Note that the above commands tried to be specific about forgetting just one period in time. They were not all inclusive. For example, they nearly always include the word “this” in them. While this can have spillover into a person’s life, so that they affect the person’s life, the above commands are not nearly as bad as other commands that I have found which are not specific.

I can only imagine that the commands which are not specific were done by people who were stupid people, as well as being evil, because they don’t understand what they are doing with words and mind control. When a command to ‘forget’ is not specific, it can ruin a person’s life in limitless ways, such as causing a person to be unreliable and untrustworthy, because they cannot remember things that they have told another person that they would do. This will negatively affect their professional career, personal relationships, finances, efficiency and personal growth.

The following are some of these commands which I have found, which can really mess up a person’s by affecting almost every area of their life:

“Never remember.”

“You can’t remember.”

“You can remember nothing.”

“You never remember anything.”

“You’ll never remember anything”.

“Don’t remember everything.”

“Forget about forgetting.” (that was a particularly nasty one).

“Don’t remember.”

“You won’t remember.”

“You can’t remember.”

“You won’t remember a thing.”

“No remembering.”

“Stop remembering.”

“You’ll never remember”

“You will not remember.”

“You can’t remember.”

“You will forget.”

“You have no memory.”

“Your memory is offline.”

“Total recall is off.”

See also  Attention: Victims of Alien or Military Abduction 4

“Your photographic memory is deactivated.”

“Your memory is scrambled.”

“Forget everything you’ve seen.”


“Forget everything.”

“Always forget.”

“Go to sleep.”

“Go back to sleep.”

“Stay asleep.”

“You’re at home.”

“You have no memory.”

“Memory blocks are on line.”

“Memory is forbidden.”

“Memory is shut off.”

“Your mind is off line.”

“Your memories are deactivated.”

“You cannot recall.”

In addition, for each command, test whether it was deliberately inserted into the person or accidentally received. If it was deliberately inserted, test what specie/s gave it:

Ceremonial Magician (we have found that these beings are so demonized that the body no longer regards them as ‘human’)





Other Alien



Examples that I have found that were deliberately given to the person are:


“Obey your commands.”

“Obey immediately.”

“You will comply.”

“You will obey.”

“You will obey.”

“Obey ASAP.”

“Do as you’re told.”

“Do as we tell you.”

“You are ours.”

“We own you.”

“Serve us.”

“Give yourself to us.”

“You work for us”

“Surrender to me.”

“We are your master.”

“Our will is your will.”

“Follow out orders.”

“You have no will but to serve us.”

“You are our slave.”

“You are totally committed to us.”

“You’re charged to obey.”

“We own you.”


Here are some other subjects you could test on:

“Indicator change for the number of commands that are available to be removed that are related to suppression of metaphysical abilities.”

Every now and again, test for the number of metaphysical abilities that the person has. Do the best you can to identify each one. Realize that some of them may not even have a name to cover them. Some of these abilities are to do with other universes and dimensions. This whole subject gets very mind expansive.

See also  Attention: Victims of Alien or Military Abduction 2

“Indicator change for the number of commands that are available to be removed that are related to suppression of wealth.”

It is our experience that many abductees and mind control victims have cashflow problems BY DESIGN. People who are in constant drama due to lack of money are much easier to control. And less likely to spend money on things that may help them to wake up and get free.

“Indicator change for the number of commands that are available to be removed that are related to suppression of relationships.”

Here’s another type:

“Indicator change for the number of commands related to obeying”.

It is our experience that many abductees and mind control victims have relationship problems BY DESIGN. People who are on their own or with someone who is not aligned with them are much easier to control. And less likely to find out things and get free.


I mentioned that Pat had alien circuitry on her body. A lot of people have this. To find it, do a ‘body scan’. Move your hand over their whole body while you test Anterior Deltoid. When you get an I/C, you may have something to be removed. Once you locate it, you may be able to ‘see’ or sense it.

This circuitry is invisible and metaphysical, but it’s still there. It can be in the form of:

Plates,with bolts at the corners, especially over the heart.

Wires, especially coming out the crown chakra and ears, and back of the knees.

Etheric eggs.

See also  Attention: Victims of Alien or Military Abduction 5

Worm holes to other dimensions (especially on the back of the knees)

Shields to cut you off from earth’s energy.

Anything else that your ‘imagination’ (i.e. intuition) presents to you.

Favorite places that they like to put this stuff are:


Third eye.

Base chakra.

Back of knees (especially in conjunction with other stuff)

Solar Plexus


Remember that chakras come out the back as well as the front of the body.

This circuitry can be within or on the body. Or several inches or even several feet outside the body.

To get rid of it, grab it and with a lot of intention, pull it off and throw it away, and click your fingers as you throw it, to help vanish it.


In this article, I explain how I discovered that the C.I.A. and probably other organizations have put a microchip into vaccines which lowers a persons metaphysical abilities. I assume that they can reverse this whenever they need to use the person.

So, test for and balance out the following: –

Central Intelligence Agency


Anything else that you think of related to this

Part 8

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