2014: UFO Hovers Above Arkansas Nuclear Plant and Angel Hair Falls From The Sky In Portugal

Visitors from another planet may have an interest in the Arkansas Nuclear Plant as many reported seeing a mysterious flying object hovering above it for nearly two hours a few days ago. Many observed the UFO above the Arkansas Nuclear One (ANO) water reactor nuclear power plant, near Russellville, according to Headlines and Global News, reported through MUFON. A local witness, who recorded the event on his camera, said that a platform-like object emitted bright, flashy, multicolored lights as it hovered in the sky. The witness claimed that he checked on it occasionally in the next two hours. The witness added that the object went high above his house, and it disappeared from his view within three minutes. The witness did not hear any […] Read More

2014: Mysterious UFO Flies Low Above Pennsylvanian Houses and Emits Orange Light In Several Homes

Encounter by a Pennsylvanian witness at Marietta was reported to MUFON and filed in its witness reporting database under Case 61106. According to the report, the UFO is an orange sphere-shaped, flying just 40 feet above the reporting witness’ home. The UFO reportedly lit up the ground as it slowly moved across the neighborhood. The witness was on his front porch sitting at 1:10 am on a Monday morning, on June 10, 2013, when he noticed an orange light lit up his front yard from a source over the home. He described the light as so bright that he could hardly see his front lamp post light. To get a better look at the mysterious light, he went out onto their walkway. He estimated […] Read More

2014: Sri Lankan Politician Claims Space Agency Tried To Steal Extraterrestrial Life Evidence

Sri Lankan politician claims that a team of white gentlemen tried to hide the truth that creationism is a blatant lie by trying to steal meteor fragments that prove extraterrestrial life. What makes this claim even more interesting is that the said white gentlemen were allegedly from an international space agency. Sri Lanka-based newspaper Daily Mirror reports that Minister Wimal Weerawansa announced to the crowd at the temple that the attempt to steal the evidence was part of an effort by western creationists to undermine the teachings of Buddhism. Weerawansa, who is the leader of a political party called Jathika Nidahas Peramuna, says that the team made an attempt to get this important evidence just moments after local scientists had discovered the meteor fragments. […] Read More

2014: Lockheed Martin scientist: ‘There are ALIENS and UFOs at Area 51′

A former Lockheed Martin scientist says there are aliens and UFOs at Area 51, and he says he has the photos to prove it. Jason McClellan also presents a story quite fitting for Halloween about UFOs and spiders. That and other space and UFO stories on this episode of Spacing Out! Stories discussed on this episode: Poll reveals that more Brits believe in aliens than in God. Odd distribution of organics in Titan’s atmosphere could be a sign of life. Bob Lazar to appear at the 2015 International UFO Congress. A former Lockheed Martin scientist says there really are aliens and UFOs at Area 51. SOURCE: Lockheed Martin scientist: ‘There are ALIENS and UFOs at Area 51′

2014: NASA Satellite Catches Massive Sized UFO Near The Sun

A mysterious UFO was spotted by an amateur astronomer while watching the Sun’s live feed from a NASA satellite over the weekend. UFO bloggers have been talking about it after checking out Helioviewer, which broadcast real-time images of the Sun taken from Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, or simply known as SOHO, a sun-observing satellite. UFO enthusiasts notice something that emerges from the Sun and most of them posted pictures to their websites. Alien UFO skeptics would say that something could be a camera glitch, solar flare, or just about anything that is naturally happening on or around the Sun that even NASA scientists could not explain. Since no clear explanation is given about the UFO, the possibility that it could be an extraterrestrial spacecraft […] Read More

2014: Returning UFOs and Aliens Are Suspects For Mysterious Fires In Sicily

Mysterious, spontaneous fires were experienced at a town in northern Sicily in 2004, prompting officials to speculate that those fires were the result of alien activity. Now, the same fires have occurred again. The fires devastated the town of Canneto di Caronia, located on the northern coast of Sicily. In 2004, dozens of experts flown to the town to investigate the mysterious fires while the town had to be largely evacuated. No power was supplied to the affected area in order to stop the fires, but they kept on extending. Experts, including electrical engineers, military and scientists, we’re all trying to know the origin of the fires, but not even one of them can explain why and how. The Telegraph, a UK newspaper, reported […] Read More

2014: Crystal Clear Video of Multiple UFOs Captured In Sao Paulo Brasil – August 2014

Below is a video of a recent UFO sighting that took place in Sa0 Paulo, Brasil in early August of this year. The footage is extremely clear and shows multiple objects that are clearly unidentifiable. Remember, “UFO” refers to an unidentified flying object, and they are constantly tracked on airport and military radar. To read more about that and to look at some more specific examples, please click HERE.  There are plenty of UFO videos floating around on YouTube, with little doubt that many of them are fake. On the other hand, the rate of  UFO incidents continues to climb so much that people are witnessing them for themselves. The UFO problem has been examined in detail for a very long time, especially in […] Read More

UFOs Caught By Canadian News Crew During Forest Fire Coverage

A video shot outside of Vancouver, British Columbia, during a forest fire unexpectedly captured a lot more than firefighting efforts. On July 17, 2014, Castanet.net, a news organization in Western Canada, posted a video shot in West Kelowna — northeast of Vancouver — featuring efforts to stop the Smith Creek Wildfire. Here’s the original Castanet.net video report, showing the UFO at approximately 26 seconds. “In the news piece, a bright object appears from behind clouds above the fire area quickly moving left to right,” according to Castanet.net. The news site revealed the following description from a witness who noticed the unusual aerial object in the video: Shot out from the clouds above the mountain during a forest fire near our neighborhood. It pulled a […] Read More

2014: UFO Captured On Video In California By Nick Menza (Ex-Megadeth Drummer)

Nick Meza, a former drummer for Megadeth, a popular music band from Los Angeles has captured a UFO (unidentified flying object) while filming the moon with his son just a few days ago in Studio City, California. He has posted it to his YouTube account and has received large amounts of media attention including requests for guest appearances on major mainstream media networks to discuss the event. This footage seems to be very authentic and real, but I’d like to make it clear that UFO sightings occur every single day. They occur so much that governments, military and intelligence agencies have had their encounters documented throughout history. Only within the past few years have we seen the official declassification of these documents worldwide. HERE […] Read More