Article from the: St Louis Post-Dispatch July 3, 1947 _______________________________ ARMY GETS AROUND TO CHECKING `FLYING DISC‘ AND IS MYSTIFIED WASHINGTON, July 3 (UP)- Army research experts can’t explain the ” flying saucers” reported seen in several western states, but they are investigating, they said. The Army air forces has checked all of their research authorities and contractors, but none of them knew or could suggest anything concrete about the “saucers. At first, Army officers laughed off the reports. Now they are beginning to take them at least a little seriously. At any rate, the Air Research Center at Wright Field, O., is looking into the reports, and all service intelligence agencies are at work on them. Army experts suggested-as a bare possibility-that some civilian […] Read More

The Hynek Classification System

Witnesses to UFOs report many different shapes and sizes. From discs to cigars to triangles and almost anything you could imagine. Despite the varied shapes and sizes, researchers have tried to organize these sightings into neat little boxes. In reality, this can’t be done. However, there have been two systems developed which are as close as we can get to categorizing sighting reports. One is the Jacques Vallee system, which is quite extensive. The other is the Dr. J. Allen Hynek system, which is by far the most widely used, and from which the term, “close encounters” was coined. According to Dr. Hynek: This is the traditional method of describing an event as a distant or close encounter of the first, second, or third […] Read More


TWO WOMEN EXPERIENCE A UFO AND TIME GOING BACKWARD Reference:  http://www.abduct.com/contact/c03.htm UFO reports of time going backwards are so rare they are not known or even discussed in books or magazines.  Alien Abduction Experience and Research (AAER) is pleased to have interviewed these witnesses and their remarkable experience with a UFO and time going backwards. The following UFO sighting occurred at 12:20 a.m. Sunday, October 5, 1997, in Michigan.  The weather was unusually balmy and in the 60’s and the sky was clear.  The two neighbors did not realize their odd events of the night before were connected by a UFO.  Here’s how it began. CAROLYN’S STORY Carolyn and her husband went to the movie theater to see the 10:15 p.m. showing of the […] Read More


Posted by anthonynorth on August 15th, 2007   Most people have heard of the crashed flying saucer at Roswell, New Mexico. But this was not the only supposed crash of an alien craft. One of the earliest recorded UFO crashes is said to have happened on 6 June 1884 when a blazing object crashed in Dundy County, Nebraska. Local farmhands rushed to the scene and found sand fused to a glass-like substance and a large pile of hot debris. One person who got too close suffered blisters similar to radiation exposure today. It took several days for the debris to cool down, whereupon the local paper reported it was extremely light metal but incredibly strong. It could have been aluminum, except it had not […] Read More

2006: Interview with a Recovered MILAB from Reptilian/Drac Control

©Eve Lorgen 2006 This is an interview with a male abductee I will call Zed, regarding his unwilling involvement with the Reptilians as an abductee mind-controlled slave and MILAB Super-warrior via a joint alien/secret government program. Zed corresponded with me after reading some articles on the MAAR (Malevolent Alien Abduction Research) web site about trauma-based mind control and alien manipulation. Zed became aware of the Reptilian/Draconian overlord hierarchy of his mind control program after working diligently for over a decade to free himself from abductions, MILABS and reptilian/Drac mind control. The healing and recovery process involved prayer and exorcism, advanced meditation skills and persistent diligence in becoming free. Zed’s experiences involve classic abductions by Grey aliens, Reptilians, and MILABS in mind-controlled ops as a […] Read More

2002: Alien Abduction and Hypnosis

In a landmark decision, the National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH) has issued a policy statement concerning alien abductions.  So far as I am aware, this is the first time that any of the professional bodies representing British hypnotherapists has made an official pronouncement on this issue, let alone issued guidance to its members. The driving force behind this initiative is psychotherapist and hypnotherapist David Howard, with whom I have been working for some time.  David is an NCH member with an interest in a wide range of paranormal and psychic phenomena.  He has worked with several people who believe they are abductees/experiencers (some of whom I have referred to him) and had for some time been concerned that this important strand of his work […] Read More

2006: Matthew D. from the U.K.

Have you ever considered that the alien abduction phenomena is not just a case of humans being kidnapped for experimental reasons? There is obviously an agenda going on, but even the most committed researcher in this matter should realize that these “experiments” have been going on for decades, and even the most unintelligent of “Galactic Visitors” would have understood the anatomy of the human body by now. I am also sure that enough hybrids have been produced to inhabit many a universe. So why does it carry on? Most abductees claim to be made docile before being taken, sometimes through solid walls or windows, to a strange room and placed on a table, etc, etc. It is a well-known assumption that the victim of […] Read More

1987: Ethical Implications of the UFO Abductions Phenomenon

by Budd Hopkins It is in the nature of human psychology that an event as dramatic as contact with extraterrestrial intelligence can not be thought about _neutrally_, without deep-seated hopes and preconceptions. Most of us, I’m certain, prefer to believe that extraterrestrials would arrive on our planet as friendly, helpful beings, eager to share their technology and to aid us in solving our social and ecological problems. Upon this basic and very human wish certain people have erected a powerful set of interpretations of modern-day UFO reports. These hopes, hardened into a kind of theology, can be described as a modern religion, willed into existence after the decline of our more traditional deities. After all, we have been told more than once that God […] Read More

1998: Abductee Brianwashing?

by Donna Higbee, CHT Attitudes appear to be changing as many abductees who have been traumatized, physically abused and violated are now saying that their abductors have only spiritual and/or benevolent motives behind their actions. This growing new trend is a concern to a number of researchers and healthcare professionals who work with abductees. Many abductees who once reported tremendous fear of being taken repeatedly from their bedrooms and cars by non-human entities are now reporting being told by these entities that it was for their own good; that their fear was unwarranted and was simply a product of the abductee’s lack of understanding. In many cases, abductees who accept this explanation are also led to believe that technological advancement equals spiritual advancement. There […] Read More

2003: The Alien Abduction Phenomena: The Epitome of Confusion

By Eve Frances Lorgen, M.A. Even the UFO experts are baffled. There is no truer test of faith than to be immersed in the confusion of the alien abduction field. Perhaps the nature of its confusion tells us a bit about what we are dealing with. Is the ancient “author of confusion” the mastermind behind UFO and extraterrestrial encounters? The mainstream stereotype of the alien abduction experience has been portrayed in popular TV series such as the X-files. This image is usually limited to the classic spaceship snatching the victim on a dark lonely road at night, then subjecting them to a series of alien medical experiments, which almost always includes intense scrutiny of the reproductive organs. After the subject is released, they may […] Read More

1998: Truth Detracting Elements of the Abduction Phenomena: Psychological Implications

By Eve Frances Lorgen, M. A. This is an article taken directly from my book, The Love Bite. One the hallmarks of an abductee is the pattern of emotional isolation. This behavior can be explained as a result of conditioning, learned adaptations from the abductee’s family members, or reinforced by the alien handlers. The abductee usually learns early in life not to talk about “the little people” who come into their bedrooms at night. The child may talk about their abduction experiences only to be told that they are just “nightmares”. Children often describe the alien intruders as monsters, who come out of the closet or through the walls. The children are immediately invalidated when their parents or siblings tell them there is no […] Read More

1998: Alien Implant Removals: Five Abductees Discuss Before and After Effects

By Eve Frances Lorgen, M. A. Several years after the surgical removal of their alleged alien implants, five individuals courageously accepted to take part in an interview to discuss their “before and after effects”. All persons, one male and four females, shared one thing in common: UFO encounters and contact with non-human alien beings. Dr. Roger Leir, a podiatrist from Thousand Oaks, California, founder of FIRST (Fund for Interactive Research and Space Technology) and Derrel Sims, C.Ht., R.H.A., a certified hypnotherapist , co-founder of FIRST and experienced UFO Investigator of over 27 year, orchestrated the successful surgeries with a team of competent medical professionals and volunteers. The first set of “implant” surgeries took place on August 19, 1995 at Dr. Roger Leir’s podiatry clinic […] Read More

1999: The Matrix Hive Mind Manipulators

By Eve Lorgen M.A.© 1999 It has come to the attention of a few astute researchers in the UFO community that there are subtle methods of surveillance, involving manipulation of the Hive Mind Matrix consciousness. The HIVE Mind represents a type of collective consciousness, especially the mass consciousness of humans (or non-humans) who is more susceptible to the Alien HIVE MIND control/manipulation. To make my point more clear I’ll give an example of what has been observed consistently by some close associates in the UFO community. A researcher makes plans to write an article or publish a book, or do some whistle blowing regarding alien abductions, mind control related dynamics of manipulation. These manipulations have been observed in certain abductees, experiencers or contactees, as […] Read More

1998: Common Symptoms Of Abduction

Common Symptoms Of Abduction PERCENTAGE       COMMONLY REPORTED ABDUCTEE SYMPTOMS AND CHARACTERISTICS       N = 22 (6 Males & 16 Females) Based on 19 US residents, 3 in UK and Australia. G= Genetic, E = either/ or, 1A = Abduction After Effect, N = Neither           95% 1 A   Humming, buzzing, tones and clicks in ears 91% 2 A   Report missing time 91% 3 A   Spontaneous visual images in mind, as if projected in the mind 86% 4 A   Feelings of a special mission in life, ie.., environmentalism, spirituality minded 86% 5 A   Interpersonal relationship difficulties 82% 6 A   Unexplained bruises, scars, scoop marks, triangle marks, punctures, lesions on the […] Read More