GB: Any sense of whether that race is benign or aggressive?
SM: I didn’t ask him about that but from what I can tell, I asked him if it
bothered him and he said no. If there was something that was endangering the
human race associated with it, he probably would have couched it in
different terms. I don’t think anybody, even abduction researchers think
that. Abduction researchers think they’re here to take all of our DNA and
impregnate our women etc. That may be true but they seem to be the only ones
saying that. I think the government for its part, I think they know what’s
going on but they’re still confused about it. They’re more knowledgeable but
they are knowledgeably confused! They don’t quite know how to handle it.
They know that that big piece of information carries a lot of power with it
and they don’t want to let that out. If I was in that position and my job
and my livelihood depended on it, I probably wouldn’t say anything either. I
might say tantalising things to a few people but I think it’s very easy for
people to keep secrets. If Bill tells me something and says “Don’t tell
anyone” then I don’t. It’s a courtesy. My job is my livelihood so there’s
even more of an incentive to be like that unless someone pisses you off or
whatever. I think the people that know this information, and other things
like weapons systems and so on are very good at keeping quiet plus they are
legally bound not to talk about it.
SM: Why do you think we’re not being told then?
GB: From what I said before. Because knowledge is power and if you know
about something that nobody else does then you’ve got that much more of a
lock in keeping them in their place and you in your place. And I’m not only
talking about socially but I’m talking about politically too. I’m not sure
if the United States knows what other nations think about it or what contact
they’ve had. I’m sure they’re interested in it.
SM: I’m jumping about here a bit but something else that you strongly hint
at in the book is that cattle mutilations are entirely a government
organised event.
GB: Yeah. I don’t go out and do investigations, that’s just not what I do. I’m
not interested in doing such a thing which puts me at a loss, especially if
you talk to Linda Howe. The reason I thought that is because the one person
I talked to who knew more about cattle mutilations than just about anybody
except Linda Howe and Chris O’Brien and a couple of other people, was Gabe
Valdez, and he said that during a lot of these mutilations, especially when
he was working with them in northern New Mexico in the 70’s and 80s, they
found gas masks lying about and radio chaff stuffed into a cow’s mouth in
one instance – why would aliens do that? A lot of periphery things, hardware
around these sites, like a boot or a glove or something like that. They find
these things and if its aliens doing it all the time, why would they leave
these things? It makes no sense whatsoever.
I asked Linda Howe about this and I couldn’t believe it when she said, “The
aliens leave that stuff there to make us think its humans”. I think I said
something like, “Okay, I guess I don’t have anything else to talk about with
Almost none of the stuff they do is outside the realm of human abilities,
really, as far as I can tell, except that Linda Howe has said that organs
are removed and no place they can see where they’ve been taken out except
maybe a little hole which means they’d have to liquefy it somehow and suck
it out.
SM: Well yes, the surgical procedures have been commented on in the sense
that medical procedures have been carried out that aren’t practised by the
medical profession.
GB: But it’s not beyond the realm of possibility for humans to do. Almost
none of it. There’s some of the things that happen that are which leaves the
question open but what I was trying say in the book was that some if not
most of these things are done by some sort of human agency. As to why, well
I asked Gabe Valdez about that as well and Chris O’Brien who wrote
Mysterious Valley and they think, and many researchers think the same thing,
that there is some kind of pathogen that got out into the animal population
sometime in the mid to late 60s and somebody is responsible for it and it’s
starting to spread and they’re trying to figure out where it is and what it’s
doing and how to stop it because it will decimate the native animal
population because some of these things are found in elk and deer, I’m
talking about some Mad Cow disease type stuff.
People ask why they can’t keep their own cows but then you don’t get a very
good sampling.
SM: I know this argument Greg but they don’t need to keep their own cattle.
Why can’t they just set up a legitimate wholesale business and buy in cattle
from all over the country?

See also  Project Beta and Underground Bases 7

GB: Because people would wonder why they were doing it. There’s other things
too although this goes off into speculation. The way it’s done, there’s
helicopters flying over these places, these things happen at night,
sometimes right next to people’s houses and nobody hears anything. Well, it’s
a good way to test in a real environment how well you can sneak by and do
things right under people’s noses, almost literally. Also to find out how it
affects the population and what people think of it and what kind of
information is being spread about it.
Its one of these intelligence operations, and I’m not saying the government
are doing it – maybe some quasi government or private agency that’s being
supported by the government who know about it – it covers a lot of bases.
Field medical procedure, stealth, the spread of disinformation and rumours,
so many different things. It sounds like I’m going around the bend to get
away from the alien explanation, I’m not. The main reason I follow that line
of thought, and Gabe Valdez who dealt with it intimately for many years
follows the same line of thought, is that it’s the only thing that seems to
explain some if not most of what’s going on. If there are aliens and they
are out there performing cattle mutilations, they either might have done it
first or someone is trying to copy them and hide under that scenario – I don’t
know but nothing seems able to explain everything. But human element within
cattle mutilations seems to explain a lot of it.
Chris O’Brien even found a group of people in the San Louis Valley that were
trying to cover up for it and were seen there afterwards, some local outlaw
type people, and the government and others are not above hiring criminals to
do things if they think they can do the job properly. There are also aspects
of ritual sacrifice and all that which enters into it. There are people who
have actually witnessed others doing it. There’s a lot of activity around
this nexus that can be explained in a lot of ways and a few that can’t.

See also  Project Beta and Underground Bases 5

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