Feb 5, 1950; Teaticket, Massachusetts. 5:10 p.m.

Witnesses: Marvin Odom, former U.S. Navy fighter pilot, USAF Lt. Philip Foushee, a pilot from Otis AFB, and two others. Two thin, illuminated cylinders, one of which dropped a fireball, maneuvered together and then disappeared high and fast after 5 minutes.

Feb. 24, 1950; Albuquerque, New Mexico. 1:55 p.m.

Witnesses: Municipal Airport Weather Observers Luther McDonald, Harrison Manson. One white, slightly elongated oval was watched for 1.5 minutes through a theodolite while it flew straight and level.

Feb. 25, 1950; Los Alamos, New Mexico. 3:55 p.m.

Witnesses: Twelve Atomic Energy Commission security inspectors. One cylinder with tapered ends, silver, and flashing, flew slow and hen fast, fluttered and oscillated, and changed course. observations by individuals varied from 3 seconds to 2 minutes.

March 3, 1950; Selfridge AFB, Michigan. 11:05 p.m.

Witness: St. Lt. Frank Mattson. One intense, dull yellowish light descended vertically, then flew straight and level very fast for 4 minutes.

March 20, 1950; Stuggart, Arkansas. 9:26 p.m.

Witnesses: Chicago & Southern Airlines Capt. Jack Adams, First Officer G. W. Anderson, Jr. One 100′ circular disc with 9-12 portholes along the lower side emitting a soft purple light, and a light at the top which flashed 3 times in 9 seconds, flew at not less than 1,000 m.p.h. It was seen for 25-35 seconds.

March 27, 1980; Motobo, Okinawa. 10:30 a.m.

Witness: USAF radar operator Cpl. Bolfango. Tracked on the radar for 2 minutes while it was stationary and then moved at 500 m.p.h… Visual observation not detailed, only mentioned in summary.

March 28, 1950; Santiago, Chile. 3:15 p.m.

Witness: M/Sgt. Patterson, of the office of the U.S. Air Attache. One white object observed for 5-10 seconds through binoculars while it flew high and fast, crossing 30% of the sky.

March 29, 1950; Marrowbore Lake, Tennessee. 7 a.m.

Witnesses: real estate salesmen Whiteside and Williams. Six-twelve dark objects shaped like 300-lb. bombs estimated 5 feet long. Flew 500 m.p.h. and descended, making a noise like wind blowing through the trees.

See also  Project Bluebook Unknowns - Part 1a

April 8, 1950; Kokomo, Indiana. 2 a.m.

Witness: Earl Baker. One grey metallic disc, 50′ in diameter, 15′ thick; top-shaped with a “conning tower” at the top and three ports on the rim giving off a blue light. It hovered for 2 minutes, then flew away. Baker aroused from sleep by his dog.

April 14, 1950; Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey. 2:30 p.m.

Witness: Army M/Sgt. James. Four rectangular, amber objects, about 3′ by 4′. changed speed and direction rapidly; the group of objects rose and fell during the 3-4 minute sighting.

May 7, 1950; Nine miles south of Ely, Nevada. 6:45 p.m.

Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and their grandson. One silvery-white object hovered at 100′ altitude, moved back and forth for 10 minutes and then flew up and away. Note in the case file: “No investigation.”

June 27, 1950; Texarkana, Texas. 7:50 a.m.

Witnesses: Terrell and Yates, employees of Red River Arsenal. One object, bright, shaped like two dishpans face-to-face, flew straight and level, fast for 4-5 seconds.

July 13, 1950; Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. 5 p.m.

Witnesses: two skilled Arsenal employees including Mr. Washburn. one object, shaped like a bowtie, and like polished aluminum. Flew straight and level, then one triangle rotated 1/4 turn in the opposite direction and returned to its original position. The object then made a right-angle turn and accelerated away after at least 30 seconds.

Aug. 4, 1950; approx. 100 mi. SE of New York City (39′ 35′ N., 72′ 24.5′ W.). 10 a.m. EDT.

Witnesses: Master Nils Learning, Chief Mate Jacob Koelwyn, Third Mate, of M/V Marcala. One 10′ cylindrical object at 50-100′ altitude, flying with a churning or rotary motion, accelerated at end of the 15-second sighting.

See also  Project Bluebook Unknowns - Part 1b

Aug. 20, 1950; Nicosia, Cyprus. 1:30 p.m.

Witnesses: USAF MATS liaison officer Lt. William Ghormley, Col. W. V. Brown, Lt. col. L.w. Brauer. One small, round, bright object flew fast, straight and level for 15-20 seconds.

Aug. 25, 1950; approx. 250 mi. SW of Bermuda (29′ 40′ N., 67* 28′ W.). 8 p.m.

Witness: B-29 radarman S/Sgt. William Shaffer. Radar observation, plus possible blue streak 3 minutes later. B-29 followed unidentified target, then passed it at an l/4-mile distance, target followed for 5 minutes, then passed B-29 and sped away. Total time of the tracking: 20 minutes.

Aug. 30, 1950; Sandy Point, Newfoundland, Canada. 1:30 p.m.

Witnesses: three local employees, including Kaeel and Alexander, of the Air Force Base. A dark, barrel-shaped object with a pole down from it into the water, flew at 3-5 m.p.h. and 15-20′ altitude for 5 minutes.

Sept. 3, 1950; Spokane, Washington. 2 p.m.

Witnesses: Maj R.J. Gardiner, Mrs. Gardiner, and neighbor (former saw three objects, others saw one). Metallic bronze discs, 20-30′ long, 2-6′ thick. Moved independently and erratically for 5 minutes.

Sept. 20, 1950; Kit Carson, Colorado. 10:49 a.m.

Witness: identified only as a “reliable source“. Two large, round, glowing objects and three smaller, internally lit objects. Two hovered for 1 minute, moved, and three smaller ones came from behind or within the two larger objects, and all sped upward and away.

Sept. 21, 1950; Provincetown, Massachusetts. 9:52 a.m.

Witness: M.I.T. research associate and Air National Guard Maj. M.H. Ligda. Radar tracking of one object during M.I.T tracking of USAF flight of F-84 or F-86 jet fighters. Object speed was 22 miles/minute (l,200 m.p.h.), made a turn of 11-12 gs acceleration during 1-minute observation.

Oct. 15, 1950; Oak Ridge, Tennessee. 3:20 p.m.

See also  Project Bluebook Unknowns - Part 1d

Witnesses: Atomic Energy Commission Trooper Rymer, J. Moneymaker, Capt. Zarzecki. Two shiny silver objects shaped like bullet or bladder. They dove with a smoke trail and one vanished. The other hovered at 5-6, altitude, 50′ away, left and returned several times somewhat further away.

Oct. 15, 1950; Pope AFB, North Carolina.

Witness: Daniel. Listed as “unidentified” in folder index, but no supporting data could be found.

Oct 15, 1950; Pope AFB, North Carolina.

Witness: Woodward. Same as a previous observation.

Oct. 23, 1950; Bonlee, North Carolina. 12:42 p.m.

Witness: ex-USAF pilot Frank Risher. One aluminum object shaped like a dirigible or Convair C-99 cargo plane, with 3 portholes, arrived from the southeast, hovered 3-5 seconds and flew away to the south-south-east at end of the 40-second sighting.

Nov. 5, 1950; Oak Ridge, Tennessee. 11:55 a.m.

Witness: Fairchild Aircraft illustrator Don Patrick. One translucent object, light grey with dark core, shaped like a pear or bean. Flew for 5-10 minutes with rapid, darting movements.

Dec. 2, 1950; Nanyika, Kenya. 10:50 a.m.

Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. L. Scott. One pearly, iridescent object with a flattened top, spun while hovering and made a sound like bees buzzing. Only data in files were from the East African “Standard” newspaper.

Dec. 6, 1950; Ft. Myers, Florida. 5 p.m.

Witnesses: former aircraft purchasing agent Harry Lamp and four boys, using lO-power binoculars. One 75′ object, 3-4′ thick, a bubble on top, silver with a red rim having two white and two orange jets along with it. The center revolved when the object hovered; then it flew away very fast.

Dec. 11, 1950; l0 mi. NW of Gulcana, Alaska. 10:13 p.m.

Witnesses: the crew of Northwest Air Lines flight 802. Two white flashes, followed by a dark cloud that rose and split in two.

Project Bluebook Unknowns – Part 1d

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