II. Helicopter activity in connection with MILABs

My study indicates that generally MILAB-abductees are harassed by dark unmarked helicopters around their houses. The mysterious helicopter activity goes back to the late sixties, early seventies, where they showed an interest in animal mutilations but not for alleged UFO-abductees [8, 9, 10].

However, well-known researcher Raymond E. Fowler reports mysterious helicopter activity in connection with UFO-witnesses during the seventies [11].

Dr. Thomas Bullard compared 270 UFO-abduction cases worldwide during 1868 and 1984 while the majority of these cases occurred during the seventies and early eighties [4, 5]. There are only four abduction cases in Dr. Bullard’s study where the abductees saw helicopters over or near their houses. Among these cases is the well-investigated Betty Andreasson/Luca abduction. It is important to note that these helicopter cases occurred in North America, three of them in the USA and one in Canada. There were sightings of mysterious helicopters in England during the seventies but not in connection with animal mutilations or UFO-abductions [12].

I found that the helicopter activity in connection with UFO-abductions has a trend to increase, from the eighties up to the present. Dan Wright has presently ten cases in the MUFON Transcription Project-files where helicopters were seen flying in the area of the abductee’s home within hours of an alleged UFO-abduction [7]. On average many abduction researchers in North America have about three helicopter cases in connection with UFO-abductions in their files. It appears to me that this is a North American phenomenon since none of the contacted researchers in Australia, Africa, Europe, and South America have well-investigated abduction cases in connection with alleged helicopter activity.

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Well, known abductees like the before mentioned Betty Andreasson/Luca, or Debby Jordan, Kathy Mitchell, Whitley Strieber, Leah Haley, Katharina Wilson, Beth Collins, and Anna Jamerson and many more were harassed by these phantom helicopters [e.g., 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20]. It is not justified to suggest that these helicopters represent the black Cadillacs of the Men in Black (MIB) during the nineties [4] since some abductees have photos of them and they were also seen by witnesses who have nothing to do with the UFO-phenomenon. [e.g., 10, 13, 18]. It seems to be a fact that these unmarked helicopters operate for a secret military/intelligence task force, while the MIB-phenomenon seems to be of paranormal origin and related to the UFO-phenomenon. Let us summarize the helicopter topic in five points:

The helicopter mystery starts during the late sixties, early seventies in connection with animal mutilations.

During these times the agenda behind the helicopters showed a minor interest on UFO-abductees.

The helicopters began to increase their interest on UFO abductees during the eighties up to the present, but were also reported near animal mutilation sites and other areas in northern America.

At present, many North American abduction researchers have some cases in their files.

There were reports of phantom helicopter activity in England during the seventies, but it seems that their interest in animal mutilations and abductees is limited to North America.

Alleged kidnappings by military/intelligence personnel

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