Newly added memorandum by Wilbert B. Smith follows this article at bottom of page 

(Courtesy of the Disclosure Project)

In 1950 the Canadian government authorized a short-lived program designed to study UFOs.  Here is the program’s report by Wilbert B. Smith, Engineer-in-Charge, Project Magnet.

During the past five years, there has been accumulating in the files of the United States Air Force, Royal Canadian Air Force, Department of Transport, and various other agencies, an impressive number of reports on sightings of unidentified flying objects popularly known as “Flying Saucers“.  These files contain reports by creditable people on things which they have seen in the sky, tracked on radar, or photographed.  They are reports made in good faith by normal, honest people, and there is little if any reason to doubt their veracity.  Many sightings undoubtedly are due to unusual views of common objects or phenomena and are quite normal, but there are many sightings that cannot be explained so easily.

Project Magnet was authorized in December 1950, by Commander C. P. Edwards, then Deputy Minister of Transport for Air Services, for the purpose of making as detailed a study of the saucer phenomena as could be made within the framework of existing establishments.  The Broadcast and Measures Section of Telecommunications Division were given the directive to go ahead with this work with whatever assistance could be obtained informally from outside sources such as the Defense Research Board and National Research Council.

It is perfectly natural in the human thinking mechanism to try and fit observations into an established pattern.  It is only when observations stubbornly refuse to be so fitted that we become disturbed.  When this happens we may, and usually do, take one of three courses.  First, we may deny completely the validity of the observations; or second, we may pass the whole subject off as something of no consequence; or third, we may accept the discrepancies as real and go to work on them.  In the matter of Saucer Sightings, all three of these reactions have been strikingly apparent.  The first two approaches are obviously negative and from which a definite conclusion can never be reached.  It is the third approach, acceptance of the data, and subsequent research that is dealt with in this report.

The basic data with which we have to work consist largely of sightings reported as they are observed throughout Canada in a purely random manner.  Many of the reports are from the extensive field organization of the Department of Transport whose job it is to watch the sky and whose observers are trained in precisely this sort of observation.  Also, there are in operation a number of instrumental arrangements such as the ionospheric observatories from which useful data have been obtained.  However, we must not expect too much from these field stations because of the very sporadic nature of the sightings.  As the analysis progresses and we know more about what to look for we may be able to obtain and make much better use of field data.  Up to the present we have been prevented from using conventional laboratory methods owing to the complete lack of any sort of specimens with which to experiment, and our prospects of obtaining any in the immediate future are not very good.  Consequently, a large part of the analysis in these early stages will have to be based on deductive reasoning, at least until we are able to work out a procedure more in line with conventional experimental methods.

The starting point of the investigation is essentially the interview with an observer.  A questionnaire form and an instructional guide for the interrogator were worked out by the Project Second Storey Committee, which as a Committee sponsored by the Defense Research Board to collect, catalog, and correlate data on sightings of unidentified flying objects.  This questionnaire and guide are included as Appendix I (Webmaster Note: This appendix is not included here) and is intended to get the maximum useful information from the observer and present it in a manner which it can be used to advantage.  This form has been used so far as possible in connection with the sightings investigated by the Department of Transport.

A weighting factor is assigned to each sighting according to a system intended to minimize the personal equation.  This weighting system is described in Appendix II, (Webmaster Note: This appendix is not included here).  The weighting factor may be considered as the probability that the report contains the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so far as the observer and interrogator are aware.  It has nothing to do with the nature of the object claimed to be seen.  It is in a sense analogous to the order of precision with which a measurement may be made, and for the purpose of this analysis, this is precisely the manner in which it is used.

Sightings may be grouped according to certain salient features, and the combined weight of all pertinent observations with respect to these features may be determined by applying Peter’s formula, which is a standard mathematical technique for determining probable error.

r o = __,8453___           (v + v + v + … v)
n [sq. root of] n-1      1    2     3        n

where “ro” is the probable error of the mean, “n” is the number of observations and “v” is the probable error of each observation, that is, unity minus the weighting factor.  This method has the advantage of being simple and easy to use and enables a number of mediocre observations to be combined effectively into the equivalent of one good one.

The next step is to sort out the observations according to some pattern.  The particular pattern is not important as the fact that is should take account of all contingencies however improbable they may appear at first sight.  In other words, there must be a compartment somewhere in the scheme of things into which each sighting may be placed, comfortably, and with nothing left over.  Furthermore, it must be possible to arrive at each appropriate compartment by a sequence of logical reasoning taking account of all the facts presented.  If this can be done, then the probability for the real existence of the contents of any compartment will be the single or combined weighting factor pertinent to that single or group of sightings.  The charts shown in Appendix III (Webmaster Note: This appendix is not included here) were evolved as a means for sorting out the various sightings and provide the pattern which was used in the analysis of those sightings reported to and analyzed by the Department of Transport.

See also  An Engineer Looks at the Project Mogul Hypothesis

Most sightings fit readily into one of the classifications shown, which are of two general types; those about which we know something and those about which we know very little.  When the sightings can be classified as something we know about, we need not concern ourselves too much with them, but when they fit into classifications which we don’t understand we are back to our original position of whether to deny the evidence, dismiss it as of no consequence, or to accept it and go to work on it.  The process of sorting out observations according to these charts and fitting them into compartments can hardly be considered an end in itself.  Rather, it is a convenience to clarify thinking and direct activity along profitable channels.  It shows at once which aspects are of significance and which may be bypassed.  Merely placing a sighting under a certain heading does not explain it; it only indicates where we may start looking for an explanation.

Appendix IV (Webmaster Note: This appendix is not included here) contains summaries of the 1952 sightings as investigated by the Department of Transport.  Considerably more data exists in the files of other agencies, and more is being collected as the investigations proceed.  While it is not intended to make any reference to an analysis of the records of other agencies, it may be said that the Department of Transport sightings are quite representative of the sightings reported throughout the world.  The following is a table of the breakdown of the 25 proper sightings reported during 1952.

Probably meteor 4 91%
Probably aircraft 1 60%
Probably balloons 1 74%
Probably marker light 1 64%
Bright speck at night, not star or planet 3 75%
Bright speck daylight, not star or planet 1 68%
Luminous ring 1 68%
Shiny cone 1 53%
Circular or elliptical body, shiny day 5 88%
Circular or elliptical body luminous night 5 90%
Unidentified lights of various kinds 2 77%

With reference to the above table, of the four cases identified as probable meteors, their weight works out at 91%, which is the probability that the observers actually did see meteors that appeared as they described them.  Considering the circular or elliptical bodies together, their weight works out at 91 % at 91% for the ten sightings, from which we may conclude that SOMETHING answering this description was actually observed.  Similarly, we may consider each of the other groups of sightings, taking account of the probability that the observations are reliable.

It is not intended to describe here in detail the intricate and tedious processes by which the sightings are evaluated, beyond the fact that the pattern set forth in the charts in Appendix III (Webmaster Note: This appendix is not included here) is followed.  The cardinal rule is that a sighting must fit completely under one or more of the chart headings, with nothing left over and without postulating any additions, deletions, or changes in the facts reported.  Should there be no suitable heading, then obviously the charts must be expanded to provide one, in fact, this was the evolution of these charts.  Where a sighting may be fitted under more than one heading an arbitrary division of the probability of finding it under each applicable heading is assigned.  The sum of such probability figures must, of course, be unity, and the probability for the real existence under any particular heading is the product of this probability figure and the reliability or weighting factor for the sighting concerned.

It is apparent that the judgment of the people doing the evaluating is bound to enter the picture and may produce substantial numerical differences with reference to sightings listed under certain headings.  However, since many headings are automatically eliminated by the nature of the facts available, the discrepancies are confined to the probability figures for the distribution under the remaining headings which are considered eligible, and we end up with definite classifications for the sightings with SOME probability figure for the reality of each group.  This has the effect of forcing those who are doing the evaluating to face the reported facts squarely, pay meticulous attention to them, and place each sighting honestly under the only heading where it will fit.

In working through the analysis of the proper sightings listed, we find the majority of them appear to be of some material body.  Of these, seven are classed as probably normal objects, and eleven are classed as strange objects.  Of the remainder, four have a substantial probability of being material, strange, objects, with three having a substantial probability of being immaterial, electrical, phenomena.  Of the eleven strange objects, the probability definitely favors the alien vehicle class, with the secret missile included with a much lower probability.

See also  UFO ROUNDUP: VOLUME 1 NUMBER 11: April 28, 1996

The next step is to follow this line of reasoning as far as possible so as to deduce what we can from the observed data.  Vehicles or missiles can be of only two general kinds, terrestrial and extra-terrestrial, and in either case, the analysis enquires into the source and technology.  If the vehicles originate outside the iron curtain we may assume that the matter is in good hands, but if they originate inside the iron curtain it could be a matter of grave concern to us.

In the matter of technology, the points of interest are – the energy source; means of support, propulsion, and manipulation; structure; and biology.  So far as energy is concerned we know about mechanical energy and chemical energy, and a little about the energy of fission, and we can appreciate the possibility of direct conversion of mass to energy.  Beyond this, we have no knowledge, and unless we are prepared to postulate a completely unknown source of energy of which we do not know even the rudiments, we must conclude that the vehicles use one of the four listed sources.  Unless something we do not understand can be done with gravitation, mechanical energy has little use beyond driving model aircraft.  We use chemical energy to quite an extent, but we realize its limitations, so if the energy demands of the vehicles exceed what we consider to be the reasonable capabilities of chemical fuels, we are forced to the conclusion that such vehicles must get their energy from either fission or mass conversion.

With reference to the means for support, propulsion, and manipulation, unless we are prepared to postulate something quite beyond our knowledge, there are only two groups of possibilities, namely the known means and the speculative means.  Of the known means, there is only physical support through the use of buoyancy or airfoils, the reaction of rockets and jets, and centrifugal force, which is what holds the moon in position.  Of the speculative means, we know only of the possibility of gravity waves, field interaction, and radiation pressure.  If the observed behavior of the vehicles is such as to be beyond the limitations which we know apply to the known means of support, then we are forced to the conclusion that one of the speculative means must have been developed to do the job.

From a study of the sighting reports (Appendix IV) (Webmaster Note: This appendix is not included here), it can be deduced that the vehicles have the following significant characteristics.  They are a hundred feet or more in diameter; they can travel at speeds of several thousand miles per hour; they can reach altitudes well above those which would support conventional aircraft or balloons, and ample power and force seem to be available for all required maneuvers.  Taking these factors into account, it is difficult to reconcile this performance with the capabilities of our technology, and unless the technology of some terrestrial nation is much more advanced than is generally known, we are forced to the conclusion that the vehicles are probably extra-terrestrial, in spite of our prejudices to the contrary.

It has been suggested that the sightings might be due to some sore of an optical phenomenon which gives the appearances of the objects being reported, and this aspect was thoroughly investigated.  Charts are shown in Appendix III (Webmaster Note: This appendix is not included here) showing the various optical considerations.  Enticing as this theory is, there are some serious objections to its actual application, in the form of some rather definite and quite immutable optical laws.  These are geometrical laws dealing with optics generally and which we have never yet found cause to doubt, plus the wide discrepancies in the order of magnitude of the light values which must be involved in any sightings so far studied.

  Furthermore, introducing an optical system might explain an image in terms of an object, but the object still requires explaining.  A particular effort was made to find an optical explanation for the sightings listed in this report, but in no case could one be worked out.  It was not possible to find os much as a partial optical explanation for even one sighting.  Consequently, it was felt that optical theories generally should not be taken too seriously until such time as at least one sighting can be satisfactorily explained in such a manner.

It appears then, that we are faced with a substantial possibility of the real existence of extra-terrestrial vehicles, regardless of whether or not they fit into our scheme of things.  Such vehicles of necessity must use technology considerably in advance of what we have.  It is therefore submitted that the next step in this investigation should be a substantial effort towards the acquisition of a much as possible of this technology, which would no doubt be of great value to us.

(original signed)
W.B. Smith,
Project Magnet

The following article is posted here courtesy of The Disclosure Project:

(Webmaster Note: The document we worked from was a graphical capture of a somewhat poor original.  There are a number of words in the following text that we simply couldn’t make out clearly enough. In those cases, we will simply insert “(unreadable)”.  I think the remaining text, while incomplete, is still a very significant document for any student of ufology.

This memorandum was written by Wilbur Smith on November 21, 1950, to the Controller of Telecommunications:

See also  1955: LOOK MAGAZINE

For the past several years we have been engaged in the study of various aspects of radio wave propagation.  The vagaries of this phenomenon have led us into the fields of the aurora, oceanic radiation, atmospheric radio-activity, and geo-magnetism.  In the case of geo-magnetics, our investigations have contributed little to our knowledge of radio wave propagation as yet but nevertheless have indicated several avenues of investigation which may well be explored with profit.  For example, we are on the track of a means whereby the potential energy of the earth’s magnetic field ray may be abstracted and used.

On the basis of theoretical considerations, a small and very crude experimental unit was constructed approximately a year ago and tested in our standards laboratory.  The tests were essentially successful in that sufficient energy was abstracted from the earth’s field to operate a voltmeter, approximately 50 milliwatts.  Although this unit was far from being self-sustaining, it nevertheless demonstrated the soundness of the basic principles in a qualitative manner and provided useful data for the design of a better unit.

The design has now been completed for a unit that should be self-sustaining and in addition, provide a small surplus of power.  Such a unit, in addition to functioning as a ‘pilot power plant,’ should be large enough to permit the study of the various reaction forces which are expected to develop.

We believe that we are on the track of something which may well prove to be the introduction of new technology.  The existence of a different technology is borne out by the investigations which are being carried on at the present time in relation to flying saucers.

While in Washington attending the NARS Conference, two books (3 words unreadable) “Flying Saucers Are Real” by Donald Keyhoe.  Both books dealt mostly with sightings of unidentified objects and both books claim that flying objects were of extraterrestrial origin and might well be space ships from another planet. (Unreadable) claimed that the preliminary studies of one saucer that fell into the hands of the United States Government indicated that they operated on some hitherto unknown magnetic principles.  It appeared to me that our own work in geomagnetic might well be the linkage between our technology and the technology by which the saucers are designed and operated.  If it is assumed that our geomagnetic investigations are in the right direction, the theory of operation of the saucers becomes quite straightforward, with all observed features explained qualitatively and quantitatively.

I made discreet inquiries through the Canadian Embassy staff in Washington who were able to obtain for me the following information:

  1. The matter is the most highly classified subject in the United States Government, rating even higher than the A-bomb.

  2. Flying saucers exist.

  3. Their modus operandi is unknown but concentrated effort is being made by a small group headed by Doctor (unreadable) Bush.

  4. The entire matter is considered by the United States authorities to be of tremendous significance.

I was further informed that the United States authorities are investigating along quite a number of lines which might possibly be related to the (unreadable) such as mental phenomena and I gather that they are not doing too well since they indicated that if Canada is doing anything at all in geomagnetic they would welcome a discussion with suitably accredited Canadians.

While I am not yet in a position to say that we have solved even the first problems in geo-magnetic energy release, I feel that the correlation between our basic theory and the available information on saucers checks too closely to be mere coincidence. It is my honest opinion that we are on the right track and are fairly close to at least some of the answers.

Mr. (unreadable), Defence Research Board liaison officer at the Canadian Embassy in Washington, was extremely anxious for me to get in touch with Doctor (unreadable), Chairman of the Defence Research Board, to discuss with him future investigations along the lines of geo-magnetic energy release.  I do not feel that we have as yet sufficient data to place before Defence Research Board which would enable a program to be initiated within that organization, but I do feel that further work of our own organization with, of course, full co-operation and exchange of information with other interested bodies.

I discussed this matter fully with Doctor (unreadable), Chairman of Defence Research Board, on November 20th and placed before him as much information as I have been able to gather to date.  Doctor (unreadable) agreed that work on geo-magnetic energy should go forward as rapidly as possible and offered full co-operation of his Board in providing laboratory facilities, acquisition of necessary items of equipment, and specialized personnel for incidental work in the project.  I indicated to Doctor (unreadable) that we would prefer to keep the project with the Department of Transport for the time being until we have obtained sufficient information to permit a complete assessment of the value of our work.

It is therefore recommended that a PROJECT be set up within the framework of this Section to study this problem and that the work be carried on a part-time basis until such time as sufficient tangible results can be seen to warrant more definitive action.  The cost of the program in its initial stages is expected to be less than a few hundred dollars and can be carried by our Radio Standards Lab appropriation.

Attached hereto is a draft of terms of reference for such a project, which if authorized, will enable us to proceed with this research work within our own organization.

(W.B. Smith)
Senior Radio Engineer

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