1994: A Die-Hard Issue: CIA’s Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90

Gerald K. Haines An extraordinary 95 percent of all Americans have at least heard or read something about Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), and 57 percent believe they are real. (1) Former US Presidents Carter and Reagan claim to have seen a UFO. UFOlogists–a neologism for UFO buffs–and private UFO organizations are found throughout the United States. Many are convinced that the US Government, and particularly CIA, are engaged in a massive conspiracy and coverup of the issue. The idea that CIA has secretly concealed its research into UFOs has been a major theme of UFO buffs since the modern UFO phenomena emerged in the late 1940s. (2) In late 1993, after being pressured by UFOlogists for the release of additional CIA information on UFOs, […] Read More

1997: Summary Of The UFO Phenomenon

© 1997 All Rights Reserved “UFO Report – a statement by a person or persons judged responsible and psychologically normal by commonly accepted standards, describing a personal vision or instrumentally aided perception of an object or light in the sky or on the ground and / or its assumed physical effects, that does not specify any known physical event, object, or process or any psychological event or process [even after examination by qualified persons]…” Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Northwestern University, founder of the Center for UFO Studies. If the only strange things seen in the sky were a few oddly moving lights, or some specks glinting in the sun, there would be no UFO problem. But there have been many close observations of these […] Read More

2007: New Top Secret Construction at Area 51

George Knapp, Chief Investigative Reporter I-Team: New Top Secret Construction at Area 51 July 23, 2007, 06:11 PM Something big is in the works at Nevada’s legendary Area 51 military base. A massive new building is under construction at the top-secret location. Aviation experts say there’s a good chance that a new, highly classified aircraft might soon be zipping around the Nevada skies. What kind of aircraft? One possibility is a successor to the SR-71 spy plane, the SR-72. The SR-71 Blackbird is widely regarded as the greatest airplane ever built. It sliced through the sky at Mach 3 and still reigns, officially anyway, as the fastest plane in history. Groom Lake, also known as Area 51, was home for the Blackbird during its […] Read More

2001: Aquarius is government UFO research project

SPECIAL RELEASE: AQUARIUS IS UFO PROJECT, SAYS NSA PARANET ALPHA 04/01 No, this is not an April Fool joke. Nor, by the way, is it the full extent of the Big Breakthrough. But its a good start. Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) is reporting that the NSA has CONFIRMED that the US Air Force project code-named Aquarius is UFO-oriented. In their latest CAUS BULLETIN, editors Barry Greenwood and Lawrence Fawcett state the following: One of our members, Clifford Stone, received copies of letters sent to Senators John Glenn and Peter Domenici affirming that this was so. Stone requested the assistance of the Senators when the NSA became balky at responding to his requests on Aquarius. This comes as a striking reversal to previous statements […] Read More

1985: Close Encounter with Dr. J. Allen Hynek

By Dennis Stacy An Interview With The Dean 1985 Re-Edited for CUFON by Dale Goudie 1991 For over two decades, from 1948 to 1969, Dr. J. Allen Hynek was a consultant in astronomy to the United States Air Force. The subject of his advice, however, was not the fledgling space program or even the moon and stars above, but Unidentified Flying Objects. In 1973 he founded the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) and had served as Director and editor of its journal, “International UFO Reporter.” STACY: Dr. Hynek, as a scientist, you go back as far with the UFO phenomenon as probably anyone alive today. Exactly how did that relationship begin? HYNEK: That’s an easy story to tell. In the spring of 1948, I […] Read More

Project Moon Dust

Project Moondust, also spelled Moon Dust, is the name of the framework program that includes all research projects and action plans with regard to foreign, including alien, space technology. The word “Moondust” had to be mentioned in each and every one of these projects. (SUPPORTED SPACE PROGRAM & UFO) The mission of Operation Moondust was to provide a cover which would neutralize public curiosity while recovery of an ALIEN CRAFT was being conducted.  The teams that made up the complement of Moondust were the same teams that made up UFO. Moondust was made public and its mission (to the public) was to identify and recover United States space hardware which might fall to earth. s a bona fide mission when circumstances dictated. CUFON Computer UFO Network Seattle, Washington […] Read More

1989: The UFO Conspiracy

The UFO Conspiracy Information concerning the U.S. government’s cover-up of alien activity on Earth, according to Milton William Cooper Compiled by David E. Stewart 1301 W. 24th St. Apt. M20 Lawrence, KS 66046 1-913-749-5914 The UFO Conspiracy Table of Contents The Milton William Cooper Speech Appendix A: Operation Majority Appendix B: For More Information Appendix C: Musings This document was created using Microsoft Word 5.0 on a Tandy 1000TL (IBM compatible) computer. The information contained herein comes mostly from the alt.conspiracy section of Usenet, a worldwide computer messaging network accessed via the University of Kansas Digital Equipment Corporation VAX 8650 computer system. Other information was obtained by the editor via personal phone calls and other research.

1969: Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects

The “Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects” (Condon & Gillmor 1969; often referred to as the “Condon Report”) presents the findings of the Colorado Project regarding a scientific study of unidentified flying objects. It remains the most influential public document concerning the current scientific status of the UFO issue. Following is a short chronology of events that led to the Air Force contract with the University of Colorado to initiate the study. This extract is from: “An Analysis of the Condon Report on the Colorado UFO Project,” by P.A. Sturrock, Center for Space Science and Astrophysics, Stanford University. Dr. Sturrock’s analysis is highly recommended as a comprehensive introduction to the text. Additionally, we have included many relevant links that offer further context for the […] Read More

2001: Secret Project Super Warrior Gone Rogue

By Eve Lorgen Copyright 8/2001 “Jared”, a 59-year-old Viet Nam Veteran, claims to have been recruited into a secret “black op” mind control project while he joined the Air Force in 1964. This super secret program falls under a sub project of MK-Ultra and was geared to create a super soldier with a computer like mind, photographic memory and heightened psychic abilities. Jared believes he is a “one of a kind” prototype, an experimental creation whereby an entity with super warrior capabilities was literally inserted into his mind and body via a sophisticated procedure. The Super Warrior entity within Jared he calls “David”, who acts independently of Jared and was programmed to carry out missions by his secret government controllers. For personal reasons Jared […] Read More