Project/Group Name: Project VISIT

Mission: The project exists to conduct research in order to determine whether or not there is a correlation of engineering systems among UFO cases, to identify and evaluate such systems and determine the mode of operation of UFOs, and to share research findings with government agencies, public corporations, and the general public.

Date Started: Founded in 1976 with a membership of researchers, including engineers, scientists, analysts, and investigators, interested in UFOs. Ended: Present

Who or Whom Started It: researchers, including engineers, scientists, analysts, and investigators, interested in UFOs

Part of what Government Agency: ?

Location: Texas

Special Features/Characteristics They studied about 130 cases of UFO abductions with the goal of constructing a model of UFOs, their operation, and the entities who crew UFOs.

ku52574c45“They found:

“– UFOs have bright interior lighting.

“– Abductees undergo a medical-type examination with apparently highly sophisticated equipment.

“– Burns are suffered by many abductees.

“– Time loss – from 20 minutes to 3 hours – is common. Project VISIT member, Dr. Richard Niemtzow, described the crew members as four feet tall, hairless, grey in color, with no nose, a small mouth, and large slanted eyes. The Grey humanoid is emotionless and communicates by telepathy.

Source: Project VISIT may be reached at P.O. Box 890327, Houston, TX 77289.

Summary/Description: The project maintains an archive containing 10,000 clippings, reports, and reviews on current UFO cases and also compiles statistics. It sponsored the 1980 Mutual UFO Network Conference. It has also published a study and monographs.

Full Report

See also  2015: The Magonia Problem

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