2010: Human-Alien Hybrid Aborted: Shocking Media

The photos and videos you will see are supposedly a human/alien hybrid fetus, collected from an abortion performed on an Italian woman in 2010 who claims to have been abducted and impregnated by aliens. Aliens first began visiting Giovanna when she was 4 years old. She is now 41. The woman from Italy claims to have been impregnated by aliens several times. Apparently the creatures removed the other fetuses at around 2 months. Date of event: 2010 Location of event: Italy Giovanna claims that the creatures speak to her telepathically and that they have told her they want to create a hybrid race that is genetically close to their species. Because we are supposedly biologically compatible with their race, we have been chosen. Or […] Read More

Project: VISIT

THINK ABOUTIT PROJECT/GROUP SUMMARY Project/Group Name: Project VISIT Mission: The project exists to conduct research in order to determine whether or not there is a correlation of engineering systems among UFO cases, to identify and evaluate such systems and determine the mode of operation of UFOs, and to share research findings with government agencies, public corporations, and the general public. Date Started: Founded in 1976 with a membership of researchers, including engineers, scientists, analysts, and investigators, interested in UFOs. Ended: Present Who or Whom Started It: researchers, including engineers, scientists, analysts, and investigators, interested in UFOs Part of what Government Agency: ? Location: Texas Special Features/Characteristics:  They studied about 130 cases of UFO abductions with the goal of constructing a model of UFOs, their operation, and the entities […] Read More

2013: Self-proclaimed UFO victims meet in Gorham

By Beth Quimby bquimby@mainetoday.comStaff Writer GORHAM — Jim O’Connell, a Connecticut screenwriter and producer of “Terrestrial Extras,” a film based on his experiences as an alien abductee, set the stage at the Experiencers Speak conference Saturday. O’Connell told the audience to be on the lookout for an extraterrestrial being who poses as a red-haired woman who communicates telepathically. The woman, O’Connell warned, has been known to stalk him at conferences where the subject focuses on close encounters with non-earthlings. “They seem to be following me,” said O’Connell. Suitably spooked, the audience at 25 School St. settled in for 12 hours of talks by a dozen speakers, many of whom say they had been abducted by beings from another planet or conduct UFO research. The conference was organized […] Read More

1998: Hybridization Program

Both Budd Hopkins and David Jacobs warn about a hybridization program. The abduction phenomenon reveals that the alien agenda involves the creation of, probably genetically engineered, alien (i.e. Grey) – human hybrids. Some of these hybrids can walk among us undetected. According to Budd Hopkins, these hybrids “are reportedly driving cars, shopping, and conducting strange ‘job interviews’ while maintaining their alien abilities of mind control and telepathy. The interlocking data point to alien infiltration into our world for goals unknown.” David Jacobs adds: … “rather than adding just alien DNA to the fertilized ova, the DNA from a hybrid is put in that zygote. What results is a skewed bell-shaped curve where more of the offspring look human-like, less look in the middle, and […] Read More

1987: Project Mindwreaker

Many abductees mention experiencing a (mentally induced) state of artificial paralysis during their abduction. The Mindwreaker Project, started in 1987, tries to imitate this phenomenon, to use it as a weapon. A lot of alien technology would be involved in this project. ‘Kondrashkin‘ would be one of the main suppliers.

1997: The Love Bite: Alien Orchestrated Human Bonding Dramas

By  Eve Frances Lorgen, MA Abstract: Alien abductions extend beyond the physical medical exams and presupposed “alien/human” genetic hybridization breeding programs as premised in current UFO abduction literature. Alien orchestrated human bonding dramas in numerous abduction cases suggest an alternative factor in understanding the motives of the extraterrestrials’ interaction with humanity. These bonding dramas consist of alien instigated, “staged” relationship manipulations, emotional and sexual bonding arrangements between two targeted abductee partners, often resulting in dramatic love obsessions in one or both partners. Several case studies will be presented demonstrating the characteristic signs, symptoms and patterns of alien directed relationship bondings and manipulations. An alternative explanation and motivating factor for these alien orchestrated dramas will be presented. Introduction Alien abduction research has struggled to maintain […] Read More

1999: The Love Bite: Deeper Insights into the Alien Abduction Phenomena

By Eve Frances Lorgen MA The Love Bite is the title of my recent book “The Love Bite: Alien Interference in Human Love Relationships”. The term was first coined the “alien love bite” by a small but growing number of aware abductees who began to realize that some of their love relationships were engineered by the aliens who abducted them. I deleted the “alien” notation from the description, because after working with many abductees, I realized that aliens were not the only ones responsible for these anomalous “pre-arranged” love relationships. These alien orchestrated love bites often took the form of overwhelming love obsessions with an alien chosen targeted partner—another abductee. The targeted partner was sometimes another local abductee and other times the chosen mate […] Read More

2006: Abduction of Hannah Billups or The Depopulation of Earth

by Dirk Vander Ploeg Posted November 9, 2006 Hannah Billups believes that she has special gifts given to her by God, that allow her to see people, places, and events through visions. One day she had a vision of a beautiful little girl that was in desperate trouble and needed help. So she got on the telephone and called the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and related her vision and gave them all the information that she had gathered. The date of her phone call was Saturday, May 13, 2006. The next day, Sunday, she had visitors in her kitchen. It’s important to note that Hannah lives in a very rural location and her home is on the top of a mountain in the […] Read More

2000: Alien abduction claims examined: Signs of trauma found

By William J. Cromie Gazette Staff Mark H. says he was abducted by aliens. He clearly remembers awakening one night, unable to move anything but his eyes. He saw flashing lights, heard buzzing sounds, experienced feelings of levitation, and felt electric tingling sensations. Most terrifying were the nonhuman figures he saw by his bed. Mark believes they were aliens. Later, he underwent hypnosis to try to recall exactly what had happened to him. Under hypnosis, Mark remembered being whisked through an open window to a large spaceship. He was very frightened when aliens took him into some kind of medical examining room. There he had sex with one of them. Afterward, the aliens brought him back to Earth and returned him to his bed. […] Read More

1995: EMF AND UFOs?

by Patricia Mason The abduction experience is a fascinating aspect of the UFO phenomena and, like UFOs, is elusive and difficult to research. One must rely on the experiencer’s memory of the event. Are these events real? Even experiencers themselves question this. There is a physical and measurable force that can affect human perception – EMF. Discovering the role of EMF in this mystery is essential to its solution.  Magnetite is a mineral with magnetic properties. Composed of black crystals, it is the most common form of iron ore mined in the United States. Magnetite is also found in the cells of living organisms such as honey bees, whales, and birds. It is thought to act as a navigational aid, a sort of a biological compass. In the early 1990s, magnetite was found in […] Read More