Please put that on your fridge. The ONLY person you can change is you. You cannot change anyone else.

Now, let’s see one way that you can change, so that your life can get a whole lot better.

My husband and I have created a 12 DVD training course, Perfect Health with Kinesiology & Muscle Testing – The Revolution in Natural Health Care. This DVD is for everyone to improve their health, well being, emotional strength and energy. However, if you have been subjected to abduction or mind control or ritual abuse, there will be some extra things you should do. The techniques for these things are taught in the DVD, but their application to paranormal subjects is not mentioned, as the DVD is meant for everyone.

Therefore, this article will attempt to cover the techniques which Michael and I have found to be of benefit to ourselves, and other people who have been subjected to abduction or mind control. I do not have much experience with people subjected to ritual abuse, but much of the following techniques would be useful for these people as well.

Before you do the techniques below, please complete all of the DVD series, Perfect Health with Kinesiology & Muscle Testing, so that you will know what I am talking about and have some experience. I also strongly recommend that you read “The Mars Records” and “The Mars Force – Pat’s Story” to see how we have used kinesiology very successfully for abduction and mind control. These 4 books are free to download from Reading those books could very possibly stir up a whole lot of stuff for you to work on. Many people have told us they got super headaches and even fainted while reading these books. That indicates that there is something in that person’s memory that has a lot of stress on it. Otherwise these people would not react like this. In addition, you can learn about the spiritual warfare aspects of this at “How to prevent military and alien abduction” here.

See also  Attention: Victims of Alien or Military Abduction 5

On the other hand, there is one reason why you may NOT want to read these books at this stage. If you do read these books, you are ” front loading” yourself with new information. You may prefer to read them later on, AFTER you discover things about yourself. In that way, you then can’t say “oh, I imagined all that, because I read of similar things in those books.”


Now, before we get started, there is something very, very important that I must warn you about. Please pray for protection and guidance both before, and continually while, you do kinesiology and muscle testing for abductees and mind control and ritual abuse victims. This is ESPECIALLY important if you work on members of the public. If you work on members of the public, do not be surprised if you get as many or more ‘INTEL spooks’ as clients on occasion, rather than people you can help.

This work is dangerous. You may think it is kind of cool and fun. If that is your reason, I suggest you do not work with members of the public. This is very serious. To learn how serious this is, read “Who Killed our UFO Investigators” and “Whistleblower Dies on Stage”.

ONLY do this work because Yahweh God the Creator wants you to, and will give you protection and guidance. This is not a game. You get no special T-Shirt for helping other people. You have been warned.


First of all, as for all proper muscle testing and balancing, you must do the pretests. Note that David Hawkins, author of “Power versus Force” does not even mention the pretests. The pretests are ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL for accurate results. Neither does Hawkins explain the many things that are necessary to do for a correct muscle test. Plus he says that one should say “resist” instead of “hold”, which means that it becomes a test of strength, and not an accurate muscle test. I guess that’s because he is a psychologist, NOT a kinesiologist.

See also  Attention: Victims of Alien or Military Abduction 2

If the person you are working on has been abducted, this can take longer than normal. Maybe even a lot longer than normal. They may be VERY blocked. As you learned in the DVD, if this is the case, do Emotional Stress Release. If the person is open to the possibility of abductions and mind control, while you do ESR, give a command to the person such as, –

“Have a look around and see if you were ever subjected to abduction or mind control.”

The person may nor may not see anything. But in any case, the brain will still process the information. If you get them to do this while you do ESR for a while, you may get them to unblock.


Now if the person is an abductee or mind control victim, especially if this is their first session, it is in my experience that quite likely by now the two of you are not alone in the room. You may even smell or feel their presence by now. It is quite possible that right now you have in the room, or interfering from a distance, some beings such as reptilians or grays., or a human remote viewer When they are right in the room, I do not know if they are out of body, or doing some weird energy thing so they are physically present. I just know that I have experienced this with a number of clients.

It can be quite annoying to have a client come for some kind of normal problem and then find that at the very first session, the person is being blocked or switched because of the presence of a third party. I once worked on a woman in Dallas. From memory, things went as normal at the beginning of the session, but within about five minutes, nothing was working. Once you get very experienced at muscle testing, and know that you can get truthful answers (because your answers have led to improvements in people, or to them telling you things that agreed with the answers you were getting), you can on occasion do a silent, almost invisible muscle test. If you are holding their arm up, you can just ask the body TELEPATHICALLY, for example, as I probably did in that case in Dallas –

See also  Attention: Victims of Alien or Military Abduction 6

“Indicator change if this session is being interfered with”.

If you get an I/C (Indicator Change) then ask “Indicator change if the interference is from beings –

“With bodies”.

“Without bodies”


Part 4

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