CHAPTER SIX: Ancient Middle Eastern UFO Tales

 The tenth century BCE produced some classic UFO stories. There was the well-known case of the luckless Uzza,who with the best of intentions,touched the holy Ark and was electrocuted.

 Lord blazed out against Uzza and killed him because he had touched the Ark.

It must be recalled that God gave specific instructions that the Ark be carried on wooden poles to prevent just such an occurance. Perhaps he should have ordered Moses to place a sign on the Ark reading,Danger High Voltage.

 Then there is the sad but ultimately triumphant story of Job who spoke to God and who was answered “from the whirlwind.” But God was not kind to Job;

 While the messenger was still speaking another arrived with bad news:”The fire of God has fallen from heaven and burned up your sheep…”

But no proof of the existence of tenth century BCE UFOs is more detailed than the psalms written primarily by David,who,as was noted in Judges,was in personal contact with the extraterrestrial Angels.In his moving poems,he recounts his encounters and provides among the most detailed reports of the aliens’ methods and means.

Psalms 18-Fierce flames leaped from his mouth,setting fire to the earth;smoke blew from his nostrils.He bent the heavens down and came to my defense;thick darkness was beneath his feet. Mounted on a mighty angel,he sped quickly to my aid with wings of wind.

He enshrouded himself with darkness,veiling his approach with dense clouds dark as murky waters. Suddenly the brilliance of his presence broke through the clouds with lightning and a mighty storm of hail.

The Lord thundered in the heavens;the God above all gods has spoken- oh,the hailstones;oh, the fire.He flashed his fearful arrows of lightning and routed all my enemies.

29- The voice of the Lord spins and topples the mighty oaks.It strips the forests bare. They whirl and sway beneath the blast.

50-God’s glory-light shines from the beautiful Temple on Mount Zion,surrounded by devastating fire;a great storm rages about him.

A recurring testimony throughout the holy writ is of God actually lighting up the interior of his Temple. The Temple was likely the landing base and headquarters of the aliens,the priests were the ground crew taking care of maintenance while the loyal Israelites provided supplies.

A further example of the presence of the aliens in their chosen Temple occurs in 2 Chronicles 7;”As Solomon finished praying,fire flashed down from heaven and burned up the sacrifices! And the glory of the Lord filled the Temple,so the priests couldn’t enter.”

77-There was thunder in the whirlwind;the lightning lighted up the world.

The earth trembled and shook.

80-Turn us again to yourself,O God of the armies of heaven.

97- Fire goes before him and burns up all his foes. His lightning flashes out across the world…The mountains melt like wax before the Lord of all the earth.

104- The clouds are his chariots. He rides upon the wings of the wind.The the angels are his messengers-his servants of fire.

The God David describes is a flying military machine,which protected Israel from its enemies with advanced laser weaponry capable of melting rock.

During the reigns of David and Solomon,the gods were clearly pleased with the way things were going in Israel. When they appear,it is to protect an obedient people and Israel is rewarded with wealth,prestige and expanding borders.

But success brought decadence and the people strayed from the dicta of the gods. There is a very real change in the relationship between the aliens and Israel. The gods appoint prophet after prophet to get Israel back on the track of morality and civilization but without enough success. The gods take devastating measures to punish the Israelites,including expulsion, in the hope of whipping the Jews into shape.

The prophets lived in less remote times than Moses and Aaron and only a few hundred years from the time that oral history was transcribed for posterity.

Thus some of their encounters are the best remembered and most vivid testimony in the bible.

Isaiah 6-The year King Uzziah died I saw the Lord. He was sitting on a lofty throne, and the Temple was filled with his glory. Hovering above him were mighty,six-winged angels of fire. With two of their wings they covered their faces;with two others they covered their feet and with two they flew.

37- That night the Angel of the Lord went out to the camp of the Assyrians and killed 185,000 soldiers.

40-It is God who sits above the circle of the earth.The people below must seem to him like grasshoppers.

49-“And now,” said the Lord-The Lord who formed me from my mother’s womb to serve him,…”I will make you a Light to the nations of the world to bring my salvation to them too.”

60-And who are these who fly like a cloud to Israel?…I have reserved the ships of many lands,the very best,to bring the sons of Israel home again…

64- Oh,that you would burst forth from the skies and come down!

66-For see,the Lord will come with fire and with swift chariots of doom.

One can only try to visualise the Angel Isaiah met. Unlike,the usual conception,his angel has not two wings to fly but six altogether. Four serve no purpose than to cover His face and feet. Perhaps, Isaiah was seeing peculiar gloves and a helmet and had no other means to describe them but as wings.

There can be no mistaking other observations. Supposedly,the ancients thought the earth was flat and maps preserved from biblical times reinforce that view. But Isaiah talks about the planet as a circle. And he accurately depicts a view from a flying craft where men seem as small as grasshoppers.This is an uncanny description of what millions of people today have seen from an airplane window.

When Israel repents,her people will not walk home,but will be flown back in the best ships from many lands. This is a wonderful statement that the aliens were conducting other experiments throughout the world.

But the Israelite experiment is uniquely important. Isaiah is told he was implanted in his mother’s womb to spread the knowledge imparted to his people to the entire planet. This is one of the most important statements made by God and it reveals why so much attention is devoted to the Jews. It is the ultimate goal of the visiting scientists to scatter the Israelites worldwide in the hope that their inspiration will put an end to barbarism and spread the superior knowledge of an advanced civilization which acted as their tutors.

Jeremiah 1-The Lord said to me,”I knew you before you were formed in your mother’s womb;before you were born I sanctified you and appointed you as my spokesman to the world.”…Then he touched my mouth and said,”See,I have put my words in your mouth. Today your work begins, to warn the nations and the kingdoms of the world…”

2- For when I planted you,I chose my seed so carefully-the very best.Why have you become this degenerate race of evil men?

4- At that time he will send a burning wind from the desert upon them- not in little gusts but in a roaring blast…his chariots are like a whirlwind…

51- He stretched out the heaven by his understanding.When he speaks there is thunder in the heavens and he causes vapors to rise around the world.

See also  Return of the Angels; UFOs in Israel, Past and Present - Chapter 1 - The Kadima Landings

Lamentations 1- A cloud of anger from the Lord has overcast Jerusalem;the fairest city of Israel lies in the dust of the earth,cast from the heights of heaven at his command.

The Lord tells Jeremiah outright that the people of Israel were created of his seed and that Jeremiah was genetically altered to be a prophet. These are direct statements that require little interpretation.

Jeremiah also gives a clearer picture of the weaponry employed by the aliens; they cause powerful blasts followed by a broiling gust of wind. Dust and vapors rise from the blast area so thickly that they cover the city like a cloud. Not a bad descrption of nuclear warfare!

As powerful a ufological history as Jeremiah provides,he is totally upstaged by the next prophet the bible presents,Ezekiel.

Ufologists everywhere have reached a consensus that the best proof of biblical visitations from space is the powerful words of Ezekiel 1,printed in full below;

One day late in June,when I was thirty years old,the heavens were suddenly opened to me and I saw visions from God. I saw,in this vision,a great storm coming toward me from the north,driving before it a huge cloud glowing with fire,with a mass of fire inside that flashed continually;and in the fire there was something that shone like polished brass.

Then from the center of the cloud,four strange forms appeared that looked like men,except that each had four faces and two pairs of wings. Their legs were like those of men,but their feet were cloven like calves’ feet, and shone like burnished brass.And beneath each of their wings I could see human hands.

The four living beings were joined wing to wing,and they flew staight forward without turning. Each had the face of a man in front with a lion’s face on the right side of his head, and the face of an ox on the left side and the face of an eagle at the back! Each had two pairs of wings spreading out from the middle of the back. One pair stretched out to attach the wings of the living beings on each side, and the other pair covered his body.

Wherever their spirit went they went,going straight forward without turning.

Going up and down among them were other forms that glowed like bright coals of fire or brilliant torches,and it was from these the lightning flashed.The living beings darted to and fro,swift as lightning.

As I stared at all of this, I saw four wheels on the ground,beneath them,one wheel belonging to each. The wheels looked as if they were made of polished amber and each wheel was constructed with a second wheel crosswise inside.

They could go in any of the four directions without having to face around.The four wheels had rims and spokes and the rims were filled with eyes around their edges.

When the four living beings flew forward,the wheels moved forward with them.

When they flew upwards,the wheels went up too.When the living beings stopped,the wheels stopped. For the spirit of the four living beings was in the wheels; so wherever their spirit went,the wheels and the living beings went there too.

The sky spreading out above them looked as though it were made of crystal,it was inexpressibly beautiful.

The wings of each stretched straight out to touch the others’ wings,and each had two wings covering his body. And as they flew,their wings roared like waves against the shore,or like the voice of God,or like the shouting of a might army. When they stopped they let down their wings.And every time they stopped,there came a voice from the crystal sky above them.

For high in the sky above them was what looked like a throne made of beautiful blue sapphire stones, and upon it sat someone who appeared to be a Man.

From his waist up,he seemed to be all glowing bronze,dazzling like fire,and from his waist down he seemed to be entirely flame,and there was a glowing halo like a rainbow all around him. That was the way the glory of the Lord appeared to me.And when I saw it,I fell face downward on the ground, and heard the voice of someone speaking to me.

Although there is agreement that Ezekiel saw something fantastic,there is disagreement about what it was.Von Daniken has concluded that the prophet saw an amphibious helicopter. Williamson has concluded that he saw four separate craft with four different pilots.A rendering for Isaac Asimov shows not four saucer-shaped vehicles,rather four extraterrestrials sitting in clear bubbles.

The main problems are Ezekiel’s,”four living beings” and all the wings attached to them. To sort out Ezekiel’s vision it is best to begin with points of agreement:

The “fire inside that flashed continuously” is a pulsating light.

The “forms that glowed like bright coals of fire or brilliant torches and it was from these that lightning flashed,”are exhaust pipes.

“four wheels had rims…filled with eyes around their edges,” are portholes or lights.

“a glowing halo like a rainbow,” is a helmet. Helmets described as halos are standard in depictions of Angels throughout bible.

Williamson’s interpretation of the four living beings,being the space ships makes more sense than Von Daniken’s one craft theory, although the latter has the advantage in the fact that intially Ezekiel reported only one fiery cloud.

However,repeatedly the “spirit” goes where the craft flies,meaning the aliens controlled the flight. There is a problem here as well; Ezekiel mentions only one spirit which could lead to the conclusion that four aliens controlled one machine.

Another problem is the wings; Von Daniken concludes that this was a one winged craft while Williamson tries to finesse the difficulty by claiming Ezekiel added the wings himself so the people of the time would accept a flying vision. He stretches the argument by stating that,since no one could visualize strange flying forms looking like men without wings,it was simplier easier to add them to his description. Such an approach creates a tricky dilemma for those who insist that Ezekiel and all the biblical witnesses accurately recorded what they saw without embellishment.

The bible chosen by the author adds another difficulty,it replaces the commonly used “firmament” with “sky”,so we have the craft(s) flying through a crystal sky. In fact, Ezekiel was describing the dome of the craft(s) not the sky.

What impressed Ezekiel was that the craft(s) turned on its axis without slowing down,stopping or in anyway obeying the laws of gravity as he instinctively knew them. This is definitely a universally observed characteristic of UFOs. As for the faces of the lion,eagle etc.they could have been insignia to identify each craft.

What other UFO writers have failed to recognize is the possibility,even likelihood that a fifth craft was in this squadron,”For high in the sky above them was what looked like a throne made of beautiful sapphire stones and upon it sat someone who appeared to be a man.”

Ezekiel is accurate enough to qualify his description with words like,”appeared,” “like those of men,” and “looked like.”His God either hovered on the dome of one craft or stood outside,his own,the fifth airship.

He wore metallic clothes,possibly of the shiny aluminum material so often described by modern witnesses. The bible itself contributes to the difficulty in presenting a precise description.One word used to describe the material of the craft(s) is “khashmal,” whose significance has been totally lost on modern biblical scholars but has been translated into the language of today’s Israelis as,electricity.

See also  Return of the Angels; UFOs in Israel, Past and Present - Chapter 2

Whether Ezekiel saw one craft,four or five is a moot point. What is indisputable is that he did witness a flying machine controlled by intelligent life forms resembling human beings. And their leader,whom Ezekiel refers to as God,had a specific plan prepared for his prophet. The author of this book believes he has sorted out the mystery of Ezekiel’s vision.

2- And he said to me,”Son of dust,eat what I am giving you-eat this scroll.Then go and give its message to Israel…”And when I ate it,it tasted sweet as honey…I have made your forehead as hard as rock. So don’t be afraid of them…

Then the Spirit lifted me up and the glory of the Lord began to move away, accompanied by the sound of a great earthquake. It was the noise of the wings of the living beings as they touched against each other,and the sound of their wheels beside them.

The Spirit lifted me up and took me away to Tel Abib,another colony of Jewish exiles beside the Chebar river.

Son of dust, I have appointed you as watchman for Israel;whenever I send my people a warning,pass it on to them.

This is not the first time that a prophet had been physically hardened to withstand the likely blows of a belligerent people.After touching Jeremiah’s mouth,He tells him that he is carrying messages to the people but not to worry for,”today I have made you impervious to their attacks.They cannot harm you.”

God calls Ezekiel,”son of dust,” and this is an extremely important and misunderstood concept.The bible explains that there were two types of men,bnei ish and bnei adam. Bnei ish,meaning sons of man were the “kadmonim”

or cavemen, Neanderthal and Cro Magnan men who preceded modern man. God eliminated the bnei ish and replaced them with bnei adam,the men of the earth.

The word adam,meaning man is derived from adama,meaning earth or,as the bible used in this book insists,dust. It is a highly mistranslated expression. For example,when Jesus was asked who he was,he said that he was a ben adam.Christian theologists have translated this into the enigmatic,Son of Man,when all Jesus was saying was that he was just a human being.

When God calls Ezekiel,”son of dust,”he is actually calling him his creation.

For those who seek prophesy,the fact that God flew Ezekiel to “Tel Abib” is significant. The bible,used in this book,The Word,makes a standard error throughout its pages. The hebrew letter bet,is both a B and V sound. In fact,Tel Abib,was pronounced Tel Aviv,or the town of Springhill.

A final point,what did Ezekiel swallow that made him speak the messages of the Lord? Many modern UFO abductees claim they were implanted with communications devices and this seems the most likely explanation for Ezekiel’s tasty scroll.

9- Then,late in August of the sixth year of King Jehoiachin’s captivity…the power of the Lord fell upon me. I saw what appeared to be a Man;from his waist down,he was made of fire;from his waist up,he was all amber-colored brightness.He put out what seemed to be a hand and took me by the hair.And the Spirit lifted me up in the sky and seemed to transport me to Jerusalem,to the entrance of the north gate where the large idol was that had made the Lord so angry.

Six men appeared at his call…all went into the Temple and stood beside the bronze altar.And the glory of the God of Israel rose from between the Guardian Angels where it had rested and stood above the entrance to the Temple.

10-Suddenly a throne of beautiful blue sapphire appeared in the sky above the heads of the Guardian Angels.

Then the Lord spoke to the man in the linen clothing and said,”Go in between the whirling wheels beneath the Guardian Angels, and take a handful of glowing coals and scatter them over the city.

…The Guardian Angels were standing at the south end of the Temple when the man went in. And the cloud of glory filled the inner court. Then the glory of the Lord rose from above the Guardian Angels and went over to the door of the Temple. The Temple was filled with the cloud of glory and the court of the Temple was filled with the brightness of the glory of the Lord. And the sound of the wings of the Guardian Angels was as the voice of Almighty God when he speaks and could be heard clear in the outer court.

When the Lord told the man in linen clothing to go between the Guardian Angels and take some burning coals from between the wheels,the man went in and stood beside one of the wheels,and on the of Guardian Angels reached out his hand (for each of the mighty angels had,beneath his wings,what looked like human hands)…

Each of the four Guardian Angels had a wheel beside him-“The Whirl Wheels”

as I heard them called,for each one had a second wheel crosswise within-sparkling like chrysolite,giving off a greenish-yellow glow.Because of the construction of these wheels,the Angels could go straight forward in each of four directions; they did not turn when they changed direction but could go in any of the four ways their faces looked. Each of the four wheels was covered with eyes,including the rims and spokes. Each of the four Guardian Angels had four faces…

These were the same beings I had seen beside the Chebar Canal, and when they rose into the air the wheels rose with them and stayed beside them as they flew. When the Guardian Angels stood still,so did the wheels,for the spirit of the Guardian Angels was in the wheels.

Then the glory of the Lord moved from the door of the Temple and stood above the Guardian Angels. And as I watched,the Guardian Angels flew with the wheels beside them to the east gate of the Temple. And the Glory of the God of Israel was above them.

These were the living beings I had seen beneath the God of Israel beside the Chebar Canal. I knew they were the same for each had four faces and four wings, with what looked like human hands under the wings. Their faces were identical to the faces of those I had seen at the Canal, and they travelled straight ahead,just as the others did.

So the mystery of Ezekiel 1 has been solved. This amazing passage is much clearer than that of the prophet’s first sighting. There is only one craft.

There is one leader,God, and he employs four guards to protect him.

These Guardian Angels hold an anti-gravity wheel in their hands,which allows them to fly very skillfully. And yes,they do have actual wings which are used for steering.

Williamson’s solution to the wings problem turns out to be no solution at all. And Von Daniken’s helicopter interpretation is put to rest for good.

It is an error to read Ezekiel 1 and attempt to conceptualize the prophet’s sighting without skipping ahead ten chapters. By now,Ezekiel has seen the aliens twice and he paints a much clearer picture.

The four faces of the Guardian Angels were insignia embossed on the four sides of their helmets. In Ezekiel 11,the anti-gravity Whirl Wheels are described succinctly.”Then the Guardian Angels lifted their wings and rose into the air with their wheels beside them…”The angels were not inside these wheels,they were holdling them. The wings were lowered to their sides while the angels stood and lifted horizontally when they took off.

See also  Return of the Angels; UFOs in Israel, Past and Present - Chapter 4 - David and the Visitors

As for the minor point of the hot coals,which could not have been very hot since a mortal man held them,they punished idolators in some way not described in this chapter. The man in linen was ordered to kill sinners in the chapter before.

11-Then the Spirit lifted me and brought me over to the east gate of the Temple…

Then the Guardian Angels lifted their wings and rose into the air with their wheels beside them.,and the glory of the God of Israel stood above them.Then the glory of the Lord rose from over the city and stood above the mountain on the east side.

Afterwards the Spirit of God carried me back to Babylon…And so ended the vision of my visit to Jerusalem. And I told the exiles everything the Lord had shown me.

Ezekiel is flown 900 miles from Babylon to Jerusalem,given a tour of the wicked spots,shuttled over to the Temple for a high-level meeting,flown over to a high mountain to take in the vista and returned home exhausted but highly excited by the journey. Thus ends the first two,highly dramatic encounters.But they are not to be the last, for the aliens have big plans for him.

37-The power of the Lord was upon me and I was carried away by the Spirit of the Lord to a valley of old,dry bones that were scattered everywhere across the ground. He led me around among them and then he said to me…”O dry bones…I am going to make you live and breathe again.”

40-…the hand of the Lord was upon me…he took me to the land of Israel…Going nearer,I saw a man whose face shone like bronze standing beside the Temple gate holding in his hand a measuring tape and a measuring stick…And he said to me:”the building beside the inner northern gate is for the priests who supervise the maintenance.The building beside the inner southern entrance is for the priests in charge of the altar…Then he measured the inner court (in front of the Temple) and found it to be 175 feet square.

41-The altar was 3 1/2 feet square and 5 1/4 feet high…”This,” he told me,”is the Table of the Lord.”

42-When priests leave the Holy Place-the nave of the Temple- they must change their clothes…When he finished making these measurements,he led me out…to measure the entire Temple area.He found that it was in the form of a square,875 feet long on each side,with a wall all around it to separate the restricted area from public places.

Afterward he brought me out again to the passageway through the outer wall leading to the east.And suddenly the glory of the God appeared from the east. The sound of his coming was like the roar of rushing waters and the whole landscape lighted up with his glory.It was just as I had seen in the other visions…And I fell down before him with my face in the dust. And the glory of the Lord came into the Temple through the eastern passageway…

Then the Spirit took me up and brought me into the inner court;and the glory of the Lord filled the Temple. And I heard the Lord speaking to me from within the Temple.

And the Lord said to me;”Son of dust,this is the place of my throne,and my footstool,where I shall remain among the people of Israel forever….explain to them the details of its construction.

44-Then he brought me through the north passageway to the front of the Temple.I looked and saw that the glory of the Lord filled the Temple…The Lord God says:”They must wear only linen clothing when they enter the inner court,for they must wear no wool…They must wear linen turbans and linen trousers;they must not wear anything that would cause them to perspire.

A section of this land,875 square feet,shall be designated for the Temple.

And additional 87 1/2-foot strip all around is to be left empty…”

The Angel is the Lord’s contractor. An exacting engineer,he takes Ezekiel on a tour of the construction site of the Temple and leaves him with a mental blueprint of the plan. 875 square feet are to be isolated for the airport,for crews’ quarters,for the kitchen etc., while 87 1/2 square feet is to be kept empty for the landing area.

And God reminds Ezekiel of the rules for workers. Like those of any modern hospital or computer chip factory, laborers are forbidden to wear wool or any dust-catching or sweaty clothing and must don hair- catching caps.

The instructions are specific and four hundred years later,Herod, a gentile who did not meet God personally,altered the Temple,which may have forced God and his legion to abandon it and the Jews.

In Israel today,a group,the Builders of Third Temple, have laid the plans for the reconstruction of the Third Temple and every year on Succoth try and lay the cornerstone for the new artifice. Since,the Moslems took over the holy site in the Seventh century and constructed a mosque and shrine that are entirely unsuitable for UFO manitenance,the group is prevented from going ahead with their plans. If God and his angels are to return to their Temple,the Moslem sites will have to be removed. Only then will Jews have a chance at welcoming their first messiah and Christians,their second.

Ezekiel is the premier UFO witness of the holy records.He leaves us a clear record of the construction of the spacecraft and the means of propulsion employed by the angels in earth’s gravity. He records for posterity the construction plans of a UFOport and some scholar would be advised to compare it to temples in Central and South America that may have served the same purpose.

We must be eternally grateful to Ezekiel for his superb memory and to God for creating such as fine scribe. But other prophets follow him and they add significantly to our knowledge of ancient visitations.

We will conclude our study of biblical UFO history with the last of the Old Testament prophets though the aliens clearly played a major role in the rise of Jesus. The star of Bethlehem that led the magi to the manger and signalled the exact location by hovering above it,is almost certainly another and probably the last of the alien experiments in bringing morality to the planet.

But Jesus’s mission was very different than Ezekiel’s. His mission was to organize rebellion against the Romans and to unseat their unholy and corrupt Sanhedrin. His ultimate goal was to replace them as God’s chosen king of Israel. His means were very far from peaceful. He gathered around him a group of toughs,who acted as his strongmen while challenging other strongmen such as the money-changers who were defiling the Temple and the well-organized Roman police who were preventing Israel from serving the rightful Lord.

It is the Old Testament prophet who follows Ezekiel,Daniel,who is credited with predicting the coming of the Christ and he received his messages from the aliens personally.

Return of the Angels; Chapter 7

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