III. Alleged kidnappings by military/intelligence personnel

Most abductees report the involvement of military/intelligence personnel after the helicopters began to appear. Debby Jordan reports, for instance, in a side note of her book Abducted! [13] that she was stunned from an alleged friend and brought to a kind of hospital where she was examined by a medical doctor, who removed an implant from her ear! The abduction experiences of Leah Haley and Katharina Wilson are full of MILAB encounters [15, 16]. Some of Katharina Wilson’s experiences are comparable with mind control experiments.

She experienced a flashback from her childhood where she remembers to be in a hospital where she was forced into a Skinner Box-like container which was possibly used for behavior modification experiments. Therefore, Katharina Wilson published an excellent article on her Web-page with the title: Are Some Alien Abductions Government Mind Control Experiments[19]? Beth Collins and Anna Jamerson included hypnosis transcripts of abduction by human military people in their book Connections [17] and the late Dr. Karla Turner investigated MILABs in her books Into the Fringe and Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda [20].

A worldwide survey revealed that most North American abduction researchers have on average 2-5 MILAB cases in their files. At present, it seems to me that there are no UFO-related MILABs in Australia, South America, Africa, Europe, England, Ireland. By comparing typical UFO-abduction scenarios as described in Dan Wright’s MUFON-Transcription-Project with 10 well-investigated MILAB victims (Casey Turner, Katharina Wilson, Leah Haley, Debby Jordan, and Polly, Pat, Lisa, Beth, Angie, Amy (Casey and the six females with first names are pseudonyms and taken from Dr. Karla Turner’s books [20]), one finds some differences between abductions by alleged alien beings and military/intelligence personnel. MILABs involve the following elements:

See also  Military Involvement in UFO Abductions - Terrestrial implants

The activity of dark unmarked helicopters, the appearance of strange vans or buses outside the houses of abductees, exposure to disorienting electromagnetic fields, drugging, transport with a helicopter, bus or truck to an unknown building or an underground military facility. Usually, there are physical aftereffects, like grogginess and sometimes nausea after the kidnappings. There is also a difference when the abductors appear. In most UFO-abduction cases, the beings appear through a closed window, wall, or the abductee feels a strange presence in the room.

Most abductees report that they are paralyzed from the mental power of the alien beings. At MILABs the abductee reports that the kidnappers give him or her a shot with a syringe. It is interesting, that MILAB-abductees report that they are examined from human doctors in rectangular rooms and not in round sterile rooms — as in descriptions of UFO-abductees [4, 5, 6, 7]. The described rooms, halls and furniture are similar to terrestrial hospital rooms, laboratories or research facilities and have nothing to do with UFO-furniture.

The examination is similar as during UFO-abductions: the MILAB victim is not paralyzed but tied to an examination table or a gynecological chair. Sometimes, the abductee gets a strong drink before an examination. This is perhaps a contrast-enhancing fluid. MILAB doctors are mostly dressed in white lab coats and show an interest in implants and/or gynecological examinations. In some MILAB cases a military doctor allegedly searched for implants and sometimes implanted the abductee with a military device. Therefore, surgeons seeking alleged alien implants should also be prepared that they may find military devices too.

See also  Military Involvement in UFO Abductions - Letter

Terrestrial implants

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