark, big-eyed, gray screamed, “Jesus is my savior!” as Wes suggested. That was nearly nine months ago and all alien related activity in his house has vanished.

See also  1999: Abductions: The Truth

A third person, who believed he was an abductee, and after seeing his dog going crazy a top his bed barking at an unseen entity, performed an undescribed exorcism. That was several months ago and all his alien troubles have ended. The simple “cure” is, admittedly, totally dumb-founding. While the relationship between abductions and paranormal activity has been documented by many investigators, this is compelling proof that abductions have nothing to do with space kidnappings. If high-tech ETs are behind the abduction madness, why would one’s belief in God stop abductions cold? Such Jesus-laced utterings would not have stopped earthbound evils, so why would they halt highly advanced and technologically sophisticated ETs from abducting?

Innerterrestrials are real. They are a threat and, in the author’s opinion, conditioning mankind for their own sinister purposes. As man’s technology exponentially advances, we are increasingly becoming a threat to the inner terrestrial. This could explain the upsurge in INT abductions. While there is still no conclusive physical proof that ETs are visiting earth, there is over half-a-century of credible eyewitness reports to suggest that extraterrestrials are here. Sometimes INTs and ETs play on the same “fields” but their objectives are different, and with the extraterrestrials, their motivations unknown.

True UFOs should be the providence for our best scientists to investigate. Conversely, religious leaders, and not UFO investigators, should be investigating “abductions.” Detailed warnings and the dangers of INT contamination should be given to the clergy’s cherished congregations. Not just mutterings about taking care against the “devil and his agents,” but real warnings of how the inner terrestrial actually do their dirty work. Special attention should be provided to parents that their children are vulnerable to mind-conditioning or, worse, “dumbing-down” attempts by inner terrestrials.

See also  1999: Abductions: The Truth

Until clouded abduction reports are placed in the true paranormal arena they belong, ufologists cannot expect mainstream scientists to seriously investigate UFO sightings. There is no proof that extraterrestrials are kidnapping people. There are tens of thousands of credible anomalous airborne sightings by equally amazing numbers of impressive and reliable witnesses to suggest many UFOs are real. Ufologists need to work with what they have the best chance to scientifically prove.

About the author: John C. Thompson is a past state director of MUFON of Georgia and one of the seven founders of ISUR. He served in the Marines and is a graduate of the University of Tennessee, where he majored in Geology. He has worked as a geochemical prospector for uranium, a wire-line engineer in the petroleum industry and a sales engineer in process control instrumentation. Since 1981 he has been self-employed and operates an insurance agency and premium finance company. He and his family currently reside north of LaGrange.

Copyright 1999 John C. Thompson. All rights reserved.

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