Sexual Abduction Experiences Aren’t New Space Alien Sex Maniacs in Training

Baby Space Aliens hone their Tantric Skills from young infancy by isolating a nubile young earth woman and looking up her dress. As teenagers, they perform house-calls in order to take turns nailing their brainwashed and subservient squeeze. “Earth women are easy,” they remark.

Given the current intense interest in alien sexual encounters, many people seem to feel that such reports are relatively recent. They aren’t. Sexual encounters with alien abductors are not new to ufology. On October 15, 1957, 23-year old farmer Antonio Boas was plowing a field at his farm near Minas Gerais in Brazil. It was night as Boas was trying to catch up on the plowing. Looking up into the sky, Boas saw a brightly lit red object descending from the sky. It was his third UFO sighting that week. This time, however, the object landed in his field. Out of the egg-shaped object came four aliens fitted in metallic space suits with helmets.

As the creatures glided toward him, Boas tried to escape on the tractor, but it stalled. Boas jumped off and started running. A few moments later he was captured and dragged into the spaceship. There he was taken into a circular room where he was restrained while one of the creatures took a blood and skin sample from his chin. Then he was stripped and moved to another room where only a white, plastic couch sat in the center of the room. His body was sponged with a clear, oily liquid and then the four creatures left.

See also  Alien Abductions Through The Ages 4

A few moments later clouds of gray smoke filled the room causing Boas to vomit. Then a hidden slit opened in the wall through which a beautiful, naked, alien woman walked. She had blond- white hair parted in the middle, large blue eyes, thin lips, high, prominent cheekbones, and a pointed chin. She was under five feet tall. Boas clearly remembered her blood-red pubic hair and her well-separated, pointy breasts.

The female began rubbing her body against Boas and he quickly embraced her. According to Boas, they had intercourse two times during which the alien barked and growled like an animal. After the second time, she got off the couch and walked to the hidden door. She pointed to her stomach and then to the sky. Then she walked out.

Moments later two of the space-suited aliens returned with his clothes. He dressed and was given a tour of the ship after which he was released.

In the month that followed his encounter, Boas became ill with symptoms similar to radiation sickness. In addition, small purplish wounds developed on his hands.

In his book The Ufonauts, Hans Holzer related the May 2, 1968 abduction of teenager Shane Kurz. Under regression hypnosis, Ms. Kurz told of being abducted while walking through a field and being levitated into a saucer. Inside the saucer, several gray aliens placed her on a table, stripped her, and rubbed a thick liquid on her. She was told that the liquid was a stimulant and that she was being tested for pregnancy with a device that was lowered on her. Then the leader told her that they wanted to make a “half” with her. One of the beings quickly sexually penetrated her. He made animal sounds and a humming noise during the act. Kurz was then released. Shortly after this incident (which she did not remember at the time), her menstrual period stopped for a year. She had a sudden, unexplained weight loss exactly 9 months after her abduction. It was the weight loss that led her to a doctor and eventually uncover, the memory of the abduction.

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Budd Hopkins’ Intruders (1987) and Missing Time (1981) are filled with distinctively sexual abductions. And if you don’t look at the long-term perspective of the phenomenon, it is easy to be misled into thinking the sexual abductions are a recent happening:

“Intruders makes what appears to be happening in UFO abductions more clear. Genetic experimentation is being conducted on unwilling human subjects by an extraterrestrial civilization far different from our own… Through the process of interbreeding, the technology involved in producing test tube babies, and cloning, they are producing a hybrid race.” (Little, 1990)

But appearances can be deceiving

Abductions Through The Ages

Mothman-like Appearances and Witches

A renaissance woodcut depicting a woman beating off the advances of a demon (left) and an interesting illustration (right) from Glanvill’s Saducismus Triumphatus (1863). UFO-like abductions and alien sexual encounters are nothing new. Witches supposedly were taken into the air for meetings with the devil. People who had been abducted by fairies were left with distinctive body scars similar to those in UFO abductees. And the incubus and succubus of medieval times did the exact same things to their abductees as today’s sexually-inclined aliens do to their abductees.

According to fairy lore, fairies create a circular cluster of small bruises as their mark. The phenomenon is known as “fairy bruising” and is a sign of either favor or disfavor. The ring of bruises is often found around the genitals. They did this, according to various 17th-century accounts, by pinching their victims:

If lustie Doll, maid of the Dairie, Chance to be blew-nipt by the fairie. Marston’s Mountebanks Masque

See also  Alien Abductions Through The Ages 5

An Encyclopedia of Fairies (Briggs, 1976) gives numerous ancient examples of fairy abductions. Almost always a special drink was given to the abductee. This drink, usually described as a thick liquid, was an essential part of the fairy abduction. Women are abducted much more often than men and some fairies take special delight, in repeatedly capturing women for amorous motives. In short, some fairies simply liked having sexual relations with mortals.

Part 3

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