Edger Fouche presentation on Area 51, Part I

Below are notes for a presentation given by Edgar Fouche. Fouche is the author of the novel “Alien Rapture”. He says he has worked at Area 51 and has collected UFO stories from pilots and other former government workers.

The text below is reprinted with permission. Margins have been reformatted by the moderator.

Presentation for UFO Congress
8 August 1998
Laughlin, Nevada
Edgar Rothschild Fouche
Copyright 1998
Fouche Media Associates at Web: Fouchemedia.com
Author’s Note:

The draft of Alien Rapture was originally called The Abductors and was copyrighted in early 1994. The MJ-12 documents presented in the book were copyrighted also. The point is, these documents talk about a removable lens the aliens used for eye-wear.

Not until several years later did the Autopsy film and Colonel Corso talk about these lenses. The New MJ-12 documents I obtained prior to the film and Corso’s book also speak of a central ‘Geo’ organ in the aliens. Although not mentioned by Corso, or pointed out in the Autopsy film, it can be clearly seen as they perform the autopsy.

From my sources, I firmly believe this about the autopsy; It was made by the military, in Lancaster, Texas, and an attempt was made to create the original Roswell autopsy film again with several changes. The Best Lie is the one that is closest to the Truth. The best way to debunk the Roswell crash is to make a six-fingered alien when all other information points to a four-fingered alien. It worked! Hardly any serious researcher believes the autopsy film is based on reality.

See also  The Roswell Incident

Ed Fouche


* * SLIDES: {1/Alien Head until I start then {2/Presented by slide


My mother once told me that I was going to Hell if I didn’t change my ways. Judging from the heat outside, I’d say I’m not too far from there.

* * SLIDES: {3/AF Thunderbird Aircraft, {4/Flags at Randolph AFB

My name is Edgar Rothschild Fouche.

* * SLIDE 5: MJ-12 Cover

I’m here to speak about Secret Government Technology, reverse as I worked, that I was in a position to gather the information, I am presenting.:

My first job was as a machinist, making bombs for the USAF at R. G. Le Tourneau Industries in Longview Texas. For the next 25 years, I would be involved with the Department of Defense in one way or another.

After being drafted into the Vietnam conflict, I initially went through a year of electronics, communications, intelligence, and crypto-logical schools.

During the years 1967-1974, I was stationed or worked at many Tactical Air Command, Air Training Command, and Pacific Air Command Air Forces bases. During the Vietnam conflict, I assigned to special projects at  Kadena AFB Okinawa; Udorn AFB Thailand; Ben Hoi AFB Vietnam, and spent anywhere from a day to a month at many other southeast Asian military bases.

With my training and experiences with intelligence equipment, special electronics, black programs, and crypto-logical areas, I received other government opportunities. I filled positions as Major Command Liaison, Headquarters manager, and DoD factory representative for TAC, SAC, ATC, and PACAF following the Vietnam war. Later in my career, as a manager of defense contractors, I dealt with classified “black” programs developing state-of-the-art Electronics, Avionics, and Automatic Test Equipment.

See also  Edger Fouche presentation on Area 51: 3

* * SLIDES: {12/Shop F-16 Radar, {13/Test Equipment shop, {14/repair of LANTIRN unit

I was considered an Air Force expert with classified electronics counter-measures test equipment, crypto-logical equipment owned by the National Security Agency, and Automatic Test Equipment. I worked with many of the leading military aircraft and electronics manufacturers in the US.

I participated as a key member in design, development, production, and Flight-Operational-Test and Evaluation in classified Aircraft development programs, state-of-the-art avionics, including electronic countermeasures, satellite communications, crypto-logical and support equipment.

During my military career, I was “hand-picked” (Development Cadre) for many of the Air Force’s newest fighter and bomber development programs. I was cadre for:

SLIDES: {15/F111, {16/F-15 going up, {17/A-10 bottom, {18/4 F-16s, {19/B-1, show when named the F-111 swing-wing fighter-bomber the F-15 Eagle air superiority fighter the A-10 Warthog close air support fighter and tank killer the F-16 Falcon fighter and the B-1 Lancer Bomber.

Other research and development programs I worked as far back as the 70s are still classified Top Secret. I received over 4,000 hours of technical training from the military and government, of which about half was classified training.

* * SLIDE 20: F-22 Raptor

This is a picture of the new Boeing-Lockheed F-22 Raptor, ATF, or Air Dominance Fighter. My involvement with black programs developing stealth aircraft is classified. I am perhaps the only person who has actually worked at the Top Secret Groom Lake Air Base, within Area-51 of the Nellis Range and written about it.

* * SLIDE 21: F-117 Stealth Fighter tested at Groom at night with fog engines in work for the cover.

I spent twenty years working directly for the US Air Force and DoD Agencies followed by another eight years as a Defense Contractor Manager. My last position for the Air Force was as a Strategic Air Command Liaison

See also  Edger Fouche presentation on Area 51: 6

* * SLIDE 22: SR-71 3D Wire Frame

As a Defense Contractor-Manager; I performed as an Engineering Program Manager and Site Manager for DOD contractors involved in classified development, logistics support, electronic engineering, and technical data development from 1987-95.

I am now CEO of Fouche Media Associates, which I run with my beautiful wife, Rebecca. I am also the inventor of Neurosync MIME, a behavior modification software using hypnotic Entrainment and Subliminal Messages.

* * SLIDE 23: AR Book Cover

I wrote Alien Rapture – The Chosen in 1994 and 95, after my last trip to California, New Mexico, and Nevada.

I undertook this trip to do research for the Alien Rapture, which included a meeting with five close friends who had agreed to release confidential information to me, and discuss their closely guarded personal experiences. I also interviewed other contacts who had worked in classified programs or flown classified military aircraft to gather information about UFO sightings and contact.

At this point, I was blessed with teaming up with a great man and a great writer, Brad Steiger. I had decided to get out of the Defense Industry, as I felt that fraud, waste, and abuse was rampant, both on the government and contractor sides.

I wanted to work for myself as a writer and develop some product ideas that I had. So far I’ve been a terrible boss, I’ve worked myself long hours, without many benefits, and the salary is meager, compared to what I made as an Engineering Program Manager.

Part 2

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