It might be useful to look at data regarding the frequencies of EM emissions from unusual aircraft. The following document exists. I don’t have the document or any other information about it. Maybe someone has it, or knows a way to get it.

, by C.R. Berndston, MIT Lincoln Laboratories, Contract # F19628-73-C-0002

There is some sketchy information about EM emissions in the Handbook of Ufology, pages 106-109. Two cases are described:

The first case is a UFO sighted by an Air Force B-47 over the Gulf of Mexico in 1957 and documented in the Condon Report. The UFO was reported by the pilot to be as “big as a barn” with a “steady red glow”, flying at “speeds far greater than an airplane”. The object emitted electromagnetic radiation at a frequency of about 2800 MHz with “startling intensity”.

The second case is a UFO encountered by a military aircraft equipped for electronic countermeasure missions. A detailed report was made at the 136th Meeting of the American Association of the Advancement of Science in Boston in December 1969. An official report by the Wing Intelligence Officer at Forbes AFB in reference to the UFO said:

… intercepted at approximately Meridian Mississippi, a signal with the following characteristics: frequency 2995 MHz to 3000 MHz; pulse width of 2.0 microseconds; pulse repetition frequency of 600 Hz; sweep rate of 4 rpm, vertical polarity … Signal moved rapidly up the DF scope indicating a rapidly moving signal source; i.e. an airborne source …

Paul Hill, in his book “Unconventional Flying Objects: a Scientific Analysis”, does not provide any information about frequencies of EM emissions. He does provide a variety of anecdotal evidence relating to heat emissions, glowing colors, and radiation poisoning experienced by human observers. UFOs are variously also reported to emit an audible humming noise — such as you might experience with the above craft utilizing a high energy pulse repetition rate of 600 Hz.

See also  2013: Self-proclaimed UFO victims meet in Gorham

There is also an interesting article published by the AIAA, which was presented at the 47th International Astronautical Congress, October 7-11, 1996 in Beijing. IAF Paper No. IAA-96-IAA.4.1.07, “An Electromagnetic Rocket Hyper-Light Stellar Drive”, by Paul Murad, Aerospace Engineer and Senior Member AIAA, affiliated with the DOD.

The first paragraph of the abstract reads: “Virtues of electromagnetic propulsion are examined in light of recent data published about unusual aircraft.” Murad discusses a variety of eye witness reports, and photographs of UFO sightings, and provides an overview of theories of possible EM propulsion techniques.

Robert Stirniman

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