2015: Don’t Be Alarmed If You Can’t Remember — Signs You’ve Been Abducted By Aliens

I don’t want to alarm anyone, but did you know that there have been hundreds of thousands of people who have claimed, being a victim of a UFO alien abduction at least once in their lifetime, most without them even being aware of it.  Imagine that? Over hundreds of thousands of people, including many movie […]

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1998: Government Files on Alien Abductees?

Over the years, I have heard more than a few stories suggesting that agencies of various governments – including the UK and the US – have extensive background files on alien-abductees. Such a thing is not as far out as the skeptics might think. After all, back in the 1950s, the FBI opened files on numerous and well-known figures in the UFO Contactee field. Under Freedom of Information legislation, I obtained the FBI’s files on such Contactees as Dr. Frank Stranges, George Van Tassel, Truman Bethurum, George Adamski, and George Hunt Williamson. I also have the British Police Force’s Special Branch files on George King and The Aetherius Society. Granted, the primary reason why the Contactees were watched was not because of their UFO […] Read More

2015: The Magonia Problem

by David Halperin One day not long after the year 800, Agobard, archbishop of Lyon, found himself in exactly the right place to stop a lynching. Lucky thing for three men and one woman, who were said to have fallen from ships that sailed through the sky. Vis-à-vis the aerial ships, Agobard was what we’d now call a “debunker.” If he were alive today, he’d probably be in CSICOP. Or maybe not: the foundation of his skepticism was that the popular beliefs he devoted himself to debunking were contrary to Holy Scripture. But let Agobard tell the story: But we have seen and heard of many people overcome with so much foolishness, made crazy by so much stupidity, that they believe and say that […] Read More

UFO ROUNDUP: VOLUME 1 NUMBER 10: April 21, 1996

Editor: Joseph Trainor GREEN FIREBALL SIGHTED IN SOUTH CAROLINA Last night, Saturday, April 20, 1996, at around 10 p.m., a UFO described as a “green fireball” rocketed over the town of North Augusta, S.C. The object was moving at a high speed and travelling at a very high altitude. The eyewitness was a South Carolina teenaged boy. He added that, immediately after the flyover, about seven jet interceptors travelled over the town, heading in the same direction as the UFO. Note: North Augusta, a community of 34,000, is situated three miles north of the Savannah River, which forms the South Carolina state line. Eight miles southwest of the town, in Georgia, is Fort Gordon, a U.S. Army base. BRAZILIAN MOTORIST MAY HAVE BEEN ABDUCTED […] Read More

2008: Attention: Victims of Alien or Military Abduction

Attention: People with Metaphysical Abilities, and Victims of Alien Abduction, Military Abduction,  Mind Control & Ritual Abuse (That Could Mean YOU!) How Kinesiology Can Help You by Stephanie Relfe B.Sc. (Sydney) July 1, 2008 I learned a lot of things from one of my teachers, Robert Kiyosaki, author of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”. Kiyosaki is a master at kicking people in the rear end, and getting people to realize that the cause of their problems lies within their subconscious mind and emotions. That is crucial to make major, permanent improvements in one’s life. Kiyosaki said that a friend is – Someone who asks more of you than you ask of yourself. So, I am going to attempt to be a friend and say some things […] Read More

2014: ALIEN ABDUCTIONS: A Medical Hypothesis – "Accidental Awareness" Of A Recovered Traumatic Memory Or Kidnapping By Extraterrestrial Entities?!

November 30, 2014 –  ALIEN ABDUCTION PHENOMENA- “So then they roll me over on my back, and the examiner has a long needle in his hand. And I see the needle. And it’s bigger than any needle that I’ve ever seen.” So testifies Betty Hill, of her experience inside a flying saucer near Franconia Notch, New Hampshire, in 1961. Betty and her husband, Barney Hill, are the earliest known victims of alien abduction, and the 1966 bestseller The Interrupted Journey describes how they recalled the event under hypnosis. Their story includes nude medical exams and invasive probing—an alien abduction scenario many of us recognize from the TV shows and movies of the past 50 years. But in 2008 a Columbia University psychoanalyst published “Alien […] Read More

1873: Did The London Times Publish A UFO Abduction Case In 1873?

In the subject of Ufology, an Abductee is someone who experiences (subjectively) real memories of having been yanked out of their beds or sleeping bags by little green grey men. The abductees are completely convinced of having experienced a traumatic abduction by alien entities. When studied under hypnosis, most abductees or Experiencers will describe terrifying scenes of invasive examination by these unearthly creatures. The patients have reported unfamiliar buzzing noises, weightlessness, cackling voices, and strange lights moments before an abduction. They’ve also reported sometimes seeing the Greys standing around their beds, while incomplete paralysis. An image that sends shivers down my spine. Of course, this is all subjective. However, in December of 1873, The London Times published a strange article about a couple who described similar […] Read More

2014: Alien Implants: A Closer Look Into One Aspect of Alien Abduction

Everything from the release of government documents, to high level testimonies from high ranking military and political figures has ignited a massive surge of interest in the UFO phenomenon from people all over the world. Unidentified Flying Objects (performing maneuvers that defy our understanding of physics) are now a confirmed reality. Official government documents prove that defence and government agencies have been examining this topic for a while. For example, you can view the UK’s latest release of files from June 2013 here. You can find at more information about that from CE by clicking here. As yourself, why is there such a high level of interest from government and military agencies? The question people are asking has changed from “do UFOs exist?” to […] Read More

2013: The Shocking Truth About Alien Abductions (Powerful Video Evidence)

When we first hear about alien abductions, it is easy to dismiss the entire idea as crazy or unprovable nonsense. However, after doing a little research into the matter, you will find that there is actually a lot of evidence that supports their occurrence. Since the late 1950s, there have literally been millions of claims from people worldwide of being taken by extraterrestrial beings, often onboard a craft and into some kind of operating room where various invasive medical procedures are carried out. Some key similarities found in the majority of abduction claims include hours of missing time, gaps in memory, mysterious injuries/scars/implants, disorientation, reproductive issues, and other post-traumatic stress symptoms. On the other hand, there have been many reported cases of friendly contact […] Read More

1998: Signs of Awareness during Sleep Paralysis in Alien Abduction Experiences

In ASP: Characteristics and Responses I discussed some of the core characteristics associated with Awareness during Sleep Paralysis. In this document, I want to draw attention to the signs of ASP in the reports of Alien Abduction Experiencers or abductees, as they are usually known. The Bedroom Abduction Scenario Alien Abduction Experiencers very often report paralysis and fear before the aliens appear. Usually, the experiencer awakens in the night unable to move or cry out, alien beings approach the bed and float the helpless, paralyzed abductee up to a spaceship for a frightening medical examination. Sometimes the victim will explicitly report sensations of separating from his/her body. Othertimes the abductee will report the sensations of Out-of-Body Experience without himself or herself naming the experience […] Read More

1989: Russian Roswell?

Nikolay Subbotin, Emil Bachurin. On September 16, 1989, in the sky above a port the Zaostrovka, on the fringe of Perm, occurred something strange. Many inhabitants, open mouths, watched the unprecedented battle. Six strange silvery devices reminding combined together plates, coursed behind seventh darker. Even on a background of evening clouds, it was possible to distinguish that six plates were of dark grey color and seventh which turned as mad, leaving from under fire of the persecutors had a bright – golden shade. The picture reminded the next series Luckas “Star Wars “. The plates carrying out figures a maximum pilot age were carried above a port carrying out inconceivable evolutions that being reduced before shaving flight that sharply rising a sky up to […] Read More


UFOs, SUB ROSA*, DOWN UNDER THE AUSTRALIAN MILITARY & GOVERNMENT ROLE IN THE UFO CONTROVERSY by Bill Chalker (Copyright © B. Chalker – 1996) The author is a leading Australian UFO researcher and a contributing editor to the International UFO Reporter. An industrial chemist with an honors science degree from the University of New England he has worked in quality assurance and laboratory management. His book, The OZ Files – the Australian UFO Story, was published in 1996. He coordinates the NSW based UFO Investigation Center (UFOIC) and can be contacted at: P.O. Box W42, West Pennant Hills, NSW, 2125 Australia Telephone: (02) 9484 4680 email: bchalker@ozemail.com.au * Sub Rosa: refers to “under the rose”, meaning “in secret”. CONTENTS: ACCESS TO THE OFFICIAL AUSTRALIAN UFO FILES ACCESS […] Read More

The Confusing World of UFOlogy

By Jay Barrymore Some have commented about the amount of bickering that occurs between those of the various religious factions, but nothing can compare to the amount of treachery, back-stabbing, and rumor-mongering that occurs among those who consider themselves UFO researchers. Part of the reason for this is that UFOlogy is becoming a New Age religion in its own right. It is developing its own mythology and dogma, with die-hard believers of various organizations committed to UFO research which can be likened to “sects” or denominations. No religion wouldn’t be complete without its own soothsayers, of which there are many types as well, from those who channel alien entities from other galaxies to UFO spokespeople who claim to have government informants with the impending […] Read More


by James Bartley This is a paper written in order to elaborate on themes I had brought up in my previous papers “The Grand Strategy of the Reptilians” and “Common Sense II- Rebuttal To A Reptile In Human Clothing.” It will be a regular feature meant to disseminate hard core information to abductees which is sadly lacking within the so-called UFO Research Community. This information is not for those who are having to retake “Alien Abductions 101.” If you desire information about “Grays” or “Missing Time” or “Hybrids” than you are in the wrong website. Likewise manipulated abductees i.e. Muppets would not be allowed by their reptilian and alien handlers to read this treatise in its entirety. They would likely develop a headache, nausea, […] Read More