AC: Yes, well I became very close friends with them as well and I am still friends with the man of the family John Day today. There is no question that this event took place and that this… I started to try and get deeper into this because you know the onboard experience was quite classic, but there seemed to be some conflicting things going on because the family had three children. Two of them were asleep in the car. And the third one, when he saw the oval blue light got up and held on to the front seat. And that positioning was the position he was in when he went into the green mist. He was still in that position when they came out. The two other children were still asleep in the back. It was as if time had disappeared completely. So, in other words, it didn’t seem as if they had spent three hours somewhere. The whole thing had happened in an instant of time.

It’s not saying they didn’t have an abduction experience. That occurred, but it occurred outside of normal space/time, and this got me thinking that maybe the abduction experiences may be a lot more complex than the simple idea that you’ve got a “nut and bolts” spacecraft, and somebody goes aboard and then they are put back afterward. You are dealing here something that is completely out of space and out of time, and that is something that I’ve tried to get a grip on in various books that I’ve written, and I’m doing a brand new book now, nearly completed, called “LightQuest”, which is all about this very subject.

KC: Okay, so, in a sense you are really dealing with dimensions.

AC: Absolutely.

KC: Aren’t you?

AC: Yes.

KC: And I wonder as the result of this whether you have any background in physics, or you know, in other words, do you have some kind of background; do you have any military background?

See also  Andrew Collins - UFO Abductions and Dimensional Realities g

AC: No, I have none at all. I mean I’m a writer, I’m a researcher. And, you know, I can find the information where I need it and when I need it. And in recent times I have been seriously going into quantum science, quantum theory, particularly the work of the theoretical physicist David Bohm, who was onto the whole idea of multidimensional experiences, in connection with the medium that we call plasma. And this has been a word has been bandied around in connection with UFOs for a very long time and in fact, it is almost like a “dirty word” within ufology, because, unfortunately it was given as the alternative explanation, like you know: “This is not a real alien encounter, this is a plasma.”

And people would say: “No it’s not.” You know, it was almost used in the same way that swamp gas was used to explain will-o’-the wisps and jack-o’-lanterns, the old terms for balls of light in the past. But I do believe it is a key to understanding UFOs and multidimensional experiences.

KC: But you’re using the notion of plasma.

AC: Yes.

KC: I think when you are talking about plasma you are actually relating to what was the old-fashion notion of the ether.

AC: Absolutely, the ether itself is not the manifestation of plasma. I mean, plasma is essentially seas of electrons, excited, giving off protons to create light. These are bound and held together by electrostatic charges and magnetic fields, and they call these buoyant plasmas or plasmoids. Again this is not new, I mean loads of people have suggested this relationship, I think most people accept that they have something to do with UFOs but I’m going further.

See also  2011: Andrew Collins - UFO Abductions and Dimensional Realities a

I’m saying that a lot of abductions or cases — I can’t explain all of them of course, no one can — are actually multidimensional experiences where people enter into what I call a “bubble universe”. In other words, they get too close to these objects. They first enter what I call a shifted reality, something that Jenny Randles refers to as the “Oz Factor” where everything starts going wobbly and weird around you but you are still in your normal environment.

And then at a certain points in the encounter you are just taken completely out of space/time, and if anybody was at that spot inbetween times, they wouldn’t see anything, or they might see a light or something like this but they wouldn’t see the whole thing. In fact there is a good chance they wouldn’t see anything whatsoever.

KC: Okay, what about the notion that what you are talking about is… what I’ve heard is especially perhaps with the Grey encounters…

AC: Yes.

KC: …is that people are taken into, are actually taken into the fourth dimension, literally that particular dimension, which is extremely horizontal.

AC: Yes.

KC: Like a …[Both talking at same time]

AC: Well that is suggesting that the fourth dimension is a separate place, like the earth, or our physical dimension is a place that exists and you can travel from A to B. I think what you refer to as the fourth dimension is something that is created as and when necessary. In other words, the dimensions beyond the three normal spaces and one of time, unfurl, uncurl into existence when necessary so that the interaction between our consciousness, our mind and other intelligences, which are truly alien in nature create this relationship, and these intelligences use the plasma as a medium for this interaction, this interpenetration into our physical world, and yes, absolutely, the witnesses, the victims, the contactees are taken into this fourth dimension realm where the actual event takes place.

See also  Andrew Collins - UFO Abductions and Dimensional Realities c

I mean, Travis Walton in 1975, logger, in southern United States, comes too close to an object, gets zapped, disappears for a period of days, ah, eventually is found wondering about. His memory of actually being away lasts no more than a couple of hours at the most, and this was a great mystery which to this day, he can’t understand. Because where was he for the rest of that time? And I think the answer is, well he was wherever he was because he was outside of normal space/time so time is not running in the same way. There is something different going on here. He is in a created realm, a created environment, which is based on his own mind the knowledge the intelligences have and something inbetween which probably draws from the collective unconscious.

You know what we have today, these UFO encounters, alien abductions; what we had in the past was fairy encounters, or if you are a Christian, you know, trips to paradise, visions of Jesus Christ, or even other occasions perhaps even being dragged down to Hell and being tortured by demons. Some of the accounts of that are very, very similar to what we call alien abductions today.

KC: Okay, but, I mean there are a number of questions I have as the result of what you are saying.

AC: Yes.

KC: One of these that comes to mind, having just heard your presentation, is however the notion of the Anunnaki ,which are coming into a lot of the Egyptian information…

AC: Yes.

KC: …but also into and I don’t even know how to pronounce it (Gobekli Tepe), the recent investigations you have been doing in Turkey…

Part c

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