2011: Andrew Collins – UFO Abductions and Dimensional Realities a

Andrew Collins (AC): I mean I’m a writer. I’m a researcher and, you know, I can find the information where I need it and when I need it; and in recent times I have been seriously going into quantum science, quantum theory, particularly the work of the theoretical physicist David Bohm, who was onto the whole idea of multidimensional experiences, in connection with the medium that we call plasma. I’m not suggesting the fourth dimension is a separate place, like the earth, or our physical dimension is a place that exists and you can travel from A to B. I think what is referred to as the fourth dimension is something that is created as and when necessary. In other words, the dimension beyond […] Read More

2007: A interview with Jim Sparks 1

Jim Sparks and The Keepers A video interview with Jim Sparks Las Vegas, June 2007 Shot, edited and directed by Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan Start of interview Bill Ryan: Jim Sparks, we’re delighted to be talking with you today. I’m Bill Ryan; I’m half of the team with Kerry Cassidy that’s Project Camelot. One of the things that we do is we present different jigsaw puzzle pieces of what is a very large picture. There are a lot of people out there watching this video now, who’ll be as interested in putting these together as you are and we are. Jim Sparks: Okay. B: Now, we’re talking to you today because from what we understand you have one or two possible significant pieces, […] Read More

2007: Interview with Karla Turner, Ph.D. 1

CF: You are widely regarded as one of the leading experts in the field of UFO and “alien-abduction” research. How did you get started in your study of these things? KT: Our family knew nothing about the phenomenon when we started having UFO sightings and abduction encounters. Being a researcher, I turned to the UFO literature for an explanation. When I absorbed what was available, I found no answers that I felt were trustworthy. I decided that this was a crucial situation for my family (if not globally), and the only way I could get answers was to do the research myself. The only way to do the research, in this case, was to go out into the field and deal with abduction cases. […] Read More

2007: Interview with Barbara Bartholic 1

by Karmatoo http://www.karmapolis.be/pipeline/interview_barbara.htm Forward by James Bartley This is a recent interview given to a French journalist by my mentor Barbara Bartholic. Barbara is the greatest alien abduction researcher in the world, bar none. In the interview, the journalist mentions me in relation to the research into the crystal methamphetamine/crank connection to the reptilians and alien abductions thus giving the reader the mistaken impression that I had pioneered work in that particular field. In fact, Barbara Bartholic was the pioneer in the crystal meth/alien abduction connection. She had tutored me in the nuances of this particularly troubling facet of the alien abduction syndrome and I then independently confirmed her findings and added some of my own. Many have wondered as to the exact nature […] Read More

Andrew Collins – UFO Abductions and Dimensional Realities g

AC: We can only challenge what is basically unseen. I mean, this word “inevitability” is very important in defining what reality is. It’s inevitable that if I go outside into the auditorium I’m going to meet certain people. It’s inevitable that one day I’m going to die and that in itself creates the framework of reality: it’s inevitable. That which is not inevitable I think can be changed. I mean, for instance, if I talked about Nikola Tesla and said that a psychic said to me: “Oh, he had a secret diary.” Now, there is a possibility that he didn’t keep a secret diary but the sheer fact that a group of people starts believing that he did, could, I believe, influence him back […] Read More

Andrew Collins – UFO Abductions and Dimensional Realities f

AC: Absolutely. KC: What I’d like to know is whether or not you are familiar with the Philadelphia Experiment and how you sort of figure that out in terms of what you are talking about. How do you correlate that? AC: Well I think…I mean, I loved the story of the Philadelphia Experiment. I read Charles Berlitz’s book and was it, William Moore, I believe, was the other co-author. I’ve read about it in notebooks previously. The main person who spilled the beans on it was a guy called Carlos Allende and he told the story to a UFO writer by the name of Morris K Jessop and it’s a famous story. I mean, there is a lot of evidence to suggest that it […] Read More

Andrew Collins – UFO Abductions and Dimensional Realities e

AC: Well, that’s the here and now. I mean we create our own realities. I mean each one of us has our own reality and that’s not just a world view but everything centers, we are like a center spark outwards, the whole of the universe, the whole of space/time for each individual is almost like a point of consciousness so we can influence anything. Whatever we believe can exist. If we believe in lizard headed aliens, they exist. If we believe in alien greys, they exist. If we don’t believe in them, we might find out they don’t exist but others could introduce us to new evidence that…you know, in other words, whatever people want to believe does exist but in a way […] Read More

Andrew Collins – UFO Abductions and Dimensional Realities d

AC: Yes they have. Yes, well, for the most part, those skulls are deformed, using bands on a child, on a babe and a child, when they are young. This is a practice that was going on all the way around the world, in the ancient world and in the Americas, certainly from as far back as any knowledge we have, you know, of human civilization. Right the way through and, in fact, I think it still goes on among certain tribal cultures even today. Of course, we have all seen these great skulls from places like Peru and Mexico, but it was also going on in the ancient Near East, the very area where I suggested the Watchers and Anunnaki were. Similar skulls […] Read More

Andrew Collins – UFO Abductions and Dimensional Realities c

AC: Yes. KC: At that site, which again, and then of course Sumer… AC: Yes. KC: …and the Sumerian tablets all relate to a race that came from the stars. AC: According to Zecharia Sitchin of course. I mean I have to be totally honest. I am not a big fan of Zecharia Sitchin and his interpretation of the ancient texts. KC: Okay, but earth… from heaven to earth came… AC: Yes. KC: This is an interpretation… AC: Yes. My idea of the Anunnaki is completely separate. I wrote a book in 1996 called From the Ashes of Angels, where I read the ancient texts or at least read all the translations that were available at that time. I mean we are not talking […] Read More

Andrew Collins – UFO Abductions and Dimensional Realities b

AC: Yes, well I became very close friends with them as well and I am still friends with the man of the family John Day today. There is no question that this event took place and that this… I started to try and get deeper into this because you know the onboard experience was quite classic, but there seemed to be some conflicting things going on because the family had three children. Two of them were asleep in the car. And the third one, when he saw the oval blue light got up and held on to the front seat. And that positioning was the position he was in when he went into the green mist. He was still in that position when they […] Read More

2007: Interview with Barbara Bartholic 4

Currently, the number one drug problem in the United States is methamphetamine. It’s called the drug of violence. Once you start, it’s almost impossible to stop. It wreaks havoc on families. This drug opens the user to extreme psychic abilities. I’ve seen users actually read the mind of another person. This drug allows open access, enabling the alien to possess and dominate the addict. Users have reported obsessive interest in child pornography, viewing it nonstop for days. Most importantly, many of the children born to addicts appear to have a different brain pattern, and many are without empathy. It’s a ‘breeding out the love” program. Yes, addicts do seem to interact with the alien, non-human life forms. During the nineties, abductees like Katharina Wilson, […] Read More

2007: Interview with Barbara Bartholic 3

Isn’t it time we asked, “Who or what gives the orders?” Why in ‘cosmic’ terms are they allowed to control humans? We all must wake up; demand answers to these questions. Who runs this planet, anyhow? Karla Turner thought that alien abduction process was especially harmful to human beings, and could even prove to be lethal in some cases. Well, it’s an understatement to say that this is not exactly the feelings of many abductees, scholars and researchers like Whitley Strieber or Richard Boyland. What do you think about it ? My deepest respect is for researchers, scholars and many abductees who thankfully remain safe and secure during their valiant attempts to understand the ever-enigmatic UFO phenomenon. However, people must understand that the researchers […] Read More

2007: Interview with Barbara Bartholic 2

It was actually the entrance to an underground facility, camouflaged by an old storefront. Hypnosis revealed three matching descriptions of a large underground reptilian alien base. As the women left the store, they were disoriented, unable to speak properly, and barely able to reach their destination. One nurse sitting in the back seat was writhing in considerable back pain. They begged me to work with them to see what had happened. After extensive regressive hypnosis, they were all in agreement that they had been abducted and subjected to forms of mental and physical abuse. I was curious as to whether they would seek help for their post-traumatic stress from their superiors. They answered in unison, ”Noooooo! They would not believe us and would diagnose […] Read More

2007: Interview with Karla Turner, Ph.D. 2

KT: I think those positions are completely untenable, they grow out of what I call armchair research. I don’t conceive you will find them being espoused by anyone who has actually had the experiences. If they have been through them and want to come back and talk about what happens when they undergo hypnosis, to look at what they consciously remember, then we can have a dialogue. Right now, they are speaking without knowledge. They are speaking hypothetically, and their opinions are based on erroneous understandings of the phenomenon, of the experiences, and of the control exerted upon abductees during these experiences. It is easy to philosophize any number of explanations, but that does not mean that those explanations have any relationship to what […] Read More