Another recommendation I will make is a powerful Hebrew Mantra which is shared in J. J. Hurtak’s book called The Keys of Enoch (The Academy of Future Science, POB FE, Las Gatos, CA 95030, published in 1977). In this book, Mr. Hurtak discusses an inner plane journey he took with the being of “Enoch” (the soul of this person referenced in our Bible, who never died a physical death but was taken into the heavens) and was given a scroll, implanted into his consciousness, that was written in Hebrew but the Hebrew Letters were alive, and he called them “The Fire Letters“. In any case, there is a powerful Hebrew Mantra shared in this book, which is used for protection and I have found that it works related to contact with any type of entities (spirit or extraterrestrials). This mantra written in English for pronunciation is:

KODOISH, KODOISH, KODOISH ADONAI SAYBAYOTH ( In English, this means: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Host )

Basically you are calling upon the Angels of God to help you. Also, I think the vibration (like the word “OM”) of these words creates a vibrational vortex that activates in some way the Love and Light in our dimension. So just another suggestion to try.

Essentially my suggestion to Donna involves working with the true meaning of the word “Love“, the respect of all life. The way I see it, any being has the right to interact with any other living being in God’s infinite universe. However, each of us, individual soul sparks of God, can decide if we will give our power away to another being. And whether we do or we don’t, from a more spiritual perspective, if not relevant, it is what is gained from the experience. Perhaps for the people being abducted, they are learning how to be strong and exercise their power of will. It is a difficult question to answer, but from my own experiences, I have found that if you can reflect upon all the experiences you have had in your life as a non-attached observer, you can see how each individual incident in your life has helped to make you the person you were, whether it was the most joyous experience in your life or most traumatic, and that you became more whole, more aware of who you are.

See also  1996: Protection From Abduction

Life here on Mother Earth can be a wonderful process, as there is great beauty around us and God’s eternal love inside of us. We just need to pay attention to what is going on around us and always check within to our own guidance to see the Truth. Challenge all new things in this inner Light, and if it is there to be of assistance, it will not go away. I guess on a more practical level, to equate this concept to day to day things, we could say the same about a good friend, no matter what you say or do, if that friend is true, they will not leave.

This is Illinois again, signing out … just trying to make sense of all the challenges of today like the rest of us … hoping that this site has been helpful to provide some insights into the transformation of our world!!!

Donna’s Interesting Response
( Tuesday, May 16th )

Donna sent me a very interesting response with more insights related to this process of abduction. So I thought I would share this letter plus add a very comments of my own to her information. My comments are in italics. Thanks …. Illinois


Dear Joshua,

Thanks for your wonderful letter. You mentioned in your first letter that the way to stop the greys from abducting someone is to send them love and light. I am uncertain about this. On one hand, I would like to think that this could work but is there any evidence of this ever having really worked?

See also  Protection From Abduction 6

I agree that the energy of fear helps give strength to any lower vibratory being, but do we have any evidence that sending the opposite can actually stop them? By not sending fear we are not giving them additional strength but can sending love and light actually make them stop in the process?

I have studied the work of Ann Druffel in Los Angeles, who has spent many years researching the methods that have been successfully used by people who have been able to stop abduction. (I called Ms. Druffel and she is going to send me a copy of one of her articles and a list of other articles she has written, which we hope to share at some future time in this Site). Sending Love and Light do not enter into it. The people have been more successful with the following, which she lists in her articles:

Part 5

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