An Interview With Eugenia Macer-Story
by Adam Gorightly

Excerptus Caeruleus:

Many times people of goodwill get out of their depth in UFO and supernatural investigations because they underestimate the participation of energy Intelligence with telepathic ability in their situation. It is not possible to “turn off” this Intelligence like a person turns off the computer to go play tennis … I am often in the situation of helping individuals who are in the modern-day acting out the old tale of the sorcerer’s apprentice and have the very devil after them as a result of dabbling in conjurations or UFO investigation with-out proper protection on the subtle mental level. Some UFO encounters are simply modern-day encounters with shape-changing Intelligence.


I also think that there are several black magic cults out there that are solidly-financed and may be related to government

projects only in the instance of both covert operations sometimes utilizing the same mercenary sorcerers and similar techniques of sorcery. Operatives of this cult have sometimes left their talismanic traces along the time-line of various writers and communications people who have probed the MIB … this “black magic” may have figured in the deaths of certain UFO investigators internationally.


Sophisticated conjurations, as attempted by mental magicians Crowley, Parsons, and Hubbard involve the forging of a telepathic the link between powerful interdimensional Intelligence and the mind/body energy system of the magical Operator. In this situation, it is L. Ron Hubbard who has actually been the most clearly up sexuality as only one aspect of the entire interdimensional Intelligence power game … Conjurations of powerful inter-dimensional Intelligence are a universal part of this practice.

It is naive to assume that interest in power magic and sorcery begins and ends with the CIA, FBI, NSA and U.S. Naval Intelligence.

This is perhaps what the clandestine sorcerers wish readers in the USA and UK to think … I think that certain UFO/occult groups are being manipulated by people with skills in sorcery and mental persuasion. But I am not ready to make U.S. intelligence the single scapegoat in this situation. There is much more at hand internationally, and in the area of mercenary investigative or corporate investigative agencies, than simple politics.

A.G.: When did you first realize you were “psychic“?

E.M-S.: There were many experiences as a child when my ESP told me to avoid places and events which later proved to be dangerous or negative in some other way. I did not think this was unusual. It was like seeing a bicycle coming toward me with my visual sense and stepping out of the way.

As one example of these situations — and there were many — I recall walking to the local corner store in Fort Wayne, Indiana while my mother was taking a nap. I must have been five years old. It was summer. I intended to get a Popsicle and was treasuring a nickel in my hot little hand. We had not lived in Fort Wayne very long as my father worked for the V. A. and was frequently transferred. As I was walking, I suddenly felt a visceral fear. Something told me I was in danger and that I should walk quickly, and take a different route to the store than the direct route I had been planning.

The fear grew. Among the cars passing in this residential
district I noticed one which I cannot describe visually because
I avoided looking at it. I knew the car was stalking me. I
also knew that the stalker knew I was headed for the store. I
decided to trick the stalker by seeming to go sideways one block
toward the store but instead doubled back after taking one block
sideways. My heart was pumping and I was terrified. Yet there
had been no overt approach and the car had not slowed down.

I did not get my Popsicle and I was unhappy clutching my unused
nickel. But I was glad to get back to my yard. Several months
later, on Halloween, I recall that all of the children in that
area were warned there was a child molester in the area who
might strike when they were out trick or treating. I never
learned anything about other children who had been molested but
I suppose this was because I was only five. This is a “survival”

I was always an outdoor person, a Tom boy, and I had many
encounters similar to this one. I think this is how Indian
warriors survived in the wilderness. One “feels” the attention
of the predator. To this day, I can feel in my gut when I am
being menaced philosophically or physically — even if the
opponent seems friendly. Although I had toyed with the
conscious acknowledgement of my psi ability by doing telephone
“Can you guess this?” ESP experiments with my best girl friend
Bobbie when I was in high school in Chicago — I guessed it
quite frequently — and persuading my general science teacher to
allow me to do a report on the Rhine experiments at Duke though
I knew this was controversial, I nevertheless had in the
forefront of my consciousness poetry and the theater. I “knew”
all this stuff about ESP, and even did a special paper on
Emerson, Thoreau, and expanded consciousness, but had no clear
idea of my own abilities because my ESP was tolerated by
relatives and teachers but not actively encouraged. I was lucky
it was tolerated…

I first became aware of my psi ability as “different” when I was
teaching a playwriting course for the Polyarts organization in
Boston. I had written comments on the ur-scenes — or first
drafts — submitted to me by students, and several students got
together and angrily approached me, asking if I had access to
files on them. I was stunned. My comments, which were
suggestions to pursue topics I thought from their ur-scenes
would expand the material in an interesting way were actually
references to important or traumatic events in their lives. I
was shaken by this situation and sought out a psychic in
Cambridge, Mass.

My luck prevailed and I was referred by a counterperson at the
PHOENIX book store there to a woman in her sixties who I later
discovered was a highly respected spiritualist. She was so very
kind to me! I remember this experience as the turning point of
my life. Not only did it feel good telepathically to sit with
her but she laughed warmly and told me details about my past
which were true and made future predictions which also came to
pass. She told me I was one of the most powerful psychics she
had ever encountered and thought it was cute that I did not
realize my ESP ability. “Just give readings” she told me.

Soon after that I gave readings for a Theosophical benefit,
figuring that if I was wrong it would not matter because it was
just a weekend bazaar. I loved the spiritualist medium but I
was not ready to believe her statement about my abilities. But
I was correct in the readings, including one for a defrocked
priest was so amazed that he then sat beside me as I read for
other people in the crowd.

Afterward, I was in a state of culture shock and energy
exhaustion. I have since learned to control my energy
expenditure when giving readings so that this does not happen.
But I still sometimes am in culture shock. I have been
academically trained to be skeptical of airy fairy statements
yet I myself was casually carrying on in a way which I had been
told by my professors was not possible! However, I am just as
pragmatic as an adult as I was when I took the detour sideways
as a child. I do not care theoretically whether or not angels
can dance on the head of a pin; I use the information which
actually helps me and as a psychic I relay the information which
to the best of my ability I feel is true and helpful.

A.G.: How have you used your psychic ability in your research
of UFOs and the occult?

E.M-S.: My psi ability is a natural ability which functions
like memory. Another analogy which can be made in understanding
psi is with cyberspace. In doing a “psychic probe” my mind
works like a search engine, accessing data and bringing it to
conscious awareness in response to a certain conscious query.
As in using a search engine, the correct query is very important.
When I begin an investigation or psychic probe, I always ask
myself initially whether the data I have been provided by
witnesses, etc. is correct. Then I formulate a question which
will bring to my conscious mind the unknown data they want.

As to how this happens: I don’t know. I just sit quietly,
close my eyes and speak into a tape recorder describing what I
perceive mentally. But I CAN do this with my eyes open if it is
necessary to walk over an area of land, go through a building
with reporters, etc. I also can sketch my perceptions and often
do these sketches for benefits since a short reading is often
not remembered in the middle of a bustling crowd. The
individual can walk away with a sketch and remember what I have
said. I have an interest in the medieval science of “mnemonics”
which — before universal literacy and the printing press —
taught the association of complicated ideas with physical
landmarks so that these ideas could be stored in memory. The
use of ESP in both UFO investigations and research into the
occult is complicated by the presence of Intelligences and
spirit entities which have no organic body but are really “out
there” in subtle energy space.

In conducting research into these areas, I have to do a special
protection and strengthening of my own energy identity so that I
do not lose identity in energy space when encountering a
powerful Intelligence with telepathic and shape-changing ability.
I have just written an article on the shape-changers for
BORDERLANDS magazine and hope you will read it whenever they
publish it…The subject of the shape-changing Intelligences is
complex and I should refer you to the future issue of
BORDERLANDS and my upcoming book THE DARK FRONTIER rather than
generating a lengthy response in this interview.

Many times people of good will get out of their depth in UFO and
supernatural investigations because they underestimate the
participation of energy Intelligences with telepathic ability in
their situation. It is not possible to “turn off” these
Intelligences like a person turns off the computer to go play
tennis. However, it is possible to describe and relate to
angels, demons, elementals, etc, while maintaining individual
energy identity. This is the real meaning of the illustrations
often seen of the European sorcerer standing inside a circle
s/he has drawn to converse with beings s/he has conjured.

I am often in the situation of helping individuals who are in
the modern day acting out the old tale of the sorcerer’s
apprentice and have the very devil after them as a result of
dabbling in conjurations or UFO investigation without proper
protection on the subtle mental level. Some UFO encounters are
simply modern day encounters with the shape changing Intelligences.
These encounters can be positive or negative in the same sense
that meeting a giraffe on the street or running into a renowned
physicist on the street and having a discussion about tacyons
can be positive or negative: either way, the impact spins your
conscious perception of reality around a bit.

However, all UFO experiences are not encounters with the shape
changers. There is another level to the UFO experience which
does involve telepathy and the ability to mold physical objects
and the process of events, as shown in an elementary way in the
crop circle phenomenon, but is qualitatively different from the
shape changing experience. Of course, sorcerers of all
persuasions have sought to mold events in this way and there is
an analogy to sorcery in the “mind over matter” aspect of these
truly powerful and unexplained UFO contacts. This is why I
subtitled my book SORCERY AND THE UFO EXPERIENCE. But the real,
initial title — which editors and publishers relegated to the
inside front cover — is DR. FU MAN CHU MEETS THE LONESOME
COWBOY. For I feel that Eastern and Western mindsets are both
trying to investigate the UFO phenomenon and are both baffled by
the unexplained use of advanced Intelligence which seems also to
guide research into these topics. For when one begins to probe
the real UFO encounters one DOES encounter an advanced
Intelligence which seems — in my experience — to be trying to
educate the global village by the use of advanced behavior
modification and mind control techniques.

See also  The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects: Chapter 11

Who am I in all this? I think I am still the “lonesome cowboy”
riding fence on the mental range and trying to help other human
Intelligences who come out into these wild regions to understand
the true scope of the wild territory which we are unsuccessfully
trying to limit with the only method of map-making known to
those who limit energy considerations to the electromagnetic
field nexus.

A.G.: What do you think of the claims by certain researchers
that the UFO phenomenon and alien abduction experience are the
results of MK-ULTRA mind control experiments perpetrated by the
intelligence community? And where do the infamous MIB’s fit
into this sordid picture?

E.M-S.: I think there has been behavior modification research on
unwitting subjects by government intelligence agencies. Two
sources of information on how this manifested in the 1950-60’s
THE MIND STEALERS by Samuel Chauvkin. I am tempted to go into
detail here but should move on into my opinion of how previously-
documented research upon “expendable” people might relate to
present day disinformation in the UFO/PSI area.

As Greg Little has detailed in his book GRAND ILLUSIONS and in
articles for the ALTERNATE PERCEPTIONS JOURNAL, it is painfully
obvious that many UFO conferences feature ladies and gentlemen
who are very disturbed in their relationship to mundane reality
but have been put “up front” for reasons which do not seem
accidental. I do not agree with all of Dr. Little’s ideas
about UFO lights as an electromagnetic manifestation of divine
energy, etc, but I do feel he tends to go in the right direction
when confronted by mature individuals who cite their high school
and college undergraduate academic records as proof that their
present, emotional statements about — for example — ordinary
electrical towers as “secret weapons” must inevitably be correct.
It is important, in this context, to remember that the “Unabomber”
has a degree from Harvard and a whiz kid high school record.

I refer, of course, to the statements of abductee Leah A. Haley
upon breaking into government property in Florida and seeing the
towers. On the surface, most of Ms. Haley’s testimony in
various journals and at a variety of conferences seems absurd.
She is obviously quite calmly upset about her previous social
identity as an educated housewife living in repressive cultural
circumstances. But, given the possibility of experimentation
upon unwitting subjects, her tale of being drawn into contact
with a military UFO project, and then seeing aliens who became
military personnel and military personnel who became aliens is
actually very interesting. (Refer to Leah A. Haley’s talk at
the OMEGA COMMUNICATIONS UFO conference: Fall 1995)

If this intelligent woman had been subject to a mind control
experiment designed to induce an extraterrestrial scenario by
use of terrestrial hypnosis, and other means, but nevertheless
perceived the true identity of the manipulators as being part of
a military project — then, the jumble of testimony about aliens
becoming military officers and vice versa might normally occur
in her mind as she resisted this conditioning. I am aware that
Leah Haley would not completely agree with this analysis. But I
feel her case should be studied from that particular perspective.

However, all negative oddities in the UFO field are not
governmental oddities. Are you aware of the fact that Kenneth
Arnold, after his famed 1947 saucer sighting near Mt. Rainer,
experienced obvious telephone monitorings, hotel reservations
mysteriously made in his name, etc? The MAGONIA factor, as
detailed by Jacques Vallee in his writing about the involvement
of the identity of the “investigator” in the paranormal quality
of the event being investigated, began very early in the post
WWII game. That is to say: about thirty seconds after Arnold
notified the authorities and press of his experience. How can
this be?

My opinion is that the Intelligences responsible for the
daylight sighting of these aerial “vehicles” may also have
wanted Mr. Arnold to get the best of attention and a
comfortable suite at hotels as he traveled, promoting news of
the phenomenon. I will detail this opinion in my upcoming book

In a similar vein, I believe that certain of the MIB appearances
involve a supernatural causality rather than an espionage or
cult causality. Beings with an advanced mental capability,
whether interdimensional or extraterrestrial or both, might be
able to use the type of mental projection described in Tibetan
teachings about the “tulpa” to create seemingly-solid “sinister”
beings, black stretch limos and so on. But when I use the word
“seemingly” I realize I am still within my previous academic
cultural conditioning. Why can’t these MIB items be solid for
the moment? “Tulpas” or Tibetan entities are reported to be
solid. More about this in THE DARK FRONTIER.

But I also think that there are several black magic cults out
there which are solidly-financed and may be related to
government projects only in the instance of both covert
operations sometimes utilizing the same mercenary sorcerers and
similar techniques of sorcery. Operatives of this cult have
sometimes left their talismanic traces along the time-line of
various writers and communications people who have probed the
MIB (and I must stress in this context: also WIB) situation.
Yes. I think this “black magic” may have figured in the deaths
of certain UFO investigators internationally.

It is important, however, to stress that this is “real sorcery”
and does involve the sinister use of ESP/PK and spirit
conjuration as well as stage magic, notes left in hollow trees,
and the more material means of deception.

A.G.: So what is your take on these interdimensional or
extraterrestrial entities: Are they here to help or harm us?
You seem to give the impression that they are here to expand our
consciousness. On the other hand, you seem to suggest at times
that their intentions do not always appear totally above-board.
It would be too easy to categorize such puzzling behavior in
terms of “good” or “evil”. But such dualistic notions, it
seems to me, often tend to pigeonhole a phenomenon that
apparently has never — and probably never will — fit into a
nice, neat box. Do you think that maybe it is the way we
respond to the UFO phenomenon that determines whether it is
“good” or “evil” — in the way in which we perceive it?
Furthermore, do you think that the percipients of UFO/alien
encounters are as equally responsible for the manifestation of
the UFO phenomenon, as is the phenomenon itself?

E.M-S.: I think the UFO phenomenon, including both positive
and negative interdimensional events, is inevitably “educational”.
Just debating about these issues does expand the consciousness of
the participants. It is too simplistic to attempt to judge the
entire field of inquiry as being “good” or “evil” in any absolute
way. In fact, one of the ways disinformation can be detected is
in the too generic description and/or supposed “outer space”
directive. One directive I give the search engine of my conscious
awareness when considering the “UFO” area of inquiry is: “Be
Specific.” It is often when considering absurd specifics that
the investigating mind hits the truth of the matter.

For example, in the Tobyhanna, Pa. UFO case — which is
mentioned in SORCERY AND THE UFO EXPERIENCE — because it was
found to actually have unexplained characteristics and because
it was linked to the previous practice of sorcery by several of
the contactees, there was an absurdity in the initial
description of events. The central informant told me the space
ships came up out of the ground of a vacant lot back of her
apartment complex. Instead of saying, “Oh, but that’s just a
vacant lot, Cutie,” I went with this individual at three in the
morning to sit in a parking lot and watch the vacant lot. As it
turned out, the contactee was activated at that time to drive me
to another nearby location where I DID see a very unusual aerial
manifestation, a fog which whizzed over the car in the form of a
low aircraft, and then hung over a small pond changing shapes,
becoming finally a large oblong. This pond was on military
property. But the specific fact is that the telepathic
activation occurred on private property where the contactee was
then renting an apartment. It is quite possible that the
military, as they have claimed in response to my letter of
inquiry about possible UFO research in that location, had NO
AWARENESS of the ufo fog or the contactees involvement with
this fog’s directive to meet it at the pond instead of the
parking lot.

But the point I am making in response to your question is that I
had this puzzling experience with the “UFO fog” as the result of
following this contactees specific claim literally. I did not
just go to the library and look up who has the real estate title
to the lot, etc. Was the “UFO fog” good or evil? I’m not sure.
It was educational. Just prior to meeting my informant at the
site I had a terrible headache and had to take a couple of
aspirin with my coffee. I was irritated by the headache and
knew it was related to the projected expedition. But it cleared
up. Frequently, a shadow force will enter an investigative
situation to block or distort information.

Observation of this fact has caused me to become interested in
the ancient Zoroastrian philosophy of a cosmic battle between
the forces of light, Ahura Mazda, and the forces of darkness,
Ahriman. In this system of thought Ahriman is a strong opponent
of Ahura Mazda and not just an angel thrown out of Jehovah’s
inner circle, as was Lucifer in the Judeo-Christian system of

I think the “people in black” and certain bizarre but real UFO
encounters can be understood as really supernatural but caused
by the lords — and ladies — of darkness. My view is that
Ahriman has been underestimated by persons conditioned to feel
that Jehovah is their cosmic single parent. Implicit in much
modern Christian and neo-Buddhist thought is the idea that if
your inner intentions are good “God” will wipe all of your
environmental mess up automatically. The problem here is this:
what if the persons involved in some crazy mistake did not make
that mistake all by themselves? What if powerful forces of
Ahriman seduced these persons into their mistake by offering the
illusion of money, romance, power or other, subtly-enhanced
illusions available to the daemonic repertoire?

Then, it is not the negative action performed by the overwhelmed
dupe which is absolutely “evil” but the destructive seduction
into illusions of negative power or false “charity” instilled
by the royal hubba hubba of Ahriman Intelligence, which is the
basic source of evil. As the ex-Roman inquisitor Saul (St.
Paul) astutely wrote, the struggle is not simply with evil
people — or extraterrestrial beings — as these may manifest
in 4-dimensional time space, but with evil “powers and
principalities” who do have an ability to travel in time space
which is beyond our conscious capacity as human beings. So
assistance in combating the weird scenarios of Ahriman should
be sought from energy Intelligences loyal to Ahura Mazda, who
also have an enhanced ability to travel in time space.

See also  2015: Sammy Hagar’s UFO Abduction: ‘They Were Plugged Into Me’

Conceptually, this becomes very interesting. For then the
possibility arises that such energy Intelligences may exist in
connection with other physical worlds than this one, much as
Swedenborg envisioned. But it would be a mistake to assume that
these powerful Intelligences are the same as alien life forms
which are confined to the 4-dimensional time space of some
distant solar system unless they blast off or FAX themselves
“Sliders”-style toward the 4-dimensional time space of Earth, or
some other planet.

I think the energy Intelligences we call angels, gods, and
demons are fundamentally different from organic life forms
though they may link with humans, extraterrestrials, insects or
animals by the use of subtle energy bonding during which memory
and ESP/P capabilities are shared.

Now, you ask about “responsibility”. Yes, I think the percipients
of interdimensional intelligences become responsible for their
experiences in the same way that as I look out the window I am
responsible for taking action if I see a person being mugged in
the parking lot below. But if I scream out the window, call 911
and race downstairs to notify people of the crime being committed
only to find that the parking lot attendant has been paid off not
to testify in court about the fight because the two people are
actually business partners and don’t want a scandal, my
responsibility has ended. I am not responsible for these weird

I think that UFO investigation groups and reporters into this
subject sometimes go too far in trying to probe the mundane
psychology of people who have experienced unexplained events.
It is enough to document that the event happened. Using my
secular example: although I have been the witness to what looked
to me like a mugging and later turned out to be a business
conference, it is not my place as distant witness to debate with
the parking lot attendant about his settlement out of court. As
far as I am concerned, the entire event is unexplained.

I do think there may be agreements, debates and agendas held by interdimensional Intelligences, and possibly also by extra- terrestrial life forms, which human witnesses do not completely understand.

A.G.: I’ve heard a rumor that Aleister Crowley’s protege —
and one time heir apparent to the Throne of Thelema — Jack
Parsons, was a flying partner of Kenneth Arnold. Though I’ve
seen no conclusive documentation to support this rumor, it
certainly brings up some interesting speculation regarding the
use of magic ritual to summon purported extraterrestrial or
ultra dimensional entities. Such was the case when Jack Parsons
and his one-time associate L. Ron Hubbard of Scientology fame
purportedly summoned just such an entity in the California
desert in the late forties. Do you know anything about a
relationship existing between Kenneth Arnold and Jack Parsons?
And while discussing Parsons, perhaps you would share any
thoughts you might have on the involvement of Parsons and
Hubbard in intelligence work, specifically in regards to mind
control experiments and the infiltration, and manipulation, of
UFO/Occult groups by Intelligence Agencies.

E.M-S.: I don’t know anything about a personal relationship
between Kenneth Arnold and Jack Parsons. A lot has been written
recently about Parsons. I think most genuine practitioners of
mental magic and sorcery are wise enough to realize that the
printed word is only one facet of the actual use of subtle
energies for the purpose of conjuration and spell casting.
Therefore, do not expect to find the whole of the truth about a
real practitioner in the printed word alone. It is my opinion
that Parsons’ book FREEDOM IS A TWO-EDGED SWORD is somewhat of
a red herring in that it gives only part of the practice, and
indicates only part of the personality and orientation. Crowley
hinted at this type of a magical situation by calling one of
his written works THE BOOK OF LIES.

Obviously, Jack Parsons was a rocket scientist. He would not
have been employed by JPL and have been the focus of jealous
attention by military authorities interested in his ability to
design explosives if his major mental ability had been how to
choose a black leather jacket for a bit part in a San Francisco
motorcycle film. Stunt riders for x-rated leather & lace
features are a dime a dozen. The diversion of attention onto
the “sex magic” aspect of Parsons’ career is actually funny and
very likely the product of intelligence agency enhancement of
Parsons’ own magical ruse.

Sophisticated conjurations, as attempted by mental magicians
Crowley, Parsons and Hubbard, involve the forging of a
telepathic link between powerful interdimensional Intelligences
and the mind/body energy system of the magical Operator. In
this situation, it is L. Ron Hubbard who has actually been the
most clearly up front in his writings about the necessity for
the Adept to see sexuality as only one aspect of the entire
interdimensional Intelligence power game.

It is plain that the techniques for mind control developed by
Hubbard are of maximum interest to intelligence agencies both
public and private because the telepathic control of personal
emotion developed by Scientology does enable the Adept to enter
and manipulate the personal, emotional situations of those
individuals who are less aware of the arbitrary nature of their
overt emotional expectations. But let’s not make Scientology
the scapegoat in the sorcery situation. For there is public
access to Hubbard’s system. In fact, via billboards,
infomercials and Lord knows what else on the Internet we are
often presented with too much public access to Hubbard’s system.

For centuries, there has been a tradition of black witchcraft
and sorcery which was clandestine because the initiates regarded
themselves as “immortals” and the uninitiated as “mortals”
without true knowledge of interdimensional power. This type of
sorcery is international because it has emerged among Adepts of
all nations who learned to survive by the use of telepathically-
enhanced trickery and cunning. Conjurations of powerful
interdimensional Intelligences are a universal part of this
practice. It is naive to assume that interest in power magic
and sorcery begins and ends with the CIA, FBI, NSA and U.S. Naval
Intelligence. This is perhaps what the clandestine sorcerers
wish readers in the USA and UK to think.

But what about the KGB, GRE, Japanese Intelligence, Arab
Intelligence, Chinese Intelligence, Polynesian Intelligence,
German Intelligence, Scandinavian Intelligence, Icelandic
Intelligence, Norwegian Intelligence, British Intelligence,
Italian Intelligence, Irish Intelligence, Israeli Intelligence,
Indonesian Intelligence, French Intelligence, Algerian
Intelligence, Belgian Intelligence, Nigerian Intelligence, South
African Intelligence, Sudanese Intelligence … and I have not
yet begun to list the various Caribbean and South American
Intelligence possibilities. Add to this all of the planets
circling all of the stars in the known and unknown universe, and
this is where common sense comes in handy: a person has to look
at exactly what’s coming down the pike at any one instant of
space-time very carefully and specifically.

This has not been a clever evasion of your question. I think
that certain UFO/occult groups are being manipulated by people
with skills in sorcery and mental persuasion. But I am not
ready to make U.S. intelligence the single scapegoat in this
situation. There is much more at hand internationally, and in
the area of mercenary investigative or corporate investigative
agencies, than simple politics.

A.G.: I just finished reading CONGRATULATIONS: THE UFO REALITY.
That seemed like a truly exciting period in your life — and a
tumultuous one at times, as well. You not only experienced a
UFO sighting — which began your research into the phenomenon
— but you also ran an occult store in Salem, Mass of all places,
all the while writing plays for the theater and composing
surrealist poetry. All of the high weirdness that you became
involved with at this time apparently cost you your marriage,
as well as causing you some measure of psychological stress. On
the other hand, it undeniably enriched your life, not to mention
all the colorful characters you met along the way. Could you
reflect back a bit on those days, and talk about some of the
people you met who were involved in the UFO/Occult scene.

E.M-S.: Your comment that high strangeness events subsequent
to my UFO sighting in 1973 “apparently cost you your marriage”
gives me the opportunity to clarify this issue. It has been a
source of irritation to me that people assume that I would ever
marry someone so simple minded that he could not absorb the
domestic ambiguities of my UFO experience, visionary discussions
and sudden irresistible desire to spend money at the Harvard Co-
Op by buying the collected works (hardback) of physicist Richard

One of the first really unusual things I did after my sighting —
by the way — was to travel from my then home in Ipswich, Mass
to Cambridge to buy these books by Feynman. I then studied
these equations on my own time. I particularly enjoyed the fact
that Feynman is shown on the bio page playing conga drums.

My ex-husband is a graduate of Harvard and was working
professionally at that time as a systems analyst for Wang labs.
He footed the bill for all of the expensive technical books
about electromagnetism I wanted to read without complaint. Some
might argue that this was also a symptom of his madness. For he
had been a student at Harvard when Tim Leary began dispensing
LSD to the students in his classes. Though I did not know this
when I married my ex-husband, who was a friend of a high school
sweetheart I had rejected, he had been thrown out of Harvard at
that time for wild and eccentric behavior involving the use of
consciousness-altering substances. He then joined the army,
served in the Dominican Republic, and returned to Harvard to
finish his degree. I met him AFTER he had graduated.

Unfortunately, I did not know that he had been beaten up by a
gang in Vermont as a boy and that part of the effect of his
youthful escapades was that the drugs had opened an aperture in
his psyche which re-awakened this violence. I was divorced by
mutual consent because he had beaten me up so badly on several
occasions that I had to have stitches in the emergency room of
the Ipswich hospital. One of these episodes was triggered by my
asking for a cup of coffee. None of us will ever know what
mental trip to hell was caused associatively by the words “cup
of coffee” uttered at that particular moment. This unfortunate
person has been married again and divorced again for similar
reasons. Within the last few years he made a special trip to my
home in Woodstock to apologize to me for his violent behavior.
I accepted his apology but that does not mean that he will ever
be completely well. I have not seen him since that last meeting.
But this direct experience with the possible effects of LSD
and other consciousness-altering substances is one of the
reasons that I do not use drugs and do not allow the use of
drugs on my premises.

I have been offended on several occasions by psychologists
interested in my UFO sighting and ESP abilities who assumed my
sighting was some sort of hysterical syndrome due to sexual
dysfunction in the marriage. One of these individuals even
wrote me a letter asking: “Is your ex-husband a homosexual?”
and seemed surprised that I was angered by this inquiry.

See also  Cross Shaped UFO's

Actually, this question — which is worthy of the Howard Stern
show — demonstrates not only a limited view of the UFO
contactee situation but a very limited appreciation of the very
sophisticated Boston/Cambridge environment in which I was then
living. So what if my ex-husband was a homosexual? Or a
heterosexual? Or Jesus Christ? What in the hell difference
does that make when considering whether or not a person can read
the Tarot cards accurately?

It is true that my UFO sighting propelled me into a demimonde of people who enriched my life. I began to interview people who had experienced UFO phenomena of all sorts and to put together short “paratechnical” articles.

One of my vivid memories involves sitting in the MAGIC MIRROR
store and opening a letter from Bob Durant, who was then
handling correspondence for The Society For The Investigation Of
The Unexplained. Durant had referred me to an article on time
theory by a Soviet physicist since I had written to SITU about
time anomalies I had experienced. I ordered this article from
the state department and as I read it I realized that the Soviet
physicist had deliberately jumbled his discussion of spin theory
and molecular torque. I later submitted material to PURSUIT,
the magazine of SITU which was then being edited by R. Martin
Wolf, and this magazine published a number of my paratechnical

This letter from Durant, and several other letters from
technical experts I had written to about time anomalies which
addressed me as “Dr. Macer-Story”, assuming I had my Ph.D. in
a technical field, were important experiences in my mental
development. For the UFO sighting I described in my CONGRATS
book had opened my awareness to a topological way of thinking
which is mathematical and technical, and the response of my
correspondents validated this change in my way of thinking.

After the Bi-Centennial year of the MAGIC MIRROR (for my occult
store location was really a year long surrealist “happening”
during which PowWows were held and numerous fliers and books
conveyed to tourists) I moved the MAGIC MIRROR sign into an
office adjacent to the Friendly Tea Room on Tremont street in
Boston and began to collect information on UFO’s, for there was
a UFO flap going on in the Northeast during the early 1970’s. I
also gave psychic readings in my office. An important memory
from this data collection site is the visit of a man in his
thirties wearing a sport coat and shirt open at the collar, but
very neat, who asked for a psychic reading.

“You are from Arizona,” I told him, “And you work for the government.”

“That’s right,” he replied, “Do you think the president should protect himself against psychic attack by hostile psychics trained by another country?”

“Yes,” I told him, “Definitely.”

This man shook my hand warmly and left. I have never seen him
again. Brad Steiger was in town at that time giving a talk on
supernatural and UFO topics and I wondered whether the Arizona
operative had been in town following Steiger or whether the
attention was toward my modest: “Have you seen a UFO?” ad which
I had placed in the local papers. My ESP tells me it was a bit
of both.

During the year of my data collection, 1975-77, I met the person
I name “Lobo” in CONGRATS, who was also running an ad in the
REAL PAPER and BOSTON PHOENIX. His ad read: “Angels Coming Down
>From the Sky In Clusters” and offered assistance and information.
Now that I think about it, our ads were intended to be a lot
like Web Home pages but that was before public web access.

I should say “re-met” Lobo. For I had answered his ad right
after my UFO sighting when I was still married and living in
Ipswich in 1974. He had come out to my home to see me at that
time and was most helpful, bringing fliers warning me not to
discuss my experience too openly lest I be railroaded as being
hysteric. I took his advice and did not ask for “special
attention” from anyone, simply incorporating my UFO investigations
into the MAGIC MIRROR happening in Salem. Then, I did not see
Lobo again until he answered my UFO data collection ad. During
this office visit, he told me he had not come again to Ipswich
because I was married at that time and his visits to my home
could have been used against me. He then told me that he was an
ex-FBI undercover agent who had become alarmed at “mind control”
abuses by his agency, particularly in the area of interference
with UFO contactees. He told me that the purpose of his ad was
to “get to” contactees before the tougher agents could play hard
ball with their situations. Lobo gave me numerous references to
UFO groups and contactees. Some of these appear in CONGRATS.
Also, information I discovered independently on neo-Nazi “UFO
secret weapon claims” appears in CONGRATS.

A.G.: These “UFO secret weapon claims” you mention: Were they
based on the research of Ernst Zundel?

E.M-S.: The “UFO secret weapon claims” were based on interviews
with living and breathing neo-Nazi engineers who had an inflated
idea of their mental abilities, and of the abilities of Nazi
engineers during WWII. They claimed to have built a little model
of the UFO craft described in the book UFO NAZI SECRET WEAPON by
Frederich Mattern. I deliberately reversed Mattern’s name in the
book to Mattern-Frederich in order to reverse whatever effect they
had intended to achieve in conveying this information to me.

A.G.: The two characters you pseudonymous named Bill Babaloo and Ben Shenks in CONGRATS: They didn’t happen to write a fiction trilogy called The ILLUMINATES, did they?

E.M-S.: You have correctly identified Bill Babaloo. If this
was the TV show WHEEL OF FORTUNE, you would get a refrigerator
and a mink coat! But you have not correctly identified “Ben
Shenks”. You do probably recognize the pseudonym “Ben Shenks”
as being a name for a warlock from British street slang. I am
still in touch with Ben Shenks, and spoke to him on the phone
only two weeks ago about a peculiar dream in which he seemed to
be a “double agent ” for an unidentified secular power. Shenks
admitted traveling astrally to many locations at the same time
but was unable to illuminate me about the exact nature of this
dream as he had dreamt himself a few days previous to Macer-
Story’s dream about BEING a double agent for an unidentified
secular power. We pondered this.

“Ben Shenks” is my college friend Bill Henkin — Dr. William Henkin — who has written a book on psychic healing with Amy Wallace and steadfastly encouraged my poetry and early writings while I was struggling with the Ivy League hierarchy at Yale and Columbia.

A.G.: …And what about Robert Anton Wilson?

E.M-S.: For centuries, I have met the entity who is now named
“Bob Wilson” in the context of combat and spirit conjurations.
This is another topic entirely and would take a long time to
explain. Suffice to say that very powerful spirit intelligences
have an agenda also and that both Wilson and Macer-Story are on
the agenda of certain of these intelligences.

A.G.: Very interesting. I read an interview awhile back with
Kerry Thornley where he spoke with a great deal of admiration
in regards to Wilson, and with an equal amount of healthy
respect, this due to Thornley’s belief that Wilson possesses an
advanced degree of Occult knowledge and power, and that he is
someone not to be taken lightly. But I guess that’s another
story in itself…Now, can you speak about the strange
circumstances surrounding the publication of CONGRATULATIONS:

E.M-S.: Yes. Unfortunately, when CONGRATULATIONS: THE UFO
REALITY came out from Crescent Press in 1978 — after I had
moved to New York City in response to interest by Theater For
The New City in my work both as a performing psychic and
playwright — both the office and storage location of Crescent
and the apartment building of publisher Joseph Lawrence were the
site of unexplained fires. The fire at Lawrence’s apartment
building was set from four directions, as if to activate a “four
directions” hex. Crescent went out of business and friends in
Los Angeles went to a fire sale at the warehouse and bought
several cartons of my book, which they shipped to me in New York.
I would like to get a reissue of this book as there is obviously
something inside it which caused the forces of Ahriman to become
most upset upon the occasion of first publication of

A.G.: Did you attend many UFO conferences during that period? Do you attend any of the conferences now?

E.M-S.: I did not attend any UFO conferences during the time
I was gathering information to write this first book. This was
because at that time most such gatherings were held in the
Southwest, California and countries such as Mexico and France.
I did go to lectures given on occult and UFO topics at several
Boston area universities.

At the present time, I give lectures at some UFO conferences and
my lectures over a period of about twelve years to date are in
the archives of the U. S. Psychotronics Association and the
International Forum for New Science.

A.G.: Thanks for the interview, Eugenia.

E.M-S.: It was a pleasure, as it gave me a chance to clarify
certain issues and concepts…As an Ivy League friend is fond of
saying: “Don’t Let The Bastards Get You Down.” He also says
this in Latin but I won’t burden you with the Latin motto, which
is famous.

Eugenia Macer-Story is a poet/playwright and a member of the
Dramatists Guild. Her plays have been staged in off-off
Broadway and regional locations since 1977. She reads poetry
regularly at cafes and other locations in NYC, and is regularly
published in small journals.

Her full length play MISTER SHOOTING STAR will have a first
reading for the public January 26, 1998 at 7 p.m. at Theater
For The New City located at 155 First Avenue between Ninth and
Tenth Streets in NYC. A showcase production of this play will
then be the opening event at the new Magic Mirror Space in Soho
during the last three weekends in March.

The Magic Mirror Space will officially be open on Zodiac New
Year March 1, 1998. Watch the Magic Mirror Web Site for
updates as the opening approaches. Macer-Story is also a
professional psychic, who gives personal readings and conducts
investigations. She has appeared on A&E in a “Haunted Houses”
documentary (1996-7) and has been part of numerous studies on
the supernatural done by other writers and researchers.

She has written the following books on occult topics:

o Congratulations: The UFO Reality (1978);
o Angels of Time: Meditations On The 36 Decans Of The Zodiac (1980);
o Sorcery And The UFO Experience (1991-7);
o Battles With Dragons (short stories on psychic self defense: 1993);
o Legacy of Daedalus (on preservation of Atlantean material in various contexts: 1995).

Her most recent work is THE DARK FRONTIER, about interdimensional
Intelligences, which should be available Jan ’98. [Now hot off the
press and ready to order from the website below. -B:.B:.] Macer-
Story has also written a novel, PROJECT MIDAS, which was briefly
issued in 1979 and is about how a 12 year old girl outwits a black
world project attempting to study her PSI abilities.

Macer-Story also puts out a newsletter entitled THE MAGIC MIRROR MAGAZINE.
Magic Mirror Communications
511 Avenue of the Americas
Suite 173, New York, NY 10011-8436

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