Nineteen UFO Sightings

 Others and I witnessed the following sightings between 1979 to this current date of 2000.

The sightings are not in exact order.  And the information of dates and measurements are not accurate.

1) Coming home from Newport Beach, Calif. approaching the Newport freeway a thirty-foot long cigar shaped object passed over in front of me and other drivers.  It looked to be corroded with lava material all over it.  It traveled at ten mph.  It disappeared behind some large trees to my left.  When I passed the trees it was gone.  Upon arriving at home I turned on the radio hoping that something would be said about it.  No sooner I turned it on a disc jockey said that there is a UFO raid in Orange County (the county I live in).  People were being interviewed, as that they confessed to having seen small round objects, which hovered near them for a couple minutes then taking off and disappearing at a very high speed.

2) My father worked for the Pacific Bell Telephone Company in Anaheim, Calif.  He came home from work one night and said that near the park he saw a small metallic boomerang shaped object coming toward him at a very low altitude.  Some large trees obstructed his view of it, as he did not see it again.  Two days later I was in two miles from that area at Disneyland, and I saw it.  It was what my father described and it cruised at two mph at about fifty-feet above the sidewalk.  Traffic was busy, as I was stopped at a light in my car.  As far as I could see the other drivers did not see it, as they were busy chatting away.  Anyway, the object traveled down the street and out of sight.

3) One night in my parent’s backyard I saw a bright light in the east.  I thought it was a planet or a very large star.  Within a couple of seconds it split in half becoming two smaller lights.  About fifteen seconds after that the two lights, four hundred yards apart, united in one very fast motion becoming one very bright light again.  Then it disappeared in an instant shooting out into space at a very high speed.

4) My father has always been skeptical about UFO’s until surprisingly one night at around 8:00 P.M. he sat in a rod iron chair on the sundeck to his house.  He put his head back and looked up.  I asked him what he was doing, and he said he was looking for UFO’s.  Only fifteen seconds later he pointed up saying quite calmly, ‘There’s one.’ Because of his calmness I thought he was kidding.  He stood up from his chair and pointed almost straight up.  Finally I saw it.   It was a very small and faint light that was very high.  At first I thought it was a satellite, but when it aligned with a larger light it disappeared.        

After living for two years on my own I moved in an apartment in Garden Grove, Calif. in a shopping area called the Promenade.

Others and I witnessed most of the following sightings here in the Promenade area.

5) I could not sleep, as I went outside on my porch.  I lived upstairs, as the roof was close above me.  When I looked up I saw at the end of the roof a bright object.  It was in the center of the sky having a diameter of about a quarter of an inch.  It was traveling in an easterly direction.  It disappeared in ten to fifteen seconds in a fraction of a second.  There were no clouds eminent.

6) Getting to be close friends with Tomy’s restaurant employees, as it is walking distance from my apartment I often go there until closing.  It was 10:50 P.M. one night, as I left Tomy’s restaurant.  As I was walking home I noticed a very low large bright light coming down the street where I live.  Taking a shortcut through the alley the object often became obstructed from apartment buildings and trees.  When I got to the preschool near where I live the object came right up to me and stopped.  It was about twenty-feet in diameter with two very close car high beam headlights.  It had a smaller round part on top, which looked like bubbled glass paneling.  Besides the paneling it was painted white.  The upper paneling part looked dark inside, although it would seem to have light.  It had no windows or seams, as it hovered silently.  It was about six yards away from me over the preschool playground.  I thought it to be a piece of junk that gave me the impression that it probably could not fly very fast.  But a couple seconds after I thought that it suddenly budged a foot and disappeared.  The only thing that determined its direction of departure was a ten-foot tracer from the high beam car headlights.  It was angled slightly upward and in a northerly direction.

7) After moving next door to my neighboring complex taking about four days.  I finally got everything put away.  Sitting for the first time in my living room I looked out of my window.  Within ten seconds an object came out of the sky about a quarter-mile away.  It looked like an upside down car stick shift.  The ball of it spun in an opposite direction than that of the stick with a blend of different fiery colors, such as orange, yellow, blue and violet.  It acted with very fast pendulum motions.  It was visible only for about three seconds, as it shot out of the atmosphere at a high speed.

8) Waiting for my lady friend outside the grocery store on a bench I noticed many small planes flying with their lights on, as it was dusk.  As I watching these planes I focused on one in particular for no special reason, as it looked like the other lights.  It suddenly went straight up and out into space.  When my lady friend came out of the store I told her about what I saw.  She tried to assure me that it was not a UFO, but I couldn’t accept what she said.  On the way home I stopped occasionally observing the lights from the planes, as my lady friend walked on.  As I would catch up to her she would slander the UFO subject.  As we approached our apartment complex she pointed outward saying excitedly, ‘Is that one?’ I looked up and I saw a round metallic object flying through the tall pine trees that align our street.  I believe there may have been a UFO alert in my area, as for the reason of all the small planes.

9) On my way home from my local library I was walking down a not so busy street.  I looked up and noticed that a meteor shower had recently occurred.  There were many streaks in the sky of all different shapes and lengths.  Sky liner jets did not cause the streaks, because the streaks were too wide and/or short, and at a relatively low altitude.  I was kind of enjoying it, as I occasionally looked up, as I walked.  One of the times I looked up I saw at a very low altitude a very small but very bright object traveling from west to east.  It was in the center of the sky.  And it was only three hundred yards away from me.  When it got fifty yards away from me, and two yards from the ground, at a dirt field, it swooped upward and disappeared into space at a very high speed.  It was illuminated and it was so small that I could honestly say that if I had it in my hands it would have been no bigger than a basketball.  I believe its brightness was from the suns reflection.  If it was manned it would must have had some kind of miniature life form in it.

10) Standing outside my apartment at about 9:00 PM I could see over the roof across the way from my complex.  There I saw two groups of five objects hovering in the east.  Besides these objects were two larger objects appearing then suddenly disappearing near the two sets of smaller objects.  The two sets of five objects and the two larger objects were very bright.  After observing these objects for three minutes I went back inside my apartment.

11) Waiting for my order at the IHOP (International House of Pancakes) restaurant I sat at my usual table in the back near the window.  It was cloudy, as we had a recent storm.  As I noticed birds flying I saw a bright flash like that of a camera.  It caught my attention, as I stared in that direction.  It happened repeatedly in intervals of about ten seconds.  Then I started yelling for the waitress who was my friend.  ‘Alice! There’s a UFO!’ Alice was an elderly lady who shared her story with me of a UFO that landed in her farmyard.  Anyway, she came running to my table.  She looked out the window, as the flashing occurred twice.  She did not see the flashes, because she said that she did not have her glasses.  However another waitress shared the sight of the flashes with me.  She was dumbfounded.  There were long shaped white clouds with pockets between them.  Finally I could see a very small metallic object about ten-feet in diameter playing around in them.  For sometime it was going up and down in the cloud pockets.  When my order was placed on my table I stopped looking at it and I ate.  When I left the restaurant I looked for it.  I saw it outside the restaurant at a very low altitude traveling northward at about five mph.  Because the air was clear and there were no clouds in the area where it presently was I could see it was a small round metallic object with a small dome on the top of it.

12) One night at around 11:00 PM I was trying to sleep.  When about three minutes went by I rolled over in my bed with my eyes open (as it took me hours to sleep).  My bedroom window was open, as I saw twenty-five feet away a concoction with different colored Christmas tree type lights on and near its corners.  The lights blinked alternately.  It looked like an object in shape to that of a pile of boxes.  I could only see its outline being it was dark outside.  In the center of it was a lighted area.  And in the center of the light was a cross.  The white light could be seen through what looked like stained glass (like a shower door glass).  Somehow I sensed somebody or something inside of it was angry, but not at me.  I viewed this object for ten seconds, as it slowly went by my window at about two mph.  It was very beautiful.

13) Upon picking up my lady friend from work we were chatting as usual.  Nearing her apartment by the preschool parking lot I sensed someone looking at me.  I looked up and saw a round rainbow colored object about twenty feet in diameter.  As soon as I saw it it flew away straight up at a high speed disappearing into space.  It left a very beautiful rainbow tracer.

My lady friend saw it before I did, but she did not say anything to me.  It was hard for me to determine the objects altitude; because it was almost out of my sight by the time I saw it.

14) My friend Al and I went grunion hunting at a nearby beach.  Although the grunions did not run the two nights we went both nights.  Two bright lights could be seen over the ocean.  They hovered for forty-five minutes then they slowly disappeared.  The bright lights were about two hundred yards high and a quarter mile away.  These lights could not have been helicopters, because I never heard of a helicopter hovering for forty-five minutes, and there was no sound.

15) Walking eastward one morning I saw about four hundred yards away from me a low hovering object.  It was round and bright.  It looked like a white ball of fire, as it seemingly spun in one place.  In about thirty seconds it very slowly went out into space.  Two days later at approximately the same time and place I saw another one.  Only this one was a light orange color.  The white object was about three quarters of an inch in diameter, and the light orange object was an inch in diameter.  It was easy for traffic to have seen both objects.

16) Walking home from the Marathon restaurant one night I stood at a cul-de-sac looking at a low flying object.  It looked like one small light.  I thought that if blinking lights would become imminent it would be a plane.  It silently nosed dived a hundred yards away from me.  When it was fifty yards above the ground it sharply turned upward and flew out into space.  Within a couple of seconds it was gone.  Although it was dark I could see that it had wings.  The wings were like that of a plane, and that they were angled back.  And on the insides of the wings were five semicircles, insinuating to me that it was evil.

See also  1995: A Short Introduction to Ufology

17) From my bedroom window you can see the Bank of America building.  It had a broken floodlight near its roof.  It looked and acted like a UFO probe.  I showed my lady friend one night from my window.  After observing this broken flood light for thirty seconds to the right of it appeared a very small dot of white light.  It entered the atmosphere quickly in an upside down L path then stopped.  I told my lady friend to look at the object.  That it will soon disappear.  We watched it for about thirty seconds then sure enough it went back out into space the same way it came.  My lady friend said nothing.  She says that she is a firm believer in UFO’s, but usually she will not admit to have seeing one.

18) It was dusk, as I was getting ready to leave my apartment to go get a meatball sandwich at Antony’s Pizza.  The night before we had a very bad rainstorm.  As I was putting on my jacket I looked out of my living room window and saw what first appeared to be a sky liner jet.  It was in the west and just above the roof of the complex next door, but at a great distance.  As I watched it I noticed it was not a sky liner jet, but that it had a constant white trail or tail coming from it that was about forty yards long.  And the head of it looked half round.  To be frank it looked like a comet.  It traveled slowly south toward a dense purple cloud.  And when it went behind it it turned out toward space and disappeared.  Then about three seconds later a very small round object appeared next to the cloud.  It was a very beautiful blue, orange and violet colored object, which measured three-sixteenths of an inch in diameter.  It looked like a precious shiny stone.  It stayed perfectly still for ten seconds then it suddenly disappeared into space in the same direction as the comet looking object.

On the way to the restaurant I asked people in the Pavilions parking lot if they had seen the object.  They all said that they had not.  But one person offered his opinion, as it could have been a government missile.

About four days later I was walking home from the library and near the nearby field close to where I live I saw it again! The same object was almost directly overhead.  It took up almost an eighth of the sky.  It traveled along near the center of the sky for ten seconds then it slowly turned out into space and disappeared.  This sighting took place at about 5:30 PM.  This object was interesting as to how its white vaporous tail consistently remained a part of its head.  And how the vaporous tail dissipated into thin air after it turned out into space disappearing.

19) Sometimes I walk with my head down, as I meditate.  A couple of months ago, I was walking with my head down through the Pavilions parking lot, as I was on my way to the library.  As I approached the field I looked up.  What I first thought to be three crows flying ahead of me was only two crows and a UFO.  The UFO must have been only six yards high.  It was twenty feet long, and six feet wide, and it was dark brown and black.  The center part of it had a round feature.  And it had wings on both sides that made it look like a rectangle.  The wing parts were cut out in the centers as semicircles.  This object slowly traveled down the field towards a main street.  It crossed the street and traveled down another field.  The object was soon out of my sight, as it disappeared into haze.

My city police are aware of the unusual UFO activity in my area.  In fact, I talked to Officer Stofer who was in charge of the situation.  He said that they are ‘friendly’s.’  I updated my sightings to the Mutual UFO Network of Orange County, and to the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell, NM.  Also, X-PPAC a new organization back east that documents UFO sightings is trying to bring the subject into the open.  The founder of this organization told me by phone that he heard of strange things going on in my area.  I had many eyewitnesses to my sightings, as I literally had hundreds mostly in this shopping area alone nearby where I live.  Seven years ago the channel 7 Eyewitness News Team did a live report saying that the objects are all along the Pacific Coast.  And that nobody knows what they are, but investigators plan to find out.  Even MUFON of O.C. documented the objects around here as ‘unknown’ meaning UFO by two investigations with me 10 years ago.  I learned just a couple of years ago, from the Internet, that to the most part I and others around here were seeing Orbs, which I photographed and filmed.

I take all into consideration concerning the confirmation of my sightings, as to whether they are planes, birds, helicopters, blimps, atmospheric conditions or weather balloons.         

I took the following photos in the Promenade shopping area.  Although nighttime UFO photos come a-dime-a-dozen I just thought to share them with you.  People I show my photos to often accuse me of taking photos of lamplights.  I know, they are not very good photos, but I can guarantee you that the images concerned are not lamplights.  These people are all from UFO organizations that are affiliated with the government, so because the government does not want the public to have faith in UFOs they will lie about any evidence from the public.  My local MUFON of O.C. was somewhat on the level with me.  My photos have been analyzed by The Mutual UFO Network of Orange County and by The International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell, NM with data base computers.  Both places found my photos to be authentic that the images could not have been manipulated, and that they are derived directly from their negatives.  I hope to obtain better photos in the near future.

The photos that look like smoke is not smoke.  It is an ‘energy field’ or ectoplasm (ghostmatic material or material that comes from ghosts).  The appearance of ectoplasm on film indicates a prelude to an apparition or if it is considered an ‘energy field’ then it is usually UFO related.  Some people in the subject believe it is an UFO ‘energy field’ and some believe it is ectoplasm.

Following are my freehand drawings of my Close Encounter Sightings that are described above.  And after that are my photos, and a report about them from Doctor Burleson from the International UFO Museum and Research Center.  And following that are three reports from England paranormal investigators about my 8-hour video, which are the same type objects I photographed.  The footage of my video was also taken in the Promenade shopping area.  I used a high-powered digital zoom lens, which took me right up to the objects.  To tell you what they look like would take too long not doing them justice, except that they are commonly called Orbs.  Orbs can be UFO related, ghost related or environmentally related.  Because of my encounter experiences I cannot dismiss my photos and film as being UFO related, and that I filmed a couple of saucers.  According to OrbSite, on the Internet, the Orbs are interstellar satellites from another planet.  They are here to help us in their patience.  They are technically, scientifically and spiritually advanced.  There are Bell Orbs, Tetrahedron Orbs and Football Orbs.  They travel through space from one place to another, and when they find a comfortable place they stay, at least for a while.


Eight Alien Encounters

1) This encounter starts out at about 8:50 PM when I left Tomy’s restaurant and on my way to the grocery store.  On the way back to Tomy’s from the grocery store I walked through the dark and vacant back parking lot with the field to my left.  As I walked I saw a low flying lighted object.  I watched it as it came closer.  I thought it might be a UFO, but I was not sure, because I did not hear a plane engine sound coming from it.  I stopped walking and stood watching it.  The back of it pulsated four times with white light.  I watched it as it flew over and away from me.  It was a hundred yards high and I never heard an engine sound.  As I walked on I came to the back of the Chapman Car Wash.  I was walking westward by a small dirt area where the Mexican car wash workers often relax.  This area aligned with the field and it was very dark.  As I walked on the pavement near the dirt I saw coming out of a large poison plant a humanoid looking being.  He was sixty yards to my right, and forty yards ahead of me.  And he was five-feet tall and very thin.  He wore a one-piece light blue space suit.  The space suit was turtleneck and it had one-inch by one-quarter inch rectangles on it.  The rectangles had an indescribable quality of power.  His ankles were tapered probably with some kind of rubber band or string.  He wore heavy-duty black boots.  He had a pointy chin and no ear lobe, as there was only a hole for his ear.  His head was large, bald and deformed.  And he walked a little like a man with arthritis.  He did not see or hear me, as the dark field was to my left and I was wearing tennis shoes.  I got a good look at him as he went through the flower shop floodlights next to the car wash.  I kept my eyes on him until I had to check my path, as I knew a dip was nearby.  The second I checked my path I heard what sounded like a BB gun cocking.  When I heard this I looked back for him ready for anything, but he was gone.  The only place he could have been was behind the large air generator.  I was standing there waiting for something to happen.  In ten seconds ten yards from the air generator in the direction toward the street appeared a five-foot tall ape looking creature.  It was ghostly and it walked like an ape with exaggerated ape movements.  Its face and head did not look like any ape I have ever seen.   It had very large hairy forearms.  He walked from the center of the car wash to the east wall of the flower shop at an angle.  Because of my position I could not see him at the flower shop wall, and I didn’t care to.  There was no way I was going to look for him along the wall.  I hurried back to Tomy’s restaurant telling my friends that worked there and nearby customers that I had just seen an outer space alien.  Nobody seemed to care, as everybody was busy working and ordering.  The clock read 9:10 PM.  I got home at 9:15 PM.  I promptly called the police.  The dispatcher said that she would get a unit to the car wash to check it out.

2) This encounter relates to my first one above.  Two years before it I saw the same ape like creature nearby where I live.  About twenty yards ahead of me it crossed a nearby alley at around 11:00 PM.  It went behind a dumpster located along the fence of the preschool.  I slowly looked behind the dumpster, but I saw nothing.

After my first UFO sighting I was getting nosebleeds during the night for a year.  During this time I was hearing a strange humming sound coming from outside.  I was never able to distinguish its exact origin, but it definitely came from above and in an easterly direction.  The humming sound always started soon after I went to bed.  This sound kept me awake for hours.  And when I was able to sleep I was awakened with a nosebleed.  One night I got mad about it at around 1:30 AM.  I got out of bed and dressed.  I went outside and walked in the general direction where the sound seemed to be coming from.  I checked my neighbor’s washroom, and I walked down my block.  To no avail the humming was not present.  When I got home and undressed the humming sound started.  I remember asking my parents if they heard the humming sound.  They said that they did not.

Around this time I was kicked out of the nest.  I was put into a room and board home.  This home was near my parent’s home, and when I moved the nosebleeds and humming promptly stopped.

The following experience happened around the time I was experiencing nosebleeds, and hearing humming sounds at night.  To tell you the truth I cannot make head-or-tail of the following experience, as it being an encounter and/or abduction experience or what.  All I know is that it was very real and frightening, and having a context of no dream I ever had.

3) My parents were away on vacation for a couple of months in Italy.  Having the house for myself I decided to go to bed early being nothing was on television.  When I hit the bed I heard the den screen door rattling, as though somebody was trying to come in.  I got scared, because I forgot to lock the screen door.  I got out of bed and yelled, ‘Get the shotgun! Somebody is at the door!’ in hope to scare the intruder away.  Inching my way toward the screen door and then into the backyard I saw nobody.  Going back to bed I did not hear the humming sound so I was able to fall asleep quickly.  Like no other dream I ever had I was in complete darkness going down a steep hill in something.  All of a sudden I toppled out of whatever I was in and I was sitting in a sunlit dirt area, as the sun was very bright.  Then I became aware of a picket fence behind me, and a four-foot square brooder in front of me to my right.  Then to my amazement I heard sounds coming from it.  I heard sounds of cows and horses.  I leaned forward and peeked into the brooder.  It was more than half way filled with dirt, as I saw one inched sized seven cows and five horses.  In every reality they walked around the brooder mooing and neighing.  As I slowly backed away from it I looked to the south.  I saw a formation of six round and metallic UFO’s about four hundred yards away from me.  They were about sixty yards from the ground.  I started getting scared, as one UFO darted near me.  It started shooting large beams of white light near me.  The light was about six-feet in diameter, and different from the sun’s light.  As I was still squatting by the picket fence I noticed a large avocado tree about fifty yards to my right.  As the UFO was still beaming light near me I made a fast dash for the tree.  I squatted under it in the shade, as the ground was covered with large dead leaves.  I was out of breath.  Within a minute I felt a sting on the back of my right arm.  I immediately felt the affect of a paralyzing drug traveling through my blood stream.  When I felt half paralyzed a seven-foot tall being wearing a one-piece white space suit with a turned-up collar took me by my arms.  He said, ‘Come with me.  I won’t hurt you.’ As he held my arms we walked in a northeasterly direction.  After walking for about a hundred yards I saw a white painted UFO.  It had a ramp coming down from it.  The UFO was about forty-feet in diameter.  The seven-foot tall being boarded me on the UFO.  He took me into the first room to the right.  It was kind of dark inside.  He seated me on an examining table, and told me to watch the movie screen to my left.  All around me were seven or so 3 ½ foot tall grey aliens.  They were scurrying around me, as though they were busy not paying any attention to me.  They had very large baldheads with very large black almond shaped eyes.  The seven-foot tall being who I did not look at much had a large bald deformed head also.  His eyes were round and small.  When I looked at the movie screen, which was one of those portable folding type, I heard two loud bang noises behind me.  Immediately after this I was waking up from a very far place.  As I was awakening thinking, ‘Wow, what the hell was that?’ I was getting a tremendous craving for cinnamon.  The more I woke up the more the craving.  I had to make a mad dash for the kitchen, but I could not find cinnamon.  With the craving getting worse, as I awakened I got on the phone and called Alpha Beta supermarket.  The store closed at 10:00 PM, and it was 9:50 PM.  I got dressed and hurried for the store.  Getting there in time I bought an apple pie.  I brought it home and ate the cinnamon apples in it.  I was never so satisfied.  Going back to bed I saw an owl in my window.  And closing my eyes I saw a fairy looking creature with a wand (with my minds eye and with my eyes open).  Every time the fairy would touch my right eyelid with its wand I would see a vision of violence of nuclear bombs blowing up, crime, war and destruction.  The fairy was just an inch from my head touching my right eyelid every fifteen-seconds for three-minutes.  The fairy was about four inches long.  It had wings that quickly fluttered like that of a dragonfly.  It had a human like head and arms.  And it was grayish in color.  I do not remember it from the waist down.  I think it had human like legs.

See also  1975: A REVIEW OF MIBS (Men In Black): A HISTORY

I did not know it at the time, but I learned from books, and the Internet that the seven-foot tall alien was a Nordic.

I know, this sounds incredible, but I often talked to friends and family about it for years.  Six-years later I told it to a Christian friend at a Christian hotline.  This friend suggested I get the book ‘Communion.’  She said that what I told her sounds very similar to the book.  I promptly bought the book.  It was first published in 1985, as a national best seller.  According to the book Whitley Strieber had a similar experience to mine above.  Over the years Whitley Strieber has been found sane, as he is a retired air force colonel.  Again my experience took place in 1979.

Here are the attributes of my experience that coincide with the book ‘Communion.’

Rattling Door

Theater Room

Bang Bang (sound)




4) I was listening to my radio in my bed, as the time read midnight.  Shutting off my radio I rolled over to sleep.  As soon as I closed my eyes I heard a zzz, sss and wooing sound coming down my street (as these sounds being one sound together).  It was very faint at first, but it got louder and louder.  Within thirty seconds it was very loud.  It was directly over my apartment.  My eyes rolled up to the direction of the sound, as I somehow could visualize the bottom of it through my ceiling, and roof.  It seemed to be only about ten-feet above my roof.  It was sixteen-feet in diameter, as I could see a four-inch wide six-inch deep round groove rimming it.  I remember the groove having dust or cobwebs in it.  It hovered over my apartment for forty-five seconds, as then it moved on down the street towards the field.  I was going to run down the corridor stairs to take a look at it, but I figured that by the time I would get my robe on and down the stairs it would be long gone.  So I chucked it up as being another strange experience.  I closed my eyes and I said to myself  ‘Tom, just another UFO.’  When I closed my eyes I saw completely covering my left eyelid some kind of white substance.  Because I am Christian I thought it to be the Holy Spirit protecting me from what was over my apartment.  Then seconds later I suddenly was having severe audio hallucinations of a human male voice coming from the corner of my room.  It was loud and real, and it scared the-hell-out-of-me.  When I opened my eyes and quickly sitting up the hallucination stopped.  When I closed my eyes again the same hallucination happened again.  The human male voice was deep and spoke in English, but I cannot recall a word it said.  Anyway, I had to stay awake.  At around 12:15 AM I strongly sensed a very intelligent presence coming from the direction of the field at the end of my street.  Then it was definite.  I became aware of four very intelligent beings in a very high tech vehicle in the field.  No sooner of this I was somehow communicating with these beings in the field from my bed.  It was a telepathic type thing.  This communicating went on until 3:30 AM.  At this time I looked into my large dresser mirror.  I saw a robot-looking image in my mirror standing in my living room next to my kitchen.  I could only see the outline of it being it was dark inside, but lighted outside by my neighboring apartment complex.  It was standing in front of my living room window.  It was five-feet tall.  Its head had an elongated shape similar to that of a football.  Its shoulders were very small and square, and its arms were thin.  Because of the dresser I could only see it from its head to a little below its waist.  But I could see its legs were thin.  It looked like a man in armor.  When I first saw it I said kind of loudly, ‘What the hell is that?’ Then I got on my elbow at the edge of my bed to get a better look.  Three seconds later it took one-step sideways into my kitchen.  When it did this I was able to determine that it was wearing pants that acted like a thick material (like levies).  For some reason I did not feel intimidated at all about this thing being in my kitchen.  Anyway, I got up to get a drink of water when the communicating stopped, as it was fifteen-minutes later.  As I slowly approached the kitchen I turned on the kitchen light.  I said, ‘Is anybody there?’ When I got in full view of my kitchen nobody was there.  As I entered my kitchen I looked around for any evidence that being may have left behind.  I found nothing, but I noticed that shadows and objects that were black had an indescribable quality I could not describe.  The same quality the green rectangles had on the alien’s space suit behind the car wash (mentioned in chapter 3).  Anyway, as I was drinking my water I heard knocking on my front door.  The knocking went on for about three-minutes.  When I imagined answering it I got a tremendous rush of fear imagining a 3-½ foot alien staring at me then hypnotizing me and bringing me to the UFO in the field.  There was no way I was going to answer the door.  I was just transfixed looking at my door trying not to freak-out.  When the knocking stopped I went back to bed.  Then the communicating started again.  Only this time I somehow knew I was communicating with an alien doctor.  When 5:30 AM rolled around the communicating had stopped.  And shortly after the presence in the field was gone.  Then I realized that the white substance in my eye was gone.  I was so relieved that I fell right to sleep.

Two days later on the way to shopping I walked through the field.  I looked to my left and I saw a perfect semicircle impressed in the dirt that was sixteen-feet in diameter.  I walked over to it.  The semicircle impression was a half-inch deep and four-inches wide.  And right in the middle of it was a burned dirt area.

A couple days later I got two police officers to look at it.  They took their car in the field, as I directed them to the spot.  They were both amazed.  One cop kicked up some of the burned dirt and smelled it.  He agreed with me by it having a sulfur smell to it.  After I told them the whole story one cop told me to get on 20/20 or Hard Copy.  At this point I went home.  I tried calling 20/20 and Hard Copy, but I could not get through.

Three days later entering my apartment I was in my living room not really thinking about anything.  Slowly that communicative presence filled my living room.  It was a presence that seemed to have come from far out in space, and just like the telepathic presence I had during my experience.  It very shamefully commuted to me that they wanted to dissect me that night.

I cannot and do not remember anything that was commuted between the presence in the field and me that night.

5) Unable to sleep for three nights I heard a loud humming and pulsating sound nearby my apartment each of the nights between 1:37 AM and 1:50 AM.  As I was able to sleep the fourth night I had my window shades open and my light on.  The following morning I looked at my watch.  It was broken at 1:42 AM.

Two nights after I bought Weekly World News.  It had in it six different types of aliens that are known to the government.  It had sketches and short write-ups on each of them.  One of them is called ‘Little People.’  They are two-feet tall, childlike and they have a fascination for clocks and watches.  And they like to play tricks on people.  Could I have been a victim of ‘Little People’ trickery? I know it is an unbelievable coincidence that I obtained information two nights after my experience, but I did.  The other five aliens known to the government that were listed are Greys, Humanoids, Nordics, Projections and Gremlins.

6) I fell asleep with my window shades open and with my light on.  I was facing my window, which faces a small field near the main street, as I live in an upstairs apartment.

Around 1:30 AM my eyes opened.  The first thing I realized was that I was immobile.  I could not even move my toes or fingers.  All I could move was my eyelids, my eyeballs and my head a little.  I could move my head only about an inch from side-to-side.  As I was barely able to look to my right I saw a pure white round figured being near my door.  His head, arms and body looked very rounded.  His bottom eyelids were deformed.  I do not remember what his nose and mouth looked like, but they were small.  Standing to his right was a four-foot Grey.  He was an off orange color.  His eyes were large and almond shaped, and also an off orange color, but a lighter shade than his body.  He had a very small nose and a small slit mouth.

See also  2007: No Proof of Fakery in Leaked "Top Secret" Government UFO Documents

These creatures were standing perfectly still in front of my closet.  And they were standing behind a one-piece foot wide counter (about waist high).  In front of each creature on the counter was a one half inch in diameter and one foot long stick.  The sticks were painted with white enamel.  I soon realized a sensation on the back of my head near my ears.  Behind each ear on my head was a very thin one-inch long line.  These lines being seemingly thinner than a hair created a stress type sensation through the sides of my head that was the source of my immobilization.  Then I realized a loud humming or engine sound coming from the white creature near my door.

At this point all I knew was that I had to move, so I screamed as loud as I could three times.  Each time I screamed louder moving my head from side-to-side.  On my third attempt I was able to fully move my head and then my whole body at which everything disappeared.

This very real experience was neither like a dream a vision, a fantasy, a delusion or a hallucination.  Anyway, ten days later I was at Tomy’s restaurant.  I was sitting at a table with a friend.  I felt on the back of the right side of my head irritation where the line was.  It was as though the line actually damaged the cells on the back of my head.  Whatever the source or cause of this experience I am more than certain it was extraterrestrial.

I wrote a letter to Dr. Burleson at the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell, NM. about it.  He replied saying that I had a Close Encounter of the Fourth Kind experience.  It was not an abduction experience, because the aliens did not take me anywhere.

7) When I was four years old we lived in Lynwood, CA.  My brother and I slept in bunk beds     with me on the top.  One early morning I awoke and propped myself up on my elbow.  I was able to see through the wall, as it was transparent.  I could clearly see into the backyard.  Then the apricot tree started shaking like a rattle.  At first I thought it was a ghost, and got scared.  Then two 6’ tall thin beings appeared next to the tree.  They walked through the yard, and through the wall into the bedroom.  One being cradled me in his arms, and lifted me out of my bed.  I tried to scream, but I could not make a sound.  Then the being took me over to my mother, and held me over her, as she was sleeping.  I tried to scream to wake her, but I still could not make a sound.  I remember my mouth and jaw turning in all directions in an effort to scream.  I looked over and noticed my father was not in the bed, as his side was made Navy style.  The being held me over my mother for 10 seconds then he took me out of the bedroom, and down the hall.  The next thing I remember is the being taking me back into my bedroom from the hall, and gently putting me back in my bed.  The other being was always present standing by.  The beings walked through the transparent wall, and into the backyard.  I put on my covers, and rolled over to sleep.  When I closed my eyes I realized I was traumatized.  I could not keep my eyes closed at first, but was able to sleep within a couple of minutes.

I always related this experience as being a bad dream, until I read an abduction book that strongly relates to it.  The beings were a light tan color with lighter tan colored egg shaped eyes.  They did not seem to be wearing anything.  My mother recently informed me that my father worked nights at that time which serves the reason why I did not see him in the bed.  And my father recently told me that he used to make his bed Navy style with an extra fold.  God knows what they might have done to me during that time lapse.

8) I have been filming Orb lights for the past six months with a high-powered camcorder.  Around in May 2004 I was filming one in the east, and when it disappeared I turned around and saw a big bright light hovering about 50 yards away from me.  I said out loud, ‘What the hell is that?’ As I put up my camera to film it I became drugged with fear, and excitement.  Immediately there was a conditional not deliberate telepathic presence between the object and me.  My minds eye or something automatically saw three alien beings inside the light.  We were like one telepathically.  They were concentrating on me in a small monitor.  One was a doctor, and he said, ‘What is he doing?’ He had huge black almond shaped eyes.  The other two had a grayish skin with smaller egg shaped eyes.  Then the light retracted away from me becoming smaller.  It stopped for a couple of seconds then the doctor said, ‘He’s not doing anything.’ Then the light went on its way northward going behind some trees.  Because of my fear and excitement I could not hold the camera still, but you can see for an instant from what I filmed that the light had a round metallic bottom.  I cannot describe how I saw and heard the beings in the craft


A Bigfoot In My Neighboring City?

Since I graduated high school I attended junior college on and off.  I accumulated a total of two years.  The last time I attended junior college was in around in 1978.  I took a night vocabulary course, and I always came home agitated and upset.  The teacher was mean, and there were girls in the class bothering me too much.

One night I came home from junior college parking my car in my parent’s driveway.  I got out of my car.  I walked up to the porch, and I looked up at the stars and planets.  For some reason I involuntarily thought of the smell of a Bigfoot.  I seemingly projected this thought onto the stars and planets then I felt embarrassment to the point of blushing, heavy breathing and faintness.  I went in the house having to lie down.

Three days later I saw on a VHF TV news channel twelve people being interviewed in Buena Park, CA (a neighboring city).  They all have claimed to see a Bigfoot running near a reservoir.  They said it smelled very bad, and it broke through a fence alongside a nearby reservoir and ran down it.  The TV crew showed the broken fence.  This scared the hell-out-of-me. Only this time I was panting from fear.

I read in books, and the Internet that the Bigfoot is or has been considered to be UFO related.



1) One night at around 11:30 PM I was falling asleep when I sensed a very intelligent presence in my room.  As I tried to ignore it I soon heard a loud bang sound near my head on my pillow.  Although it scared me I was soon able to fall asleep.  The next morning I discovered a round circle about three-eighths of an inch in diameter on the inside of my right cheek.  I felt it with my tongue.  It’s not like me not to have something like that looked into right away, so months later I visited my doctor.  I showed him the mysterious configuration in my mouth.  He did not know what it was, as he wanted to remove it.  I told him not to being it has not been a danger to me.  Other times within three years I showed it to another doctor and two dentists.  They all said that it was a scar from me biting my cheek.  This is not possible being that I have bitten my cheek many times before.  The pain was pretty intense, and it would leave a scar only for a couple hours to a day.  Then just about a year ago I was watching cable TV.  Ever so often it would advertise some doctor that removes alien implants.  This really freaked me out.  Also, on cable I watched a program that mention that many people who have been abducted one way or another by aliens often are left with some kind of abnormal configuration on or in their bodies.  Some of these people have devices implanted in them by aliens.  These implants are called ‘alien implants’ and they are usually surgically removed.

I do not know if I have an alien implant or if the scar tissue in my mouth is from a normal cause.  I just assume it could be an alien implant only because of my unusual experience at about the time I found it.  It has been seven years now, and the abnormality in my cheek is almost gone, so I do not think I had an implant in the first place, as there is no object eminent.  An ufologist friend of mine told me that she thinks aliens wanted a tissue sample from me for some reason.

2) It was a cold winter night, as I was walking home from the liquor store.  As I turned the corner near some large plants I ran into a street person.  She was very friendly, as we started talking.  She looked cold and hungry, as she wheeled her belongings around in a trash barrel.  I felt sorry for her so I asked her if she would want to spend the night at my apartment.  As she accepted we walked to my apartment.  Her name was Rose.  Around 11:30 PM she asked me to go to the store with her to buy some milk.  I conceded to go with her.  On the way to the store we were cutting through the field.  She said, ‘Oh my God what is that?’ I looked and I saw in a group of dry weeds an eight-inch long larynx, two patches of thick black hide of hair and two large ivory human like front teeth, but too big to be human.  As I had all to do to keep from tripping-out we walked on through the parking lot to the store.  When we arrived back at my apartment she started acting-up with loud talking and threats.  I had to ask her to leave, as neighbors were coming to my door complaining about the noise.  So she quietly left.  I found out from a neighbor who knew her that she had AIDS and that she was a heroin addict.  Also, a minister friend of mine knew her.  He informed me that recently she was found dead by a dumpsite in Riverside, California.  She was strangled to death.

Those things in the field remained there for several months.  At first I used to detour not to see it.  It made me think that aliens may have gotten into a fight in space, and the loser was disembodied and cast down to the earth.

3) Around in 1996 I went to bed one night with the right side of my face on my pillow.  Not even a minute later I heard distinct xylophone music in my right ear.  It was a slow melody that I have never heard before.  When I picked-up my head and shook it the music did not stop.  And so the music continued for about a full minute after I put my head back down on my pillow.   

It was as though there was a miniature man playing a miniature xylophone in my ear.

I do not know what to make of this experience.  I know, air pressure in your ear can make you hear things such as a high-pitched whistle, but this was definitely music with different tones, and rhythms.  I cannot discard this experience as being UFO related.

4) About 2 years ago in 2003 I was doing my laundry downstairs laying in my bed waiting for it to finish.  On the left side of me was my lamplight with the shade off.  I could see its reflection in my TV in front of me, as my TV was off.  I would occasionally look away from my TV.  When I looked at it in one instance I saw a round pure white light in it.  It was 1/8” in diameter.  I checked all around me for the light, but I could not find that light, except in the TV.  It was literally inside the TV.  The only light reflecting in the TV was my lamplight.  The light moved to the left very slowly for four minutes then it seemed to enter another dimension disappearing.  This experience was probably involving an orb.  Whether it was by a spiritual or extraterrestrial source nobody knows.

T H E   E N D

Thomas Puzzo

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