1999: HUFON Abductions Investigation Update

by Vince Johnson Master hypnotherapist Derrell Sims has been taking a different approach to the abduction phenomenon. Sims uses forensic hypnotic regression as well as a barrage of other techniques to break through induced amnesia and screen memories that mask the abduction experiences of his clients, who usually come to him only knowing that they experienced something weird, like missing time, or paint mysteriously bubbling off their car at night. “When someone comes to me and says ‘I’ve been abducted by aliens,’ it’s almost always fantasy or delusion,” says Sims. He takes a different approach, however, by utilizing “active measures” to deal with abductees’ interactions with their abductors. As chairman of HUFON’s Abductions Investigation Committee, Sims, along with his research assistants Patrice Eldridge and […] Read More


VOLUME 19   JUNE 14, 1955 This design study for a flying saucer fighter was prepared for LOOK by Thomas Turner, a 30-year-old British aeronautical engineer now employed by Republic Aviation Corp. A Canadian saucer project that may resemble it in some details has long been rumored. Turner points out that the design could be arrived at independently and is only one of several possible approaches to the construction of a saucer craft. Future airports built for vertically rising flying saucers would have no need for the long, vulnerable runways today’s fighters require. The complete operation could go underground. Tunnels with take-off shafts set into the ground, complete with maintenance bays, fuel and crew quarters, would be bombproof shelters for a saucer squadron. The shafts would be sealed after take-off for camouflage […] Read More

John Lear

During the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, John Lear, a Lockheed L- 1011 Captain and son of the famous inventor of the Lear Jet, started coming forward with some startling revelations concerning the subject of aerial phenomena and Unidentified Flying Objects. During his lecture at the 1989 MUFON conference in Las Vegas, titled ‘UFO COVERUP, HISTORY AND CURRENT SITUATION’ during which he spoke to an audience of over 400 of the nations leading UFOlogists, Lear made some startling comments. One man who we will refer to extensively elsewhere claims to be a deep level intelligence operative within the U.S. Government who has access to some very sensitive and top secret information concerning the government’s involvement with ‘alien’ studies. This individual, who refers to himself […] Read More

1998: Hints of Secret Message Visible in Roswell Photos

Ramey Message might shed light on real Roswell Crash The investigation into the content of four photos taken on July 8, 1947 in the office of General Roger Ramey continues. On September 23, 1998, Ron Regehr and James Bond Johnson announced that their Roswell Photo Interpretation Team (RPIT), based in Orange County, California, had succeeded in partly deciphering a letter held in General Ramey’s hand. Ramey appears in two of the four extant photos taken by James Bond Johnson. Investigation of the photos has mostly centered on contents of the wreckage seen in all four photos. Long assumed to be fragments of a weather balloon and Rawin radar target, some of the visible wreckage is now said by Regehr, Johnson and their associates to […] Read More

1999?: Are Mass Abductions Occurring Under the Cover of Darkness?

MUFON.s John Thompson reports that more proof has emerged that a giant saucer- shaped UFO is visiting the Troup-Heard Corridor in west-central Georgia. A LaGrange man says that about 19 months ago three silvery dark beings of 4 1/2 to 5 feet tall entered his home by coming through his bedroom wall. He said, they seemed to “Freeze” him. They then took him through his bedroom wall. The entities have a ceramic-like skin with no seams or wrinkles. The witness thought the entities might have been a solid form of energy. Although, his glimpses of them were distorted, he felt watching them was like “looking at coins in a deep pool of water.” He was unable to discern their facial features, but the aliens […] Read More

1996: Military Involvement in UFO Abductions

by Dr. Helmut Lammer From: lammerh@bkfug.kfunigraz.ac.at Date: Wed, 16 Oct 1996 To: fivestring@gnn.com Subject: article on military involvement in abductions Dear Ed, This is a research article concerning alleged military abductions of UFO-abductees, military implants… I researched this topic for about one year and contacted researchers all over the world. Now I am presenting my preliminary findings of this very hot topic. I was supported by many researchers and victims. I think you may be interested in the article. best regards Helmut Lammer Ph.D. (Space Scientist and Austrian MUFON representative) P.S. I’ll try to publish the article in the British UFO-Magazine, NEXUS. Contents Letter Introduction Helicopter activity in connection with MILABs Alleged kidnappings by military/intelligence personnel Terrestrial implants Virtual Reality Scenarios and microwave hearing […] Read More

1996: Protection From Abduction

Article by Joshua ( May 8th, 1995, plus update 3/96 ) If one accepts the possibility that the Abduction Experience is happening to many people all over the world, then the next logical question is: “Can a Person do something to stop this process?” and also, “Is an Abduction always a very painful experience which scars the person?“. While I am not a psychologist in any sense of the word, I do feel that somehow people can stop the aliens from taking them if they do not want to go. I can not say definitively that the system of protection I will propose on this page will work but I feel that I have had subtle contact with some of the Greys, especially when […] Read More

1969: ALIEN ABDUCTION: Stardate: 17th Century

-or- The Four Ambassadors of the Sylphs “The famous Kabbalist Zedequias, in the reign of your Pepin, took it into his head to convince the world that the Elements are inhabited by those peoples whose natures I have just described to you. The expedient of which he bethought himself was to advise the Sylphs to show themselves in the Air to everybody:  They did so sumptuously. These beings were seen in the Air in human form, sometimes in battle array marching in good order, halting under arms, or encamped beneath magnificent tents. Sometimes on wonderfully constructed aerial ships [“flying saucers” -B:.B:.], whose flying squadrons roved at the will of the Zephyrs. “What happened? Do you suppose that ignorant age would so much as reason as to the […] Read More

1998: Abduction To The Far Reaches Of The Mind

The UFO phenomena, like any covert operation builds instant distrust by it’s very nature of secrecy and hidden agendas. A new phenomena which I have called “Master / Slave” has come to the fore. An abductee’s mind has been so messed up by ongoing abductions, mind scans, mis- information from the aliens that they look inside to the spiritual sense of the abduction. Such phrases as, “you are special”, or “chosen”, or “you are saving the human race from certain cataclysm”, no matter, builds a “mission quest” into the psyche. This I feel stops the abductee going insane. (Often the search for deeper meaning and understanding in any experience either good or bad triggers the beginning of the healing process). You want to understand […] Read More

1998: The Threat: Alien Agenda

Date: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 22:35:41 -0800 From: Jon Roland Most persons have heard about the reports of alien abductions, with varying degrees of credence and willingness to think about something that, if true, is of profound importance to everything we hold important. One of the most important researchers in this field is Dr. David Jacobs, Professor of History at Temple University. He has made a serious scientific effort to separate out the abduction reports that are credible, that come from otherwise normal, credible persons, especially those whose abductions are corroborated by third party witnesses and physical evidence. Some of these remember the incidents without the aid of hypnosis. Others are able to recall the incidents with the aid of hypnosis. Dr. Jacobs has […] Read More

1999: Subject: Abduction

The following was taken from the UFO Sky Searchers International list. This letter is being sent anonymously for a very good reason. I don’t want my name attached to this subject in any way, shape or form. I have worked very hard to get three university degrees and gain my professional status. I could not jeopardize my credibility. I never believed in UFOs nor aliens. I thought it was all in people’s minds as were the “faeries” and leprechauns of old European folklore. My sister then began complaining about strange dreams, and later claimed to have seen a UFO which followed her home from work late one night. She later received strange telephone calls with the noise of “pots and pans” banging in the […] Read More

1988: Abductions: The Boundary Deficit Hypothesis

1988 by Martin Kottmeyer As claims about the reality of alien abductions multiply, the assertion is increasingly heard that psychology offers little or no insight into how such experiences could occur if they are unreal. Abductees are normal people. Tests prove it. How, then, could normal people make such impossible claims as those found in abduction narratives and not be right? If this assertion is true, the theatre version of the UFO phenomenon is in jeopardy. To the extent that the UFO phenomenon is a genre of theatre and an expression of the human imagination, it must be amenable to psychological study. Clearly this is a paradox that needs to be addressed. Drama is quintessentially involved with conflict, the exercise of power. Aliens and their […] Read More

1999: RE: The Evidence for Alien Abduction

Recently I posted an extract from John Rimmer‘s _The Evidence for Alien Abduction_ which suggested that there may be gender differences in the way that males and females experience, interpret or report abduction experiences. What bothers me about the whole abduction phenomenon is that it seems absolutely random – at the moment. Now if I were an alien, who would I abduct? That would depend on the purpose of said abduction, of course. *If the purpose was mainly medical or scientific, as in ‘studying that funny species inhabiting planet Earth’ or trying to cross-breed both species, I would abduct people who live alone, in outlying areas. That would eliminate the risk of my alien craft (which you humans call UFOs 🙂 being spotted, and […] Read More

1997: Betty Hill Disavows Modern Abduction Research

BETTY HILL and her husband Barney were apparently abducted by the occupants of a UFO in September 1961. The event became the template for the ever more elaborate abduction claims that we hear today. But they don’t impress Betty Hill, as PETER BROOKESMITH discovered when he visited her at home in New Hampshire. I’d heard about Betty’s acerbic opinions of the modern abduction phenomenon on the ufological grapevine. Naturally I wondered how far and in what ways we might agree. We talked a lot about cats (about 15 condescend to frequent her house) and politics and her own abduction, but her less than dewy-eyed approach to most of today’s abduction claims will probably surprise people more. Those who promote the abduction phenomenon or, by […] Read More