I have not had as much success with this as I would like, but I have had at least some success. It can certainly help to periodically test for how many alters the person has. And to find what species or organization gave the person each alter. And the purpose of each alter. Even that knowledge can help the person to as-is some of their mind control, and to help the alters to heal. Their prayers will be move powerful when they know specifically what to pray for.


This can be a great way to help to convince a person who is open minded but not sure that they have been abducted. Find a weakness and then lock it into circuit, as you learn in Disk 12.

If you get that the cause is something that could be related to abduction, then test to see if the cause was in fact an abduction, or something forcefully done to the person that the person has no conscious memory of. I have found that if a person had bad stuff done to them by a parent or relative,, as part of a ritual, that it won’t register as an ‘abduction’ because the person was never taken, they were “volunteered” .

I have found that often if the cause of a problem is the emotion “No choice”, that the emotion came from an abduction or sexual abuse. “No choice

This has worked for me on a number of occasion. For example, one woman had problem sleeping (hardly surprising when they usually abduct people when they are asleep). No matter what a person’s symptoms are, you still do the same things. When I balanced her a second time, her cloacals were out of balance. So I locked in this weakness and located the cause. I don’t remember the exact way it turned out, but by using the techniques you will learn in Disk 12, you are not front loading the person. You are just going through lists of things that could be the cause, which narrows it down. Finally, I got that she had been abducted by reptilians. Once I did some Emotional Stress on this, her cloacals were able to stay in balance, and her sleep was able to improve.

See also  Attention: Victims of Alien or Military Abduction 6

However, symptoms like this will only improve long term if the person believes what is going on (which she didn’t), and joins in the fight and determines to be vigilant against further attacks. Kinesiology is a major weapon for this.


Remember, you MUST keep a totally open mind when doing this. While you can do it this way, it’s often better to find out that a person has been abducted by doing it the way I described above – through locating the cause of a particular symptom, rather than going straight in for questions like below. This is called “front loading”. However, if you are really good at getting accurate answers and keeping an open mind, here is what you do:

Say and test –

“Indicator Change the number of times this person has been abducted”

Test zero, one, more than one.

If ‘more than one”, test “more than 10″ to narrow it down more quickly.


Note that this test has problems associated with it. There is a lot of emotion with this, and maybe a lot of programming and hidden layers. So this answer may not be the truth, but it can still often provide an accurate answer, and a surprise to the person who is tested. Test this every now and again after you have removed other layers of the onion.

If you get a zero, test and keep an eye out for possible interference.

Sometimes when I think I get interference, I pretend to walk away from the person, then quickly rush back to test again – and then get a different answer!

Once you know the number of times the person has been abducted, then test for which species were involved, including:

  • Humans
  • Reptilians
  • Draconians
  • Greys
  • Insectoids
  • Hybrids
  • Other Aliens
See also  Attention: Victims of Alien or Military Abduction 5


Remember, as for all kinesiology, the different imbalances and commands etc. are in layers, like layers of an onion. So you need to periodically check again for the same things that you have already done on the person. Things like booby traps, wernicke’s commands, circuitry, interference, false memories etc.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do not delay. Get the DVD series Perfect Health with Kinesiology & Muscle Testing – The Revolution in Natural Healthcare today. Do not let your conscious reasons for not doing this now get in the way. This knowledge will benefit you and your loved ones in many, many ways for the rest of your life. And save you a fortune now or later in health care. Remember, there is a full 60 day money back guarantee if you don’t really love it as much as I say you will.

I am offering to readers only a special offer. If you cannot afford the DVD set today, but can make 3 or 4 monthly payments, please email me, and we will get it to you now. We really, really want people who have metaphysical abilities and who want to help the planet to benefit from this knowledge, so that together we can all be free.


If you keep a journal of all the strange things that happen in your life, it will help you to keep doing things to get free when your mind and the bad guys try to get you to stop. You might include in your journal things that happen when you are doing the kinesiology DVD, and other things such as deliverance to get free. You might also include a list of evidence that you are an abductee (members of the family in the military, freemasons in the family, missing time, strange experiences, extended time spent in Europe or near military bases etc.). Obviously, keep it in a secret place. Just remember that anything you write down could be used against you at some future time, even by family members.

See also  Attention: Victims of Alien or Military Abduction 2

Here’s an example of the kind of thing that you might include. A woman who purchased the DVD emailed us:

I just “watched” the emotional stress relieve section and went totally unconscious, just woke up and feel like I been hit by a truck!


1) It is suggested that metatech readers who purchase the DVD set do the disks in a different order from other people. You could do Disks #1 and #2, and then go straight to #11 (Wernicke’s commands). Look for booby traps, followed by commands against remembering, and other sabotaging commands, such as commands to keep you on your own or with less money. Test which commands were given deliberately, and which ones you picked up accidentally.

2) If you have read this article, and have purchased my DVD Training “Perfect Health with Kinesiology & Muscle Testing” and are interested in meeting with another person who has done the same, please email me of your wish, your location and your phone number. I cannot promise anything, but if there is another person not too far from you, maybe the two of you can make contact with each other. Of course, I know nothing about either of you and cannot take any responsibility for anything that happens from introducing you to each other. And remember – the spooks are reading this too.

3) Pray to God for guidance and discernment at all times. And pray to God to send you a good person to work with.

Copyright ©: Stephanie Relfe 2014 – 3000

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