Full text Of: Executive Briefing: Project Aquarius

This article about the “Carter Document” has been edited several times by both Robert M. Collins and “ORTK Editor”. This article is a somewhat pre-sequel to the “Yellow Book” article I placed a few days ago. That article had references to this one. This piece has been provided by Robert M. Collins. All text edited by him is copyrighted by him. FULL TEXT OF “EXECUTIVE BRIEFING: PROJECT AQUARIUS” [ ORTK Editor’s Note: The following transcript of an alleged MJ-12 briefing provided to then-President Jimmy Carter has been provided by researcher Lee Graham, a recipient of the document. Graham states that he received the document on June 13, 1991, from researcher William Moore, with the permission of a Defense Intelligence Agency official code-named “Falcon,” a member […] Read More

2010: Human-Alien Hybrid Aborted: Shocking Media

The photos and videos you will see are supposedly a human/alien hybrid fetus, collected from an abortion performed on an Italian woman in 2010 who claims to have been abducted and impregnated by aliens. Aliens first began visiting Giovanna when she was 4 years old. She is now 41. The woman from Italy claims to have been impregnated by aliens several times. Apparently the creatures removed the other fetuses at around 2 months. Date of event: 2010 Location of event: Italy Giovanna claims that the creatures speak to her telepathically and that they have told her they want to create a hybrid race that is genetically close to their species. Because we are supposedly biologically compatible with their race, we have been chosen. Or […] Read More

1997: The Afterglow of the UFO Abduction Experience

Fluorescence Markings Found On Claimants Of Alien/Extraterrestrial Contact By Eve Frances Lorgen, M. A. How often have you heard about the aftermath of the classic alien abduction experience: a UFO sighting, missing time, unusual body marks, dreamlike memories of large black eyed alien creatures, and varying degrees of post traumatic stress? But, on the other hand, have you ever heard about the afterglow of the alien abduction experience? Derrel Sims, Chief Investigator of UFO Abductions for Houston UFO Network (HUFON), discovered unusual fluorescence markings on numerous abductees who claimed alien contact. According to Sims, he got the idea from his research and the fact that fluorescence – a luminescent light emission in the presence of an ultraviolet (black light) energy source – was observed […] Read More