by James Bartley © 2000

Many abductees succumb to the smoke and mirrors deceptions that are prevalent within the New Age Movement. The New Age seems to offer instant answers, acceptance and validation to someone who is undergoing alien abduction experiences. The New Age propagandist relate everything that happens to an abductee (or as they prefer, a Contactee or Experiencer) as part of an ongoing process of Spiritual Enlightenment. As we shall see, things are not always as they seem. In the first of a series of articles I will point out the methodology in which an abductee is lured into an involvement and acceptance of New Age Belief Systems which will hinder their ability to recognize the nature of the manipulation they are under.

The Reptilians are the principal architects behind the New World Order. They coordinate the global changes they require through their alien vassals as well as through their human-reptilian hybrids who have been placed in important positions within the Global Military/Industrial and Political/Financial Complex. It is beyond the scope of this paper to mention in detail how the reptilian leadership known as the DRACOS (who have wings) has managed to surreptitiously control the Human Race. Suffice it to say that this process is not only global but is multi-dimensional and has been going on for a long time. We are involved in all out Spiritual Warfare on a cosmic and multidimensional scale.

English: Confederate dead of General Ewell's C...
English: Confederate dead of General Ewell’s Corps who attacked the Union lines at the Battle of Spotsylvania. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

To apply New Age “Wisdom” to understand the nature of Spiritual Warfare is akin to military theorist applying Napoleonic tactics to the reality of American Civil War battlefields. Marching in lockstep elbow to elbow with your fellow soldiers to close on an enemy breastwork and fire their muskets in a massed volley on command may have made practical sense during the Napoleonic Wars when the range of the inaccurate smooth bore muskets was a mere 75 yards. On the American battlefields of Shiloh, Antietam, Vicksburg, Franklin, Cold Harbor et al these tactics were suicidal. Yet conventional military wisdom held that the tactics and methods of warfare which held pre-eminence during the revered Napoleon’s day, would also apply during an era when the rifled musket was in common usage by both the Union and Confederate Armies. The effective range of a rifled musket was well over three hundred yards. The result was wholesale slaughter for both sides.

As usual it was the soldiers in the ranks who realized that marching towards a heavily defended position with banners flying and drums beating was a great way to get themselves killed. If the reader can learn anything from this paper it must be that substance is more important than style. It is exactly the opposite within the New Age movement where style and a certain self-righteousness are the norm rather than the exception.

This information came as a result of much soul searching and was only possible through the help and understanding of trusted friends with a heightened sense of awareness about the abduction syndrome. Like the soldiers in the front lines of the civil war, we found that the teachings of the New Age are ill suited to provide even momentary relief from the kinds of physical, psychological and paraphysical experiences that abductees must endure in order to attain true Spirituality. Unlike the “fast food drive thru” method of New Age Spirituality which is rife with Denial, Dogmatism and Occult Ritual, our TEAM has found that only hard work and a desire for the Truth will pay dividends in this form of spiritual warfare.

See also  1998: US ASTRONAUTS SEE UFOs


The first thing the abductee must understand is that the aliens work on us during our sleep state. They create “Stage Managed Dreams” filled with images of UFOs and heavily laden with symbolic meaning. During these stage-managed dreams abductees are given Pabulum in the form of “Spiritual Teachings” and “Warnings about Global and Ecological Catastrophe.” The abductee is given to understand that not only are they responsible for these calamities but they also have a responsibility to undue all the damage wrought by their spiritually degenerate fellow humans. This is the first hint we have of the Aliens “Civil Affairs” and Psyops programs. Civil Affairs (or Civic Action) is a term used by practitioners of psychological warfare operations (psyops) to describe methods utilized to win over the Hearts and the Minds of a certain population group. In the case of all out spiritual warfare, Alien inspired Civil Affairs programs are meant to not only win over the Hearts and the Minds of the abductee population, but also to manipulate that elusive COMMODITY we refer to as a SOUL.

During this phase of the manipulation, the abductee is subtly steered towards an acceptance of belief systems (B.S. for short) the aliens want that person to have. In a parallel exercise, the EGO of the abductee is being activated in order to better control and manipulate that individual. Eventually, through a seemingly endless series of synchronicities, UFO sightings, stage-managed dreams etc, the abductee will begin to see themselves as being at the very center of this effort to raise the spiritual awareness of the rest of the human race. They will become an Activist and be compelled to find others of a similar mindset. All along the abductee believes that it is through their own process of self-education that has led them to this stage of their journey.

The abductee will be led unwittingly to a number of books that will further solidify in his or her mind, the veracity and TRUTH behind the stage-managed dreams and synchronicities. Some of these books may come from “Channeled” sources i.e. non-human often times reptilian beings that use an individual as a Trance medium through which much disinformation can be passed along to the gullible and impressionable masses.

See also  1998: PRESS RELEASE: Dozens of New Top-Secret Witnesses Identified
Mind Control
Mind Control (Photo credit: jurvetson)

The abductee will be led to books written by abductees who are thoroughly under the control of the reptilians. There is a HIVE CONSCIOUSNESS at work here which involves all of those humans who have fallen for this form of reptilian Behavioral Conditioning and Mind Control. As the abductee meets more and more people who have the exact same viewpoints and biases about the Alien’s beneficial role in their lives, they become more enmeshed in a web of deception and intrigue at many different levels of consciousness. At the same time, they will be given subtle and not so subtle hints by their alien handlers to steer clear of the “FEAR BASED” writings of certain spiritually un-evolved abductees who have an ax to grind and are writing and speaking from the standpoint of FEAR and IGNORANCE

“Fear Based” is a worn out cliché uttered with boring regularity by those afflicted with this Hive Consciousness. In part two of this series I will describe what happens to those who dare to venture beyond the limits of understanding and awareness as proscribed by their alien handlers and the Hive Consciousness. There are many methods that are utilized to keep the abductee in a state of ignorance and denial which need to be thoroughly discussed.

When properly conducted and under the right circumstances, Civil Affairs Programs can deny the insurgents living in the countryside the use of the local population for food, intelligence, shelter and sympathy. The British experience in Malaya during the so called “Malayan Emergency” from 1948 to 1956 is a classic example of Civil Affairs in action. The Hearts and Minds of the Malayan people were won over by British military and civilian specialist. They dug wells for the villagers, helped them with farming and agriculture, treated their illnesses and maladies with modern techniques and antibiotics and perhaps most important, set up the villagers in secure areas where they could live without fear of Guerrilla extortion, harassment and intimidation.

The Aliens will use Civil Affairs methods in order to cultivate a groundswell of support amongst the abductee population. Alien Civil Affairs programs are effective on the vast majority of abductees. The abductees either become propagandists for the aliens or are neutralized to the point where they don’t want to delve deeper into their own experiences.

Nevertheless the aliens will resort to threats of pain and suffering upon abductees if that suits their needs. The latter form of control and manipulation is done in a covert and subtle manner. Indeed, the alien programming may only manifest when the abductee reacts negatively, violently or in some other pre-determined manner whenever any “anti-alien” information is mentioned within earshot.

Abductees are literally told by their Alien Handlers to avoid any contact with certain researchers. The programming is so severe that certain abductees develop an instant mistrust and HATRED for certain researchers merely because that researcher has reported negative alien abductions. I have observed this again and again.

See also  Project HAARP

Some abductees cannot stay awake during lectures given by proscribed “Fear Based” abduction researchers. They can be programmed to become extremely angry whenever a lecturer or abductee support group member mentions anything about “negative” alien abduction experiences. Abductees are programmed to get up and leave the lecture hall to eat, smoke, drink or just pace the hallway nervously until the proscribed lecturer has finished.

Some abductees cannot read certain anti-alien books because they always fall asleep whenever they try to read them. I have observed all of the above again and again. They are all control mechanisms meant to keep the abductee in a state of ignorance and denial. I have known of numerous instances when someone who wants to obtain “hard core” information about the aliens is suddenly stricken with unknown illnesses, financial problems, car problems, family problems, children getting sick ad nauseum. The end result is that the abductee is unable to meet a certain researcher and cannot undergo hypnotic regression. Thus the secrecy and malevolent agenda of the reptilians is maintained. My colleague Eve Lorgen refers to the above tactics as “Truth Detracting Elements of the Alien Abduction Syndrome.” I just refer to it as spiritual warfare because that is exactly what it is.

Myself and my colleagues can point to numerous alien procedures or programming methods and explain in detail what the predictable results will be regarding the mental and physical well being of the abductee. We can also point out how human interpersonal relationships are manipulated by the aliens for their own evil purposes.

Contrast that with what “Positive” abductees say about the subject. All they have to do is say “Well I’ve only had positive experiences” and thats the end of that discussion. The onus of proving the “Negative Alien Hypothesis” is on people like myself who are not concerned with courting popular approval. Believe me when I say that myself and my colleagues are feared and loathed by those promoting the space brothers agenda. The fact of the matter is that abductees who promote the Space Brothers agenda were allowed to remember specific experiences tailor made to promote the “Space Brother” theory. When some of them were hypnotically regressed by skilled regressionist an entirely different story emerged. Sadly, the programming is such that the frightening memories, painful sensations and sexual manipulation were quickly blotted out from their conscious awareness to remain buried in their subconscious to be called upon whenever the aliens want to control and manipulate the abductee again.

And all the “Contactees” have to say is “Well I’ve only had positive experiences?” How do they know? Screen memories of alien civil affairs programs don’t count. Being “healed” by aliens using advanced medical practices to cure illnesses the aliens themselves were responsible for don’t count either.

The aliens and in particular the reptilians capitalize on the ignorance and gullibility of the humans they are manipulating in order to win the Hearts, Minds and Souls of Human Beings. It is the ultimate Civil Affairs Program.

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