The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities, and The Process of Alien Abduction 1a

Including M. I. B. aka Reptoids & other Bizarre Relations In order to understand the Cassiopaean information on the process of alien abductions, it is necessary to have a little bit of background in the subject of dimensions and densities. This is a subject fraught with confusion in the present time due to the conflict between concepts which amounts to a matter of semantics. The general public has a conception of “dimension” that is not the same as the mathematical models constructed by physicists and mathematicians and, as a result, when the subject is approached in a serious way, most of those in the scientific community become frustrated and “toss the baby out with the bathwater.” The Cassiopaean meaning of “dimensions” is closer to […] Read More

The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects: Chapter 17

What Are UFO’s? While the scientists were in Washington, D.C., pondering over the UFO, the UFO’s weren’t just sitting idly by waiting to find out what they were – they were out doing a little “lobbying” for the cause – keeping the interest stirred up. And they were doing a good job, too. It was just a few minutes before midnight on January 28, 1953, when a message flashed into Wright-Patterson for Project Blue Book. It was sent “Operational Immediate,” so it had priority handling; I was reading it by 12:30 A.M.. A pilot had chased a UFO. The report didn’t have many details but it did sound good. It gave the pilot’s name and said that he could be reached at Moody AFB. […] Read More

The Vedas: Mantras, Mandalas, the Krell Helmet and John Keely

by Jerry W. Decker, Director Vangard Sciences The Vedas contain many references to machines and devices which appear to use certain types of fire. This fire is said to consist of any of 49 different varieties which include sound, electricity, magnetism, heat and other types which modern man has yet to re-discover. For some mysterious reason, I have always been attracted to these Vedic stories, possibly due to a consuming interest in the work of John W. Keely stemming from the late 60’s. Sounds, indeed all frequencies, have properties which formal science has yet to uncover. The Vedas speak of flying machines, referred to as Vimanas, which were purported to use the power of sound for the production of levitation and thrust. On a […] Read More

Wilhelm Reich & the Phoenix Project

The U.S. Government began a weather control project in the late 1940’s under the codename “Phoenix.” The information and technology for this came from Dr. Wilhelm Reich, an Austrian scientist who had studied with Freud and Carl Jung. Reich was an extremely brilliant man but highly controversial. Although he experimented extensively and wrote many volumes, few of his critics have taken an honest look at all of his research because much of it is not available. Part of this can be attributed to the Food and Drug Administration who supervised a massive book burning of all his available materials and also destroyed much of his laboratory equipment. Reich was known in part for his discovery of “orgone” energy, which is orgasmic or life energy. […] Read More

Project: PEGASUS

Disclosing time-travel-stargate technology in the US military. According to some whistleblowers like Al Bielek, Preston Nichols and Andrew D. Basiago, the US military has developed secret projects on time-travel and stargate technologies, for decades and under a very heavy cover-up agenda. These claims could be just another conspiracy theories if these men were not former military black ops. Engineers, expertise in electronics, physics… High IQ men that allege have worked in several projects carried by Navy, whose origins go back 40 years when 3 of the most brilliant minds of mankind were drafted to develop technologies towards the electronic camouflage of vessels, on nazi radars: Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, and John Von Neumann, the heads of the “Philadelphia Experiment” aka “Manhattan Project” aka “Rainbow […] Read More