1) I gave drafts of the DVD training series, Perfect Health with Kinesiology and Muscle Testing, to a number of friends who are serial abductees. They raved about it when they received my package. But after they got the package, they did not ‘get around’ to getting past the first disk.

One lady had been begging me for MONTHS for the series. But when she got it, and sat down to watch it, she would suddenly get an urge to get up and drink a coke instead – even though she never drinks coke!

Another person was just ‘too busy’ to do it. Even though she had been waiting for YEARS for this information.

Which reminds me of another thing that Kiyosaki taught me. He knows something of the bigger games that are going on on the planet. (Or he did back in the early 1990s. Who knows who has got to him since then). He said that the name of the game on planet earth is –


That is –


That is, as long as ‘they’ keep you busy, they keep you from your true purpose, which is growing and evolving spiritually, and helping others.

2) The low ratio of abductees to those ‘just’ interested in natural health who have ordered the DVD series (to date).

This makes no sense, especially since abductees usually have worse health problems than other people, and are open minded about alternative health. And it is abductees and readers of this site, and the tens of thousands of readers of “The Mars Records” who have learned from our experiences just how powerful kinesiology is – not just for healing all kinds of health and emotional problems, but also as a very powerful tool for learning when, if and how one is being abducted, and ways to overcome the effects of that.

Anyone who has an interest in subjects like abduction, mind control and metaphysical abilities, should realize that the chances are very, very, very high that they have been abducted because of THEIR metaphysical abilities, and that is WHY they are interested.

See also  Attention: Victims of Alien or Military Abduction 6

Having no memory or idea that you have even been abducted is NOT evidence that you have not been abducted.

Having conscious reasons why you should not do something like kinesiology which can do so much for you is not an answer either.

As Kiyosaki said –


What that means is, everyone has CONSCIOUS reasons why they do and don’t do anything. And why things are not better than they are. But the treasonous commands that are stopping you from improving your life are in your subconscious, where you cannot get at them normally. Kinesiology can help to get around that.

Perhaps you’ve seen something similar to this at a hypnosis stage show: The hypnotist will call up someone onto the stage, and tell them that when the hypnotist taps his tie, the person will stand up and open up an umbrella. The person then goes back to his chair, unaware that he has been programmed. As soon as the hypnotist taps his tie, the hypnotized person stands up and opens up his umbrella. (Audience laughs but they should really be crying because of this terrible evidence of brutal control). But the worst part is, that when the hypnotist asks them WHY they opened up the umbrella, do the say the truth? Do they say “because you programmed me to do that?”. NO. They will make up something from their conscious mind that is as rational as possible, something like “I just wanted to test if it works”

3) A good while before the DVD, we went to a lot of trouble to create a dating site to help get fellow abductees together. I know that Michael and I could never have done what we have done without the support and constant watching from and communication with each other. We have managed to stay free of abductions for 6 years now – even though they keep trying different stuff on us. ABDUCTEES NEED SUPPORT. They need at least one other supportive person around who notices things and with whom they can discuss things. And also who is trained and with whom they can swap sessions of kinesiology and deliverance (and later on, clearing).

See also  Attention: Victims of Alien or Military Abduction 4

So we created a dating site where people could search for others who knew about aliens and other paranormal stuff. Hardly anyone joined, even though the price was minimal, and even when we made it free. So we closed it down. I know of at least six people who are VERY advanced in metaphysical abilities, who are not in relationships, are hardly ever IN a relationship, were given free membership, and never got around to signing up. Again, I think the program to keep people on their own so their ‘owners’ can get easy access to them has gone far deeper than I could possibly have guessed.

I recommend that anyone who is on their own, and thinks they may be an abductee or have metaphysical abilities, or wants to explore this, or who found www.metatech.org or www.TheMarsRecords.com, should arrange to be near someone who one can have as a friend or housemate – to help to get free, and to work on each other, until you find your soul mate.

4) There is a ‘new’ phobia. It’s called “nomophobia”. An incredible one in five people get it. It means that if they are out of range of a cell tower for their cell phone, they suffer as much stress AS IF THEY ARE GETTING DIVORCED OR MOVING HOUSE!!!! That shows that there is something highly advanced going on with cell phones. There is something in them that is addicting people to them and controlling them.

When you do finally get your “Perfect Health with Kinesiology & Muscle Testing” DVD, and test for cell phones, please do the test for emotional override. I believe now that all the muscle tests that I did that made it look as though cell phones aren’t ‘that’ bad, were incorrect because I did not also test for emotional attachment.

See also  Attention: Victims of Alien or Military Abduction 3

People are now so addicted to their cell phones that even conspiracy researchers don’t give them up. Why carry around a walking receiver for the kind of commands that are in the movie “They Live” to go into your brain, unless you have been programmed to do it?

5) We published “The Mars Records” in 2000. This was at considerable risk to our lives as certain INTEL spooks do not appreciate public knowledge of ongoing projects. I envisioned that within a few years there would be THOUSANDS of people who had not only done many hours of clearing, but who had also published their results. So we would no longer stand out. I envisioned an army of trained people who were doing all kinds of amazing things to free others, after having freed themselves, and helping others to realize the reality of this situation.

But things don’t always turn out as we plan and the INTEL agents have had nothing to worry about. Hardly anyone has done any clearing, or kinesiology, or deliverance, as we did,. as of July 2008. The few people I have heard of who have had clearing sessions where they remembered abductions by reptilians etc. do not want to publish their session notes, even anonymously. Admittedly, I realized that people needed the wernicke’s correction, and cloacals, and a whole bunch of other stuff that is on the DVD – but that just adds to my feeling of sadness when I see that the bulk of people purchasing the DVD are natural health people, and not the abductees or possible abductees who REALLY need this stuff, and who can do SO MUCH MORE with it.

6) Apart from “Pat” of The Mars Force, hardly anyone else has made the effort to do clearing sessions on these subjects.

Please take note of another saying that I learned at a personal development seminar:


Part 3

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