1. A strong assertive person who believes totally that he has free will and rights in the universal scheme of things and believes that these beings can’t usurp his/her rights. Holds strongly to this position when abductors are present.

2. The mental struggle has proven most effective. When one is experiencing the paralysis associated with the beginning of abduction, that person must struggle with very concentrated effort to make even one small movement (move a finger, toe, twitch the nose, etc.) If you can move anything at all, the paralyzed state breaks and the altered state is also broken. The beings quickly leave/disappear.

(Illinois: Also when one is paralyzed, they still have clarity of thought and can send to the beings around them, loving energy and visualizing a pink-colored light around the aliens. )

3. Very focused anger, not hatred or fear. Anger and indignation at being treated as less than an equal in the universe. Focused anger, such as you would feel towards some punk trying to steal your purse on a busy street.

(Illinois: – I would not suggest using anger but a strength of will, an absolute knowingness that you are a Divine Child of God and that no person, place or thing can take your power from you. Anger has a tendency to cause a destructive result rather than a constructive result in my opinion. However, anger generally is a sign that something is not in balance in a person).

4. Very strong sense of protection by spiritual personages (Christ, angels, etc.) Use of various metaphysical techniques, such as surrounding yourself with a protective barrier of white light.

(Illinois: – Not only a protective barrier of white light around yourself but extend this vibration to surround the aliens and to activate the light at the very center of their own being.)

See also  Protection From Abduction 4

These are the ones that Ann lists in her research. This is not to say that sending love/light doesn’t work, it just means that no one she has ever studied has done this successfully and won. Possibly if one were to send love/light in a very focused manner, all the while knowing that he/she was a spiritual being and that these greys (or whatever) had absolutely no right to be doing abduction — this might work. For myself, I think I would tend to reprimand them in my mind and tell them that they had no right whatsoever to be doing what they are doing. I would not send hatred but I don’t know if I could send love to them at a time like that — much more likely that I would send strong thoughts that they were wrong in what they were doing, all the time knowing I was a spiritual being in my own right and that I was protected with spiritual assistance.

(Illinois: – A form of reprimand is a form of judgment and I believe takes a person into an endless cycle of right and wrong. Even if we assume that people who are being abducted have some karma to balance to have such an experience, we must also think that the aliens might be interfacing with us to karmically learn how to be more spiritual and loving. If one fully trusts that they are a child of God, then the object is not to send the aliens away to stop their meddling but to welcome them in love. If they do not wish to participate with this vibration, they must leave. Thus you are not fighting with them to leave, you are welcoming them in love and only if they respond in a similar energy, can they stay!!! Sometimes the truth is the opposite of what we have been taught. This perception does not ignore the fact the aliens have no disregard for our free will choice.)

See also  Protection From Abduction 2

All that I have said above is, of course, slanted from my own perspective. I am interested in your perspective and hope you will keep me posted on any new ideas you come across in this regard. Also, will be most interested to hear if it every really works in the middle of an abduction.

I’m studying the teachings of the American Indians and also the Muslims with regard to what they say about this. Both these traditions say that these beings are selfish and controlling and have been manipulating humans for their own use for a very long time. Both say that they are negative beings and are to be fought.

To quote one letter I got recently from a Lakota Indian man:

“Native Americans are very aware of the beings that are ‘visiting‘. I have been told that they do not believe that these beings are extraterrestrial. In the ‘old days‘ the ‘Star People‘ visited and interacted with the people. Today in Lakota belief, the darker side has come and has impersonated the ‘Star People‘. This way, the dark beings could move into our culture, through the public’s fascination with UFOs. …. The greys are apparently interdimensional beings. They are from a lower realm.

(Illinois: – It is interesting to note that the term ‘Star People’ came through extraterrestrial contact with the Native Americans. It would make sense that these special people would try to incarnate into Earth bodies to interact with humanity in a more equal footing. I agree that the Greys are Interdimensional but they still are governed by universal laws. It is good to receive confirmation our Native Brothers they are aware of these beings who’s intention is questionable, this message confirms some of the information covered in our UFO Cover-up section.)

See also  Protection From Abduction 3

“Donna, what you are experiencing with abductees “flipping” to the idea that these beings are benign is a very dangerous thing. If the grays are so good at controlling minds, who knows how deep this control or possession may become? According to Native belief, these are crucial and dangerous times. If you read some of the boards on AOL regarding aliens, or some of the pop culture books these beings are being touted as the “Saviors of Humanity“. This is an invasion of sorts. Not from benevolent “space brothers” who will save the planet but from evil forces who revel in greed for their species.

(Illinois: – I agree, one must test the spirit of any beings who claim to be ETs. Send them the vibration of love and see if this energy is returned. Do not be misled by appearance only. I believe that many of the loving “Space Brothers” have been educating us through their telepathic messages, trying to awaken the fact that we, the people of this world have the ability to create the world we want, regardless of who may be attempting to interfere!!)

Part 6

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