Jan. 1, 1953; Craig, Montana. 8:45 p.m.

Witnesses: Warner Anderson and two women. A silver, saucer-shaped object with a red glowing bottom, flew low over a river and then climbed fast in a horizontal attitude. Ten-second sighting.

Jan. 8, 1953; Larson AFB, Washington. 7:15 a.m.

Witnesses: men from the 82nd Fighter-Interceptor Squadron, including the squadron commander; all were on the ground. One green, disc-shaped or round object flew southwest for 15 minutes, with a vertically bobbing motion and sideways movements, below clouds.

Jan. 10, 1953; Sonoma, California. 3:45 p.m. or 4 p.m.

Witnesses: retired Col. Robert McNab, and Mr. Hunter of the Federal Security Agency. One flat object, like a pinhead, made three 360° right turns in 9 seconds, made abrupt 90° turns to the right and left, stopped, accelerated to original speed and finally flew out of sight vertically after 60-75 seconds.

Jan. 17, 1953; near Guatemala City, Guatemala. 3:55 p.m.

Witness: geologist/salesman J.J. Sackett. One brilliant green-gold object, shaped like the Goodyear blimp with its length twice its height, flew 400 m.p.h. straight and level stopped, then went straight up with one-stop. Sighting lasted 22 seconds.

Jan. 28, 1953; Pt. Mugu, California. 1 p.m.

Witness: R.W. Love, owner of Love Diving Co., engaged in retrieving radio- controlled drones. An 18-20′ white, flat disc flew straight and level, overhead, for 6 minutes.

Jan. 28, 1953; Corona, California. 6:05 p.m.

Witness: USAF T/Sgt. George Beyer. Five 25′ green spheres flew in V-formation, then changed to trail formation at which time the end objects turned red. Sighting lasted 12 minutes.

See also  Project Bluebook Unknowns - Part 4b

Jan. 28, 1953; Albany, Georgia. No time is given.

Witnesses: radar maintenance personnel. Radar tracked one stationary target for 20 minutes. A visual sighting about the same time was explained. No further information in the files.

Feb. 3, 1953; Keflavik, Iceland. 5:25 p.m.

Witnesses: radar operators. Four unidentified targets were tracked for 24 minutes. No further data.

Feb. 4, 1953; Yuma, Arizona. 1:50 p.m.

Witness: U.S. Weather Bureau observer Stanley Brown, using a theodolite. One white, oblong object was tracked flying straight up, leveling off and being joined by a second, similar, object. The second twice flew away and returned to the first. After 5 minutes, both were lost to sight behind clouds.

Feb. 17, 1953; Port Austin. Michigan. 10:04 p.m.

Witnesses: two officers and three airmen of USAF AC&W squadron, visually and by radar. The visual object appeared to larger and brighter than a star and changed color; it was seen to move slowly for 5 minutes until 10:09 p.m. Radar picked up a target at 10:08 p.m. moving in a similar direction for 17 minutes, at a similar speed.

Feb. 20, 1953; Pittsburg-Stockton, California. #1 time unknown; #2, 10:30 p.m.

Witnesses: USAF B-25 bomber pilots. #1 was a bright yellow light seen for 8 minutes. #2 was a bright light that flew on a collision course, dimmed and climbed away fast.

Feb. 24, 1953; Sherman, Texas. 7:43 p.m.

Witnesses: Warrant Officer and Mrs. Alden. Two bright red, round objects with big halos flew in small circles, climbed and faded during a 3-7 second sighting.

Feb. 27, 1953; Shreveport, Louisiana. 11:58 a.m.

Witness: USAF airman/private pilot. Five yellow discs made circular turns, fluttered, three of them vanished, the other two flew erratic square turns for a total of 4 minutes.

See also  Project Bluebook Unknowns - Part 4c

March 11, 1953; Hackettstown, New Jersey. 4 a.m.

Witness: Mrs. Nina Cook, an experienced private pilot, and wife of a Pan Am flight engineer. A large light, blinking at 10-15 times per minute, moved up and down along a mountain range.

March 14, 1953; north of Hiroshima, Japan. 11:45 p.m.

Witnesses: radar and visual observation by 10 crew members of the U.S. Navy P2V-5 patrol plane. Groups of 5-10 colored lights, totaling 90-100, slowly moved aft off the left side of the airplane, as detected visually and by airborne radar for 5 minutes.

March 21, 1953; Elmira, New York. 3:05 p.m.

Witness: Ground Observer Corps observation post. Six discs in a group flew high and fast for a few seconds.

March 25, 1953; San Antonio, Texas. 3:05 p.m.

Witnesses: USAF Capt. and Mrs. D.E. Cox. Several lights, some of which moved straight, others which made 360° turns for 1.5 hours.

March 27, 1953; Mt. Taylor, New Mexico. 7:25 p.m.

Witness: pilot of USAF F-86 jet fighter at 600 knots. (700 m.p.h.). One bright orange circle flew at 800 knots. (900 m.p.h.), and executed three fast rolls. Pilot chased object for 4 minutes.

March 29, 1953; Spooner, Wisconsin. 3:45 p.m.

Witness: L.C. Gillette. One aluminum, the circular object flew high and fast, twice reversing its course.

Note: Mr. Gillette saw a similar object in 1938. Fifteen-second sighting.

April 8, 1953; Fukuoka, Japan. 7:55 p.m.

Witness: 1st Lt. D.J. Pichon, pilot of USAF F-94B jet interceptor. One bright blue light descended, accelerated, flew parallel to the F-94, increased its speed and blinked out after 45 seconds.

See also  Project Bluebook Unknowns - Part 4b

April 15, 1953; Tucson, Arizona. 5:45 p.m.

Witness: S/Sgt. V.A. Locey. Three orange lights were seen for 3 minutes, 30 seconds, and a few seconds.

May 1, 1953; Goose AFB, Labrador, Canada. 11:35 p.m.

Witnesses: pilot and radar operator of USAF F-94 jet interceptor, and control tower operator. One white light evaded an interception attempt by F-94 during 30-minute sighting.

May 27, 1953; San Antonio, Texas. 8:30 p.m.

Witnesses: many unidentified civilians, including Jacobson. Nine separate meandering lights were seen during 15-minute sighting.

June 21, 1953; Naha, Okinawa. 7 p.m.

Witnesses: Nine Japanese and Okinawan weather observers. One unidentified light moved slowly for 20 minutes. No further data in files.

June 22, 1953; Goose AFB, Labrador, Canada. Z:lO a.m.

Witnesses: pilot and radar operator of USAF F-94 jet interceptor. One red light, flying at an estimated 1,000 knots. (1,100 m.p.h.) eluded the chasing F-94 after 5 minutes.

June 24, 1953; Iwo Jima, Bonin Islands. 11:30 p.m.

Witnesses: the crew of USAF KB-29 aerial tanker plane. Radar tracked an unidentified target which twice approached to within .5 miles of the airplane, and once to within 6 miles, during a 2-minute observation.

June 24, 1953; Simiutak, Greenland. 11:30 a.m.

Witness: weather observer A/2c R.A. Hill. One red triangle hovered and rotated for 15 seconds, then climbed for 5 minutes.

Project Bluebook Unknowns – Part 4b

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