2003: The Alien Abduction Phenomena: The Epitome of Confusion

By Eve Frances Lorgen, M.A. Even the UFO experts are baffled. There is no truer test of faith than to be immersed in the confusion of the alien abduction field. Perhaps the nature of its confusion tells us a bit about what we are dealing with. Is the ancient “author of confusion” the mastermind behind UFO and extraterrestrial encounters? The mainstream stereotype of the alien abduction experience has been portrayed in popular TV series such as the X-files. This image is usually limited to the classic spaceship snatching the victim on a dark lonely road at night, then subjecting them to a series of alien medical experiments, which almost always includes intense scrutiny of the reproductive organs. After the subject is released, they may […] Read More

1998: Truth Detracting Elements of the Abduction Phenomena: Psychological Implications

By Eve Frances Lorgen, M. A. This is an article taken directly from my book, The Love Bite. One the hallmarks of an abductee is the pattern of emotional isolation. This behavior can be explained as a result of conditioning, learned adaptations from the abductee’s family members, or reinforced by the alien handlers. The abductee usually learns early in life not to talk about “the little people” who come into their bedrooms at night. The child may talk about their abduction experiences only to be told that they are just “nightmares”. Children often describe the alien intruders as monsters, who come out of the closet or through the walls. The children are immediately invalidated when their parents or siblings tell them there is no […] Read More

1999: The Matrix Hive Mind Manipulators

By Eve Lorgen M.A.© 1999 It has come to the attention of a few astute researchers in the UFO community that there are subtle methods of surveillance, involving manipulation of the Hive Mind Matrix consciousness. The HIVE Mind represents a type of collective consciousness, especially the mass consciousness of humans (or non-humans) who is more susceptible to the Alien HIVE MIND control/manipulation. To make my point more clear I’ll give an example of what has been observed consistently by some close associates in the UFO community. A researcher makes plans to write an article or publish a book, or do some whistle blowing regarding alien abductions, mind control related dynamics of manipulation. These manipulations have been observed in certain abductees, experiencers or contactees, as […] Read More

1998: Common Symptoms Of Abduction

Common Symptoms Of Abduction PERCENTAGE       COMMONLY REPORTED ABDUCTEE SYMPTOMS AND CHARACTERISTICS       N = 22 (6 Males & 16 Females) Based on 19 US residents, 3 in UK and Australia. G= Genetic, E = either/ or, 1A = Abduction After Effect, N = Neither           95% 1 A   Humming, buzzing, tones and clicks in ears 91% 2 A   Report missing time 91% 3 A   Spontaneous visual images in mind, as if projected in the mind 86% 4 A   Feelings of a special mission in life, ie.., environmentalism, spirituality minded 86% 5 A   Interpersonal relationship difficulties 82% 6 A   Unexplained bruises, scars, scoop marks, triangle marks, punctures, lesions on the […] Read More

2000: Identifying Mind Control and Abductions

By Eve Lorgen, M.A. © 2000 Mind control is a vast subject matter involving many levels of sophisticated technologies designed to control human thought, emotion and behavior. Much information is already known about the application of what is sometimes referred as “non-lethal weapons technology.” My aim with this article and future ones will focus on the identification and recovery of both human and alien methods of mind control.* Proper identification and diagnostic assessment of these problems are necessary so that true support and therapy can be obtained for those seeking answers and help.* This will include mind control used in MILAB (Military) abductions. MILABS is a term used to describe abductions by human military personnel, reported by persons who also had the classic “alien […] Read More

1996: The Controllers – Table of Contents

by Martin Cannon Table of Contents I. Introduction The Problem The Hypothesis II. The Technology A Brief Overview Implants Subsequent Electrode Implant Research Abductee Implants A Question of Timing The Quandary Remote Hypnosis That’s Entrainment Wave Your Brain Goodbye Final Thoughts on “The Wave” III. Applications Palle Hardrup’s “Guardian Angel” Screen Memory The Super Spy Bases of Suspicion The Scandinavian Connection Helicopters and Discs The Military and Mind Control The Ultimate Motive For Mind Control IV. Abductions The Hill Case and the “Advanced” Aliens Arms and the Abductee “They Will Think It’s Flying Saucers” Glimpses of the Controllers Cults Grounds For Further Research Final Thoughts SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON MIND CONTROL REFERENCES

2009: Up to 1 billion humans are abducted by hyperdimensional ETs, and humans are in cognitive dissonance

June 4, 6:05 PM Mactonnies: Reported Gray hyper-dimensional Empirical, replicable research published by ICAR, the International Community for Alien Research, confirms that a hyper-dimensional civilization consisting of amphibian reptilian hybrids and Gray cybernetic clones have reportedly abducted approximately 1 billion out of the current estimated human population of 6,783,421,727 as of May 31, 2009, or approximately 14.7 percent of the present world population. These 1 billion human abductees, according to the replicable empirical research, – have had their consciousness and/or their physical bodies taken by a quantum, hyperdimensional process, and returned to their original location (and in some cases original time) with erased memories of the abduction. Memories of the hyper-dimensional abduction retrieved through hypnotic regression and similar techniques reveal consistent patterns during the […] Read More

1988: Mind Control & Abductions

by Martin Cannon. [This is a transcript of a taped talk given by Martin Cannon via telephone to the UFO contact center international group meeting in 1988] All I can say is that I have been, for over a year now, pursuing a specific theory of UFO abductions which has royally ticked off everybody that I’ve come in contact with believer and skeptic alike. This is a theory that I think, designed to make me hate it. I’m primarily interested in the government’s involvement in the UFO phenomena. Specifically, it seems to me, and I might as well lay out all my cards on the table at once, it seems to be the abduction phenomenon might just be a ploy, that the aliens are […] Read More

1998: Underground Abductions: Whereto?

On page 175 of Alien Identities, Dr. Richard L Thompson ( http://www.afn.org/~bvi ) relates an underground abduction case where the underground base was accessed through the sea by UFO: “ On the evening of January 3, 1979, Cardenas, his friend Fernando Marti, and Marti’s wife and 13-year-old daughter were driving around on the outskirts of Hialeah, looking for a pig they could buy for a roast. They were unsuccessful, and on the way home their car engine quit. The two men testified that the lights and starter wouldn’t work, and so they got out and began to look under the hood. At this point, they suddenly saw red and violet alternating lights reflecting off the engine and heard a sound like ‘many bees.’ … […] Read More

2000: Alien Civil Affairs Programs

by James Bartley © 2000 Many abductees succumb to the smoke and mirrors deceptions that are prevalent within the New Age Movement. The New Age seems to offer instant answers, acceptance and validation to someone who is undergoing alien abduction experiences. The New Age propagandist relate everything that happens to an abductee (or as they prefer, a Contactee or Experiencer) as part of an ongoing process of Spiritual Enlightenment. As we shall see, things are not always as they seem. In the first of a series of articles I will point out the methodology in which an abductee is lured into an involvement and acceptance of New Age Belief Systems which will hinder their ability to recognize the nature of the manipulation they are […] Read More

1990: Cultural Background of UFO Abduction Reports

copyright (c) 1990 by Martin S. Kottmeyer [Reprinted from “Magonia” Magazine, Jan. 1990, by permission of the author] Culture is an admixture of repetition and variation, convention and creativity, signals and noise. It is ever new and forever old as humanity relives old dreams and nightmares or forgets and forges new ones. Part of the delight of history is the recognition that however new a given event appears, traces of the past can generally be discerned. If the UFO phenomenon is an artifact of culture one would reasonably expect that cultural antecedent could be recognized for the major features it presents. Extraterrestrials, however, should be independent of culture and if they are newly arrived their characteristics should represent a discontinuity with the past. Abduction […] Read More

2007: Interview with Karla Turner, Ph.D. 1

CF: You are widely regarded as one of the leading experts in the field of UFO and “alien-abduction” research. How did you get started in your study of these things? KT: Our family knew nothing about the phenomenon when we started having UFO sightings and abduction encounters. Being a researcher, I turned to the UFO literature for an explanation. When I absorbed what was available, I found no answers that I felt were trustworthy. I decided that this was a crucial situation for my family (if not globally), and the only way I could get answers was to do the research myself. The only way to do the research, in this case, was to go out into the field and deal with abduction cases. […] Read More