Later, though, he came out with a still not particularly well-written, but much more convincing set of materials which I believe that Aileen might have copies of there, and we can certainly get some copies distributed to you people, if you’re interested in it, in which he tells the story in greater length. He talks about being taken to a hospital, having things implanted in his brain, hearing voices. Now I must say that even though this sounds like the story of an absolute Loony Toon, I know for a fact that this sort of thing does occur I mean, is technologically possible there was a scientist named Allen Fray in the late ’60s, early ’70s, who discovered that you can induce, with microwaves, voices in the brain that you can actually hear.

As always, with these things, you only get the first experimentations along these lines, the first successful notes of what was happening and then, of course, it’s all clamped down, you don’t get any more information on follow-up experiments. But we do know, at least from the early work, that people were able to hear things, directly perceived words, as spoken over a microphone, directly in their mind… not just through the ears or anything like that. Which makes me look twice whenever I hear about people who claim to be hearing voices. Because I know that that is a classic symptom of schizophrenia, but many of these people are also extremely hypnotizable.

Classic schizophrenics are not easily hypnotizable, yet these people are. They fall into a separate category, and I’m wondering if the voices that they hear if they too might be it’s a possibility among other possibilities, let’s put it that way if these people are also possible subjects of this sort of experimentation.

Anyway, getting back to Kosky I won’t tell you his entire story, because I think it would be better if you read it entirely he talks about being kidnapped and taken to a hospital and given what he called “spy training”. Much of his descriptions of what happened to him in the hospital I think are quite incorrect, but who knows what happened to his mind during those times.

See also  Mind Control & Abductions 2

I do know that of the released MK-ULTRA papers from the ’50s and the 60’s many of the absolute worst atrocities being committed by the CIA they were trying to invade the space between people’s ears were, in fact, taking place in Canada.

So, it’s entirely likely that these things will be happening in Canada. Don’t think that simply because Kosky points the finger at the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, doesn’t really mean that the CIA or some other government agency isn’t behind it. In fact, some of what I’ve read has indicated that the government agency that is now most involved in the mind control experimentation is called DARPA. And I’ve also just recently come across some information that NASA, of all people, of all places, I don’t know why, is possibly, just possibly involved with that. There is whole story I can tell you along those lines.


One of the things that Kosky was told after he got away from the hospital and after he was trying to re-establish his sanity after these terrible experimentations that were done to him, he was told that the people talking to him were from Sirius. Now, this is one of the best links I have between the mind control technology and the UFO abduction phenomenon. That this is a victim of mind control claiming that he knows that the controllers were using UFOs or aliens as a cover story for their operations. He was even more explicit in his original pamphlet. Where he was saying that: “The test program fluctuates from spying education to meeting humanoids from other planets, people from Mars and Sirius, if you are a religious person, you can even talk to the Lord.”

See also  Mind Control & Abductions 5

So, in other words, they find out exactly how your personality is structured, and then they will assume a persona to meet that, which also makes me look at these people who claim to be hearing voices from Jesus or from Satan. I know recently there was a rash of people hearing the voice of Satan, I think it was a group of teenagers out in Tennessee. And they progressed from they were committing horrible atrocities first they were watching these terribly violent videotapes which for some reason are now being made available to teenagers, including videotapes of actual deaths and then the voices told them to start torturing and murdering small animals, until finally they actually murdered one of their numbers.


Well, I know that this sounds like an outrageous story and possibly not connected to what I am saying, but in fact it is connected because that was one of the ways they trained one of the primary, I should say, motivations for the entire mind control technology as we know it from the papers in the 50’s and the 60’s, was to train people to commit assassinations. And this is why I am very frightened whenever an abductee and I’ve had a couple come up with this now start talking about guns. In fact, you know, in that very same abduction hypnotic session where we are talking about her abduction, she said that the entities had told her to bring a gun to Martin (!), which did not exactly make me feel very good, I mean I really don’t know what was behind that, but I must say that I’ve rather limited my contact with that woman ever since.

Now I should say, where was I oh yes again, I’m not used to giving a lecture to large numbers of people whom I can’t see, so I’ll probably be flitting from one thing to another, but anyway, I do have documents which prove that that was the ultimate goal, to get people to commit atrocities without any emotions, without any affect. That was the primary purpose, and the way they did it was first to desensitize people.

See also  1988: Mind Control & Abductions

There was a doctor named Nereut, who I think in 1974 spilled the beans to the London Times saying that he was performing these kinds of experimentations on soldiers of the Green Berets and Navy Seals, and other Special Forces, and they were taught under hypnosis, and sometimes not under hypnosis to desensitive themselves to violence, usually through a series of films, and then you would progress from that to not caring if you tore the head off a chicken. And then you were told that the enemy was less than subhuman and so you would go out there and commit unbelievable atrocities which, if you dig into it, you know were committed in Vietnam.

And then, according to the some of the people who claim to be mind control victims that I’ve spoken to, you can be hypnotized into forgetting that you committed the atrocities, and this is actually quite beneficial, because you don’t want that sort of thing on your memory, you just won’t be able to function. I spoke directly to I can’t give his name and I know that it would be very difficult for me to convince your people of the truth of what he said. All I know is that I sat directly across from him in the room. And I met him almost by coincidence, I was interviewing him on another subject and told him I was interested in mind control and he said this had happened to him.

Part 4

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