What is the real story behind Wilhelm Reich?

Most people are familiar with Reichs brilliant work with bions, weather modification, cancer biopathy and other devices. Reichs work has been of interest to the National security Agency for some time, and it involves the fact that when a person is electronically maintained in a pre-orgastic state in their nervous system, gateways unto the mind open up for mind control to take hold. It is his most secret work as far as applications are involved. Reichs contact with alien species, his discoveries about life energy and cancer, and the mind control applications are some of the reasons why he was killed. This knowledge was combined with other knowledge, some of it alien in nature, and integrated into the work at Montauk and subsequent covert projects to subvert the people of the United States and the world under an Orion based system.

What are some of the ways they put people into this state?

Well, there are these devices. Every psychiatric facility has them. For a male, they attach electrodes to five points on the body (you can guess what one of those points are) and turn the device on. It makes programming an individual really easy. It is devious, but a lot more humane than the old electroshock therapy. The thing is, the device is being used for control instead of in a way that might benefit the individual.

What about the Philadelphia Experiment as related to aliens?

The Philadelphia Experiment was not an alien operation, as such, but what was the set-up was the date, August 12, 1943, because it had to be locked to the Phoenix project on August 12, 1983. The date was set by alien influence in order to cause a 40-year hole in hyperspace through which large numbers of alien craft could enter this dimension. It worked, but it didn’t last long enough to give the aliens the maximum benefit of the scenario. The order for the date came from a man in the White House who was directing certain aspects of the project.

This man was one of the K-group and headed what was called the Psi-corp. It was an alien intervention. This was scheduled to be a main invasion from a different universe.

How about other types of aliens that were involved?

Most of the other alien groups around, including the ones that had their shipped sucked into hyperspace, were observers of what was going on, not participants. Beyond the obvious fact that they were observing for themselves, there is insufficient data to determine whether they were observing for anyone else.

What about the alien ship, again, that was trapped underground at Montauk?

I was part of the group that dismantled it. What is involved is that you have to find out how everything goes together. You have to read their manuals… there were seven occupants of that ship; four of them would not talk to us. Eventually, three of them did, and we learned their language and deciphered their manuals about the construction and maintenance of the ship…

They weren’t Greys?

No. They were about 6 foot 5 inches tall. They were essentially human in appearance. They had dark leathery skin. They had no hair. Where they came from we were not sure. We don’t even know why they were there, except perhaps to observe the test on August 12, 1943. When the ship appeared in 1983 underground, we were initially concerned as to whether this ship represented some sort of “point man” for an invasion of some kind.

Was there any weaponry aboard that craft?

Not that I remember. The ship had a lot of strange devices on it. We took a lot of stuff apart. We took off part of the control panels, and communications equipment. We decided not to touch the main power plant because we thought it might blow up if we fooled with it. We left the food processing units intact. The ships drive systems were removed. A lot of the ship was stripped down right to the shell. It was left that way.

Why would they suspect an invasion?

Idon’t know, except that there have been so many groups over the years trying to invade this planet. One wonders why they want to bother with this mud ball and its backward technology.

John Lear suggests that the human race represents a gene pool.

That is one good possibility. Another one, and I get this from sources I can’t reveal at this moment, is that they are seeking certain rare earth elements they apparently can’t find elsewhere.

Robert Lazar mentioned a book that contained the history of earth and that it said that humans were referred to as ..containers for souls” and that souls could be traded in something like a barter system.

The aliens are doing it all the time.

They’re trading in souls?

Yes. They were shuffling us around like we were cattle to them.

Property. What do you think of that concept as applied to humans?

Well, it is mentioned that several races consider humans in some ways similar to that. Whether it is the bodies or the souls that are considered property, I don’t know. It appears that they are concerned more with the bodies, the genetics, and the capabilities of the human mind. The capabilities of the human mind are virtually unlimited. That fascinates some species.

Those aliens that were on that ship. What became of them?

Out of the seven, four did not talk and three did talk to us. One of the group that did not talk to us was evidently the captain of the ship. He eventually killed the three that did talk to us. The four remaining aliens were put into “deep freeze” by the people who were running the underground at Montauk. I have no idea what they did with the other three bodies.

What happened to the craft?

it’s still there, as far as I know. It was a gold colored saucer about sixty feet in diameter. It had a bulge on both the top and bottom.

In one of Linda Moulton Howe‘s books they had pictures of types of alien writing. Were you ever able to determine the language they used?

The language they were using was apparently that of the Greys. The symbol that the Greys use a lot is the same symbol that the Trilateral Commission uses.

How big is the underground at Montauk?

It’s very large. It extends for miles, especially the 5th and 6th levels. Almost all of it was constructed in the late 1920’s or early 1930’s. We talked to one of the men who was one of the contractors who built it. It was built on government orders right after the depression started. It was built in six levels. They covered the top over with earth. It’s known locally as “the hill”. Its a huge base. There may still be some use of it. Most of it is shut down. The power has been on for two years now, single phase 220 volt. The elevator used ran on three-phase 440 volts, and that has not been turned on, probably because they plugged all main openings and the elevator shaft with concrete.

See also  1961: Project OZMA

How many different species of aliens are you aware of?

Well, the Greys were not part of Montauk. By agreement they never went there. There were groups that were part of it, like a group who called themselves the Leverons. There were those there from Antares that were only observers. They looked like humans. There were members of the Orion group there occasionally. The K-group had some connection with the place, but I personally never saw any of them there. Lastly, there were the inhabitants of that ship that was captured. The Orion Confederation includes a lot of groups, including the Leverons.

The Orion group is supposedly at war with a group called the Elohim. Would you say that is accurate?

Yes. This is happening. The Elohim group is a very old race, perhaps the oldest in the universe. At least its the oldest we know of.

Is there any particular species that has the greatest control over humans?

The Orion group. They’re the weasels in the background that manipulate everybody, including the Greys. The Orion group includes the various reptilian species.

Was the zero-time generator from alien sources?

No. Tesla created the zero-time generator in the 1920’s. It provided a very basic time reference which is actually locked to the center of our galaxy. That’s why they call it a zero time generator. Locking equipment to that is the only way you can get some of these higher function generators to work.

The aliens use crystals quite a bit.

Yes. Crystals can store and modulate enormous amounts of energy. There was a crystal in the alien ship that ended up at Montauk that was about 18 inches long. Other factions of the alien group appeared in one of the side tunnels off the main time tunnel and captured several of us, and wouldn’t let us go unless one of us went back and got that crystal for them. We did. The problem was is that we were in the time tunnel too long, because the time references the man I was with dissolved, and he began to age at the rate of about a day per hour. Within three days he was dead.

What are some of the ways the government became involved in time travel?

The Navy had the ability to use the time travel technology from about 1970 and developed full operational capability in 1973. They did do an experiment where they tried to go back and kill the father of the man destined to be the head of the new One-World government. They did kill his father, but it made no difference. They didn’t understand why it didn’t work. Robert Lazar was voicing the concept that time is quantitized or compartmentalized and that you can’t change what has already happened in terms of the past.

Is the Navy tied in with the secret government?

Small elements in the Navy are, but the Navy in general is not.

So in the 1970’s they were against what was going on and tried ways to stop it?

Yes. At Montauk we did succeed in changing the past, so I know it can be done, but it takes enormous amounts of power and more than just a time machine, but I won’t get into that.

So the person who will be the head of the One World government is walking around and has no father?

Theoretically that is true.

How could this guy have come into existence?

That’s a very good question. That’s another one of the paradoxes of time.

Was this person already in existence before they went back and killed his father?

Yes. They assumed that he would disappear and cease to exist.

Do you know who this individual is?

No. Not by name.

Is the One World government interested in longevity? It seems like all these plans are on a long term basis. It would also seem like it would take too long before those in control could really reap the benefits.

When you get to the level of the warped mentality of the world leaders that are controlled by the Orion group, you don’t really know what their goals are. They are totally dependent on a specific technology, including time machines which are anchored in the 40 years time rift plus the extensions in the time matrix which goes another 20 years. Time machines are based in the technology that had its origin here within that time period, and from what I understand as of 2003 they will suddenly find that their time machines no longer function.


Because they were created on the basis of something which was basically artificial – the rift in time. The function is based on the rift. Then its back to the drawing boards.

Have they constructed any concrete plans based on the rift that might disappear when the rift does?

I don’t know. I can’t speak for the whole government.

Are any Orion based timetables involved in this?

Well, the Orions have their own ways of doing things.

Would they be dependent on this rift?

No, but the Greys are somewhat dependent on it, having used it to get here in large numbers. The Orion group itself is not here in a large number.

They let others do the dirty work for them?


Do you get any particular feeling what things are like within the secret government with respect to the groups of aliens?

Well, they were panic stricken to get rid of the Greys. I don’t know if they’re that panic stricken any more, because I understand that the Orions are essentially gone, except for the mop-up squad, which have their own life support systems.

The general life support for the others was destroyed by another alien group in November 1990. They could not exist here without electronic support from the ring of satellites they put up there ages ago. Almost all of them packed up and left.

What is the nature of the electronic support?

They cannot stand the vibrations of this planet. The Greys like it because this planet is very much like their own home planet.

How would all this relate to the idea that their is a planetoid coming into this system with a bunch of reptilians on it. Would they bring their own electronic life support systems?

Yes. They can replace the satellites. They may well be back before long.

How do you view that scenario, where the planetoid full of Orion reptilians, or Draco, is coming here?

Well, we monitored the signals coming from the planetoid. They were coming in at around 25MHZ with twelve carriers spaced 50KHz apart. The Orion group reptilians have twelve chakras, maybe that has something to do with it.

Then this could be the part of the electronic signal that might even be representative of their electronic life sustenance matrix?


It might well be necessary to set up transmitters of our own that would interfere with that kind of electromagnetic emanation.


How about the Orion genetics?

It’s very similar to that of humans. For a long time they were hoping to crossbreed. It didn’t work properly. That was one of the side issues of the Montauk-Phoenix project, to find ways of crossbreeding. They never did fully solve the problems.

See also  1998: Hybridization Program

So this is where the concept of twelfth density would come in?

Yes. Probably. What they were hoping to do if they succeeded in crossbreeding humans and Orions was a silent invasion where they would take over humanity by crossbreeding and eliminate the humans they didn’t want. At that point, Orion souls would move into the crossbred bodies and it would be complete. They would not need electronic support systems to survive here, which consists of 12 satellites.

So how does this affect the world government plans, now that the Orion group is temporarily gone?

It changes the context of the system that backed up the One-World government. They were backed up by and expected support from the Orion group. With the Orions out of the picture, they are on their own.


How about the Greys?

They’re running around in circles. They are probably continuing with the genetic work and the abductions but they are lacking all direction except that which they already had established.

There was a recent abduction of woman in Seattle on December 3, 1990 where there were beings that looked human. They told them, however, that they weren’t really human and allowed them to see their true form. It was a variant reptilian species they had never seen before. They asked the abductees questions about their experiences with the Greys. The woman got the impression that the reptilian humanoids thought that the Greys were going to far in their interactions with humans and that they were looking into it. Any comment?

No data on that one.

Well, since they were looking into Grey excesses in behavior, they probably were an offshoot group and not anything to do with the Draco.

They probably were an offshoot group. I have gotten the impression that not all the Orion Confederation is evil. There is a group within the Orion Confederation that function as sort of overseers and they are apparently quite upset about what these Greys are doing, but apparently there is not much they have been able to do about it. The basic heart of the Orion Confederation that we have become familiar with is totally evil and self-centered.

They basically want to take over the Earth?

Yes. They want to take Earth because of their desire for the planet as a staging base. They also desire the water and the minerals. There have only been partial success of their cross breeding program. A few hybrids have survived. They essentially look human but have Orion genetics within them.

What’s going on in Washington right now?

They are up to their eyeballs in problems. They consider the thing with Hussein in the Middle East as the least of their concerns.

What are they concerned with?

They are concerned with AIDS and other, disease problems which are coming to earth from space. There are currently two huge clouds of Amoeba Like Creatures over the polar regions of the earth. These have shown up periodically over the last ten years. NASA is working on this. Every time they’ve been detected, all kinds of strange illnesses break out. They don’t how they can stay alive and be in outer space. They’re very concerned about that. The AIDS situation is so far advanced that it is considered to be a disaster.

How do you bounce that against the fact that AIDS was created at Fort Detrick, Maryland? Are the aliens ultimately behind that as well?

I don’t know. It’s very possible. It originated on the orders of the World Health Organization. I suppose you have to go back and see who was responsible for this diabolical plan within WHO to create a virus that would destroy the human immune system. They found out that once it was released that it mutated like crazy and there is no way to produce a vaccine for it. The government does have a way to cure it, but they do that on a pretty selective basis. The cure involves electromagnetics. There are also other means that have been discovered, but the government doesn’t want the outside world to have it. Its part of the population reduction program.

Which is whose idea?

Apparently it was a decision reached by the secret government. The final decision was made in the White House in 1972 on the basis of a meeting of world leaders under Nixon. A friend of mine got the notes from that. He’s now in prison, and he talked about it publicly in 1974. He said that they had the meeting and agreed that the planet was overpopulated and that it had to be reduced. The decision was to reduce the population from 5 billion, which it was at that time, to 1 billion by the year 2000. They were to use any and all means to do this. They believed that the earth could only handle 1 billion inhabitants. Their problem was how to exterminate 80% of the world population in 30 years. They modified the figure to be 2 billion by 2000, but the AIDS thing is going to take care of a good part of that for them. The latest figures coming out of Washington indicate that Africa is now as good as doomed. In another ten years, 75% of Africa will be dead.

There have been recent figures to suggest that 92% of all babies born in Africa today have the virus.

Yes. in India, the rate is 51%.

It seems extremely irresponsible for a government to create something that can take people and do that to them.

Well, it was the “undesirables” that were given the virus first.

They should have known that this thing was going to get out of hand.

They didn’t know that was going to happen. It was also figured that it would affect the young set, those in their prime, most.

if they travel in time and know that geophysical changes will take care of a large part of the world’s population, why would they bother to do it? Especially because you have a bunch of 50 year old men having to wait 30 years.

I don’t know. Obviously they didn’t think.

Or it wasn’t them who were ultimately responsible. The only ones who would have a long term anything to gain would be aliens, so it further indicates that ultimately there are negative off-planet forces that are responsible. The aliens know about the changes.

How did they spread the virus initially?

Through World Health Organization inoculations that were contaminated with the virus. The first program was in black Africa in 1974 with the smallpox inoculations. They then went to Brazil and other Hispanic countries and did it there. In 1978, they laced the gamma globulin for the Hepititus B vaccine because the homosexual population was the greatest consumer. That’s why it showed up first in the United States in the homosexual population and why it was claimed to be a homosexual disease. Nothing could be further from the truth, but it was something the Evangelists took up quickly, saying that AIDS was “Gods curse on the homosexual”. People didn’t worry about it who weren’t gay. The people who planned this didn’t figure on the ability of the virus to mutate.

See also  1996: The Rockefeller - UFO Connection: An Alien Conspiracy?

It must taken someone with a really stupid mentality to do this.

What kind of disturbances have appeared with each appearance of these amoeba-like clouds?

Respiratory disturbances. It’s been detected in the New York area and on the west coast. Details are scant, but they consider it a major problem. It affects the human system directly. It is also the mechanism behind the influenza attacks in 1916 and 1917 that killed so many people.

It is possible that the ozone layer was deliberately affected in order to allow this influence to come through?

I don’t know. The greenhouse affect is taking hold because of it.

Is there any particular alien species whom it would benefit if the earth dried up and became desert?

Yes. The reptilians species might be good candidates.

Where do the Greys come from originally?

From outside our time/space continuum. The government does not fully understand where that is, since they don’t trust a lot of their information about them.

Do the Pleiadians use the gravity amplifier to fold time and space?

No. They have a hyperspacial drive system. They don’t do it in the same way. They use velocity rather than folding.

Aren’t they beneficial to humans?

They have not been invited to help. They are also sensitive to earth politics, galactic directives, and their own policies. It comes down to the fact where you don’t interfere when you’re not asked. Even when you are asked, there are limits to what you can do.

Can they be asked?

Well, in the case where you would have interference on a mass basis, like in response to the Orion incursion, you’re getting involved with the history of all humanity. We’ll have to see.

I would think that the only hope would be to collectively raise the consciousness of the entire planet.

Right. There are also other problems. The government worked out a deal with the Greys some time ago and has some of their technology. Weapons have been developed. They now have a missle that has a minimum operational range of I light year. We can hit any spacecraft well beyond the solar system.

I saw a brief on the news where the Star Wars technology is being turned around in space to hit down asteroids. Will they in fact be used primarily as a planetary defense against alien incursion?

Yes. The directives out of Washington seem to point to the fact that the secret government wants no aliens here at all interfering with their plans. They have not solved the problem with the Greys.

How do aliens refer to religious concepts?

As far as I know, none of them have any religion as such. They acknowledge a divine source in the universe. The Greys refer to the universe as a mind.

What is your prognosis for the future of the human species?

It will survive.

Why was it mentioned at one time that 2011 was the last year that they could see anything tangible?

It was mentioned in the Mayan calendar that 2011-2013 was a barrier of some kind. Psychics have said that there is a ‘barrier around 2013 that they can’t go through.

That doesn’t mean there is nothing beyond that.

No. It’s just blocked from view. Even to the time machines. There are a lot of people wondering whether they are going to retain control over humanity beyond 2013.

There seems to be a quickening of consciousness right now as we are beginning to go into fourth density.

Right. There seems to be some evidence of this.

Do you know where the current entrances to Montauk are?

No, but I know they’re there. The last time two people went out there to look they were abducted. They were knocked out electronically and taken underground to another facility where mental adjustments were made on them. They were returned to the spot, but one of them was not returned exactly at the same time as the other. There was about a 2 second gap and the one that was already there saw it. They knew immediately that something was wrong. They were given a warning. The underground system is still in operation. There are three entrances near AIL. They have three plants in the Farmingdale area. Brookhaven National Laboratories have an entrance to the system. There is also a connection to the Newark ITT Corporation building. From there a spur that goes to the ITT facility at Nutley. There is also a tunnel that goes from Newark to Wright Patterson AFB.

Do they use Maglev trains in this tunnels?

Yes. There is a very extensive tunnel network under the United States. The interesting things is that once you get past the coding system at the entrance elevators and get into the underground, nobody asks any questions. They assume you are supposed to be there, unless you make it obvious that you are not by your actions or appearance.

Why do humans age?

There are two genes missing from the human chromosome. One of them controls the aging process, so humans age. Because of this, when cells are duplicated in the body they are compared to the parent cell, not a master pattern that would exist in the genes, so the duplicate is not exactly the same is time. So humans age gradually.

There has been some discussion of the biorhythm cycles of the planet. Could you explain that again?

The cycles of humans are well known. It was not known until after 1983 after Montauk went down that the earth has cycles. It was discovered by accident. After an analysis, it came out that there were four basic cycles involved. These four cycles reach their maximum peak every 20 years. It’s always on the 12th of August.

So the next peak will be in 2003?


Do the biorhythm cycles of humans and those of the planet interlock’?

It is not known to interlock.

Have you seen the movie Milleneum? What can you say about the concepts portrayed there?

Yes. It was well done. It was an attempt to explain some disappearances. It’s an intriguing idea. Strangely enough, they didn’t cover something that really happend in Denver around 1965. A jet was coming in on final approach in daylight with no bad weather and vanished entirely from the radar screen. It was never found. No trace. Years later, in Tucson, I met the son of a man who was vice president of United Airlines. I asked him about it. He said, “how did you hear about that?”. I said I read it in the newspapers and then it was hushed up. He said, .. you better believe it was”. I asked him if anyone knew what happened to it, and he said that they had no idea. There was no wreckage, nothing. There is no way it could have happened like that.- but it did. The ideas in Millenium were more along the line of something they would have developed in the Phoenix project.


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