Aug. 3, 1953; Amarillo, Texas. 12:04 p.m.

Witness: Airport control tower chief C.S. Brown. One round, reflective or translucent object flew straight, stopped for 7 seconds, sped along, stopped again, was joined by a similar object and they flew off in different directions, after a total of 56 minutes.

Aug. 20, 1953; near Castle AFB, California. 9:05 p.m.

Witnesses: the crew of TB-29 bomber/trainer plane. One greyish oval object made four passes at the airplane (three times at 10-20 miles distance), then dived vertically as if two objects.

Aug. 27, 1953; Greenville, Mississippi. 9:45 p.m.

Witnesses: USAF pilot, M/Sgt., others, all on the ground. One meandering light was observed for 50 minutes. No further details in file.

Sept. 2, 1953; Sidi Slimane AFB, French Morocco. 9:14 p.m.

Witnesses: Lt. Col. William Moore and lst Lt. J.H. McInnis

Dec. 24, 1953; El Cajon, California. 8:04 a.m.

Witnesses: U.S. Navy Lt. J.B. Howard and L.D. Linhard, flying F9F-2 jet fighters. Ten silver, oval objects flew at more than 400 knots. (450 m.p.h.), straight and level, for 5 minutes.

Dec. 28, 1953; Marysville, California. 11:55 a.m.

Witness: Yuba County Airport Manager Dick Brandt. One saucer, with a brilliant blue light, reflecting on a nearby building, hovered briefly during the 1.5-minute observation.


Jan. 28, 1954; Rangeley, Maine. 110-10:15 a.m.

Witness: Wilhelm Reich. Two bright lights moved into the valley, and were seen against the mountain background, for 15 minutes.

Feb. 26, 1954; Newburyport, Massachusetts. 2:30 p.m.

Witnesses: architect R.M. Pierce, marine engineer George Avery, and one other person. One silver disc, with a white trail, made a loud roar for 30-60 seconds.

March 2, 1954; vicinity of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. 10 p.m.

Witness: research engineer R.C. Swengel. Three objects, each with two lights, flew straight and level at medium speed for an unknown length of time.

March 5, 1954; Nouasseur, French Morocco. 8 p.m.

Witnesses: crews of USAF KC-97 aerial tanker planes. One object or light made passes at KC-97s, the other flew straight and level. Sighting duration unknown.

See also  Project Bluebook Unknowns - Part 4c

March 12, 1954; Nouasseur, French Morocco. 9:35 a.m.

Witness: USAF 1st Lt. Robert Johnson, flying an F-86 jet fighter. He chased an object at more than 530 m.p.h. for 30 seconds, but was unable to catch it. It appeared to be the size of a fighter plane but had neither tanks nor trails.

April 8, 1954; Chicago, Illinois. 4:30 p.m.

Witness: Lelah Stoker. One white round-topped disc, with a humanoid suspended beneath it, skimmed over the water, landed, and an occupant in a green suit walked around. It then took off very, very fast. Sighting lasted 30 minutes.

April 23, 1954; Pittsfield, Maine. 9:30 a.m.

Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Robinson. One silver dollar-shaped object with a dome and a flashing light made a sound like a swarm of bees. It hovered and tilted, flew horizontally, then rose vertically without tilting. Stones underneath it moved. Four-minute sighting.

April 24, 1954; Hartland, Maine. 6:10 p.m.

Witness: D. Robinson. One large, silver, oblong object with a dome and a flashing light flew straight and level and then straight up. Total of 15 minutes under observation.

April 26, 1954; Athens, Georgia. 7:35 p.m.

Witnesses: C. Cartey, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hopkins and their daughter. Fifteen to twenty yellow objects in a V-formation flew from south to north for 10 seconds.

May 10, 1954; Elsinore, California. 12:40 p.m.

Witness: U.S. Marine Corps Squadron Leader D.R. Higgin, flying an F3D-2 jet fighter. One dark gunmetal delta-shaped object, 22′ long and 10′ wide, with a fin on the top, descended at a 25-30° angle under the lead airplane of a formation, and over the airplane of Higgin. Sighting lasted a few seconds.

May 11, 1954; Washington, D.C. 10:45 p.m.

Witnesses: three USAF.air policemen at Washington National Airport. Two bright lights were seen on three occasions to fly straight and level, make 90° turns and fade. Each sighting lasted about 45 seconds.

May 22, 1954; LaPorte, Indiana. 9:15 p.m.

Witnesses: highway engineer R.W. Dring, engineer Geert Tibma. One bright light made a shallow climb for 45 seconds.

See also  Project Bluebook Unknowns - Part 4a

May 31, 1954; Concord, New Hampshire. 10:15 a.m.

Witness: Mrs. L.K. Stevens. One very white, the elongated object flew very, very fast, and then blinked out after 8-10 seconds.

June 1, 1954; from 400 miles south to Minneapolis, Minnesota. 9 p.m.

Witnesses: the crew of USAF B-47 jet bomber at 34,000′ altitude. One object with running lights flew at 24-44,000′ altitude for 1 hour.

June 8, 1954; Texarkana, Texas. 1 a.m. or 2:30 a.m. (file not clear).

Witness: L.T. Prewitt, an employee of Red River Arsenal. One golden yellow light flew over his house, making an “shhh” or buzzing sound for 2 minutes.

9:09 p.m.

Witness: USAF pilot

June 10, 1954; Estacado, Texas. 9:09 p.m.

Witness: USAF pilot Capt. Bill McDonald, in flight. One white light descended at 45° from a great altitude, passed under his aircraft, made two 360° turns and went out after 30 seconds.

June 22, 1954; Miami Beach, Florida. 9 p.m.

Witnesses: U.S. Marine Corps Maj. E. Buchser and Maj. J.V. Wilkins. One meteor-like object descended, stopped, and became extremely bright. Sighting lasted 7 minutes.

June 24, 1954; Danvers, Massachusetts. 12:45 p.m.

Witness: R.B. Tomer, director of commercial engineering for CBS-Hytron. One white, elliptical-shaped object covered 45° of the sky in 30 seconds.

June 25, 1954; Indian Lake, Ohio. 5:05 p.m.

Witnesses: experienced private pilot John Mark, flying Navion lightplane; radar at Dayton, Ohio airport, tracked very fast target at the same location. One silver or aluminum round object with a flat bottom, raised front edge, inverted cone on top, and a diameter of about 60′. Flew horizontally, hovered, made a high-G pull-up and then a steep climb into an overcast. Sighting lasted 3-5 minutes.

July 18, 1954; Normandy, Missouri. 8:40 p.m.

Witness: A.T. Chamblin. One greenish-white disc was seen for 30 minutes.

July 25, 1954; Middle Sister Island, on U.S.-Canadian border in western Lake Erie. 7:12 p.m.

Witness: attorney L.B. Tussing. One black cylinder, 12 times as long as wide, moved fast along the surface of the lake.

July 30, 1954; Los Angeles, California. 10:15 a.m.

See also  Project Bluebook Unknowns - Part 4c

Witness: Hughes Aircraft test pilots Englert and Peterson, flying a B-25 bomber. One metallic, pencil-shaped object flew slowly or hovered for an unstated length of time.

Aug. 2, 1954; Westlake, Ohio. 5:17 p.m.

Witness: ex-AAF B-17 gunner (19 missions) N.E. Schroeder. One thin, bright ellipse, like polished metal, hovered for 5-8 seconds, dropped down 3,000′ in 3 seconds, hovered again and faded out after a total of 20 seconds in view.

Aug’ 6, 1954; San Antonio, Texas. 6 p.m.

Witness: mechanical engineer L.H. Hormer. One intensely white elliptical light changed to yellow, then orange, then pink, four or five times while flying straight and level for 5 minutes.

Aug. 11, 1954; Yoron Jima, near Okinawa. 8:55 p.m.

Witness: P.L. Percharde, electrical engineer and assistant manager of Moeller Shipwrecker Co., of Okinawa. A line of blue lights, underneath. a blue circle with a black center. Flew over the ship and climbed, illuminating and agitating the clouds.

Aug. 15, 1954; San Marcos, Texas. 10:20 p.m.

Witnesses: USAF Maj. W.J. Davis, Capt. R.D. Sauers, flying a C-47 transport plane. One dark blue oblong object paced the C-47, veered away, then crossed in front of it. Five-minute sighting.

Aug. 24, 1954; Egilstadir, Iceland. 8:30 p.m.

Witness: one unnamed farmer. A cylinder, 2-2.5′ long, 4-5′ in diameter, made a loud whizzing sound, flew straight and level fast, then slow, then fell into a sandbar.

Aug. 26, 1954; Danville, Virginia. 6:15 a.m.

Witness: Rev. W.L. Shelton. Two domed ellipses, 20′ long, 8′ thick, 10′ at ends; glowing silver or orange. Hovered, then climbed side-by-side while getting brighter. Observed for 2 minutes.

Aug. 27, 1954; Dorchester, Massachusetts. 1 p.m.

Witness: E.A. Srazdes. Seven large, white, teardrop-shaped objects turned blue. Flew in line formation and increased speed during the 2-minute sighting.

Aug. 29, 1954; Prince Christian, Greenland. 11:05 a.m.

Witnesses: 1st Officer H.G. Gardner, engineer J.V.D. Whitisy, flying Royal Dutch Airlines DC-4 (PH-DBZ). Three or four dark, lens-shaped objects veered north and changed position information during the 10-minute sighting.

Project Bluebook Unknowns – Part 4c

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