*Frequently today, no UFOs and no messages are involved in “contactee” cases, but some manner of contact seems to be happening, thus the validity of the term beyond its original intent.

by Harv Howard

I have talked with a few contactees who wished they were not involved with UFOs. Despite the emotional, mental, and physical suffering they almost universally go through, most contactees feel they are involved in something good for themselves and the planet if not the Universe. Because of that general feeling, it is understandable then that “Love and light” are the bywords of the contactee movement. But there is a dark element that many of us run into early in the transformation, along the way, or even after we have settled into some semblance of stability with our new views.

The most difficult time for a contactee is usually when he or she starts to withdraw from the normal, quite concrete reality everyone else accepts, and he or she begins to synthesize the newly gained, outrageous information into an acceptable outlook for themselves. There is much to think about and usually no understanding soul with which to openly share it. As a consequence, we frequently operate in solitude. Everything is held inside, hidden, where it continues to take upon a beautiful, full-dimensional form of length, breadth, and substance. But on occasion, something goes wrong.

The discovery process takes a twisted form and becomes counterproductive both to our individual lives and the part we play in the overall scheme.

I remember all too well some of my own early trials in the years following my time-loss experience. Sometimes it would feel as if my head would explode with so many different and new thoughts coming and going almost at once.

Each thought was so unique that I wanted to hold on to it for a while and examine it at leisure. But they kept coming. One new thought would lead to another and another. And then whole new concepts would spring from collections of these thoughts and one concept would in turn flash to another. It was wonderful in the respect to my growth, but it had its nightmare side.

See also  The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects: Chapter 11

It frequently happened that an astounding thought that flashed into mind on one day was forgotten and unrecallable the next. All I could remember was that a grand thought had been there. I could perhaps recall that it had been a thought of staggering importance at the time. But all I could do after it was gone was to sense the hollow where it had been suspended for a while, mourn its loss, and then let even that go. Maybe it was meant to pass quickly on, not to hinder me, but having done its duty of preparing me for the next thought.

Eventually I found myself led into another world–a world fashioned solely in my head and a ”world I still cannot fully share with any other person.

However, it is easy for me to revisit the more bizarre times of that world if I wish. All I do is to step to my filing cabinet and pull forth some of the mounds of notes I made in those days. Or if I want to really embarrass myself, I pull out copies of wild letters I wrote during that period.

I believe I now know what causes contactees to be susceptible to emotional problems (in addition to the associated conscious and unconscious traumas normally involved). It is difficult to define for non-contactee readers, but many, if not most contactees will know what is meant when I try to explain with the following: “I can’t explain or justify the immense feeling of ‘understanding’ I have about many things. It isn’t logical or reasonable–it just comes with a mere touch of some mild stimulus to the mind. POOF!

See also  Project Krispa

Instantly, a full-blown concept, feeling, or understanding surrounds the person, place, or thing under scrutiny. It is not the same thing as being psychic, I believe, but perhaps it is closely related to that ability in that it is a knowing.”

Since the word “intuition” is widely accepted as a valid defining term in our culture, we could say that this phenomenon I’ve tried to explain is a type of expanded intuition.

Apparently, this understanding-type phenomenon is specifically enabled in us as part of our experiences. I suspect this enhancement over our normal abilities is what allows our thinking to go zooming out in all directions in the first place. It is a gift that can turn into a burden. We start using it without having training or an instruction book. Some persons use it correctly and adjust to it. Some do not fare so well and crash. Like children growing into adults over night, contactees can have difficult times handling their new-found attributes.

But whatever the reason, it is during the frantic transformation from being normal to being “blessed” that the danger is greatest. The danger is that of not knowing how to curb what we allow or find in our minds. Having thrown away the reality rule book normal people use, we retain few limits about what is acceptable or unacceptable in our thinking. The situation becomes serious when our newly formed interior universes start butting heads with the work-a-day-world. If something has to give, it will be our individual selves and not the surrounding, stout brick wall of mass conformity.

Most regular people (professionals and lay people alike) have no inkling about what has happened to us. But they do notice our deviations from the norm. In hope of understanding us via their standards, they carefully define the unacceptable behaviors we exhibit and hang neat labels on the resulting collections. In this way they pretend to understand our “problems,” and then feel justified in proceeding with a “cure.”

See also  1998: Alien Implant Removals: Five Abductees Discuss Before and After Effects

There are some contactees that have had such severe mental upheavals as a result of their experiences that they have required treatment and hospitalization. –And I think it is amazing that the disability rate is not even higher. While they may not regret being contactees even then, we can be sure that they regret letting themselves slip to a point where they required outside help from people that could never understand their exact predicament. It would have been immensely better if such afflicted contactees had stepped out of the inertia of their new-found awareness from time to time to check their own progress and redirected themselves if necessary. Some people may argue that such would be hard or impossible to do. –Difficult, perhaps, but not impossible and certainly necessary when seen in hindsight.

It is easier to help yourself early in the situation than having it force-fed later by outsiders when things start going drastically to pieces.

The feat of maintaining ourselves in the larger society is simple and easy.

For the most part, all we must do is to perform the physical and intellectual interactions expected of us. –It’s that simple.

The rest of our individualities, outside of the areas of duty and public scrutiny, are our own personal matters and we may conduct them as we please.

But of course, that is where the trouble begins too, during the solitary mental meandering when we strive to fathom the length and breadth of the Universe and our position within it. To safeguard ourselves during such times, we need to carry along a simple, general, and trustworthy rule of thumb by which to keep our interior selves conforming to a universal standard. Here it is:

Part 2

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